Abhinavagupta, Shaivite, 124

aborigines, 35, 111, 118, 165, 194n39, 195–96n52, 212n136

accelerando, 29

acoustics, 37, 41, 51; and consonance, 38

Adepoju, Demola, 184n20

Adorno, Theodor, 78, 147

The Aesthetics of Music (Scruton), 4

Africa, 127, 176; African music, 58, 74

African Americans, 176–77

Age of Discovery, 5

alap, 130, 184–85n24

Albert, Martin, 91

Alexander the Great, 29

Al-Farabi, 28, 128

Al-Ghazali, 120, 128

Al-Kindi, 28, 128

All Things Considered (radio program), 173

amusia, 78

Andaman Islanders, 165

animal music, 17–19, 21, 23, 25–27, 30, 33–34, 186–87n9, 191n84; and mating rituals, 31; and musical scales, 29; and rhythm, 28–29

anthropology, 22

apartheid, 184n20

aphasia, 78

Aristotle, 17–18, 28, 121, 128, 213n8; and common sensibles, 108

Arizona, 165

Armstrong, Louis, 25, 35

arousal theory, 128–29, 131, 134–35

art, 19

Artusi, Giovanni, 217n18

“Ascension” (song), 178, 227n13

Asia, 149

atonal music, 5

attunement, 152–53

Austin, J. L., 92; speech acts, behabitive class of, 98

Australia, 111

autosegmental theory of intonation, 84

Azerbaijan, 35

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 35–36, 45, 167

Bach, C. P. E., 124

Bach’s Cello Suites, 5

Bali, 114–15; Balinese music, 60, 68, 72, 75

Balkwill, Laura-Lee, 139–40

Banerjee, Pandit Nikhil, 5

Banse, Rainer, 89

Barenboim, Daniel, 12

Barrington, Daines, 189n33

Barthes, Roland, 94

Basongye tribe, 127

Batteux, Charles, 2

Beardsley, Monroe, 164

Beatles, 7, 184n20

beats, 40–41, 86, 196–97n63

Beattie, James, 122

Becker, Judith, 4, 115–16, 142, 151–52, 155, 157, 215n41, 215n42, 216n14, 226n55

Beethoven, 35–36, 90, 119, 185n31

Benamou, Marc, 140–41

Benzon, William L., 213n11

Berkowitz, Norman, 201n43

Berliner, Paul, 136

Bernstein, Leonard, 93, 97, 100, 209–10n85, 212n114

Berry, Chuck, 35

Besson, Mireille, 207n48

Beyond the Pleasure Principle (Freud), 154

bhajans, 155–56

bhava, 124, 128

birdsong, 18, 24–26, 29, 31–32, 35, 188n20; and mantra, 100

Blacking, John, 17, 19, 21–23, 37, 100, 176, 186–87n9, 187n10

Blood, Anne, 143

blues, 35

Boernstein, W. S., 112, 214n31

Book of Songs (The Shih Jing), 119, 123

Bornstein, Marc, 107, 109–10

Boulanger, Richard C., 194n37

Bowie, Andrew, 97, 211n111

Bowlby, John, 197n67

Boyoyo Boys, 184n20

Brandily, Monique, 196n59

Bregman, Albert, 43–44, 151

Brendel, Alfred, 161

Bridge over Troubled Waters (Simon and Garfunkel), 184n20

Bright, William, 90

Brown, Steven, 82, 84–85, 87

Budd, Malcolm, 211n113

Buddhism, 149–50

Bulgaria, 35

Burke, Deborah, 86

Burns, Edward M., 46, 195–96n52

Bushmen, 62

Cabaret (film), 169

Cage, John, 20, 188n17

Cajuns, 99

Canada, 140

cantometrics, 62, 201n43; and chi-square test, 63

Cantrick, Robert, 187n12

cantus firmus, 159

Cantus Quercus Press, 227n5

Carterette, 210n101

Carter, Jimmy, 192n89

Casablanca (film), 99

Castle, Louis-Bertrand, 213n8

categorical perception, 81, 83–84

Chad, 196n59

Chang, Hsing Wu, 44

Chao, Y. R., 41

Cher, 180

Chernoff, John, 58

Child, Peter, 210n89

China, 35, 123–24, 127; Chinese language, 207n41; Chinese music, 5

Chomsky, Noam, 93

Chou Tun-I (Zhou Dunyi), 127

chromatic scale, 46

Chuang Tzu, 78

circle of fifths, 40

Clapton, Eric, 145

Clarke, Eric, 185n30

Clement of Alexandria, 25

clicks, 81

climbing pitch, 29

Clynes, Manfred, 197n67, 215n38; and sentic states, 114

Cochin (China), 6

cognitive mapping, 116

Cole, Natalie, 167

Cole, Nat King, 167, 177

Coltrane, John, 178, 227n13

Commentary on Luria’s Songs (Sarug), 165

Condon, William, 86, 88, 102

Congreve, William, 119

consensus theory, 84

consonance, 21, 39, 45–46, 143; and acoustics, 38; as context dependent, 38; and relaxation, 50

