Chapter 29

The Science of Eating For Super Health

It is the consensus of opinion among most people that we must eat, “To keep up our strength”. This association of food and strength has been so driven into man’s subconscious mind that he feels he must eat heavy, rich foods 3 times a day. “Something that sticks to the ribs.” A person who has a big appetite they falsely think of as a healthy person. If they know a person who has been sick, they are always encouraged when they’re able to sit up and take nourishment, even if in the hospital.

During my long study and research into the value of food, I have come to regard nourishment as something more than habitual eating. The body can be fed with anything that is put into the stomach to subdue hunger. Food, however, plays an important role in our lives because the body is built from the food we eat. With food we either build strong, disease-free, youthful cells or we build sick cells . . . cells that do not support us as they should. So we must always eat food that builds sturdy, strong cells which are converted into healthy body tissue. We see a lot of people who are amply-fed, but they are far from well-nourished! They have poor skin and muscle tone and lack health and energy, even though plenty of food is going into their bodies.

At one time in our early history, when our food came exclusively from Mother Nature, unprocessed and no toxic chemicals – we had a natural attraction to the kind of food our body needed. We had a superior sensitivity in our selection of food for life. In other words, there was an inner voice that told us what to eat. We can call it a God-given instinct, that the animals in nature possess also. We were, in early times, naturally healthy, beautiful specimens as the early Greeks and Romans used to be.


“Listen my son, and be wise, and direct your heart in My way. Do not be heavy drinkers of wine or gluttonous eaters of meat. For the heavy drinker and glutton will come to poverty.” – Proverbs 23:19-21


Fasting restores a natural, normal appetite when the fast is broken.

Earth Was A Tropical Paradise For Health

I believe that man originated in the tropics, a natural paradise where his entire body was nourished by the gentle, healing rays of the sun. We know that the skin needs vitamin D, which is produced in response to sunshine. We also know that skin needs vitamin A. But today man’s body has become so degenerated, so filled with mucus, acid toxins, mineral and vitamin deficiencies that he can’t spend a great amount of time in the sunshine. There are many people who develop all kinds of skin conditions from exposure to the sun and then falsely put the blame on sunshine. The sun pulls out the impurities below the skin – trying to purify you. Skin cancers spring from toxic cells! This is all the more reason to do your fasting and cleansing detox program!

Man has damaged his skin with the overuse of harsh soaps, chemical lotions, and creams. I haven’t used soap on my body for years, with the exception of washing my hands when water and a scrub brush fails to remove the dirt.

I believe that in man’s original home, the tropical paradise, his diet was made up of an abundance of raw fruits and vegetables, plus an abundance of all varieties of raw nuts and seeds. I believe that man was able to live for 900 years on this natural diet. His digestive system was perfectly attuned to his natural diet. Man, in his essential structure, has no weapons for killing. Therefore, I believe that the first people who inhabited the tropics of this earth were strictly vegetarians.

Today, humans live in air-conditioned, air-tight homes. We shut our bodies away from fresh air, breathing polluted air. We drink chemically treated water and do not get as much physical exercise as early humans enjoyed. The American man today has a life expectancy of 78 years, whereas men before the great flood may have lived for as long as 900 years. We have lost our tropical paradise. Man today lives in his poisoned cities, drinks his poisoned water, breathes polluted air and eats food that is grown in toxic soils, sprayed with poisons and picked half-ripe. Our living situations have changed dramatically, but we must do more than bemoan our lost Garden of Eden. We must face reality and shocking facts in all its ugliness.


Everyone should be his own wise physician.

We ought to assist and not violate Mother Nature. – Voltaire


The accumulation of toxins in the body accelerates ageing. The elimination of toxins awakens capacity for renewal. Toxins must be identified and eliminated from your body. Fasting is Mother Nature’s and God’s cleansing miracle!

Keep Healthy on the Alkaline Diet

Please understand that this program of eating is designed to give you the best nourishment that the food of civilization can offer you. At the same time, the suggested menus that follow are also for cleansing and purification. That is, you must look upon all organic fruits and vegetables not only as protective foods, but foods that are filled with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and valuable nutrients. Foods that are highly alkaline will help keep your alkaline and acid levels balanced.

