Chapter 30

Mother Nature Knows No Mercy

There is no thought or discrimination in the working of the Eternal Laws that govern all things. Even Mother Nature works according to fixed laws for good or for ill. It’s up to each person to guide and guard their life wisely as they go through their lifetime.

It is for the ant to select a safe, secluded place for her nest, or suffer the consequences. It is for us to study Mother Nature’s and God’s Eternal Laws, and adjust ourselves to them, or suffer. Mother Nature has no time or thought for individual cases! Fire will burn the innocent child and spare the hardened criminal who knows the ways of fire. It is well for us that it is so, for our real education is acquired by the study of the Natural Laws that will not coddle or spare us.

Mother Nature is unsentimental and powerful in her work on this earth – disregarding man’s sense of justice or injustice! She may crush the just man and his family who disobey her wise Eternal Laws with disease and premature ageing, yet spares the criminal who follows the natural plan of physical health.

The purpose of this book is to inspire you to save yourself by following their Natural Laws of Living. The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle which are their laws and when followed will save you from needless suffering. You can then achieve supreme health to live a long, healthy life.


E. M. Forster, one of Britain’s literary immortals, observed that food is one of the five main facts of life, “a link between the known and the forgotten.” It marvelled him that we continually – “day after day put an assortment of objects into a hole in our faces without becoming surprised or bored.”


“In the course of a year, the average adult eats 133 pounds of sugar, 53 pounds of fats, 100 pounds white flour, 1 pounds white rice, 25 pounds of potatoes, and often quarts of ice cream. There can be no arguing that many mouths function as litter baskets and become overloaded garbage dumps.”


Dad and I want you to enjoy a fulfilled, healthy, long life. – Patricia Bragg, N.D., Ph.D., Pioneer Health Crusader

Mother Nature Wants Us Clean & Healthy

Mother Nature tells us we must keep healthy and clean inside and not allow toxic poisons and obstructions to accumulate within our bodies. A regular 1 day a week fasting program teaches you the Law of Internal Purity.

Self-Preservation is the first Law of Life. If we are to live a long, healthy, active, happy life, we must work with Mother Nature and not against her! If you attempt to break her laws, she will break you! Natural Laws are God’s Good Laws. If we follow them, we will be rewarded with Super Health! Mother Nature’s strict laws demand you keep your body clean inside and there’s no better way to keep yourself internally clean than by fasting!

Make Mother Nature your personal friend. Here is a friend that will never fail you, if you will work with her and not against her! After reading this frank and easy to follow book – follow it, live by it and let no man keep you away from living by these wise Natural Laws!!!

Which Kind of Person are You?

There are only 2 kinds of people in the world. Which kind are you? The real person seeks, learns and thinks for himself. The imitation person lets others think for him! It takes courage to live your own life! Fasting and living The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle takes faith and courage in this confused, fast world. Set a healthy standard of living for yourself. Demand the best health! Let no weakling drag you down to their level. It’s the survival of the fittest. Be fit! Be healthy! Live a long, happy life with vigor!

You can let this book be your friendly guide and mentor. Even The Beach Boys to Ann Ford take it on their trips. May this knowledge and wisdom empower you with a healthy new life filled with youthful energy, peace of mind and the true joy of super living.


Cornell Scientist Study shows Vitamin C’s strong anti-cancer activity are found in a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in phytochemicals and nutrients (containing vitamin C). These are powerful weapons against cancer and disease. Cornell University and Seoul National University found apples (rich in quercetin, a phytochemical in apples) even stronger anti-cancer activity than vitamin C. London Medical Journal, The Lancet


Calcium and Magnesium are especially important for healthy bones and heart.