Cook, Nicholas, 68, 195–96n52, 202n57, 211n110

Cooke, Deryck, 119

counterpoint, 4

crescendo, 29

Critchley, MacDonald, 214n26

Cross, Ian, 100

culture, 15

Cytowic, Richard, 109, 112–13

Damasio, Antonio, 133

Damon of Athens, 128

Danto, Arthur, 188n13

“Dark Was the Night” (song), 35

Darwin, Charles, 3, 25–29, 95, 132

Darwin, Francis, 26

dastgāh, 119–20, 216n6

Davidson, R. J., 132

Davies, Stephen, 41, 57, 68–69, 74, 76, 107, 118, 125, 135, 184n21, 185n31, 189n24, 190n53, 195–96n52, 201n31, 202–3n60, 204n86, 211n113, 212–13n141, 218n49, 221n102, 224n18; and Doggy Theory, 218n48

deafness, 14, 111, 185n31

Debussy, Claude, 6, 195–96n52

Derrida, Jacques, 205n15

The Descent of Man (Darwin), 95

Deutsch, Diana, 194n37, 198n75

Dewey, John, 130

DeWoskin, Kenneth, 218n40, 222n122

dhamar, 70

Dibben, Nicola, 211n110

didgeridoo, 69

discrete scale pitches, 81, 84–85

dissonance, 21, 38–39, 44–45, 143, 198n82; and tension, 50

dodecaphonic music, 6–7

dogs, 28

Donald, Merlin, 214n22

Donan, Raia, 5

Dowling, W. Jay, 33, 38–39, 47, 84, 87, 159, 166, 184n18, 194n39, 195–96n52, 197n67, 198n77, 200n7, 206n38, 225–26n53

Drake, Sir Francis, 5–6

Drayush, Safvat, 216n6

Dukas, Paul, 6

early music, 178

East Asians, 175

Ebb, Fred, 227n2

Edelman, Gerald, 115–16

Eilers, Rebecca, 69–70

Ekman, Paul, 220n87; basic vs. nonbasic emotions, 132

ektal, 70

“El Condor Pasa” (song), 184n20

Ellis, Catherine J., 194n39

emotion: acoustic cues of, 139; mirroring of, 135–36; vs. mood, 131–33; and music, 2, 10–12, 121–24, 126–36, 139, 141–42, 217n26, 218n40, 222–23n123; as performancespecific, 141; and prosody, 139; security, reinforcing feelings of, 12

emotional arousal: and happiness, 142

emotional contagion, 173, 221n102

emotional regulation, 219n60

empathy: and music, 177, 179

entrainment, 52, 146, 169, 199n91; and hearing, 151; and infants, 152

Epstein, David, 47, 197n68

equal temperament, 39, 41, 193n17, 193n18. See also tempered tuning

Erickson, Edwin, 63, 200n9

Ernoff, Ron, 99

essentialism, 13

Ethiopia, 91

ethnicity: and sectarianism, 170

ethnomusicology, 8, 14, 22–23

ethos theory, 128

Europe, 3

European Union, 65

European vocal styles, 61

Eva Man (Man Kit-Wah), 207n47

evolutionary theory, 25

Exposition Universelle, 6

expression theory, 123–24, 134–35

Fahrenheit 9/11 (film), 169

Fantasia (film), 107

Feld, Steven, 24, 63–64, 72, 103, 118, 120, 199n87, 207–8n52; and interpretive moves, 117

Fernald, Anne, 89

“Fire, Water, Burn” (song), 226n1

flash, 156

flash mob, 171, 175, 179, 227n4; emotional contagion, 173; as large-scale cooperation, 174; as participatory event, 172; physical impact of, 173; and social bonding, 173; as voluntary, 174

flow, 156, 164–65

folk song, 62

foreign music, 3, 139, 148, 170, 175–76, 178; appreciation of, 64; challenge of, 68, 73; and children, 177; difficulty with, 69–73; enculturated cues v. perceptual cues, 140; familiarity, developing with, 74–76; and mismatch negativity, 71; new schemata, developing of for, 73–74; and ornamentation, 72; and otherness, 70; and recordings, 180; understanding of, 69