Many people studying nutrition become confused because there are so many opposing opinions! Some nutritionists advise a high-protein diet. Some promote a low-carbohydrate diet. There are nutritionists who endorse a raw fruit, vegetarian or lacto-vegetarian diet. Each authority says that his is the best diet. I respect every scientist’s views in the field of nutrition. He or she has come to these conclusions by study, research and observation. I believe that it is impossible to lay down absolute nutritional laws except when it comes to eliminating the dead, devitalized, demineralized, processed, sprayed and the empty-calorie commercial fast junk foods of our present day modern civilization!

Today we have a selection of over 200 foods. You can build a healthy, delicious, adequate diet around these foods. As you fast and cleanse, you will purify your body. Also as you cleanse your body, your body itself will guide you naturally to make selections of healthy foods. The main thing is to eliminate the perverted foods of modern civilization. It is not so much a question of what you eat as what you shouldn’t eat. On page 241 of this book I have given you the list of foods to avoid. There is an old cliche that says, “A man is either his own doctor at 40 or he is a fool.” I must say here that I believe that any person 30 years of age who is not his own conscientious health captain is very soon going to run into some very serious physical problems!

Activity Draws on Your Vital Force’s Energy

Our physical and mental activity draws heavily upon our Vital Force (the body’s power force). Each of us has different demands. In my case, I push myself physically because I enjoy activity. I also enjoy mental activity. I like problems and enjoy the challenge of solving them. I don’t live a soft life physically or mentally. As a man, I am a seeker of spiritual light, comfort, tranquillity and serenity. All of this takes my Vital Force’s energy. Physical activity takes energy of one kind, mental tasks require another and spiritual pursuits use another kind of energy.

One cannot give simple answers about nutrition. The nutritionist can give a lot of vital information, but they cannot eat for you or digest food for you or eliminate food for you! What Patricia and I eat may not suit your needs, likes or dislikes. We don’t eat as much food as the average person seems to crave and desire.

Every human is unique, as each snowflake is different. I am not trying to persuade you into fast changes. But if you want superior health you must eat a diet of simple, natural healthy foods. I am not going to tell you to be a raw food eater, a strict vegetarian, a lacto-vegetarian or a mixed eater. As you fast and as you purify your body, an inner voice, the natural instinct will gradually assert itself. I don’t believe that you can quickly jump from a highly refined diet to a healthy natural diet overnight of 60% raw fruits, salads, veggies, whole grains, herbs, etc.

Mother Nature won’t heal in sudden jolts. You ate in a certain pattern for many years, and your digestive and vital organs have adjusted themselves to this unhealthy diet. You have to move slowly. By body purification through fasting and adhering to the dictates of the 9 natural doctors, you will be enjoying the same super health as Patricia and I, plus millions of our followers. In time you will instinctively select healthy, natural foods.


Every day the average heart, your best friend, beats 100,000 times and pumps 2,000 gallons of blood for nourishing your body. In 70 years that adds up to more than 360 million (faithful) heartbeats. Please be good to your heart and live The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle for a long, happy, healthy life!


Herbs are easy to grow in pots on a porch or windowsill. Then you can pick them fresh when needed. Use herbs in almost everything you cook! Also use delicious Bragg Sprinkle Seasoning (24 Herbs & Spices, page 268).

Work Towards a Balanced, Natural Diet

You can’t eat a fresh variety health salad one day and then the next day have an unhealthy high fat, sugar, salt, refined, toxic food meal. Your nutrition should be consistent! Let me illustrate what I mean. If you eat meat, don’t eat it over 3 times a week. If you eat eggs, don’t eat over 4 a week. If you drink milk, you should gradually eliminate it from your diet, along with all other dairy and meat products. Man is the only creature that clings to milk after he has been weaned and the only creature that drinks the milk of another creature. See web below.

Building a good nutritional program is like climbing a ladder. There is the first rung – the elimination of all the devitalized, commercial, dead foods of civilization. That means the elimination of all unhealthy beverages – coffee, tea, alcohol, soft drinks and chemicalized waters. It means eliminating or slowly reducing animal products, eggs and dairy products that you eat daily. It means adding more raw organic fruits, salads and vegetables to your diet until the total amount of raw foods is between 60% and 70% of your diet. As I stated earlier, when adding more fruits, salads and vegetables to the diet, you have to slowly move with caution as you are deep house cleansing your body!

