Bartholomew, G. A., and V. A. Tucker. 1963. Control of Changes in Body Temperature, Metabolism, and Circulation by the Agamid Lizard, Amphibolurus barbatus. Physiological Zoology 36:199–218.
Bedford, G. S., K. A. Christian, and A. D. Griffiths. 1993. Preliminary Investigations on the Reproduction of the Frillneck Lizard (Chlamydosarus kingii) in the Northern Territory. In Lunney, D., and D. Ayers. Herpetology in Australia. Transactions of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, 414 s. c. kingii.
De Vosjoli, P., S. Donoghue, and R. Klingenberg. 1999. The Multifactorial Model of Herpetoculture. Part 1: Ontogeny. The Vivarium. 11:1.
Hauschild, A., and H. Bosch. 2000. Bearded Dragons and Frilled Lizards. Matthias Schmidt Publications. Germany. Highly recommended for anyone interested in these species; has an extensive bibliography.
Klingenberg, R. 1993. Understanding Reptile Parasites. Irvine, Calif.: Advanced Vivarium Systems.
Klingenberg, R. 1997. Pinworms: Friend or Foe. The Vivarium. 8:5, 23–24.
MacMillen, R. E., M. L. Augee, and B. A. Ellis. 1989. Thermal Ecology and Diet of Some Xerophilous Lizards from Western South Wales. Journal of Arid Environments 16:193–201. This is the often-quoted reference on the predominantly plant diet of adult bearded dragons. Also contains valuable information on thermoregulation.
Rossi, J. and R. Rossi. 1996. What’s Wrong with My Snake? Irvine, Calif.: Advanced Vivarium Systems. 61–64.
Slavens, F., and K. Slavens. 1996, 2000. Reptiles and Amphibians in Captivity. Seattle, Wash.: Slaveware.
Weis, P. 1996. Husbandry and Breeding of the Frilled Lizard in Advances in Herpetoculture. International Herpetological Symposium. 1:87–92.