Forster, E. M., 72–73

4'33" (Cage), 20, 188n17

frameworks of discrete pitches, 46

Francès, Robert, 199n85

Freeman, Walter, 31

Freud, Sigmund, 154

Frick, Robert W., 206n24

Frijda, Nico H., 220n90

Gabrielsson, Alf, 138, 144, 220n83

Garson, James, 5

General M. D. Shirinda and the Gaza Sisters, 184n20

A Generative Theory of Tonal Music (Lerdahl and Jackendoff), 93, 212n117

Georgia, 35

Gestalt principles, 47–49, 81, 86, 93–94, 163, 197n71, 200n7

Gjerdingen, Robert, 73

Glennie, Evelyn, 185n31

Goehr, Lydia, 19

Goethe, 17, 99

Goldberg, Morris, 184n20

Goldie, Peter, 220n86

Goodman, Nelson, 83, 206n36

Gordon, Graham, 26

Graceland (Simon), 7, 184n20

Gracyk, Theodore, 225n35, 225n44

Greece, 71

“Greensleeves” (song), 122

Gregory, Stanford, 86, 102, 215n45

Griffiths, Paul, 188n14

group identification, 170, 173

hāl, 156, 225n28

“Half-Breed” (song), 180

Hamilton, John, 97

Hamlet, 182

Hammeal, Robin, 107, 109–10

Hanslick, Eduard, 2, 27–28, 78, 122–24, 134, 140, 190n51, 223n129; on absolute music, 217n23

hardingfele (fiddle) music, 71

harmonic dissonances, 50

Harnish, David, 75

Harrán, Don, 196n61

Harrison, George, 7, 184n20

Hartshorne, Charles, 24, 30, 108

Harwood, Dane, 33, 38–39, 43–44, 47, 57–58, 76, 84, 87, 159, 166, 184n18, 194n39, 195–96n52, 197n67, 198n77, 200n7, 206n38, 225–26n53