Locations in the Body Where Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Pain and Misery Hit the Hardest


BORON – A trace mineral for healthier bones that also helps the body absorb more vital calcium, minerals and necessary hormones! Good sources are most organic veggies, fresh and sun-dried fruits, prunes, raw nuts and soybeans.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Human Nutrition Lab in Grand Forks, North Dakota, says boron is usually found in soil and in foods, but many Americans eat a diet low in boron. They conducted a 17 week study which showed a daily 3 to 6 mgs boron supplement enabled participants to reduce loss (demineralization) of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium from their bodies. This loss is usually caused by eating processed fast foods and lots of meat, salt, sugar and fat and a dietary lack of fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains. (

After 8 weeks on boron, participants’ calcium loss was cut 40%. It also helped double important hormone levels vital in maintaining calcium and healthy bones. Millions on estrogen replacement therapy for osteoporosis may want to use boron as a healthier choice.* Also consider natural progesterone (2%) raw yam cream. For pain and joint healing use Braggzyme, and glucosamine/chondriotin/MSM combo (caps or liquid).

Scientific studies show women benefit from healthy lifestyle that includes gentle vitamin D3 sunshine and exercise (even weight lifting) to maintain healthier bones, combined with a low-fat, high-fiber, carbohydrate, and fresh organic fruits, salads, sprouts, greens and vegetable diet. This lifestyle helps protect against heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer and many other ailments. I’m happy to see science now agrees with my Dad who first stated these health truths in 1920’s.


*For more hormone and osteoporosis facts read pioneer John Lee, M.D.’s book– What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause. (

Healthy Alternative Therapies
and Massage Techniques

Try Them – They Work Miracles!

Explore these wonderful natural methods of healing your body. Finally over 600 Medical Schools in the U.S. are teaching Healthy Alternative Therapies. Please check out the websites. Now seek and choose the best healing techniques for you:

Acupuncture/Acupressure: Acupuncture directs and rechannels body energy by inserting hair-thin needles (use only disposable needles) at specific points on the body. It’s used for pain, backaches, migraines and general health and body dysfunctions. Used in Asia for centuries, acupuncture is safe, virtually painless and has no side effects. Acupressure is based on the same principles and uses finger pressure and massage rather than needles. Websites offer info, check them out: or

Chiropractic: was founded in Davenport, Iowa in 1885 by Daniel David Palmer. There are now many schools in the U.S., and graduates are joining Health Practitioners in all nations of the world to share healing techniques. Chiropractic is popular and the largest U.S. healing profession benefitting literally millions! Treatment involves soft tissue, spinal and body adjustment to free the nervous system of interferences with normal body function. Its concern is the functional integrity of the musculoskeletal system. In addition to manual methods, chiropractors use physical therapy modalities, exercise, health and nutritional guidance. Web:

F. Mathius Alexander Technique: These lessons help end improper use of neuromuscular system and bring body posture back into balance. Eliminates psycho-physical interferences, helps release long-held tension, and aids in re-establishing muscle tone. Web:

Feldenkrais Method: Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais founded this in the late 1940s. This Method leads to improved posture and helps create ease and more efficiency of body movement. This Method is a great stress removal. Web:


Touch is a primal need, as necessary for growth as food, clothing or shelter. Michelangelo knew this when he painted God extending a hand to Adam on Sistine Chapel ceiling, he chose touch to depict the gift of life. – George H. Colt

Alternative Health Therapies & Massage Techniques

Homeopathy:In the 1800’s, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann developed homeopathy. Patients are treated with “micro” doses of remedies found in nature to trigger the body’s own defenses. This homeopathic principle is a safe and nontoxic remedy and is the #1 alternative therapy in Europe and Britain because it is inexpensive, seldom has any side effects, and usually brings fast results. Web:

Naturopathy: Brought to America by Dr. Benedict Lust, M.D.,this treatment uses diet, herbs, homeopathy, fasting, exercise, hydrotherapy, manipulation and sunlight. (Dr. Paul C. Bragg graduated from Dr. Lust’s first School of Naturopathy in the U.S. Now 7 schools.) Practitioners work with your body to restore health naturally. They reject surgery and drugs except as a last resort. Web:

Osteopathy: The first School of Osteopathy was founded in 1892 by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, M.D. There are now 29 U.S. colleges. Treatment involves soft tissue, spinal and body adjustments that free the nervous system from interferences that can cause illness. Healing by adjustment also includes good nutrition, physical therapies, proper breathing and good posture. Dr. Still’s premise: if the body structure is altered or abnormal, then proper body function is altered and can cause pain and illness. Web:

