Adams, Abigail
Adams, John
commends Notes on Virginia
reconciles with TJ
rejects Sally Hemings story
on Theognis
as TJ’s political opponent
writes TJ on reliving life
Adams, John Quincy
American Colonization Society
Appleby, Joyce
Arnold, Benedict
Austen, Jane

Bacon, Edmund
Bacon, Francis
Baldwin, James
Bankhead, Anne Randolph
Bankhead, Charles
Banneker, Benjamin
Barbauld, Anna Letitia
Barlow, Joel
Barlow, Ruth
Barrow, David
Barry, William T.
Bartlett, Josiah
Barton, Benjamin Smith
Becker, Ernest
Belknap, Jeremy
Bellini, Charles
Bentley, William
Bienville, Dr. M. D. T. de
blood (as social/racial inheritance)
body (as cultural category) skin color
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John
Bonaparte, Napoleon
Bonnet, Charles
Boorstin, Daniel
Bordeu, Théophile de
Braddick, Jane
Browere, John
Brown, Dr. Samuel
Buchan, Dr. William Bulfinch, George
Burke, Edmund
Burr, Aaron
Burr, Theodosia Prevost
Burwell, Nathaniel
Byron, George Gordon

Cabell, Joseph C.
Caldwell, Charles
Caleb Williams. See Godwin, William
Callender, James T.
Carr, Dabney (father)
Carr, Dabney (son/judge)
Carr, Peter
Carr, Samuel
Carter, Robert
Cathalan, Stephen
Cervantes, Miguel de
Chastellux, Marquis de
Cheyne, Dr. George
Child, Lydia Maria
Clinton, DeWitt
Clinton, Sir Henry
Cocke, John Hartwell
Coker, Daniel
Colbert, Burwell
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Coles, Edward
Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de
Conkin, Paul K.
Coolidge, Ellen Wayles Randolph
decries slavery
denies TJ-Hemings relationship
and Frances Wright
and maidservant Sally
religious views
visits Monticello after TJ’s death
Coolidge, Joseph
Cooper, James Fenimore
Cooper, Thomas
Corneille, Pierre
Cornwallis, Lord Charles
Correa da Serra, Abbé
Cosway, Maria
Crawford, William H.

Damasio, Antonio Dandridge, Ann
Dearborn, Henry
Declaration of Independence
Trumbull’s painting of
Delaplaine, Joseph
DeQuincey, Thomas
Descartes, René
Destutt de Tracy
Diderot, Denis
Diogenes Laertius
Dunglison, Dr. Robley
Dunglison, Harriette Leadam
Dunmore, Lord
Dwight, Timothy

Ebeling, Christoph Daniel
Edgeworth, Maria
Edgeworth, Richard Lovell
Ely, Ezra Stiles
Emmett, John P.
Eppes, Jack
Eppes, Maria Jefferson
Eppes, Martha
Eustis, Dr. William
Everett, Edward
Ewell, Dr. James

Faulkner, William
Fellows, John
Forster, E. M.
Foucault, Michel
Franklin, Benjamin

Gallatin, Albert
Gallatin, Hannah Nicholson
Garrett, Alexander
Gay, Peter
Genlis, Comtesse de
Giles, William Branch
Gillette, Fanny
Gilmer, Francis Walker
Gilmer, Thomas Walker
Gilpin, Henry
Girardin, Louis
Godwin, William
Caleb Williams
Gordon-Reed, Annette
Gray, Francis
Greene, Nathanael

Hall, Francis
Hamilton, Alexander sex scandal
Hannah (slave)
Hatch, Rev. Frederick
Hazlitt, William
Heaton, James
Hemings, Beverely
Hemings, Elizabeth (Betty)
Hemings, Ellen Wayles
Hemings, Eston
Hemings, Harriet
Hemings, James
Hemings, John
Hemings, Madison
Hemings, Nance
Hemings, Robert
Hemings, Sally
Ellen demeans
later years
skin color
status at Monticello
Hemings, Thenia
Henry, Patrick
Hern, Davy
Hosack, Dr. David
Hughes, Wormley
Hume, David
Humphrey, Dr. Hosea

