Thank you for reading The Piano Practice Physician's Handbook. If you liked it please leave a review wherever you purchased the book, and take a look at the further resources below.
Colourful Keys Blog
Nicola writes regular articles and shares ideas on her blog at: Check it out if you're looking for more piano teaching inspiration.
Piano Physician Bonuses
Download the printables mentioned in this book at: These resources will make it quick and easy for you to assign the prescriptions and help your student to follow through at home.
The Piano Physician’s Clinic Course
There is an accompanying course to this handbook for those teachers looking to go into more depth with the practice ailments and prescriptions. This video course will take you through each and every practice ailment, what causes it and how to implement the proper cure. There is also an exclusive community as part of this the Piano Physician's Clinic course where you can get help and advice about your students' practice issues.
To get more information and preview the course go to: Use the coupon code "HANDBOOK2017" to get $10 off if you choose to buy.