If the people and activities in your life were all in a race for first place, where would each rank in the standings today? How do those standings change based on how plugged in you are at church or how often you spend time reading your Bible or praying? How does what’s important to you change based on who your friends are or who you’re spending time with? Now is a wonderful time to get your priorities in line.


Rank what was important to you two years ago, five years ago, even ten years ago. Don’t worry if you were in diapers then. You still had priorities. Naps, blankets, pacifiers, and parents are just a few of the things you probably counted as “most important” during your preschool years.

Now compare the standings and see how they’ve changed over time. Have things you once thought you’d die without lost importance over the years? What has taken their place? Now look at your current list. What items that currently rank near the top will still matter to you five years from now? And in ten years?