Irving, Washington

Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Rachel
Jefferson, Field
Jefferson, Isaac
Jefferson, Israel
Jefferson, Jane
Jefferson, Maria. See Eppes, Maria Jefferson
Jefferson, Martha (“Patsy”). See Randolph, Martha Jefferson
Jefferson, Martha (“Patty”)
Jefferson, Randolph
Jefferson, Thomas
on aging (and prospect of death)
alleged cowardice
antislavery pronouncements
as architect/builder
body language
characterizes Federalists
characterizes Republicans
competition with Hamilton
competition with Marshall
compiles Anas
concern with female conduct
correspondence with doctors
“double apotheosis,”
eating and drinking habits
educational views
final days
financial woes
Greek influences on
“Head and Heart” dialogue
literary tastes
love for (white) family
meaning of skin color to
medical condition
and Missouri controversy
need for privacy
neurophysiological vocabulary
observes health of environment
physical appearance
political principles
propositions neighbor’s wife
recommends separation of races
religious views
reluctance to venture opinions
and Sally Hemings
theorizes black inferiority
treatment of slaves
understanding of human sexuality
and University of Virginia
wit and humor
Johnson, Samuel
Johnson, William
Jones, Walter

Kames, Henry Home
Kean, Dr. Andrew
Keats, John
Key, Thomas
Kosciusko, Thaddeus

Lafayette, Marquis de
argues with TJ about slavery
relationship with Frances Wright
Lavater, Johann Casper
Lee, Henry (son)
Lee, Henry (“Light Horse Harry”)
Lee, Robert E.
Lehmann, Karl
Levasseur, Auguste
Lewis and Clark expedition
Lewis, Jan
“Life and Morals of Jesus,”
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindsey, Rev. Theophilus
Livingston, Edward
Livingston, Robert
Locke, John
Logan, George

Macon, Nathaniel
Madison, Dolley
Madison, James
and Barlow
and Hamilton sex scandal
and Missouri controversy
Marcus Aurelius
Marks, Anna Jefferson
Marks, Hastings
Marshall, John
biography of Washington
McCoy, Drew R.
McLeod, Alexander
Milligan, Joseph
Mills, Robert
Milton, John
Monroe, James
and Cathalan question
Morse, Jedidiah

Nicholas, Jane
Nicholas, Wilson Cary
Niebuhr, Reinhold
Notes on Virginia

Ocellus Lucanus
Onuf, Peter S.

Page, John
Paine, Thomas
Peale, Charles Willson
Peyton, Bernard
Physick, Dr. Philip Syngh
Pickering, Timothy
Poe, Edgar Allan
Priestley, Joseph
Corruptions of Christianity

Racine, Jean Baptiste
Ramsay, Dr. David
Randall, Henry S.
Randolph, Anne. See Bankhead, Anne Randolph
Randolph, Benjamin F.
Randolph, Cornelia
Randolph, Ellen Wayles. See Coolidge, Ellen Wayles Randolph
Randolph, Martha Jefferson
and Sally Hemings
and slavery
Randolph, Mary
Randolph, Sarah N.
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson
and Sally Hemings
Randolph, Thomas Mann
Randolph, Virginia. See Trist, Virginia Randolph
Ritchie, Thomas
Rittenhouse, David
Roane, Spencer
Rochefoucauld, duc de la
Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, duc de la
Rodney, Caesar A.
Rush, Dr. Benjamin
on Africans’ skin pigmentation
describes daily routine
on nervous sympathies
and TJ’s religion
treatment for diarrhea
on women’s role

Sancho, Ignatius
Say, Jean Baptiste
Scott, Sir Walter
Sedgwick, Catharine Maria
and Cathalan episode
and health
Latin American
and race relations
and TJ’s self-interested negotiation with Sally Hemings
Shakespeare, William
Shelley, Mary
Shippen, Dr. William
Short, William
Simpson, Stephen
Sinclair, Sir John
Sloan, Herbert E.
Smith, Adam
Smith, Margaret Bayard
Smith, Samuel Harrison
Spinoza, Baruch
Sterne, Laurence
Stewart, Dugald
Stiles, Ezra
Sully, Thomas
Sun Tzu
Sydenham, Dr. Thomas

Tarleton, Banastre
Tazewell, Littleton W.
Terrell, Dabney Carr
Thomson, Charles
Ticknor, George
Tissot, Dr. Samuel Auguste David
on Epicurus
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Trist, Eliza House
Trist, Nicholas P.
Trist, Virginia Randolph
Trollope, Frances
Trumbull, John
Tucker, George

Utley, Dr. Vine

Van der Kemp, François Adrian
Vesey, Denmark

Walker, Betsey
Walsh, Robert
Warren, Mercy Otis
Washington, George
Marshall’s biography of
Washington, Martha
Waterhouse, Dr. Benjamin
Watkins, Dr. Thomas
Watson, Bishop Richard
Wayles, John
Webster, Daniel
Webster, Noah
Wheatley, Phillis
White, Hugh L.
Wiencek, Henry
Wilkes, John
Williamson, Dr. Hugh
Wills, Garry
Wirt, William
Wistar, Dr. Caspar
Wollstonecraft, Mary
Wright, Frances
Wythe, George


Yancey, Charles
Yancey, Joel
Young, Edward