I’ve had many wonderful moments in my life, true high points that had me soaring. There have also been lows, disappointments, hurts, and losses that I still to this day don’t understand. The one thing that was constant during all of these times was my faith in God. I knew that He didn’t love me more when things were good and less when things were bad. Instead, He was simply there to love me through whatever was going on in my life.
Does how you feel about God change based on your circumstances? Are you more enthusiastic about your faith when things are going your way? Do you only turn to Him when you’re in deep trouble and nothing else has worked? Imagine how you would feel if you had a friend who treated you the way you treat God.
Job proved he certainly wasn’t a fair-weather friend to God. Through it all, he remained faithful. What did you think of as you read his story? What can you learn from it?