Subject Index

A | B | C | D | E | G | H | I | J | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | Y | Z


Aaron, 64

ablutions, 272–73

abomination of desolation, 495–96, 501

Adam, 50–51, 64

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), 88–89

allegory, 450–57

ambition, 416, 531

Ancient of Days, 23, 198, 342, 563

angels: attend to Jesus, 54–55; command, 574; depicts messengers as, 613–14; fathom the mysteries, 71; give succor, 73; in glory with the, 411; of God, 51; moderns interested in, 210; Jesus served by angels, 51; at the tomb, 544

anoigo, 48

Antichrist, 508

Antiochus Epiphanes, 495

Apocalypse, 268

apocalyptists, 61

apostles, the: return of, 245–46

atonement, 418

Augustus, 19–20

authority: over evil, 142; of God, 443; of Jesus, 70, 87, 94, 106–7, 478

authorship, 26


baptism, 23; of Jesus, 47, 53–54

Barabbas, 578–79, 599

Barker, Ernest, 20

Bartimaeus, 420–24

Beelzebub, 130–31, 323, 368

belief, 318. See also faith, trust

Best, Ernest, 80

Bethsaida, 261, 265, 312–13

blasphemy: act of, 94; against the Spirit, 135–37, 141; the charge of, 577, 590; definitions of, 562–63

blindness, to sight, 423

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 195, 258, 333, 335

bracketing, technique of, 130, 137, 246, 433. See also sandwiching

Bridging Contexts section, 7–8

Bruce, A. B., 182

Brueggemann, Walter, 62

burial, of Jesus, 596–97


Caesar, 323, 427, 461–64, 466, 576

Caesarea Philippi, 323

Caiaphas, 105, 576

call: of Jesus, 78–79, 104, 163; of Levi, 103

Capernaum, 68, 73–74, 82, 92, 367, 378

chiasm, 611

chief priests, 461, 590

children: blessing the, 381–82; concern for, 385–86

Christ, 19; Jesus was the, 23; means “Anointed One,” 21–22; Peter’s concept of, 325–26

church: and ambition, 416; confronts evil, 142; and the crowds, 425; and divorce, 391–92; growth of, 28, 168, 182; invention of, 292; leadership in, 374–75; materialism and, 406; model the, 89; needs to minister, 88; prepares the way, 57; to proclaim, 99; in Rome, 30; and serve in, 268; social concern, 258, 260; and state, 464–67; task of, 166; today, 459

Cicero, 23

circumcision, 9

clean, 111, 279, 290, 292, 295. See also purity

command to keep silent, 76

common, 272. See also unclean

confession: centurion’s, 595–96, 604–5; persecution should lead to, 31

Contemporary Significance section, 7, 9, 24

Corban, 274

covenant, 529–30, 629

Cranfield, C. E. B., 19

cross: bearing a, 334, 352; is central to discipleship, 414; and guilt, 570; revealed in the, 185; reveals God’s love, 606–7; shadow of the, 322, as a stumbling block, 335; two taunts at the, 564. See also crucifixion

crowd, the: astonishment of, 256; can be manipulated, 578–79; cheers, 426; chide him, 419; converge on, 127; crushing of, 77; dispersing, 261; gathered around, 354; Jesus has compassion for, 305; marvels, 83; into the middle of, 93; reaction of, 257, 423–25; preaches to, 78; teaching to, 253

crucifixion, 23, 558; an act of voluntary humiliation, 97; described, 328, 586–87, 598. See also cross

Cyrus, 21


Dalmanutha, 307

David, 21, 106–7, 478; Jesus greater than, 427; Nathan caught, 451

death: on the cross, 530; of Jesus, 21, 29, 45, 49, 418, 513–14, 517, 558; motif of, 189; problem of, 99; raises Jairus’s daughter from, 190; realm of, 273; triumph over, 226; worthy of, 94

