chapter one


There are signs everywhere—literally. Drive down the highway, and you’ll see billboards advertising everything from shopping malls to TV shows to 99¢ hamburgers. Some modern churches even rely on that kind of “roadside reading” to invite people to their weekly services. And most people don’t think a visit to New York City is complete without a stop in Times Square to see the oversized signs featuring the models-of-the-moment showcasing the latest from Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, or Gap. Follow that up with a quick glance up or down the street, and you’ll see theater marquees advertising the various Broadway shows being performed inside. Even if you live in a small town like the one I grew up in, you can’t escape signs. Fast-food spots, grocery stores, and gas stations all use them to catch our eye.

While it’s true that God hasn’t resorted to renting out billboards to get our attention (although a Texas-based company did that on His behalf a few years back, featuring provocative messages signed by “God” in an attempt to turn drivers’ thoughts to spiritual matters), He does use signs to communicate with us just the same.

God may choose to forgo neon and flashing lights, but all you have to do is look around to find countless signs that He exists. There are reminders everywhere. Whether I’m hiking at my farm in Franklin, Tennessee, or driving through my neighborhood, if I just open my eyes, I can’t help but be reminded that God is close by.

Maybe I see the signs because I’m a big nature guy anyway. I’m all about taking time to stop and smell the roses, or, in the case of one memorable afternoon, the Bradford pear trees. It may sound silly, but about six years ago I was driving through my adopted hometown of Franklin, Tennessee, and the Bradford pear trees were in full bloom. Before I even had time to think about it, I had pulled off to the side of the road to get a closer look. I know it’s weird, but suddenly tears began to well up, and I sat there and cried. I don’t know if it was just one of those “God moments,” but looking up and seeing God’s creation there in full bloom overwhelmed me. It was an amazing reminder of the One who made us all. And why not expect amazing reminders from an amazing God?

Now, I’m not suggesting you seek out the nearest tree and try to drum up a few tears. (I can hear you breathing a huge sigh of relief at that news.) It’s just that sometimes when we’re looking for God, we’re waiting for the big lightning bolt, while there are little reminders all around us. In other words, the big thing is: don’t miss the little things. They’re everywhere. All you have to do is walk outside.


Why not take a walk somewhere off the beaten path today? Take time to really notice God’s creation. If He put that much care into crafting a single leaf or beetle or feather, just imagine how much more care He put into you!


God doesn’t just use signs to remind us of His presence. I believe He also uses them to help point the way. But in order to tune into this type of direction, you need to be on the lookout.

Have you ever been in the car when the driver missed a sign for the exit or street that he needed and you ended up lost or had to backtrack to reach your destination? Maybe he was too distracted to notice the sign that would have pointed the car in the right direction. He wouldn’t be alone. One of the biggest problems we all face in America today is that we’re surrounded by distractions, and we live way too fast. We find ourselves running from school and work to activities that range from baseball practice to hitting the mall to play rehearsals. Calling it “multi-tasking” may make it sound like we have it under control, but it doesn’t change the fact that many of us are so caught up in our everyday lives that we’re just too busy to see what’s right in front of us. And that’s when we miss the signs.

If I had my way, I’d install one of those big, yellow SLOW signs on every corner. Okay, that might seem extreme, but I really believe that God is telling us to slow down. Not that I always listen. I’m the first to admit, there have been periods when I’ve become completely caught up in being busy. Great opportunities came my way, and there were times I probably said yes when I should have said no. Sound familiar? It’s a tempting trap to fall into, but in the end, it can leave little time for God and the business He really wants us to be about.

I learned that particular lesson the hard way. Fortunately, I did learn it, though. I found that the older I got, the easier it was to pass on the stuff I don’t necessarily feel called to do. I know what you’re thinking, but this isn’t one of those “do as I say, not as I do” moments. I just know that if you can learn that lesson earlier than I did, you’ll be ahead of the game and save yourself some heartache.

Of course, to know what to say no to, you’ll have to determine what to say yes to. In other words, what are you called to? I can’t figure that out for you, but I can tell you that if you don’t slow down, you’ll almost certainly miss it. It’s like those road signs I was talking about. God offers direction, but if you’re flying by at 80 miles an hour, chances are you won’t have time to see it.

And don’t expect Him to hit the brakes for you. It has to be your choice to slow down and read the signs. Sometimes they’ll come in the form of advice from someone older and wiser. Parents, youth leaders, and spiritually mature friends can all be used by God to point you in the direction you should be going. What you enjoy doing and feel passionate about also factors in.


Take a minute to take stock of your natural gifts and abilities. What do you enjoy doing? What do others say you do well? What do you get the most enthusiastic about? These questions can provide clues to your calling.

A lot of times, I think God speaks through the voices of others. I honestly believe that having people I trust and allow to offer input into my life makes all the difference. There’s a faraway friend who challenges me and leaves me such encouraging phone messages that they could literally sustain me for a year. Then there’s my former pastor, Don Finto. We meet up for long walks in the woods, during which he continues to mentor me and spur me on. I don’t think there’s anything greater than having people who are willing to speak into my life, helping to shape me into the person God wants me to be.

For me, the formula is easy: I surround myself with people who have a lot of wisdom, and then I make a point to listen to what they say. Who do you have in your life that challenges you and holds you accountable? It may not be a pastor or a friend who lives a few states away. Family can fill that role as well. Now, don’t roll your eyes at the thought that Mom or Dad might be able to provide some insight. Even more incomprehensible, what about one of your brothers or sisters? Someone doesn’t have to be old to be wise. I know that I’m constantly learning things from my kids. It can be little things, maybe something one of them says out of the blue, and I will know it was from the Lord. It comes back to being open, to opening your eyes and looking around so you can see the signs.

