
analog-to-digital converter (ADC)

A device that takes a continuous analog signal and discretizes it into a digital signal.


The lower voltage side of a polarized electrical device.


A paired hardware and software platform that enables rapid design, prototyping, and building of devices that can sense and control aspects of the physical world.

Arduino breakout board

An Arduino-compatible breakout for Edison. The pinouts on this breakout match the standard Arduino Uno configuration. The Intel Arduino Breakout Board, SparkFun Base Block, and Intel Mini Breakout Board are the three main breakout boards for Intel Edison. See also Intel Mini Breakout, SparkFun Base Block.


A C library to use with GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) on Atmel AVR microcontrollers. See also Arduino.

baud rate

The rate at which connected devices perform serial communication.


A command-line Bluetooth controller program.


A common type in C++ programming. A boolean is a binary true or false value.

breakout board

Boards that break out the functionality of your Edison to a larger, easier-to-access module. The three main breakout boards for Edison are the Intel Arduino Breakout Board, Intel Mini Breakout Board, and SparkFun Base Block.


A common type in C++ programming. A byte is an integer from 0 to 255.


The lower voltage side of a polarized electrical device.


A common type in C++ programming. A char is an integer from -128 to 127.

circuit diagram

A graphical representation of an electrical circuit.

computer vision

The gathering, processing, analyzing, and understanding of images and video data. Computer vision is a complex, widely studied, and growing field in the scientific world today.


The process of removing fast fluctuations over a short period of time from a digital signal. Debouncing can be done in either hardware or software.


Software packages or libraries that another software package requires to run.


A folder in the file system of an operating system.

duty cycle

The percentage of time that a pulse-width modulated signal spends in the high state. See also Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).

embedded devices

Devices buried within the hardware of a system and which are often used to control the system in real time.


Optional command-line tags that set the configuration for any specific command and are issued after the name of the command itself.


A common type in C++ programming. A long is a decimal value from -3.4028235E38 to 3.4028235E38.

for loop

A loop that steps through its associated code block so long as the while condition is true.


In software, a function is a self-contained piece of code that runs independently of the rest of the program.


The return point where the current in closed-loop circuits often terminates.

home directory

A file-system directory that containes files for a given user or a multi-user operating system. On Intel Edison, the path to this directory is /home/__username__/ be default.


A protocol developed by Philips Semiconductors in the late 1970s to simplify the lines that travel among various circuit components. The I2C protocol reduces the number of communication wires to two by allowing multiple peripherals to communicate on the same lines.


In hardware, this is a signal that transmits information into your Intel Edison from the outside world. The press of a button and measurements from a thermometer are good examples of inputs.


A common type in C++ programming. An int is an integer value from -32768 to 32767. int is probably the most common type used in Arduino programming for beginners.

Intel Edison compute module

The integrated hardware and software that comprises the Intel Edison in the absence of any breakout boards or peripherals.

Intel Mini Breakout Board

A breakout option for Intel Edison that gives solderable access to Intel Edison’s I/Os. This breakout board is smaller than the Intel Arduino Breakout Board and is somewhat more difficult to work with. The Intel Mini Breakout Board, SparkFun Base Block, and Intel Arduino Breakout Board are the three main breakout boards for Intel Edison. See also Arduino Breakout Board, SparkFun Base Block.

interpreted language

A language that allows you to execute scripts directly through an interpreter instead of first compiling them into machine code.

level shifters

Hardware that converts voltage signals from one level to another, such as from 1.8V to 5V, or vice versa.

light-emitting diode (LED)

A semiconductor device that emits light when a current passes through it.


Linux is a free and open source operating system (OS) that runs on top of the Linux kernel.


Any part of an electrical circuit between the source and return. The load in an electrical circuit can be pretty much anything: lights, resistors, screens, speakers, and even the wire making the connections. See also Source, Return.


A common type in C++ programming. A long is an integer value from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.


A function that every Arduino sketch must contain. After the setup function completes, this function runs over and over again until power is removed from the device or a new sketch is loaded.


An open source computer-vision software platform.


In hardware, this is a signal that is emitted by your Intel Edison, often to control attached devices. For instance, Edison might output voltage signals to make lights flicker or display images on a screen.


The full, absolute location of a file or directory on an operating system’s file system.


The Python package installer.


At the command line, piping takes the output of one command and supplies it as the input to another, using the | symbol as the pipe operator.

pull-down resistor

A resistor connected to ground that holds a digital signal at 0V when nothing else is connected.

pulse-width modulation (PWM)

The rapid oscillation of an output signal that is fast enough for connected devices to experience the average voltage instead of the rapidly oscillating high or low.


Columns on a breadboard that are electrically connected.


An internal address or location of configuration, data, or other elements of an I2C device.

regular expressions

A powerful template-matching system for words, numbers, and symbols.


The spot at which a current terminates in a circuit, most frequently ground.

root mean square (RMS)

A numerical value calculated by squaring every data point in the sample, taking the mean of these values, and then taking the square root of that mean.


A protocol for communication between electronic devices.

serial peripheral interface (SPI)

A standard protocol used to connect multiple peripherals to the same data lines. SPI operates using a slave-master architecture, meaning one device has full control over all peripherals. Each SPI device requires four connections, one of which is not shared with other SPI devices.

serial port profile (SPP)

A protocol that emulates a serial cable for wireless communication such as Bluetooth.


A function that every Arduino sketch must contain. This function is run exactly once when the device is booted or the sketch is first loaded onto the device.


In the Arduino IDE, a sketch represents standalone code to control your Arduino or Intel Edison. Each sketch must contain a setup and a loop function.


The spot from which a current originates in a circuit, such as a battery or power supply. The source has a higher voltage than the return, or ground. See also Return.

SparkFun Base Block

A modular breakout option for Intel Edison. The Base Block breaks out just a few functions of the Intel Edison and is meant to stack with other SparkFun blocks for increased functionality. The SparkFun Base Block, Intel Mini Breakout Board, and Intel Arduino Breakout Board are the three main breakout boards for Intel Edison. See also Intel Mini Breakout, Arduino Breakout Board.

unsigned char

A common type in C++ programming. An unsigned char is an integer from 0 to 255.

unsigned int

A common type in C++ programming. An unsigned int is an integer value between 0 to 65535.

unsigned long

A common type in C++ programming. An unsigned long is an integer value from 0 to 4,294,967,295.


In software, a reference to stored information and the name is typically chosen to represent the information it contains.

while loop

A loop that repeats its associated code block at each increment in the for statement.


A common type in C++ programming. A word is an integer value from 0 to 65535.

Yocto Linux

The version of Linux running on Intel Edison. Yocto Linux is designed specifically for embedded devices.