Hawaiians, 33, 99

hearing: physiology of, 150–52, 168; and rhythmic entrainment, 151

“The Hebrides” (Mendelssohn), 117

Hegel, 96

Heine, Heinrich, 124

Helm, Nancy, 91

Helson, Harry, 38–39

Henderson, David, 155

Henry VIII, 122

Herder, J. G., 124

Herndon, Marcia, 156

Hevner, Kate, 217n26

high fidelity music, 67

Hindemith, Paul, 129, 220n74

Hindustani music, 58, 72, 120, 130, 140, 155, 184–85n24

Hodeir, André, 141, 222n117

Hodges, Donald, 30–31

Hoffmann, E. T. A., 2, 96, 211n110

Hong Kong, 1

Hood, Mantle, 42

Hopkins, Pandorah, 71, 193n20

Hornbostel, Erich von: amodal sensory qualities, 112

Howlin’ Wolf, 24

How the Mind Works (Pinker), 94

How Musical Is Man? (Blacking), 37, 176

Hullah, John Pyke, 3

Hulse, Sir Edward, 55

Hulse, Steward, 194n37

human beings: and creativity, 32; and meaningfulness, 34; as musical, 20, 23–25

human pitch perception, 81

human psychology, 47–48

Hume, David, 173

Huron, David, 49, 57, 70, 73, 75, 192n10, 197–98n74, 202n48

Hurricane Jean, 123

Husain, Gabriela, 133, 143, 223n125

Huttenlocher, Janellen, 86

Ibn Sina, 28, 121, 128, 162, 219n69

idiopathic synesthesia, 112–13, 213n2; and colored hearing, 107

idiophones, 202n59

“Imagine” (song), 65–66

Imberty, Michel, 200n15

imitation/representation theory, 134–35

imitation theory, 121–23, 135

India, 35, 71, 90, 111, 127–28, 187n12; Indian music, microtones in, 184–85n24

Individuals (Strawson), 215n35

Indonesia, 76

instrumental music, 25, 91–92, 121–22

instruments: speech patterns, mimicking of, 91

internal of the fifth, 58

intervals, 38–40, 50, 57, 69, 192n7

intonation: and communicative intent, 90

intonational languages, 85

The Invasion of the Body Snatchers (film), 36

Irama, Rhoma, 76

Iraq, 169

Irish music, 72

Islam, 77

Islay, 28

Italy, 62, 115

Iversen, John R., 198n78

Jackendoff, Ray, 39, 43, 47, 56, 86, 93–94, 197n71, 198n77, 200n9

Jalsevac, Steve, 174

James, William, 95

Japan, 4, 35, 81–82, 114, 140; Japanese music, 5, 20–21, 130

Java, 6, 35, 69, 226n55; Javanese music, 5–6, 41, 60

jazz, 35, 178; fixed tune in, 159

jhala, 130

Ji Kang, 124, 218n40

Johnson, Blind Willie, 35

Johnson, Mark, 94, 210n93

jor, 130

Josquin, 36

“Joy to the World,” 45

Jürgens, Uwe, 31

Juslin, Patrik, 30, 82, 131–32, 139–40, 142, 160, 206n24

Kaluli, 111, 120, 127, 189n41, 199n87; and Kaluli music, 24, 72, 214n26

Kander, John, 227n2

Kansas City, 171–74

Kant, Immanuel, 24, 191–92n85, 213n8

Karnatic, 120

Keil, Charles, 141–42, 222n119

Kendall, Roger A., 210n101

Kennick, William, 211n113

Kenya, 29

khali, 70

kinesthesis, 107, 112, 214n31

Kivy, Peter, 9, 125–26, 129, 131, 184–85n24, 220n76; and Doggy Theory, 218n48; and garden-variety emotions, 152

Koelsch, Stefan, 90

Koffka, Kurt, 198n77

Koopman, Constantijn, 118

Kota tribe, 111

krar, 91

Krumhansl, Carol, 69

Kruyt, J. G., 83

Kumalo, Bakithi, 184n20

Kwakiutl tribe, 60–61

Ladysmith Black Mambazo, 7, 184n20

Laing, R. D., 145–46, 149–50, 154

Lakoff, George, 94, 210n93

Langer, Susanne K., 96, 124, 129, 217n29, 218n40; music, as logical form, 123

language, 20; and artificial languages, 92; as deficient, 211n113; evolution of, 94; as formal system, 92; and grammar, 87; and infants, 88–89, 205n18, 208n54, 209n68; iterability, as essence of, 205n15; and “motherese,” 88, 208n62, 208n64; and music, 9, 11, 77–81, 83, 91–104, 117, 205n15, 207n48, 210n94, 211n113; musical characteristics of, 87; philosophy of, 102; propositions, conveying of, 102–3; social functions of, 92; and syntax, 93–94; thought, as model for, 79, 102–3. See also speech

Lansky, Paul, 24

larger-integer ratios, 45

Larkin, Philip, 227n13

Laukka, Petri, 30, 82, 139, 142

Law of Prägnanz, 198n77

Leibniz, Gottfried, 47

Lennon, John, 65, 132

Lerdahl, Fred, 39, 43, 47, 56, 86, 93–94, 197n71, 198n77, 200n9, 206n36

Levinson, Jerrold, 125, 185n25, 187n11, 188n18, 218n47, 224n17, 224n18; concatenationist view of, 219n56

Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 1, 78

lexicoding, 32–33

Lidov, David, 80, 91, 103, 206n25, 210n89, 215n38; and solipsism, 227–28n17

The Life of Reason (Santayana), 95

“Lili Marlene” (song), 115

Lippman, Edward, 217n32

listening, 14, 22, 53, 56, 117, 120, 134, 144; as active engagement, 15, 137–38; affective perspective of, 126–27, 129–30; arousal of emotion in, 128–29, 141; and background music, 186n36; connection, sense of, 180; as dynamic activity, 136–37; experience, nuances of, 141; music, identification with, 138; and valence, 143; and vitality affects, 153

Liszt, Franz, 108

literature, and music, 181

liturgical music, 158–59

Lockwood, Rev. S., 26

Lomax, Alan, 61–63, 71, 159, 201n43

London, Justin, 94, 98–99, 199n91

London Philharmonic, 179

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 2

Lorenz, Konrad, 100

Louisiana, 99

“A Love Supreme” (song), 227n13

Lucretius, 25

Lushai, 90

Lynch, Michael, 69–70

lyrics, 180

Mâche, François-Bernard, 29, 59, 201n25

Maconie, Robin, 26–27

Mahler, Gustav, 138, 144

Malaysia, 120, 127

Malm, William, 60

Malpas, Jeffrey, 215n35

Mandarin Chinese, 84–85. See also putonghua

Mandler, George, 203n61

mantra: and bird songs, 100

marching songs, 52

Marks, Lawrence, 107–10

Marler, Peter, 32

Maxwell, Marilyn, 200n2

mbira, 202–3n60

McFee, Graham, 96

McGee, Dennis, 99

McLeod, Norma, 156

Mehler, Jacques, 89

“Melancholy Blues” (song), 35

melodic contour, 44, 50, 81–83, 89

melodic dissonances, 50

melodic fission, 45; and centering, 200n9

melody, 51, 58; and continuity, 163; and emotion, 82; and intervals, 57; in unfamiliar foreign music, 54