This period of discarding the devitalized foods of civilization and adding more raw fruits and vegetables to the diet is known as the cleansing “transition diet”. Most people, from childhood until death, live on a diet that is predominantly on the acid side. Wrong foods produce autointoxication, and this toxic material causes aches, pains and degeneration of the body. So, if you have been living on a diet with mostly heavy cooked foods – such as meats, eggs, refined white breads, spaghetti, chips, cookies, pastries, etc. – again let me warn you to slowly add more raw fruits and vegetables. After each weekly fast, you will be able to enjoy and want more raw fruits, salads, greens and raw vegetables, because fasting is purifying your body!


No milk is free of pesticide residues available on the market today, in any part of the United States. – Info from a Congressional hearing.

See web:

Eat Simple, Natural Foods to Stay Healthy

After 3 months of faithfully fasting one day a week, you will be able to add at least 40% more raw fruits and vegetables to your diet. Remember these raw foods are the purifiers, cleansers and detoxifiers. These fruits and vegetables contain a lot of sunshine. They dig down into the old pockets of toxic poison and flush them out. This is how you can attain a superior state of Radiant Health! You are now going to keep internally clean and healthy.

People often ask at the Bragg Health Crusades, “Give me the perfect diet.” This we cannot do because eating is of such a personal nature – there are so many likes and dislikes that we can only counsel an individual through our books. We can only suggest that you reread and study the menus and food lists that we have included in this book so you can find foods that appeal to you and that will benefit your health. (Keep a daily health journal, page 245.)

Nutrition is like a chain in which all of the essential items are the separate links. If the chain is weak or is broken at any point the whole chain fails. If there are 40 items that are essential to the healthy diet, and one of these is missing, nutrition fails just as truly as it would if half the links were missing. The lack of any item (or several items) can result in ill health and even lead to death. An insufficient amount of any one item is enough to bring distress to the cells and tissues which are most vulnerable to this particular deficiency. It is not necessary that every item be furnished in required amounts at every meal, or every day, because our bodies always carry some reserves. As soon as the reserves are lost, be they large or small, they must be replenished.

Here’s some healthy foods you can select from when building your daily diet. You can divide your daily nutrition into one, two or three meals. As I mentioned before, I don’t eat breakfast, or if you call an Energy Smoothie, page 23 or fresh fruit a breakfast, then my breakfast is fruit. I am not advising this practice for everyone; some prefer a large breakfast and a small lunch. Everyone’s desires are different. I feel that we don’t need breakfast and have explained why fully. (Read, do what’s best for you and faithfully keep a daily journal, make copies of form page 245.)

Fruit – the Most Healthy Food for Man

I will start with the fresh fruit list since I regard fruit as the prize food of man. Fresh fruit or sun dried fruit can be used as a meal in itself, or it can be used as a dessert.

Organic Fruit – the Prize Food of Man


Note: Be sure dried fruits are unsulphured! Better yet, buy a dehydrator & enjoy making your own delicious dried organic fruits.

Raw, Unsalted Nut and Seed List

Nuts and seeds are rich in protein, oils, fiber and micronutrients. You can select any 2 of the nuts and seeds when you are planning a meal (buy in shell – fresher and better). Enjoy nuts or seeds for your protein. If you have tender gums or unreliable dentures, then you should purchase an electric coffee grinder to make it easier to masticate, assimilate and digest nuts and seeds.


Note: Most nuts are best eaten raw or lightly roasted (roast 10 minutes in 300° oven, then lightly spray Bragg Liquid Aminos, Bragg Yeast Seasoning and a little Bragg Olive Oil over the nuts.) This is a delicious treat. Also make nut butters, nut milks, etc.

Organic Vegetables – Purifiers & Protectors

When planning your perfect health meals, you select the raw vegetables for your salad from this list. For the largest meal of the day, you should select 1 green and 1 yellow vegetable or you can select any other 2 vegetables from this list for your cooked vegetables:


Enjoy Organic Beans and Legumes

Beans and legumes are some of man’s oldest foods. They are healthy, hearty foods everyone can enjoy. They’re rich in vegetable proteins, particularly soybeans (see page 237).


Bragg Vegetarian Recipe Book has over 700 Delicious Healthy Salads, Soups, Casseroles, Desserts, Raw & Vegan Foods, etc.

