I. The Infancy Narrative (1:1–2:52)
A. Preface: A Reassuring History (1:1–4)
B. Announcing John the Baptist, the One Who Goes Before (1:5–25)
C. The Announcement of the Birth of Jesus (1:26–38)
D. Mary’s Visit of Elizabeth (1:39–56)
E. The Birth of John the Baptist and Zechariah’s Song (1:57–80)
F. The Birth of Jesus and the Heavenly Response (2:1–21)
G. A Pious Man and a Prophetess Testify About Jesus (2:22–40)
H. A Glimpse at Jesus’ Self-Perception (2:41–52)
II. Preparation for Ministry (3:1–4:13)
A. John the Baptist and Jesus’ Baptism (3:1–22)
B. The Genealogy of Jesus (3:23–38)
C. The Temptations of Jesus (4:1–13)
III. The Galilean Ministry (4:14–9:50)
A. An Overview of Galilean Ministry (4:14–44)
1. Ministry: A Summary and in the Synagogue (4:14–30)
2. Ministry in Capernaum (4:31–44)
B. The Gathering of Disciples (5:1–6:16)
1. Two Calls and Two Miracles (5:1–32)
2. The New Era Means a New Way (5:33–6:5)
3. Opposition and the Gathering of the Twelve (6:6–16)
C. Jesus’ Teaching (Luke 6:17–49)
D. Movement to Faith in Christ (7:1–8:3)
1. Jesus’ Authority: From Faith to Resurrection (7:1–17)
2. Jesus and John the Baptist (7:18–35)
3. Exemplary Women of Faith (7:36–8:3)
E. Faith and Questions About Jesus (8:4–9:17)
1. The Call to Receive the Word (8:4–21)
2. Miracle 1: The Stilling of the Storm (8:22–25)
3. Miracle 2: Jesus Exorcises Demons in Gerasa (8:26–39)
4. Miracles 3 and 4: A Healing and a Resuscitation from the Dead (8:40–56)
5. Jesus’ Ministry Expanded and Contemplated (9:1–9)
6. The Feeding of the Multitude (9:10–17)
F. Confessing the Christ and Facing Up to Discipleship (9:18–50)
1. Peter’s Confession and a Prediction of Suffering (9:18–22)
2. The New Way of Suffering (9:23–27)
3. Transfiguration: A Vote of Confidence and a Call to Hear (9:28–36)
4. The Disciples’ Failures and Jesus’ Instructions (9:37–50)
IV. The Journey to Jerusalem (9:51–19:44)
A. The Disciple’s Privilege, Mission, and Commitment (9:51–10:24)
1. Discipleship in the Midst of Rejection and the Kingdom’s Call (9:51–62)
2. The Mission of the Seventy-Two (10:1–24)
B. Discipleship to One’s Neighbor, to Jesus, and Before God (10:25–11:13)
1. On Being a Neighbor: The Good Samaritan (10:25–37)
2. Discipleship and Jesus: Mary’s Good Choice (10:38–42)
3. Discipleship and Prayer Before God (11:1–13)
C. Controversies, Corrections, and Calls to Trust (11:14–54)
1. The Meaning of Jesus’ Works (11:14–23)
2. Warnings About Response (11:24–36)
3. Jesus Rebukes the Pharisees and Scribes (11:37–54)
D. Discipleship (12:1–48)
1. Fear the Lord (12:1–12)
2. The Parable of the Rich Fool (12:13–21)
3. Do Not Be Anxious (12:22–34)
4. Being Ready As Faithful Stewards (12:35–48)
E. Know the Nature of the Time (12:49–14:24)
1. Warnings About the Times for Israel (12:49–13:9)
2. A Sabbath Healing (13:10–17)
3. The Kingdom’s Coming and Israel’s Peril (13:18–35)
4. A Sabbath Meal Calls for Reflection (14:1–24)
F. Pure Discipleship and Counting the Cost (14:25–35)
G. Why Does God Pursue Sinners? (15:1–32)
1. The Parables of the Lost Sheep and Coin (15:1–10)
2. The Parable of the Forgiving Father and His Two Sons (15:11–32)
H. Generosity: Handling Money and Possessions (16:1–31)
1. The Parable of the Crafty Steward (16:1–13)
2. The Pharisees’ Scoffing and the New Era (16:14–18)
3. The Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man (16:19–31)
I. False Teaching, Forgiveness, Faith, and Service (17:1–10)
J. Faithful in Looking for the King, Kingdom, and Consummation (17:11–18:8)
1. Healing and a Samaritan’s Faith (17:11–19)
2. Comments on the Kingdom and Its Coming (17:20–18:8)
K. Humility and Trusting All to the Father (18:9–30)
1. Humility: A Tax Collector and Children (18:9–17)
2. The Rich Ruler and Lessons on Wealth (18:18–30)
L. Turning to Jerusalem: Final Displays and Offers by the Messiah (18:31–19:44)
1. Abiding Compassion in the Face of the Cross (18:31–43)
2. A Rich Man Meets Salvation (19:1–10)
3. Stewardship and Christ’s Return (19:11–27)
4. Entering Jerusalem (19:28–44)
V. Jerusalem: The Innocent Slain and Vindicated (19:45–24:53)
A. Controversy in Jerusalem (19:45–21:4)
1. By What Authority Do You Do These Things? (19:45–20:8)
2. The Parable of the Wicked Tenants (20:9–19)
3. What About the Temple Tax? (20:20–26)
4. Question About Resurrection (20:27–40)
5. Jesus’ Question About Messiah (20:41–44)
6. Two Types of People: Scribes and the Poor Widow (20:45–21:4)
B. Jerusalem’s Destruction and the End (21:5–38)
C. A Betrayal and a Farewell (22:1–38)
1. Judas’s Plan to Betray (22:1–6)
2. The Last Supper (22:7–20)
3. The Last Discourse (22:21–38)
D. The Trial and Death Of Jesus (22:39–23:56)
1. Preparation Through Prayer (22:39–46)
2. The Betrayal and the Arrest (22:47–53)
3. The Trials and the Denials (22:54–71)
4. Before Pilate and Herod (23:1–12)
5. Barabbas, Not Jesus (23:13–25)
6. Crucifixion (23:26–49)
7. Burial (23:50–56)
E. The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus (24:1–53)
1. Resurrection Discovered (24:1–12)
2. The Journey on the Emmaus Road (24:13–35)
3. Jesus’ Commission, Promise, and Farewell (24:36–53)