Mendelssohn, Felix, 96, 211n110

Merker, Björn, 26

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 108

Merriam, Alan, 100, 127, 162, 165–66, 219n57

Messiah (Handel), 171

Mexico, 35, 114

Meyer, Leonard B., 47–49, 57, 129–30, 135, 141–42, 160, 163, 198n77, 202n49, 203n64, 219n55, 224n17

microtones, 184–85n24

Miller, Geoffrey, 25

Miller, George, 46

Missa Solemnis (Beethoven), 119

Molino, Jean, 95

monkeys, 26–28, 190n53, 191n84. See also animal music

mood theory: and emotion, 131–35, 143

Moore, Michael, 169

Morgenbesser, Sydney, 212–13n141

Morton, E. S., 31

movement, 24; and music, 50, 53–54

Mozart, 35

Mtshali, Isaac, 184n20

music: accelerating patterns in, 57; and arithmetic, 47; as artifacts, 57; and associations, 103; and brain structures, 143; and categories, 103, 191n81; centering tone, 57–58; change, effect on, 147; classificatory definitions, 20–21; common humanity, as vehicle for recognizing, 2, 12, 16, 34–35; conservatism of, 158–62, 165, 168; continuity, of time, 162–65, 167–68; cooperation, as facilitator of, 30; creationist debate over, 24; cross-cultural communication, 2, 7, 10–12, 15, 54, 57, 63, 68, 77, 105, 107, 114, 118, 139–41, 144, 155, 174–75, 179; and cross-modal stimulation, 113, 116–18; cultural memory, and transgenerational connection, 167; and deafness, 14, 111, 185n31; as defined, 19–22, 27, 187n10, 187n12, 188n18; of divine origin, 25; ecstatic state, achieving of through, 155–57; and emotion, 2, 10–12, 64, 118–24, 126–36, 139, 141–42, 217n26, 218n40, 222–23n123; emotional communication, across time, 144, 167–68; and empathy, 177, 179; ethical impact of, 10, 127–28; as ethnocentric, 22, 170, 175; and evaluations, 103; evaluative criteria, 67–68; evaluative universals, 59, 75; expression theory, 123–24; and familiarity, 161–62; feelings, arousal of, 132, 211n113; and flash, 156; and flow, 156, 164–65; futurity in, 164; Gestalt principles, 47, 86, 163; goal-directed character of, 130; and goodwill, 55; grammar of, 87, 93, 210n87; and grief, 120, 154; group membership, 117–18, 168; and happiness, 114–15, 116, 142–44, 215n45, 217n27; healing potential of, 12, 30; honorific definitions, 20–21; and human activity, 49–54; and human intentionality, 26; and human superiority, 25–26; as hybridized, 7, 15; imitation theory, 121–23; immediacy of, 181; importance of, 17; individual response to, 15; ineffability of, 96–98; and infants, 197n67, 208n60; and intentionality, 27; internalized templates of, 8; internal repetition in, 57; interpersonal solidarity, promoter of, 30; interpretive moves in, 103–4; kinesthetic involvement of, 112; as language, 9, 11, 77–81, 83, 87, 91–104, 117, 205n15, 207n48, 210n94, 211n113; limbic system, 112–13; listeners’ experiences of, 14; and locations, 103; and mantra, 100; and meaning, 32–34, 53–54, 92, 96–97, 99–100, 104; as mnemonic, 190–91n63; moods, as eliciting, 131–35, 143; and mourning, 139, 216n12; and movement, 50, 53–54, 112; and multi-modal perception, 111; musical universals, 36, 41–43, 65, 75–76; near-universals, 42, 58–59, 120; negative emotions, 154, 155, 224n18; new music, learning of, and sense of identity, 176; and noise, 21; and novelty, 160, 162; object, as requiring, 131–32; olfactory metaphors for, 111, 214n24; as open concept, 19, 22; as participatory, 176; and persona, 125–27; physical movement to, 112–13; physiology of hearing, 150–52, 168; and poetry, 86, 97, 212n115; political roles of, 10, 52; as polysemic, 100–101, 212n136; and prepositions, 79; as presentational, 123; and priming, 90–91; propagandistic roles of, 10; purposes of, 30; recordings of, and kinship, 180–81; and reflections, 103; and relaxation, 58; repetition in, 58, 60, 158–61, 165, 168; and reward systems, 143–44; and rhythmic movements, 112; in ritual, 76; and sadness, 114–15, 116, 133, 143, 154–55, 215n45, 217n27; and sectarianism, 12, 169–70; security, as evoking feelings of, 144–50, 153–58, 162, 167–68, 170, 177, 182; semantics, as lacking, 95–97, 100–101, 214n34; and sense of belonging, 148, 150, 158–59, 170; sense of membership, 165–66; and sense of self, 155–57; as shared experience, 35, 148, 150, 157–58; and signification, 99; as social practice, 15; sociocultural ideals, as reflection of, 61–65; as solipsistic, 227–28n17; and sound, 19–20, 22, 44; and speech, 85, 91, 210n101, 212n118, 212n119; as stimulus, 116; strangers, mutual sympathy among, 170; structural universals of, 56–59; symbolic character of, 76–77; as synchronizing activity, 52; synesthetic associations of, 105–7, 110–11, 114, 116, 118; and syntax, 93–94; and thought, 102–3; transcultural universals vs. pancultural universals, 59; as traversing time, 36; universality of, 10, 13, 18, 65, 117, 124, 146, 148, 182, 209–10n85; as universal language, 1–2, 6–7; as useless, 94–95; as utterances, 57; variety of, and universals, 65; and valence, 142–43; values, expression of, 166; and violence, 169; and visual images, 64; vitality, communication of, 168; vitality affects, 153, 166; women, and sexual mores regarding, 62; and words, 76. See also high fidelity music; participatory music; presentational music; studio audio art