Often food can cloud what God wants to say to us, so we fast to reveal His revelations.


Hippocrates was taught to rely upon diet, fasting and exercise rather than drugs.

Natural Sweetening Agents

Here’s some natural sweeteners, remember they are concentrated sugars and should still be used sparingly:


Natural Healthy Oils

These oils are unsaturated and allowable, but still use sparingly. Read labels: refuse oils that contain harsh chemicals to prevent rancidity. Cold-pressed or expeller-pressed oils available at health stores are the best.


Natural Organic Whole Grains, Flours & Cereals

These organic 100% whole grains are best for health. Use for cooking, bread and pastry baking and with cereals. Cereals should not be eaten more than 3 times a week unless you do heavy physical labor or heavy sports training. On your cereal you can use any of the natural sweetening agents and Rice Dream, almond or soy milks.


Nutrition directly affects growth, development, reproduction, well-being and an individual’s physical and mental condition. Health depends upon nutrition more than on any other single factor. Dr. William H. Sebrell, Jr.

Sample Health Menus

For those used to 3 meals daily – here’s some suggestions:

Suggestion # 1:                   Breakfast

Always have Bragg Vinegar Drink upon arising (page 234) then after exercise or stretching have Bragg Healthy Energy Smoothie (page 234) or fresh fruit. Optional, hot oatmeal or whole grain cereal top with fresh fruit or cold organic granola with sliced banana, sweeten with honey or 100% maple syrup, add Rice Dream or soy milk if desired. Herbal tea sweetened with honey (optional).


A raw veggie salad. Bowl of veggie soup. Fresh fruit for dessert.


Raw vegetable salad. Choice of vegetable protein, soy beans, tempeh, soy, or tofu. Two cooked vegetables. Fresh fruit for dessert with soy yogurt (optional) and a whole grain cookie.

Suggestion # 2:                   Breakfast

Bragg Healthy Energy Smoothie. Whole grain bran muffin (optional). We prefer our Energy Smoothie – it’s super for energy and nutrition and doesn’t overload your digestive system! Try it!


Small variety veggie salad, soup or veggie gardenburger, or steamed zucchini or yellow squash. Fresh fruit for dessert.


Raw vegetable salad (Salad & Dressing Recipes page 235). Use salad dressings sparingly, to taste (see Bragg Dressings back pages). Green peppers stuffed with brown rice and tofu. Choice of cooked vegetable. For dessert – fruit, soy yogurt and 2 dates.

Suggestion # 3:                   Breakfast

Bragg Healthy Energy Smoothie or fresh or unsulphured stewed fruit, or fresh, fertile egg, two slices whole grain raisin toast (you may enjoy whole grain or blue corn pancakes or waffles occasionally).


Raw variety vegetable salad, corn on the cob or a small bowl of brown rice and lentil casserole (recipe page 235). Dessert – fresh fruit.


Raw vegetable salad. A vegetable protein dish. Baked potato, squash or eggplant, or bowl of steamed greens with tomatoes. Dessert – fresh fruit and soy yogurt (optional) or healthy apple pie.

Enjoy a Large Variety of Wholesome, Healthy, Delicious and Nutritious Foods

We have listed over 200 foods that are good health foods to eat and to use in creating your menus. It is our recommendation you go over this list of foods, see what you like and build your menus to suit yourself and your family. Also, be brave and try new healthy foods.

People have built up such strong desires for certain foods that they think it’s impossible for them to give up those foods. We are talking about healthy foods that appear on these lists, not the devitalized foods. The Bible tells us that God provided an ideal diet in the Garden of Eden. It plainly states God said . . .

“I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth, and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.”

– Genesis 1:29, Holy Bible, NIV

In other words, God gave man fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains for a diet that would give health and long life. We read in the Bible that people who ate this diet lived as many as 900 years. If man lived on the simple foods of Mother Nature, he experienced superior health and freedom from all ailments and enjoyed a long life.

Over the years man started changing, processing and refining his natural food. Many foods which he now eats are dead, foodless foods (page 241). The further man strayed away from his natural foods, the more trouble he got into! As long as he lived on an abundance of raw organic fruits and vegetables, properly cooked vegetables and the raw unsalted nuts and seeds, he enjoyed a longer life with vitality supreme. Healthy natural foods are the only foods that promote higher health. These are the foods that our digestive system was made to handle, process and use to keep us healthy!

