Chapter Thirty-Three

Twelve months later


The Lancashire Evening Post

Fran’s Finest Fare Soars to Success!

The Caterer

Blackpool Couple Take Top Award

Sunday Times Top 100

A Brand-New Entry from Blackpool

Michelin Menus

It’s stars all the way for Fran & Sid!

Sally sat at her laptop and flicked through her ever-increasing press file for Fran’s Finest Fare. The sparkling new foodie haunt was gathering awards and, in all her years of writing food-related articles for the hospitality industry, Sally had never known an eating establishment to gain such recognition in so short a time.

The press was lapping it up, and the pocket rocket that was Fran teamed with Sid’s determination, had seen plans swing into action on the day Fran returned from France.

Leaving Sid, who’d already begun work on revamping their café, Fran had headed south to roll up her sleeves and work as hard as she could at Daniel’s restaurant. After giving her all in the busy kitchen for six solid weeks, Fran and Daniel devised a suitable menu, and she returned to Blackpool to set everything up.

Sally stared at her files. Her favourite article from her time at La Maison du Paradis was the feature in the Sunday supplement. She opened the four-page spread, and her eyes danced over the words. The editor loved the setting and characters and Sally giggled as she stared at the kitchen image of Fran, dressed in a Breton top and beret, alongside botanical-clad Bridgette, waving wooden spoons and whisks. Group photos showed the guests enjoying themselves in the glorious French surroundings, and the section describing Daniel’s talents was interspersed with images of the smiling chef.

As Sally closed the article, she felt familiar hands gently touch her shoulders.

You should receive an award for these amazing articles.’

She nestled close to the face that leaned in to kiss her.

‘Never has my restaurant been so profitable,’ Daniel said, wrapping his arms around Sally.

Sally caressed Daniels’s fingers and closed her eyes.

How her life had changed in the last year! The road trip with Daniel had been the catalyst when a strike by ferry companies delayed their journey. After a night in Orleans, they spent a morning wandering around museums and parks before travelling to St Malo, where they’d enjoyed two days and nights, enjoying the beach, eating seafood and drinking wine.

‘You make my heart sing,’ Daniel told her as they watched the sun set over the sea. ‘I am so happy when I’m with you.’

Daniel was excellent company, and Sally slowly began to relax. It wasn’t just about sex anymore. After all, how could she spend so much time with him if they didn’t get on?

Daniel insisted she stay overnight at his home when they arrived in England. ‘Stay for one night, and, if you like it, stay more,’ he said.

There was no pressure on her and no financial demands. Sally was showered with gifts and good food, and in Daniel’s home, while he was working, she could quietly get on with her job. For a few short weeks, Sally had Fran for company during the limited free hours Fran spent away from the kitchen.

‘You haven’t been gambling since I came here,’ Sally said to Daniel as they tramped through lanes of autumn leaves.

‘I have no need for diversions,’ he replied, ‘you are my habit now.’

As autumn turned into winter and winter turned to spring, with a strong woman by his side and a loving partner in his bed, Daniel was like a dog with two tails, and with Sally taking over PR, his business was booming. She only returned to her apartment to collect her things.

Sally closed her laptop as sunshine shone through an open window on the dazzling diamond that dominated the finger of her left hand. Like Waltho’s Tabby, Sally preened and almost purred as she stared at her engagement ring.

‘Our romance began at La Maison du Paradis,’ she said with a wistful smile, ‘and it really was paradise.’

‘I can’t wait for the celebration,’ Daniel said, kissing her neck again. ‘Are we all packed?’

‘Wrapped, packed and Romeo is ready,’ Sally replied. Softly stroking Daniel’s face, she hugged her fiancée.