(also see Brownies & Blndies)
Apricot Bars
Can’t Leave Alone Bars
Caramel Crispy Pops
Chewy Caramel Bars
Chewy Granola Bars
Cranberry Pecan Bars
Crispy Kiss Squares
Frosted Carrot Bars
Gooey Chocolate-Peanut Bars
Gumdrop Cereal Bars
Honey Chip Granola Bars
Marbled Chocolate Cheesecake Bars
Peanutty Candy Bars
Raspberry Oatmeal Bars
Raspberry Patch Crumb Bars
S’more Bars
So Gooey Butterscotch Bars
Strawberry Jam Bars
Chai Tea Mix
Cinnamon Hot Chocolate Mix
Blond Butterscotch Brownies
Brownie Tarts
Chocolate Chip Blondies
Fudgy Brownies
Glazed Chocolate Chip Brownies
Caramel Apple Cake Pops
Fun & Festive Cake Pops
Snowman Cake Pops
(also see Treats)
Almond Crunch Toffee
Bird Nests
Cashew Clusters
Chocolate Truffles
Chocolate-Caramel Candy Bars
Double-Decker Fudge
Jelly Bean Bark
Lollipop Ghosts
Marbled Orange Fudge
Marshmallow Ghosts
Mint Chocolate Truffles
Mounds of Bugs
Old-Fashioned Lollipops
Orange Taffy
Peanut Butter Cups
Peanut Clusters
Pecan Caramels
Rudolph Treats
Tiger Butter Candy
Triple Chocolate Fudge
Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies
Be-Mine Sandwich Cookies
Butter Pecan Biscotti
Chewy Oatmeal Cookies
Chocolate Lover’s Dream Cookies
Christmas Ball Ornaments
Cookie Lollipops
Cranberry-Cashew Drop Cookies
Cranberry Pistachio Biscotti
Easter Bunny Cookies
Elf Cookies
Frosted Butter Cookies
Gingerbread Cookies
Gooey Chocolate Cookies
Jumbo Chocolate Chip Cookies
Lara’s Tender Gingersnaps
Mini Cinnamon Roll Cookies
Oatmeal Chip Cookies
Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies
Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies
Pecan Cereal Clusters
Piggy Pops
Pumpkin Cookie Pops
Shortbread Sandwich Cookies
Slice ’n’ Bake Lemon Gems
Snowman Sugar Cookies
Spearmint Thins
Tie-Dyed Kite Cookies
Toffee Meringue Drops
Treasure Cookies
White Chocolate Macadamia Cookies
Banana Cupcakes
Box-of-Chocolates Cupcakes
Bumblebee Banana Cupcakes
Buried Surprise Cupcakes
Chocolate-Bottom Mini Cupcakes
Chocolate Cookie Cupcakes
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes
Cinnamon Cupcakes
Citrus Chocolate Cupcakes
Cookie Cupcakes
Cream-Filled Cupcakes
Cupcake Cones
Cupcake Easter Baskets
Fruit-Filled Cupcakes
German Chocolate Cupcakes
Golden Orange Cupcakes
Hummingbird Cupcakes
Lemon Coconut Cupcakes
Monkey Cupcakes
Red Velvet Baby Cakes
Rich Chocolate Cupcakes
Root Beer Cupcakes
Spice Cupcakes with Dates
Wide-Eyed Owl Cupcakes
Caramel Frosting
Orange Buttercream Frosting
Blueberry Streusel Muffins
Cappuccino Chip Muffins
Berry Mini Breads
Blueberry-Citrus Mini Loaves
Chocolate Chai Mini Loaves
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread
Fruit ’n’ Nut Mini Loaves
Apple Trail Mix
Blizzard Party Mix
Kickin’ Snack Mix
Sweet-Tooth Popcorn
True Love Snack Mix
Danish Twists
First-Prize Doughnuts
Spiced Cake Doughnuts
(also see candy)
Apple Dumpling Bites
Chocolate-Covered Pretzels
Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries
Chocolate Pretzel Snaps
Crispy Cone Treats
Halloween Caramel Apples
Jack-o’-Lantern Popcorn Balls
Kids’ Sushi
Party Caramel Apples
Pastel Almond Bark
Pecan Cereal Clusters