Decapolis, 207

deceivers, warning about, 492, 499

defilement, 276–77

demons: afflicted with, 80; cast out, 131; commands to, 76; cringe, 126; encounter with, 202–3; fathom the mysteries, 70–71; fear of, 81, 113; idea of, 79; Jesus would not let them speak, 7; legion of, 204; ravings of, 127; today, 210, 213, 215; and uncleanness, 273

desert, 42, 52; combat in the, 58, 62; feeding in the, 253, 257, 305; rest in the, 255; testing in the, 50–51, 54, 73. See also wilderness

desolating sacrilege, 504, 547

disciples: accommodate popularity, 74; call of the first, 68–69, 83; captivated by his powers, 55; commitment of, 84; are drawing closer, 265; fear of the, 193; failure of, 190, 301, 316–17, 354, 360–62, 628; feel separated, 268; follow, 56; in Galilee, 615; in Gethsemane, 541–42; incomprehension of the, 309–12; as leaders, 24; misconception of the, 412; mission of the, 240–42, 249; to overcome, 31; response of, 78–79, 159–61; sending of the, 247–48; spar with one another, 366–67; task of, 137–40; want to be great, 371; will face persecution, 509; will be scattered, 529; worry, 306

discipleship: candidates for, 103; and cross-bearing, 29, 414; demands of, 327–29; growth in, 166; Jesus’ call to, 69–70, 163, 628; the journey of, 615; is about mission, 86; nature of, 412; is open to all, 422; requirement for, 290, 321; submission in, 83–84

disease, healing, 81–83

divorce, question about, 378–81, 383–92


Elijah, 46, 48, 51, 55, 256–57, 263, 346–47, 478, 594

Elisha, 45, 48, 254, 256–57

End, timing of the, 505, 507–8

epitimao, 128

eremos, 73

eschatology, 504

Eusebius, 26

Eve, 71

evil, 61, 62; authority over, 142; continue to exist, 229; doing, 108–9; illness and, 97; as leaven, 310; possession as, 80; powers of, 249; societal nature of, 213; source of, 214; has taken over, 212; victory over, 139

exorcism, 70, 76, 80, 126, 132, 142, 190, 203, 210, 214–15, 354–59, 368

Ezekiel, in exile, 48

faith: cost for, 166; demonstrates enough, 421; of the disciples, 193, 265; effort of, 291–92; enables all, 225, 229; and exorcism, 355; fear and, 190; in God’s deliverance, 198; lives by, 63; means believing, 185; in the midst of woe, 602; nature of, 315, 359; need for, 362–64; power through, 226–27; and repentance, 66; rests on the resurrection, 621; shows itself in actions, 93, 222; Syrophoenician woman and, 287

false prophets, 499, 509

family: of Jesus, 129–33, 158; redefinition of, 134, 139–40, 144–48; in the Scriptures, 131

fasting: meaningful when, 122; the question of, 104–5, 110, 113–14;

feeding, of five thousand, 252–56; of four thousand, 305–6

fig tree, cursing of the, 433, 439–41, 444, 502

forgiveness: and healing, 83–95; of sins, 79, 87, 96–100, 114, 443

France, R. T., 62, 70, 291

fruit bearing, 161, 163–64


Gaius Caligula, 496

Galilee, 42, 45, 47, 62, 68, 293, 298; disciples to wait in, 615; Jesus returns to, 58, 230–34; preaching in, 74

Gennesaret, 265

Gentiles: accepts, 448; consorting with, 104; into the hands of the, 543; including, 52, 300, 307, 604; Jews and, 306; the midst of, 207; nonsense to, 23; were impure, 288–96; in the temple, 434, 437; wickedness of the, 177; will try him, 49

Gerasene territory, 190, 202

Gethsemane, Jesus in, 138, 515, 532, 539–44, 548–54

Gnosticism, 8

God: is delighted in Israel, 49; and government, 463; is for healing, 100; is involved in our lives, 25; judgment of, 502; love of, 483, 606–7; origins in, 20; power of, 269; presence of, 441; purpose of, 185, 506–7; reign of, 59–63, 68, 81, 184, 199, 311; sovereignty of, 50, 168, 187, 593; wisdom of, 455

Golgotha, 587–88

gospel, the, 19; and healing, 98; preaching of, 62, 207; proclamation of, 57; reject, 250; scandal of, 166; theme in, 59; the word, 58

government, and God, 463, 466–67

greatest commandment, the: 476–77

Gundry, Robert, 70–71, 105


healing: a blind man, 312; to bring about, 104; a deaf man, 299–303; desperately sought, 228; of disease, 79, 81–83; a fever, 72; and forgiveness, 93–100; a leper, 74–76; obstacle to, 95; and our ministry, 87; requires persistence, 423; on the Sabbath, 110; today, 89–91

hearing: the idea of, 151; Jesus gives, 301–2; will bear fruit, 163

heart: command center of the, 483–84; defilement of the, 276; desires of the, 167; hardness of, 108, 133, 158, 264–65, 317, 386, 542