Musical Elaborations (Said), 161

musical instruments, 24

musicality, 13; criteria of, 34; as human trait, 14, 17, 37

Musical Languages (Swain), 101

music-making, 14–15, 22–24, 61, 67, 176, 181; mutuality, feeling of, 179

Muzak, 30

My Fair Lady (film), 104

Narmour, Eugene, 49

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 34, 192n87

Native American music, 60; vocal styles of, 61

Nattiez, Jean-Jacques, 94, 193n28, 200n10

Nātyaśāstra, 128, 222n112

Navajo, 35, 90

N’Dour, Youssou, 184n20

Neo-Futurists, 90

Nepalese music, 155

Nettl, Bruno, 36, 57–59, 195–96n52, 204n87

neumes, 47, 196n61

neuronal group selection theory, 115

neuropsychology, 78

New Caledonia, 65–66

New Guinea, 24, 35

Nietzche, Friedrich, 2, 52, 55, 99, 106, 111, 161–62

Nigerian music, 20

nightingales, 24

Nikkal, 36

Ninth Symphony (Beethoven), 5, 64–65, 172

noble savage myth, 6

Noh theater, 123

noise: and music, 21; and signals, 43–44, 80; and spoken language, 80–81

non-European music: as exotica, 6

nontonal languages, 84. See also tonal languages

non-Western music, 4–5, 8, 74; and tape recorder, 7. See also world music

Nooteboom, S. G., 83

North Indian classical music, 70

“Norwegian Wood” (song), 184n20

Nussbaum, Charles, 51, 53, 112, 176

Nussbaum, Martha, 133

Ochs, Elinor, 208n62

octave equivalence, 44

“Ode to Joy” (song), 64–65, 172, 202n48

Of Grammatology (Derrida), 205n15

Ohgushi, Kengo, 198n78

oli chant, 195–96n52

On the Musically Beautiful (Hanslick), 122

Ontario (Canada), 174

ontological security, 145–46, 148–50, 170; and disturbing emotions, 154; objections to, 153–57

ornamentation, 39, 72–73, 193n15

overtones, 38–39

Palais du Trocadéro, 6

Paley, William, 25

pancultural universals, 75; as evaluative criteria, 59

Panzarella, Robert, 156

Papousek, Hanus, 87

Papua New Guinea, 111, 120, 127

paradigm, 20, 22, 42

participatory discrepancies, 141–42, 222n121

participatory music, 67–68, 75, 176

A Passage to India (Forster), 72

Patel, Aniruddh, 32–33, 39, 48–49, 51, 73–74, 82, 91, 185n29, 188n20, 191n84, 198n78, 201n31, 204n85, 204–5n8, 218n52, 222n121

Pater, Walter, 144

Pawnee Indians, 165

Payne, Katharine, 32

Peirce, Charles Sanders, 163

pentatonic scales, 39

perception: universal features of, 13

Peretz, Isabelle, 82

performance: and participatory discrepancies, 141–42; and vital drive, 141

periodicity, 206n38

Perlman, Marc, 69

Perrot, David, 73

persona, 125–27, 218n47, 218n49, 218n52

Peru, 35

Perullo, Alex, 202n51

Phiri, Ray, 184n20

phonemes, 83, 87

phonocoding, 32

phonology, 84

photisms, 107, 213n4

physical tonus: and spatial orientation, 112

physiology of hearing. See hearing

Pima Indians, 165

Pinker, Steven, 94, 210n94

pitch, 44, 50, 52, 57, 82, 87, 111; categorically, as perceived, 45; and discrete scale pitches, 81, 84–85; and height, 50–51; as hierarchically organized, 46; importance of, 84; and pitch proximity, 45, 48, 54; and pitch reversal, 48, 197–98n74; standardizing of, 85