The more natural you make your diet, the better health you are going to have! You have 200 foods here to select from. With these foods and your healthy lifestyle and program of fasting, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t keep in health and fitness at all times!

Fresh Juices, Herb Teas & Energy Drinks

These freshly squeezed organic vegetable and fruit juices are important to The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle. It’s not wise to drink beverages with your main meals, as it dilutes the digestive juices. But it’s great during the day to have a glass of freshly squeezed orange, grapefruit, vegetable juice, Bragg Vinegar ACV Drink, herb tea or try hot cup Bragg Liquid Aminos Broth (1/2 to 1 tsp. Bragg Liquid Aminos in cup of hot distilled water) – these are all ideal pick-me-up beverages.

Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar Cocktail – Mix 1 to 2 tsps. Bragg Organic ACV and (optional) to taste raw honey, agave nectar or pure maple syrup in 8 oz. of distilled or purified water. Take glass upon arising, hour before lunch and dinner (if diabetic, to sweeten use 2 stevia drops). Bragg Organic ACV drinks now available in 6 fruit flavors, see page 270.

Delicious Hot or Cold Cider Drink – Add 2 to 3 cinnamon sticks and 4 cloves to water and boil. Steep 20 minutes or more. Before serving add Bragg Vinegar and sweetener to taste (Re-use cinnamon sticks & cloves).

Bragg Favorite Juice Cocktail – This drink consists of all raw vegetables (please remember organic is best) which we prepare in our vegetable juicer: carrots, celery, beets, cabbage, tomatoes, watercress and parsley, etc. The great purifier, garlic we enjoy, but it’s optional.

Bragg Favorite Healthy Energy Smoothie After morning stretch and exercises we often enjoy this drink instead of fruit. It’s delicious and powerfully nutritious as a meal anytime: lunch, dinner or take in thermos to work, school, sports, gym, hiking, and to park or freeze for popsicles.

Bragg Healthy Energy Smoothie

Prepare following in blender, add frozen juice cubes if desired colder;Choice of: freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice; carrot and greens juice; unsweetened pineapple juice; or 11/2 - 2 cups purified or distilled water with:


Optional: 4 apricots (sundried, unsulphured) soak in jar overnight in purified/distilled water or unsweetened pineapple juice. We soak enough to last for several days. Keep refrigerated. In summer you can add organic fresh fruit: peaches, papaya, blueberries, strawberries, all berries, apricots, etc. instead of banana. In winter, add apples, kiwi, oranges, tangelos, persimmons or pears, and if fresh is unavailable, try sugar-free, frozen organic fruits. Serves 1 to 2.

Patricia’s Delicious Health Popcorn

Use freshly popped organic popcorn (use air popper). Try Bragg Organic Olive Oil or flax seed oil or melted salt-free butter over popcorn and add several sprays of Bragg Liquid Aminos and Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar – Yes, it’s delicious! Now sprinkle with Bragg Nutritional Yeast Seasoning and Bragg Sprinkle (24 herbs & spices). For a variety try a pinch of cayenne pepper, mustard powder or fresh crushed garlic to oil mixture. Serve instead of breads!

Bragg Lentil & Brown Rice Casserole, Burgers or Soup Jack LaLanne’s Favorite Recipe


Wash & drain lentils & rice. Place grains in large stainless steel pot. Add water, bring to boil, reduce heat & simmer 30 minutes. Now add vegetables & Bragg Seasonings & cook on low heat until tender. Last 5 minutes add fresh or canned (salt-free) tomatoes. For delicious garnish, add minced parsley & Bragg Nutritional Yeast Seasoning. Mash to make burgers & for soup, add more water in cooking the grains. Serves 4 to 6.

Bragg Raw Organic Vegetable Health Salad


For variety add organic raw zucchini, sugar peas, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, (try black olives & pasta). Chop, slice or grate vegetables fine to medium for variety in size. Mix vegetables & serve on bed of lettuce, spinach, watercress or chopped cabbage. Dice avocado and tomato and serve on side as a dressing. Serve choice of fresh squeezed lemon, orange or dressing separately. Chill salad plates before serving. It’s best to always eat salad first before hot dishes. Serves 3 to 5.

Bragg Health Salad Dressing


Blend ingredients in blender or jar. Refrigerate in covered jar.

