While who you eat lunch with in the cafeteria or hang out with on a Friday night may seem trivial in the grand scheme of things, God does care about who you call your friends. Just flip to your Bible's concordance and you'll probably find at least a dozen verses that talk about friends or friendship. From the friendship pacts between David and Jonathan or Ruth and Naomi in the Old Testament to the close bond of early missionaries Paul and Timothy in the New Testament, the Bible proves that God knows the value of a good friend. While times have certainly changed, I still think we can learn a lot from these old friends. Jonathan is a great example of selflessness while Ruth's devotion should be an inspiration to any friend. Meanwhile, Paul was not just a friend to Timothy, but also a mentor. And don't forget Mary and Elizabeth or Jesus and John the Baptist. They each offered comfort to the other during difficult times. So what does that mean for you? These relationships can be a great gauge for determining if our own friendships are based on godly principles. If they are, you have a friendship that is going to help you grow, instead of drag you down. And isn't that what true friendship should be about?
What does the word friend mean to you? Has reading this chapter changed how you view the impact (both good and bad) friends can have in your life? As you look back over your school years, who have been your closest friends? Do you still hang out, or have you drifted apart? For those friends you’re currently close to, what connects you? What do you do when you spend time together? Are your close friends people who pull you closer to God or farther away?