Plains Indians, 61

Plato, 121, 128

playful attention, 137–38

poetry: and music, 86, 97, 212n115

Politics (Aristotle), 18

polyphonic singing: and gender equality, 63

polysemy, 100–101

Pope, Alexander, 158

Powers, Harold S., 216n7

prägnanz, 48, 163

Pratt, Carroll C., 119, 129

presentational music, 67–68

Presley, Elvis, 112

primitive music, 3

The Principles of Psychology (James), 95

prosody, 82–83, 88, 90, 104, 118; and emotion, 139

Proust, Marcel, 78, 106

putonghua, 84. See also Mandarin Chinese

Pygmy, 62

Pythagoras, 38–39

qin, 5

Qu’ran, 120

Radford, Colin, 27–28, 133

Raffman, Diana, 95, 97–98, 100, 214n34, 225n44

ragas, 120, 127, 130, 140, 157, 184–85n24, 200n9, 216n7

rasas, 124, 128, 219n64; and rasa theory, 222n112

The Raw and the Cooked (Lévi-Strauss), 1

recorded music: connection, sense of, 181; and foreign music, 180

recording technology, 7, 65, 166, 185–86n34

Repp, Bruno, 53

rhythm, 47, 51–52, 71, 81, 85–87, 146, 151; and animals, 28–29; and patterns, 58; and tones, 57–58

rhythm and blues, 35

rhythmic entrainment. See entrainment

“The Ride of the Valkyries” (opera), 117

Ridley, Aaron, 126–27, 132, 217n23, 221n99, 224n18

The Rite of Spring (Stravinsky), 39, 192n10

ritual: and music, 76

Robinson, Jenefer, 218n48

rock music, 178, 225n35; as malleable, 66

rock opera, 66

Romantics, 96–97, 101, 123, 211n113

Rorty, Richard, 175

Rosen, Charles, 4

Rossini, Gioachino, 2

Rostropovich, Mstislav, 5

Rouget, Gilbert, 120, 155

Rowell, Lewis, 120, 165, 216n7

Rubber Soul (Beatles), 184n20

Sachs, Curt, 5, 199n85, 215n40

Sacks, Oliver, 14, 164

Saffran, Jenny, 32

Safvate, Dariouche, 156

Sagan, Carl, 35

“Sahabat” (“Friends”) (song), 76

Said, Edward, 161

Salinas, Francisco de, 25, 206n21

Samaritans, 195–96n52

Sander, Louis, 86, 88

sanjo music, 195–96n52

Santayana, George, 95

Sarug, Israel, 165

scales, 46, 54, 69–70, 195–96n52

Schellenberg, Glenn, 48, 133, 197–98n74

Scherer, Klaus, 89, 190–91n63, 217n26

Schiller, 64–65

Schneider, Albrecht, 203n69

Schön, Daniele, 207n48

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 2, 64–65

Schutz, Alfred, 52, 199n94

Scruton, Roger, 4–5, 27, 35, 96, 183n7, 186n6, 190n49

Seaforth Highlanders, 55

seals, 28, 190n52

Searle, John, 99

sectarianism: and ethnicity, 170; and music, 169–70

security: as existential, 148; as ontological, 145–46, 148; sense of belonging, 148

Seeger, Anthony, 127

Seeger, Charles, 91

self, 224n24

semantics, 95–97, 100–101, 214n34

semiotics, 94

semitones, 39–40, 57, 192–93n14

Senegal, 35

sentic states: and output modalities, 114

serial music, 7

Shaheen, Simon, 82

Shakespeare, William, 17

shakuhachi music, 195–96n52

Shankar, Ravi, 157, 179

Shaw, Gordon L., 28

Shieffelin, Bambi B., 208

Shonagon, Sei, 181

signals: and noise, 80

signification, 99

“Silent Night” (song), 56

Silent Night: The Story of the World War I Christmas Truce (Weintraub), 55

Simon and Garfunkel, 184n20

Simon, Paul, 7, 184n20

Singer, Alice, 200–201n18

Slater, Peter J. B., 26, 29, 31

“Sleeping Beauty,” 161

Sloboda, John, 31, 47, 52, 83, 131–32, 160, 195n46

small-integer ratios, 45

Smith, Adam, 122, 217n27

Socrates, 121

Solomon Islands, 35

Solomon, Robert C., 133, 220n86, 221n99

song: speech contours, difference between, 82

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (Dukas), 6

sound: meaning, assignment of to, 32; and music, 19–20, 22, 44; and spatial position, 51

South Africa, 184n20

Spain, 62

Sparks, Robert, 91

spatiality, 107

speech, 207n41, 207–8n52, 211n113; acoustic potentials of, 101–2; and combinatorial syntax, 87; and music, 85, 91, 210n101, 212n118, 212n119; open-slot formulas in, 85, 207n49. See also language

speech act theory, 92, 98

Staal, Frits, 100

“The Star Spangled Banner” (song), 48

Stern, Daniel, 213–14n20, 215n36, 223n8; and activation contour, 110; and attunement, 152–53; and categorical affects, 152; infants, and vitality affects, 110–11