Hellenism, 279

Herod, Antipas, 46, 55, 58, 62, 109, 242–47, 254, 310, 378, 581

Herodians, 162; collaborate with Pharisees, 427; to ensnare, 461; Jesus’ retreat from, 126; to plot Jesus’ death, 108–9, 133

high priests, 73, 521, 559–63, 569; reaction of the, 442–43

hodos, 56, 321, 422

Holy Spirit, the: baptize with, 46–47, 51; blasphemy against, 135–37, 141; descent of, 48; has come upon disciples, 17; immerse Jesus’ followers, 45; and Jesus, 80; opposition to, 134; references to, 42;

hypocrisy, 284–85


impurity, 271, 274–77, 283

insiders, and outsiders, 160, 311


Jairus, 219, 222, 224–25

James and John, sons of Zebedee, 409–12, 415, 418, 422, 539, 548

Jeremias, Joachim, 153–54

Jericho, 419

Jerusalem: besieged, 30, 499; culture of, 46; destination as, 410; doom of, 240; entry into, 426–30; hostility of, 272; on the way to, 45; pilgrimage to, 419–20, 513; powers in, 128

Jesus: affirms his identity, 562; authority of, 94, 106–7; baptism of, 47, 53–54; calls disciples, 69–70, 78, 104; the charge against, 576–78; and children, 367; cry from the cross of, 592, 598–600; death of, 49, 418, 513–14, 517; the derision of, 589–91; as an example, 415; the exorcist, 79, 209; family of, 129–33, 139–40, 158, 230–33; feeds five thousand, 252–60; foreknowledge of, 524, 627; in Gethsemane, 538–44, 548–54; is God’s beloved Son, 55; as the good shepherd, 258; as the Great Physician, 81; healings of, 100; heals the leper, 74–76; heals a woman, 220; instructions to the restored man, 206–7; message of, 58–60; the Messiah, 23, 311, 321, 323, 326; ministry of, 126–28; mockery of, 564, 580–82; is the model, 99; in Nazareth, 230–34; opposition to, 102, 134–35; parables of, 135; popularity of, 127, 252–53; rejection of, 153; resurrection of, 21, 49, 366, 531, 565; and the Sabbath, 115, 117, 123–24; and sinners, 110–12; suffering of, 30, 366, 548–49; teaches with authority, 68–70, 87; in the temple, 433–39, 446–48; on tradition, 270–86; transfiguration of, 341–46, 348–50; travels to his own, 230–38; triumphs over death, 226; walks on the sea, 261–69

Jews: and Gentiles, 295; stumbling block to, 23

John the Baptizer, 19, 22, 78, 127, 378, 451, 592; arrest of, 58, 62; death of, 240, 242–47, 254; disciples of, 102, 104–5; and Herod, 55, 109; Jesus comes to, 53; ministry of, 42, 45–47, 443; prepare the way, 56

Jordan River, 42, 53

Joseph of Arimathea, 56

Josephus, 22, 235, 358, 496, 499, 514, 560, 577

Joshua, 48

joy, 121

Judas, 138, 163, 521; betrayal of, 521–22; disloyalty of, 516, 544–46, 572; was watching Jesus, 73

judgment, 329, 369, 502, 540, 591

Justin Martyr, 22, 115, 249, 331, 567

katadioko, 73

Kelsey, Morton T., 89–90

kingdom of God, 59–60, 63, 78, 250, 599; advent of, 81, 113–14, 133, 168, 177–79, 329–30; compared to a mustard seed, 180; explained in parable, 181, 183; invading history, 83; mark of the, 157; mystery of, 157–59, 164–65, 169; nature of the, 315; presence of, 94; proclaiming the, 107, 166, 243; spread of the, 208; and suffering, 510; in our world, 183

