Chapter 27


The Body’s Miracle Computer


There is an old German saying: “Alle gute dinge sind drei,” or “All good things are three.” We, as Christians worship a God represented by a trinity – the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Man, too, is composed of a trinity. The soul is the first man, the ego, the individual, the personality, which makes each of us unique. The mind is the second man, through which the soul or the first man is expressed; the soul’s only means of expression. The body is the third man, the physical, visible part; the means by which the mind expresses; also its only means, and its only mode of contact with environment. These three are one, just as the Godhead (the Divine Force) is one, each making a part of this miracle called man.


Healthy Mind Habits Promote Health & Longevity

Wake up and say – Today I am going to be happier, healthier and wiser in my daily living! I am the captain of my life and am going to steer it living a 100% healthy lifestyle! Fact – Happy people look younger, are healthier and live longer! – Patricia Bragg, ND, PhD., Pioneer Health Crusader

Your Body Is Your Precious Home – Protect It

The body is composed of many members, yet is one body. If one of the members suffer, all others suffer with it! We recognize that the body is a whole, cannot be divided and is made up of a community of closely grouped and interrelated organs, tissues, and cells; each an individual unit, yet so closely related that not one of them can exist apart from the whole! For too long the public has viewed these various organs as unrelated, or loosely related units. Most people are inclined to treat each more or less individually, not realizing that if one part of the whole suffers, all the rest will suffer.

The body is the most wonderful miracle example ever created of widely diversified functions in one whole and it must be treated always as a unit! What is good for one part is good for all; what is bad is bad for all the parts. If the toe is affected by gangrene, does not the whole body suffer with it? Not only is the pain inflicted on the whole man, but the absorption of decaying material has to be taken care of by the whole body – the loss of appetite, the headache, the nausea, the fever and the chills – yet the toe is the only affected member that can be seen. In the science of fasting, we are concerned with the whole person – including the soul, mind and body!

Correct Thinking is Important for Health

In the Book of Life, the Bible, Proverbs 23:7 tells us:

“For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

When a sick person constantly convinces himself that he will never get well, it becomes almost certain his negativity and troubles will carry him to the grave.

Flesh is dumb! We never want you to forget that statement. That is the reason we use it over and over again. The mind, your computer, is really the controlling factor in your entire makeup. Flesh cannot think for itself because only the mind does all the thinking. That is why you must cultivate Healthy Positive Thinking.


Everything in excess is opposed by Nature.
– Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine

Your Mind Must Control Your Body!

The mind must have a will of iron and always be in command of the body. From this day forward learn how to substitute thoughts. When negative thoughts (page 144) as, “I am losing my energy because when you get older you start to lose energy” – enters your mind, replace it with positive thoughts that say, “Age cannot affect my energy. Age is not toxic! I am ageless!” Keep in mind always that whatever the mind tells the flesh, that is exactly what the flesh is going to believe and act upon. Your mind influences flesh. You must let your mind make wise decisions for your body, because if your body rules your mind, you can face misery and slavery to a bad lifestyle!

Drugs Control Addict’s Mind!

The “drug addict” is the extreme example of the body ruling the mind! Sadly this is why America and the world are over-populated with drug addicts! The body’s craving for drugs is forcing the mind to command the body to commit crimes of violence for money so that it may satisfy the body with the drugs it craves!. This is why the world is becoming crime riddled by drug addicts.

We maintain most of our bad habits simply because our minds are enslaved by our bodies. This applies also to alcohol, coffee, nicotine, sugar and other stimulants. The body rules by the false philosophy of “Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die”. You don’t die tomorrow, but if you continue to live by this wrong philosophy, 5, 10, 20 years later you will burden your family, friends, and yourself with a sick, prematurely aged body that will torment you daily!

Remember always that you are punished by your bad habits of living! Not for them, but by them! That is Mother Nature’s Eternal Law. Sickness, aches, pains and physical suffering are ills that you are responsible for personally. You committed the crimes against your body because you did not use your God-given reason and intelligence to rule your body with your mind and live by Her Natural Laws.


A Harvard Study showed strong importance of mind and body connections in the health of the mind and body. Improving the mind with meditation, prayer, relaxation therapy, walking, yoga, healthy diet, and some fasting and positive thinking brought amazing improvements.