Reflexology or Zone Therapy: Founded by Eunice Ingham, author of Stories The Feet Can Tell, inspired by a Bragg Health Crusade when she was 17. Reflexology helps the body and organs by removing crystalline deposits from reflex areas (nerve endings) of feet and hands through deep pressure massage. Primitive reflexology originated in China and Egypt and Native American Indians and Kenyans self-practiced it for centuries. Reflexology activates the body’s flow of healing and energy by dislodging deposits. Visit Eunice Ingham and nephew Dwight Byer’s website:

Skin Brushing: daily is wonderful for circulation, toning, cleansing and healing. Use a dry vegetable brush (never nylon) and brush lightly. Helps purify lymph so it’s able to detoxify your blood and tissues. Removes old skin cells, uric acid crystals and toxic wastes that come up through skin’s pores. Use loofah sponge for variety in shower or tub.


The skin is often called the 3rd kidney because it eliminates toxins from the body.

Reiki: A Japanese form of massage that means “Universal Life Energy.” The Reiki Massage helps the body to detoxify, then re-balance and heal itself. Discovered in the ancient Sutra manuscripts by Dr. Mikao Usui in 1922. Web:

Rolfing: Developed by Ida Rolf in the 1930’s in the U.S. Rolfing is also called structural processing and postural release, or structural dynamics. It is based on the concept that distortions (accidents, injuries, falls, etc.) and the effects of gravity on the body cause upsets and long-term stress in the body. Rolfing helps to achieve balance and improved body posture. Methods involve the use of stretching, gentle deep tissue massage and relaxation techniques to loosen old injuries, break bad movement and posture patterns. Web:

Tragering: Founded by Dr. Milton Trager M.D., who was inspired at age 18 by Paul C. Bragg to become a doctor. It is a mind-body learning method that involves gentle shaking and rocking, allowing the body to let go, releasing tensions and lengthening the muscles for more body peace and health. Tragering can do miracle healing where needed in the body frame, muscles and the entire body. Web:

Water Therapy: Soothing detox shower: apply Bragg Olive Oil to skin, alternate hot and cold water, every 2-3 minutes. Massage body while under hot, filtered spray. Garden hose massage is great in summer or anytime. Hot detox soak bath (diabetics use warm water) 20 minutes with cup of Epsom salts or apple cider vinegar. This soak helps pull out the toxins by creating an artificial fever cleanse. Web:

Massage & Aromatherapy: works two ways: the essence (aroma) relaxes, as does healing massages. Essential oils are extracted from flowers, leaves, roots, seeds and barks. These are usually massaged into the skin, inhaled or used in a bath for their ability to relax, soothe and heal. The oils, used for centuries to treat numerous ailments, are revitalizing and energizing for the body and mind. Example: Tiger balm, MSM, echinacea and arnica help relieve muscle aches. (Avoid skin creams and lotions with mineral oil – it clogs the skin’s pores.) Use these natural oils for the skin: almond, apricot kernel, avocado, and I use Bragg Organic Olive Oil and mix with aromatic essential oils: rosemary, lavender, rose, jasmine, sandalwood or lemon-balm, etc. – 6 oz. oil and4 drops of an essential oil. Web:

Massage – Self: Paul C. Bragg often said, “You can be your own best massage therapist, even if you have only one good hand.” Near-miraculous health improvements have been achieved by victims of accidents or strokes in bringing life back to afflicted parts of their own bodies by self-massage and even vibrators. Treatments can be day or night, almost continual. Self-massage also helps achieve relaxation at day’s end. Families and friends can learn and exchange massages; it’s a wonderful sharing experience. Remember, babies love and thrive with their daily massages, start from birth. Family pets also love their soothing, healing touch of massages. Web:

Massage – Shiatsu: Japanese form of health massage that applies pressure from the fingers, hands, elbows and even knees along the same points as acupuncture. Shiatsu has been used in Asia for centuries to relieve pain, common ills, muscle stress and to aid lymphatic circulation. Web:

Massage – Sports: An important health support system for professional and amateur athletes. Sports massage improves circulation and mobility to injured tissue, enables athletes to recover more rapidly from myofascial injury, reduces muscle soreness and chronic strain patterns. Soft tissues are freed of trigger points and adhesions, thus contributing to improvement of peak neuro-muscular functioning and athletic performance.