Sparkling Pretzels
Traditional Popcorn Balls
Almond Crunch Toffee
Apple Dumpling Bites
Apple Trail Mix
Apricot Bars
Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies
Banana Cupcakes
Be-Mine Sandwich Cookies
Berry Mini Breads
Bird Nests
Blizzard Party Mix
Blond Butterscotch Brownies
Blueberry-Citrus Mini Loaves
Blueberry Streusel Muffins
Box-of-Chocolates Cupcakes
Brownie Tarts
Bumblebee Banana Cupcakes
Buried Surprise Cupcakes
Butter Pecan Biscotti
Can’t Leave Alone Bars
Cappuccino Chip Muffins
Caramel Apple Cake Pops
Caramel Crispy Pops
Caramel Frosting
Cashew Clusters
Chai Tea Mix
Chewy Caramel Bars
Chewy Granola Bars
Chewy Oatmeal Cookies
Chocolate-Bottom Mini Cupcakes
Chocolate-Caramel Candy Bars
Chocolate Chai Mini Loaves
Chocolate Chip Blondies
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread
Chocolate Cookie Cupcakes
Chocolate-Covered Pretzels
Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries
Chocolate Lover’s Dream Cookies
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes
Chocolate Pretzel Snaps
Chocolate Truffles
Christmas Ball Ornaments
Cinnamon Cupcakes
Cinnamon Hot Chocolate Mix
Citrus Chocolate Cupcakes
Cookie Cupcakes
Cookie Lollipops
Cranberry-Cashew Drop Cookies
Cranberry Pecan Bars
Cranberry Pistachio Biscotti
Cream-Filled Cupcakes
Crispy Cone Treats
Crispy Kiss Squares
Cupcake Cones
Cupcake Easter Baskets
Danish Twists
Double-Decker Fudge
Easter Bunny Cookies
Elf Cookies
First-Prize Doughnuts
Frosted Butter Cookies
Frosted Carrot Bars
Fruit ’n’ Nut Mini Loaves
Fruit-Filled Cupcakes
Fudgy Brownies
Fun & Festive Cake Pops
German Chocolate Cupcakes
Gingerbread Cookies
Glazed Chocolate Chip Brownies
Golden Orange Cupcakes
Gooey Chocolate Cookies
Gooey Chocolate-Peanut Bars
Gumdrop Cereal Bars
Halloween Caramel Apples
Honey Chip Granola Bars
Hummingbird Cupcakes
Jack-o’-Lantern Popcorn Balls
Jelly Bean Bark
Jumbo Chocolate Chip Cookies
Kickin’ Snack Mix
Kids’ Sushi
Lara’s Tender Gingersnaps
Lemon Coconut Cupcakes
Lollipop Ghosts
Marbled Chocolate Cheesecake Bars
Marbled Orange Fudge
Marshmallow Ghosts
Mini Cinnamon Roll Cookies
Mint Chocolate Truffles
Monkey Cupcakes
Mounds of Bugs
Oatmeal Chip Cookies
Old-Fashioned Lollipops
Orange Buttercream Frosting
Orange Taffy
Party Caramel Apples
Pastel Almond Bark
Peanut Butter Cups
Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies
Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies
Peanut Clusters
Peanutty Candy Bars
Pecan Caramels
Pecan Cereal Clusters
Piggy Pops
Pumpkin Cookie Pops
Raspberry Oatmeal Bars
Raspberry Patch Crumb Bars
Red Velvet Baby Cakes
Rich Chocolate Cupcakes
Root Beer Cupcakes
Rudolph Treats
Shortbread Sandwich Cookies
Slice ’n’ Bake Lemon Gems
S’more Bars
Snowman Cake Pops
Snowman Sugar Cookies
So Gooey Butterscotch Bars
Sparkling Pretzels
Spearmint Thins
Spice Cupcakes with Dates
Spiced Cake Doughnuts
Strawberry Jam Bars
Sweet-Tooth Popcorn
Tie-Dyed Kite Cookies
Tiger Butter Candy
Toffee Meringue Drops
Traditional Popcorn Balls
Treasure Cookies
Triple Chocolate Fudge
True Love Snack Mix
White Chocolate Macadamia Cookies
Wide-Eyed Owl Cupcakes