A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body

What has your mind to do with health and long life? Far more than the majority of men and women realize! Think of your thoughts as powerful magnets, as entities which have the ability to attract or repel, according to the way they are used! A majority of people lean either to the positive or the negative side mentally. The positive phase is constructive and goes for success and positive achievements, while the negative side of life is destructive, leading to futility and failure. It’s self-evident that it’s to our advantage to cultivate a positive healthy mental attitude. With patience, persistence and living The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle this can easily be accomplished.

There are many negative and destructive forms of thought which react in every cell in your body. The strongest is fear, and its child, worry – along with depression, anxiety, apprehension, jealousy, ill-will, envy, anger, resentment, vengefulness and self-pity. All of these negative thoughts bring tension to the body and mind leading to waste of energy, enervation and also slow or rapid poisoning of the body! Also rage, intense fear and shock are very violent and quickly intoxicate the system. Worry and other destructive emotions act more slowly but, in the end, can have the same destructive effect. Anger and intense fear stop digestive action, upset the kidneys and the colon, causing total body upheaval (diarrhea or constipation, headaches, pains, fever, etc.).

Fear, worry and other destructive habits of thought muddle the mind! A crystal clear mind is needed to reason to your best advantage, enabling you to make sound, healthy decisions! An emotionally clouded mind often makes unwise and unhealthy decisions and might even be unable to reach any positive conclusions at all! What are the positive healthy mental forces or expressions? They are the ones that lead to peace of mind and inner relaxation, as opposed to the destructive habits which cause a tightening up of the entire system. This very second, relax, smile, let your mind take over your body.


Before you speak, always ask yourself – Is it good? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Paul C. Bragg, ND, PhD., Pioneer Life Extension Specialist

Let Your Mind Guide You to Health!

In your mind, form an image of the person you want to be. Now, with Mother Nature’s 9 Doctors as your helpers, you can make yourself exactly what you want to be! Believe in the power of positive thinking! Practice thought substitution. Never ever let a negative thought take over your mind! In this way, you set your own pattern of living and you make your mind a powerhouse of healthy, constructive thoughts. Strengthen your mind so thoroughly that if any weak, fearful relatives or friends tell you that fasting is starvation and that only harm can come from your health program . . . you can let their remarks slide out of your mind like water off a duck’s back. You should feel sorry for these uninformed, fearful people because you will live to see many of them suffer and sadly go to an early grave long before their time.

Mind – Soul – Body Miracle Rewards with Fasting:

By fasting, you can create the person you have always desired to be. That is, you can if you faithfully pursue and seek only the best that life can offer!

Only when the body and mind are in harmony will there be opportunity for proper spiritual development. Never forget that the spiritual man comes first, the mental is second and the physical is third. Only when the second and third aspects are in harmony can there be a proper balanced, beautiful, peaceful spiritual life!


Ten Little, Two-Letter Words Of Action To Say Daily:

If it is to be, it is up to me!

Inner Spiritual Harmony is Important

Spirituality depends far more on proper harmony of the rest of the man than is generally thought. We all have this power to create inner peaceful, happy harmony through understanding the body, mind and soul relationship.

Use your mind to help you attain your desires by developing a constructive philosophy of life. Think constructively about health. Know the requirements and rules of healthy living and employ your determination, mind and willpower to live accordingly and to continue to do so. Health in soul, mind and body will be yours! Now join hands with God and Mother Nature in making yourself a truly balanced, healthy, living trinity.

Fasting and The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle can take you to the heights of true living that few experience on this earth. Let your mind take control of your body this instant. New doors will open for you. You will be living in the light. Light is life, so let in the brightness of the light of a good and healthy life today and forever!


Slow Me Down Lord

Slow me down Lord and fill me with your love.

Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind.

Quiet my hurried pace with a vision of eternal time.

Give me, amid the confusion of the day, the calmness of the everlasting hills.

Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music of the singing streams that live in my memory.

Help me to know the magical, restoring power of sound sleep.

Teach me the art of taking minute vacations or slowing down to look at a flower, to chat with a friend, to pat a dog, to read a few lines from a good book.

Slow me down Lord and inspire me to send my roots deep into the soil of life’s enduring values, so that I may grow toward the stars of my greater destiny.

When you fast your Father shall reward you openly. – Matthew 6:16-18