Even with all that input, I still haven’t “arrived.” Finding out where you’re meant to be is a continual process. After more than two decades of making music and ministering to others, my biggest challenge right now is still figuring out what it is I’m really supposed to be involved in. All these years later, I’m still asking the question because I find from year to year—or even from month to month or day to day—the answer changes. I need to continually check in with God to see what He wants me to be involved in today.

Once I do that, though, the work is just beginning. As a result of discovering what to say yes to, there is a lot of stuff I’ve got to say no to as well. If you’re like me, that can be hard to do because I love to help out whenever I can. But I finally had to learn that emotionally and physically I just can’t do it all. When you try to do everything, you end up doing nothing well. As a result, you’re not able to excel at the stuff you’re really called to do. When that happens, everyone loses.

Caution: Detour Ahead

Once you’re on the right path, you still can’t expect the ride to always be a smooth one. You can take your eyes off the road for just a minute and find yourself off track. Or maybe a pothole in the road or some unexpected engine trouble has you rethinking the journey you’re on. “Surely, it would be easier to turn back or take a safer, more comfortable route,” you hear yourself saying.

It’s just that easy for doubt to creep in. We all experience those moments. No matter how strong your faith is, certain situations can cause you to wonder, God, where are You? We know that He’s promised to never leave or forsake us, but when life doesn’t turn out quite like we expect, it can be easy to feel as if we’re suddenly all alone.

Fortunately, He’s never really far away. When you find it hard to “feel” God, once again, all you have to do is open your eyes and you can see evidence that He’s right here with us. I believe this so strongly that I even wrote a song about it. I was at George Lucas’s Skywalker Ranch doing some recording (talk about inspirational!) when the idea came to me. I kept thinking, Maybe this song is just supposed to get people to open their eyes, to see that all along the journey there are signs pointing the way. That was it. I didn’t have the lyrics, but I knew it would be called “Signs.” I was in such a creative mode while at the ranch that I was continuously writing new music in between cutting finished songs. It was right there in the middle of the control room that I put together the tune for “Signs,” writing the music on the spot, using a borrowed melody from one of my earlier, unfinished pieces.

It wasn’t a brand-new idea. For years we’ve been singing, “Open the eyes of my heart, Lord,” thanks to another songwriter, Paul Baloche. And other equally inspirational tunes find us asking God to show us what He wants us to see. But I couldn’t help but think, If I need another reminder, other people probably do, too.

Despite the initial inspiration, it was a hard song to write. At first, we thought about cleverly tying together phrases from past songs, but we eventually scrapped that. Ideas from other collaborators were set aside as well because they just didn’t seem right. In the end, the words came from my oldest son, nineteen-year-old Ryan, who was inspired by John Bunyan’s classic book, Pilgrim’s Progress.

When he came to me and said, “I think I’ve got it,” I could see the gleam in his eye, and I knew he was right. I’d read the book a long time ago, but Ryan is an avid reader and a real thinker, with an amazing book collection. I don’t know why he went to Pilgrim’s Progress, but I’m glad he did.

It’s only fitting that I would write a song that would encourage others who might be feeling discouraged as they travel this road of faith. On the road, I’m constantly hearing reports from people of the amazing and wondrous things God is doing in their lives. Once again, I’m reminded that there are signs all around us.

That may lead you to ask another question: why does God continue to send us fresh signs of His love and care for us when He’s already done more than we can ask or imagine, when He’s already sent the ultimate sign of His love, His Son, Jesus? I think the answer is pretty simple: it’s because He knows we need them. Life is hard enough as it is, so He sends us little reminders that He’s still here. I already know that to be true, but it’s still something that I can’t hear (or see) enough.


Who can help you see the signs when your vision gets cloudy? What circumstances has God used to remind you of His love?

Under Construction

When you’re young, it’s easy to feel somewhat indestructible. I know there were times when I was a little reckless (often out of good intentions). Sometimes good things can come from zeal. That “I’m gonna live forever!” feeling can make it possible to be bold for God. Just remember: wherever you are in the process, you’re still under construction. Your spiritual life will always be a work in progress.

These days, I’m more careful, more cautious. I’m not so busy running ahead because I’m more mindful of not wanting to miss anything along the way. Even so, I’m just as enthusiastic about trying to pinpoint my current calling. For me, it could be just a feeling I have as I really get down to the core of what I’m called to do. Lately, I start by asking myself the question, “How am I supposed to spend the rest of my days?” It’s as simple as that. From there, I continually pray that God will make it very clear to me.

So what is He showing me? Right now, I think I’m called to write songs that reflect the heart of God. That’s my goal, and hopefully it’s a godly goal, because I believe I’ve yet to create my best work. In praying and listening to God, I believe He’d have me write something musically that’s so compelling that everyone, across all lines, is drawn in.

It’s scary and it’s exciting. In the meantime, I know I’d better be getting ready so God can work through me. I’m the conduit. Like a cable modem, I’m not creating the messages and pictures that you’ll see on your computer or TV screen; I’m just carrying the signal.

There have been times in the past when I wasn’t ready. For years, there was talk of me recording a worship project. There were all kinds of signs that I was supposed to do it, but I fought against the idea. I was fearful for the wrong reasons, worried about what people would think, afraid they would say I was jumping on a bandwagon or seeking some new type of success. In the end, I did the record, and Worship, as it came to be called, was embraced by millions of people around the globe. It opened up a whole new area of ministry for me and changed my life and my career. A second album, Worship Again, followed, receiving a similarly warm reception and causing huge crowds and single worshipers to open their hearts and raise their voices to Him.

And all I had to do was follow the signs so God could work through me. What does God want to accomplish through you today?