Although you may have heard the urban legend than crocheters outnumber knitters three to one, there isn’t much hard scientific data to back that up. Research does exist on crafter demographics in America, but there is a bit of a muddle between who is a crocheter and who is a knitter, and of course many of us are both. Don’t get me wrong—no one doubts that there are more crocheters than knitters; it’s just the order of magnitude by which we rule that is in question.
Which makes it a little strange to me that certain yarn stores are often not equal-opportunity places to buy fiber, but specifically knitting stores. I had heard about this discrimination, and honestly questioned it a bit, but then I stopped in a few new-to-me LYSs and got a sample of what some of my sisters with hooks were talking about.
I guess I don’t identify myself as a crocheter when I enter a new store, or as a knitter, either, for that matter. I just tend to wander in and pet what I like, and I have never had anyone question my right to be there. But after hearing some horror stories about crochet-phobes in yarn shops, I tried an experiment. In one particularly well-known big-city store, the crochet books, most of which were several years old, were placed in a dusty rack by the ladies’ room. There were about three crochet hooks, buried at toddler-eye level under umpteen thousand styles of knitting needles. When I asked where the crochet items were, the store owner looked at me with a bemused expression, as if she was waiting for me to say I was just kidding or something. When I didn’t, she pretty much lost interest in waiting on me at all. Needless to say, I didn’t buy anything at that store, and I started to see that maybe my crocheting friends who cried discrimination had a valid point.
But guys, we outnumber the knitters. We really do. And there is strength in numbers. We just need to get a little organized about how to wield our power.
For one thing, we should not support shops that do not value our custom. Which isn’t to say we should be nasty, because that rarely gets anyone anywhere, but if you walk into a store and are treated rudely, walk right back out. Even if you will then have to make a trip somewhere else to get what you need. Make sure you tell them why you are leaving or your leaving doesn’t help change their behavior! If you are too shy (or shocked by the snark) to say something directly, drop the person’s superior a quick note or an e-mail after you get home. Something like:
Dear Store Owner:
When I went into your shop today and asked about crochet items, I was sneered at by one of your employees who told me there was nothing there for me. I know it wasn’t you because no store owner would be crazy enough to turn away money in this or any economy.
I am bringing this to your attention because I feel certain that as a savvy business owner you would want all potential customers to be made welcome, and if I don’t share my experience with you, you won’t have the opportunity to fix it. So I will be back in your store in a month or so to give you a chance to rectify the bad impression you made. Shame on you if you make the same mistake twice, because neither I nor any of my crocheting friends will give you the opportunity to do it a third time.
A Crocheter
The flip side of this is to make sure, when you see a growing selection of crochet items in your local store or someone goes out of their way to help you, that you leave a little of your hard-earned cash behind—and again tell them why.
Dear Store Owner:
So many independent yarn shops are not crochet-friendly that I wanted to tell you I was delighted by the excellent service I received today. I am happy to note that you are now carrying the newest crochet magazines. I want to let you know that I will buy the ones I don’t subscribe to already from you instead of the ginormous chain store, because I know my purchases make a difference.
See you soon,
A Crocheter
And then do it—support the shops that support your craft.
Complaining to one another is not going to change the ways of the fiber world but getting out there and making ourselves more visible might. If there aren’t any crochet lessons where you live, teach some. Wear your crochet with pride, and if someone confuses it with knitting, explain politely that it’s crocheted and what the difference is. If someone presumes that you only crochet because you haven’t learned to knit yet, tell that person that crocheting is your needlecraft of choice and you are quite happy with it—you crochet out of love for the form, not lack of knowledge or skill. Rioting is not the answer (although wouldn’t it be fun? A crochet riot? I can’t imagine!), but speaking up is. There are so many of us that eventually, people will have to listen.