Ladd, George Eldon, 59

Last Supper, 256, 525–29, 532–35. See also Lord’s Supper

law, the: authority over, 87; claims of, 280; God’s intention in, 117; Moses represents, 344

leaven, 310–12

legalism, 115–16, 282

leprosy, 74–75, 82–83, 87–88

Levi, son of Alphaeus, 103–4

Lewis, C. S., 212

Lord’s Day, keeping the, 122–23

Lord’s Supper, 533–37. See also Last Supper

love, for God, 484–85


MacRae, George W., 20

Mammon, 399, 403, 483

Mark: authorship of, 26; setting of, 28

marriage, 383–92

materialism, 172, 406

Matthew, is summoned, 103

Meier, John P., 222, 231–32, 263

Messiah, 47–48; is greater than David, 427; full equality with God, 562; Jesus as the, 323–26; secret identity as, 158, 321; is the Son of David, 478; as a submissive person, 54; will suffer, 410–12

mind, with all our, 484

ministry, of Jesus, 126–28

miracles: disciples react to, 311; faith preceded, 237–38; of feeding, 256–57, 305–6; of healing, 98, 143, 312–13; kept quiet, 76–77; of nature, 194–96; not routine, 81–83; takes on symbolic, 421; today, 89–91; of walking on the sea, 261–69

Morris, Leon, 24

Moses, 53, 64, 254, 257, 263, 342, 345, 380, 608

Mount of Olives, 529–30

Mystery: of the dying Christ, 603; of God’s choice, 50; of the kingdom, 157–59, 169


nationalism, 583

nature, authority over, 87

Nazareth, 323; Jesus comes from, 47; returns to, 230–38,

Nero, 28–29

Neusner, Jacob, 280

Nouwen, Henri, 607


obedience, 104, 404

Original Meaning section, 7


paganism, 210

Papias, Bishop of Hierapolis, 26–27

parable: of the doorkeeper, 503; of the good Samaritan, 485; of the lamp, 175; of the measure, 175; of the seeds, 174–80; of the sower, 151–57, 161–64; of the wicked tenants, 450–60

parables, 132, 135; emphasize the hiddenness, 184; explanation for 157–61; meanings of, 167; veiled form of, 501

paradidomi, 58, 176

parallelism, 152

parerchomai, 263

Parousia, 500, 504

Passion, 597

Passover, 56, 513–15, 524–25

persecution: and faith, 172; first sign of, 30; led to more proclamation, 511; reminders of, 210; warning about, 493, 505–6

Peter: confession of, 323–27; denial of, 565–68, 576; in Gethsemane, 539; Mark’s relationship to, 27; raises his voice, 17; sad plight of, 572–74; as Simon, 103; at the Transfiguration, 341–46

Pharisees, 55, 73, 94, 102–3; blindness of, 158; collaborate with Herodians, 427; disciples of the, 102, 104; to ensnare Jesus, 461; and Herod, 310; Jesus appalls the, 104; and legalism, 115–16; reaction of the, 129–33; religiosity of the, 119; on the Sabbath, 106–110; seek a sign, 307–9, 313–14; and sinners, 110–12; tradition of the, 271–86

Philo, 72, 597

pigs, Jewish aversion to, 209–10

Pontius Pilate, 29, 246, 521, 560, 570, 572, 576–82, 597

poor, caring for the, 521

power: blended with suffering, 568–70; of the church, 464; disciples delight in, 414–15; hunger for, 416; purely in human terms, 591; unleashes a new, 62

prayer, 446–47: emphasis on, 441; exorcism and, 354; in Gethsemane, 539–44; necessity of, 356–57; power of, 448–49; Jesus prepares himself through, 74; secluded, 73;

preaching: of the gospel, 512; under fire, 511

prejudice, 295–96

prevenient grace, 207–8

priests, of Israel, 74

prophets, 44, 55, 61; Elijah represents the, 344; in the Scripture, 233; verifying true, 95

Pseudepigrapha: Psalms of Solomon, 21–22, 48, 324

purity, 271, 274–79, 281–86


ransom, 413

Rawlinson, A. E. J., 267

repentance: baptism of, 47; on basis of, 94; evidence of, 112; lives by, 63; as openness to God, 53; preaching, 64; requires, 104; shallow view of, 65–66

resurrection: belief in the, 468–73; description of, 621–25; of Jesus, 21, 49, 366, 531, 565; the report of, 612–15

rich: contrasts with the, 482; warning for the, 397, 401–2, 404. See also wealth

Romans, 30, 328, 439, 461–62, 497, 501, 559, 571, 576–77, 586, 597

Rowley, H. H., 61


Sabbath: authority over the, 87; for the benefit, 105; controversies, 106–10; ends in the evening, 73; keeping the, 114–17, 122–23; Lord of the, 96; unlawful on the, 102–3

