
A VERY SPECIAL thanks to Michael Bishop for his insight, research, and guidance throughout this entire process. Michael proved to be indispensable from start to finish. Thanks as well to Eric Nelson for skillfully managing this project and offering much needed direction and patience when needed the most.

Rachel Campbell, who skillfully manages every project that Mika and I send her way, assembled a great team and guided us toward the finish line. Paige Adams toiled through endless drafts and managed to keep us all organized. Thanks as well to my longtime literary agent Mel Berger at WME, to Ari Emanuel, to Hannah Long at HarperCollins, to the always patient boss and Mets fan, Phil Griffin, and thanks as well to my Morning Joe and Washington Post families.

Most importantly, my deepest gratitude goes to Jack, Kate, Andrew, and Joey for enduring the endless book writing, weekly columns, and daily shows. All of my love and admiration belongs to you.