One of the most popular and the number 1 feared shark by humans, the Great White Shark even scares of its pups. The little ones run away as soon as they are born because their mothers are more likely to eat them.
They are the most feared type of shark. Great White Sharks have attacked humans more than any other type.
26. Their average size is 12 feet and they weigh an average of 3,000 pounds.
27. As soon as a pup is born, it leaves and finds food on its own. Mother great white sharks do not nurse their pups. In fact, they may only see their pups as prey.
28. These young sharks measure five feet but they have to be careful as they are often attacked by adult sharks of the same kind.
29. Most of these pups do not live longer than a year.
30. A young great white shark feeds on fish and rays. The adults hunt for sea mammals such as seals and sea lions.
31. Great white sharks are good at surprising their prey.
32. They are the only type of shark that has the ability to lift its head above the water.
33. Although they are known as fierce hunters, they are in fact, picky eaters. They can tell whether or not the meal is nutritionally satisfying just by a single bite.
34. Great white sharks do not intentionally attack humans, specifically surfers. But these predators often mistake surfers to their favorite food, seals because of the shape of the surf boards.
35. These sharks normally eat a total of 11 tons of food in a single year.
36. When Great White Sharks have had a satisfying meal, they can last a month until another big meal.