sacrifice, 94; of animals, 439–40; God’s rejection of, 483; supreme act of, 418

Sadducees: as opponents of Jesus, 468–73; pose a question, 427,

salt, sayings about, 370

salvation, 395, 404, 440

sandwiching, 130, 224, 245–46, 516. See also bracketing

Sanhedrin, 558–59, 564, 576

Satan: for or against, 63; align with, 133; battle with, 57, 62, 139; binding of, 113; into the clutches of, 50–51; defeat of, 42; Jesus calls Peter as, 326–27; in league with, 55, 521; playing the role of, 212; still a danger, 162; takes many guises, 331; testing by, 73; tyranny of, 70; victory over, 54, 81

schizo, 48

Schweitzer, Albert, 13–14, 257

Schweizer, Eduard, 56–57, 66, 318, 435, 447, 572

Scripture: approach to, 378; family life in, 131; fulfillment of, 546; ignorance of, 52; interpreting, 13; Jesus appeals to, 471; Jesus’ citation from, 531, 601; Jesus interprets, 383; nature of, 8; promised in, 42; and tradition, 279; treats sickness, 97

Sea of Galilee, 42, 56, 69, 189

secrecy motif, 299

self-denial, 333

setting, of Mark, 28

Sider, John W., 155

Sidon, 298

sign: from heaven, 313–15; of kingdom of God, 81; of the kiss, 545; Pharisees ask for a, 73; seeking a, 307–9

sin: captivity to, 418; forgiveness of, 44, 62, 79, 87, 96–100; shallow view of, 65; and sickness, 96–100; unforgivable, 136

sinners: acceptance of, 104, 110, 112; reaching out to, 118–21

Snodgrass, Klyne, 451–52

Son of David, 419–20, 422, 478–79

Son of God, 19, 23, 54–55, 71, 127, 134, 158, 562; goes unrecognized, 181; surely this was the, 596

Son of Man, the, 23; has authority, 69; centurion identifies him as, 558; coming of, 500–502; exalted, 198; is Lord of the Sabbath, 102, 107; meaning of, 568–69; refers to himself as, 95–96; return of, 31; sitting at God’s right hand, 562; suffering of, 246, 347–49, 509, 528–29, 531, 599; will be betrayed, 565; will come as judge, 328

soul, with all our, 484

Stein, Robert, 51

storm, at Sea, 191–94, 199–200

suffering: on a cross, 25; enduring, 509; explanation for, 510; how to face, 601; Jesus predicted his own, 29; marks the beginning of the end times, 493–94; necessary for Jesus, 321, 345–46; paved with, 57; power blended with, 568; and sin, 97–100; word about his, 411–12

Sweet, Leonard I., 100


Tacitus, 28

teachers of the law, 94–95, 107, 126–27, 130–31, 133–34, 139; authority of, 70; blindness of, 158, 162; denunciation of, 479; to ensnare Jesus, 461; Jesus condemns them, 427; join the fray, 590; as opponents, 94; seeking to destroy, 481, 560

teaching: with authority, 70; by parables, 152, 157–61

tekton, 231

temple: centered around the, 427; destruction of, 31, 489, 491–99; doom of the, 240; Jesus in the, 433–39, 446–48; majesty of, 490; Mark does not revere the, 44; as the place of prayer, 448

temptation, 57

Ten Commandments, 52, 395

Theudas, 48

Tiberius, 29

Torah, 44

tradition, of the elders, 271–86

Transfiguration, 23, 341–46, 348–50, 620–22

tribulation, 29

triumphal entry, 429

trust: belief and, 318; in Jesus, 222, 228; lack of, 187; is voluntary, 66, See also faith

Twelve, the: are called apostles, 245–46; not called to sainthood, 137; creating, 128–29; failures of, 138, 163; lists of, 103; mission of, 129, 240–42

Tyre, 287–88, 290, 293, 298

unclean spirits, 79–80, 87, 98, 127, 134–35, 190, 202–3, 357. See also demons

uncleanness, 111, 219, 224–25, 272, 279, 290, 292; primary source of, 75. See also common


veil, tearing of the, 595, 603–4


Wagner, C. Peter, 210

watch, final warnings to, 501, 554–55

wealth, 396–408. See also Mammon, materialism, rich

widow’s offering, 480–81

wilderness, 52–53, 254. See also desert

Williams, Daniel Day, 211

Willimon, William E., 117

Wink, Walter, 99

Witten, Marsha G., 170

women: who followed Jesus, 610–12; fear of the, 618–20

worship, 124

Wrede, William, 76


yeast, 310

Young, John, 98


Zealots, 496–97

Zechariah, 61

zeteo, 73