Stimela, 184n20

Stokes, Martin, 170

Stoquerus, Gaspar, 25

Stravinsky, Igor, 35, 39, 123

Strawson, P. F., 215n35

studio audio art, 67

Suyá people, 127

Swain, Joseph P., 80, 87, 101–2, 208n57, 212n118

swing: and vital drive, 141

syllables: duration of, as uneven, 81, 85

Symphony (Shankar), 179

synchrony, 86

synesthesia, 11, 106–7, 114, 116, 118; and children, 109; and cross-modal experience, 108–10; as familiar, 108–9; and hippocampus, 112–13; and thinking, 214n31

syntax, 82–83, 208n57; as combinatorial, 87

talas, 226n56

tala tintal, 70

Tanzanian hip-hop, 202n51

tape recorder: and non-Western music, 7

tarab, 120, 216n14

Tau Ea Matsekha, 184n20

Teletubbies (television program), 88, 208n64

Temiar, 120, 127

tempered tuning, 39–41. See also equal temperament

tempo keeping, 47

temporal intervals, 47

temporal patterns, 46

Tenth Symphony (Mahler), 138, 144

Thom, Paul: and playful attention, 137–38

Thompson, William, 133, 139–40

tihai phenomenon, 58

Titanic (film), 135

Tolstoy, Leo, 98–99

Tommy (The Who), 66

“Tomorrow Belongs to Me” (song), 169

tonality, 4–5, 183–84n10; as term, 183n4

tonal languages, 84–85, 218n36. See also nontonal languages

tonal music, 4–5, 33, 93–94, 183n4, 194n37; as universal goal, 3

tones, 40, 46, 71, 83–84

Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind, 90, 209n73

Torah chant, 200n9

traditional musical cultures, 66

traditional non-Western music, 8

Trainor, Laurel J., 74, 204n82

trance experiences, 115, 155, 157, 215n41

transcultural universals, 60, 75; as stimulus properties, 59

Trehub, Sandra, 36, 44, 74, 88, 204n82, 221n110

Tuamotus people, 127

Turino, Thomas, 67–68, 75, 100, 158–60, 172–73, 202–3n60

The Unanswered Question (Bernstein), 93

uneven step size, 46

United States, 20, 67, 71, 114, 145, 176

universality: as term, 10

valence, 142–43

van Damme, Wilfried, 59–60, 64

Varèse, Edgar, 186–87n9

Varro, Marcus Terentius, 190n51

Västfjäll, Daniel, 131

Venda people, 176

Vincentino, Nicola, 217n27

vital drive, 141, 222n119, 222n121

vitality affects, 166, 223n8; as amodal, 152, 213–14n20; and infants, 114; and sense of being, 153

vocal music, 25; and cultural differences, 60–61

voice: tone of, 82

von Hippel, Paul, 75, 197–98n74

von Hornbostel, E. M., 111

Vox 5 (Wishart), 24

Voyager (spacecraft), 34, 145

Wagner, Richard, 96, 102

Waldheim, Kurt, 192n89

Walker, Robert, 44, 60–61

Walton, Susan Pratt, 201n31

War and Peace (Tolstoy), 98–99

Ward, W. Dixon, 46, 195–96n52

Warren, Richard M., 83

Warren, Roslyn P., 83

Weintraub, Stanley, 55

“We Shall Overcome” (song), 176

Western music, 8, 22, 39–41, 46, 51, 60–61, 69, 73–74, 111, 114–15, 124, 130, 155, 175, 184–85n24, 201n20, 215n40; and “law of three,” 58; and neumes, 47; and recording technology, 65; structural diversity within, 4; superiority of, 4

Western philosophy, 10; and non-Western music, 9

whale song, 24, 31–32, 35, 188n20

Whaling, Carol, 26

Wheeler, R. H., 214n31

Widdess, Richard, 216n7

Wilson, W. R., 160

Wishart, Trevor, 24

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 78, 92, 124

“Wooden Ships” (song), 226n64

work songs, 52

world music, 5, 8, 65–66. See also non-Western music

World Trade Center, 132

world traveling, 203n74

Xunzi, 119, 123, 167

Yothu Yindi, 2

Yunupingu, Mandawuy, 2

Zaire, 35

Zajonc, Robert, 160–61

Zarlino, 25, 217n18, 217n27

Zatorre, Robert, 143

Zentner, Marcel, 190–91n63, 217n26

Zhu Zaiyu, 193n17

Zuckerkandl, Victor, 163–64

Zulu, 81