For delicious herbal vinegar: In quart jar add 1/3 cup tightly packed, crushed fresh sweet basil, tarragon, dill, oregano, or any fresh herbs desired, combined or singly (If dried herbs, use 1-2 tsps herbs). Now cover to top with Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and store two weeks in warm place, and then strain and refrigerate.

Honey – Celery Seed Vinaigrette


Blend ingredients in blender or jar. Refrigerate in covered jar.

Food and Product Summary

Today, many of American foods are highly processed and refined, robbing them of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Many also contain harmful, toxic and dangerous chemicals. The research findings and experience of top nutritionists, physicians and dentists have led to the discovery that devitalized foods are a major cause of poor health, illness, cancer and premature death. The enormous increase in the last 70 years of degenerative diseases such as heart disease, arthritis and dental decay substantiate this belief. Scientific research has shown that most of these afflictions can be prevented and that others, once established, can be arrested or even reversed through nutritional lifestyle improvements.

Enjoy Super Health with Natural Foods

  1. RAW FOODS: Fresh fruits and raw vegetables organically grown are always best. Enjoy nutritious variety garden salads with raw vegetables, sprouts, raw nuts and seeds.
    1. Legumes, lentils, brown rice, soy beans, and all beans.
    2. Nuts and Seeds, raw and unsalted.
    3. We prefer healthier vegetarian proteins. If you must have animal protein, then be sure it’s hormone-free, and organically fed and no more than 1 or 2 times a week.
    4. Dairy Products – fertile, range-free eggs (not over 4 weekly), unprocessed hard cheese and feta goat’s cheese. We choose not to use dairy or milk products! Try healthier non-dairy soy, rice, nut, almond milks and soy cheeses, delicious yogurt and soy and rice ice cream (see web:
  3. FRUITS and VEGETABLES: Organically grown is always best, grown without poisonous sprays and toxic chemical fertilizers. Urge your market to stock organic produce! Steam, bake, sauté or wok vegetables as short a time as possible to retain the best nutritional content and flavor. Also enjoy fresh juices.
    They contain important B-complex vitamins, vitamin E, minerals, fiber and the important unsaturated fatty acids.
    Bragg organic extra virgin olive oil (is best), soy, sunflower, flax and sesame oils are excellent sources of healthy, essential, unsaturated fatty acids. We use oils sparingly.

If just half the billions of dollars spent on cancer research were spent on educating the public how to avoid disease – millions of lives would be saved from cancer.

– Joel Fuhrman, M.D., Author of Fasting and Eating for Health

He praised Paul Bragg for his health pioneering and being a health leader to millions.


Vitamin E-Rich Healthy Foods Are Important for Healthy Hearts

This is a list of healthy foods that contain the following notable amounts of precious vitamin E. Buy organic sources – they are best. Reference from National Institute of Health.


Nature‘s Miracle Phytonutrients Help Prevent Cancer:

Make sure to get your daily dose of these naturally occurring, cancer-fighting super foods – phytonutrients that are abundant in apples, tomatoes, onions, garlic, beans, legumes, soybeans, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, citrus fruits, etc. The champions with the highest count of phytonutrients go to apples and tomatoes.


Some Body Signs of Potassium Deficiency


Potassium is the key mineral in the constellation of minerals; it’s so important to every living thing that without it there would be no life. Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is a good source of potassium.

Be a Bragg Health Crusader! Copy page and share with family, friends, clubs, etc.

Avoid These Processed, Refined, Harmful Foods

     Once you realize the harm caused to your body by unhealthy refined, chemicalized, deficient foods, you’ll want to eliminate these “killer” foods. Also avoid microwaved foods! Follow The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle to provide the basic, healthy nourishment to maintain your health.

Exerpt from Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar Book. Be a Bragg Crusader, copy & share with friends, family, etc.



The old adage is true:
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”


7397.png– Paul C. Bragg, Health Crusader,
Originator of Health Stores

Our sincere blessings to you, dear friends, who make our lives so worthwhile and fulfilled by reading our teachings on natural living as our Creator laid down for us to follow. He wants us to follow the simple path of natural living. This is what we teach in our books and health crusades worldwide. Our prayers reach out to you and your loved ones for the best in health and happiness. We must follow the laws He has laid down for us, so we can reap this precious health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually!