Massage – Swedish: One of the oldest and the most popular and widely used massage techniques. This deep body massage soothes and promotes healthy circulation and is a great way to loosen and relax tight muscles before and after exercise. See web:


Author’s Comment: We have personally sampled many of these Alternative Therapies. It’s estimated soon America’s health care costs will leap over $2.3 trillion. It’s more important than ever to be responsible for our own health! This includes seeking dedicated holistic health practitioners to keep us well by inspiring us to practice prevention! These Alternative Healing Therapies are also popular and getting results: aromatherapy, Ayurvedic, biofeedback, color, guided imagery, herbs, music, meditation, magnets, saunas, tai chi, chi gong, Pilates, Rebounder, yoga, etc. Explore them and be open to improving your earthly temple for a healthy, happier, longer life.

Seek and find the best for your body, mind and soul. – Patricia Bragg


Earn Your Bragging Rights
Live The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle
To Attain Supreme Physical, Mental,
Emotional and Spiritual Health!

With your new awareness, understanding and sincere commitment of how to live The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle – you can now live a healthier, longer life to 120 years! (Gen. 6:3)

God bless you and your family and may He give you the strength, the courage and the patience to win your battle to re-enter the Healthy Garden of Eden while you are still living here on Earth with more years to enjoy it all!

With Blessings of Health, Peace, Joy and Love,


Health Crusaders Paul C. Bragg and daughter Patricia traveled the world spreading health, inspiring millions to renew and revitalize their health.

- 3 John 2

- Genesis 6:3


The Bragg books are written to inspire and guide you to health, fitness and longevity. Remember, the book you don’t read won’t help. So please reread Bragg Books and live The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle to enjoy a healthy, fulfilled life!


I never suspected that I would have to learn how to live – that there were specific disciplines and ways of seeing the world that I had to master before I could awaken to a simple, healthy, happy, uncomplicated life.

– Dan Millman, Author of “The Way of the Peaceful Warrior” •

A Bragg fan and admirer since Stanford University coaching days.


A truly good book teaches me better than to just read it, I must soon lay it down and commence living in its wisdom. What I began by reading, I must finish by acting! – Henry David Thoreau



This book was written for You! It can be your passport to a healthy, long, vital life. We in the Alternative Health Therapies join hands in one common objective – promoting a high standard of health for everyone. Healthy nutrition points the way – which is Mother Nature and God’s Way. This book teaches you how to work with them, not against them! Health Doctors, Therapists Nurses, Teachers and Caregivers are becoming more dedicated than ever before to keeping their patients healthy and fit. This book was written to emphasize the great needed importance of living a lifetime of healthy living, close to Mother Nature and God.

Statements in this book are scientific health findings, known facts of physiology and biological therapeutics. Paul C. Bragg practiced natural methods of living for over 80 years with highly beneficial results, knowing that they were safe and of great value. His daughter Patricia lectured and co-authored the Bragg Health Books with him and continues to carrying on The Bragg Health Crusades.

Paul C. Bragg and daughter Patricia express their opinions solely as Public Health Educators and Health Crusaders. They offer no cure for disease. Only the body has the ability to cure a person. Experts may disagree with some of the statements made in this book. However, such statements are considered to be factual, based on the long-time experience of pioneer Health Crusaders Paul C. Bragg and Patricia Bragg. If you suspect you have a medical problem, please seek alternative health professionals to help you make the healthiest, wisest and best-informed choices!


Count your blessings daily while you do your 30 to 45 minute brisk walks and exercises with these affirmations – health! strength! youth! vitality! peace! laughter! humility! understanding! forgiveness! joy! and love for eternity! – and soon all these qualities will come flooding and bouncing into your life. With blessings of super health, peace and love to you, our dear friends – our readers. – Patricia Bragg

If I were to name the three most precious resources of life, I would say books, friends and nature; and the greatest of these, at least the most constant and always at hand is Mother Nature and God. – John Burroughs


We are recharged and blessed by each one of you reading our health books filled with loving health guidance for our readers – thank you! – Patricia Bragg