Chapter 23


Fasting is accepted and recognized as being the oldest form of therapy. It is mentioned 74 times in the Bible. It is the universal therapy even used by sick animals in the wilds the world over. As we study the ancient healers of the world, we find that fasting heads the list for helping Mother Nature heal the sick and the wounded.

There is a misconception about fasting that must be clarified. It must be definitely and positively stated that fasting is not a cure for any disease or ailment. The purpose of a fast is to allow the body’s Vital Force full range and scope to fulfill its own self-healing, self-repairing and self-rejuvenating functions to the best advantage. Healing is an internal biological function. Fasting gives the body a physiological rest and permits the body to become 100% efficient in healing itself. Fasting under proper care or with workable knowledge is probably the fastest way and the safest means of regaining health ever conceived by the human mind!

Even if I have to repeat myself, I want to make it clear and positive that fasting does not cure anything. Fasting puts the body in a condition where all the Vital Force of the body is used to flush out the causes of body miseries. Fasting helps the body help itself. We who have made a life study of the Science of Fasting and conducted and supervised thousands of fasts know the miracles that the body itself can perform during the period of complete abstinence from food. It gives the overworked and overburdened internal organs ample rest and time for rehabilitation. It enhances the internal power and vitality of the body to flush out toxic poisons and wastes that have been stored in the body for years. It raises the Vital Force to its highest point of efficiency. Thus, it promotes the elimination of inorganic chemical accumulations, toxins and other pollutions that cannot be flushed from the body by any other means.


Fasting is the greatest remedy, the physician within.
– Paracelsus, 15th Century Physician, Father of Body Chemistry


Fasting is the biblical way to humble oneself before God.


Fasting is Mother Nature & God’s Miracle – it cleanses, renews & rejuvenates!

The prophets of old fasted for spiritual enlightenment and a closer contact with the head (the Divine Force). We know that fasting sharpens and hones the mental faculties to a keen edge. Fasting improves the organs of mastication, digestion, assimilation and elimination of food. The mighty liver – which is known as the chemical laboratory of the human body and is typically the most abused organ – at last has a chance during the fast to rehabilitate and gain more Vital Force. Thus, after a fast, the liver functions more efficiently. In particular, all the sensory powers possessed by the fasting human beings are then exhilarated and naturally raised to a much higher efficiency level than normal during and after their fast. Prove this by fasting!

No process or health therapy ever fulfilled so many indications for restoration of vigorous health as does fasting! It’s Mother Nature and God’s very own prime process and their first requirement in nearly all cases. After a fast the circulation is better, food can be assimilated better, and endurance, stamina and strength are increased! After a fast the mind becomes more alert and receptive to logic and living a wise, sensible, natural healthy lifestyle.

After the fast the mind becomes so powerful that it can take full control of the body. It becomes the complete master and, if a person does not go back to his old habits, he can maintain this mastery of the body for the rest of his life. Fasting instills personal confidence. Fasting gives a person a positive mental attitude. Fasting promotes tranquility of mind and a glow of well-being that no other therapy can offer. Fasting renovates, revives and purifies every one of the trillions of cells that make up the body. Fasting is the Royal Road to Internal Purity!


Actress Cloris Leachman is an ardent health follower who sparkles with health. She hates smoking, coffee, alcohol, sugar and meat. A solutions to health problems she says is to fast. “Fasting is a miracle; it cured my years of asthma.”


After years of asthma, within a month I could breathe almost normally for the first time in my life. It was a miracle! I thank Paul Bragg and Bragg Breathing Book and Fasting Book. – Paul Wenner, Gardenburger Creator