BECAUSE THIS IS MY FIRST book, I feel like I could thank everyone I’ve ever come across—friend, enemy, ally, and bystander. I trust in some way, our interaction has led me to this unique moment in my life. But due to the constraints of the space-time continuum, I will keep the list to those who were instrumental in the writing of this book.
I am forever grateful for my editor, Hannah Braaten. There would be no book without her. She has been my champion, taskmaster, cheerleader, and teacher. In the future, I will never write another sentence that is not shaped in some way by her guidance.
Eddie Pietzak, my literary agent—thank you for e-mailing me out of the blue and asking me if I had an agent or a book deal. Your chutzpah changed my life
Jerry Hamza, my friend, father-figure, manager, business partner—thank you for taking care of my parents for over thirty years, and now teaching me how to take care of myself.
My comedy uncles and brothers—Lewis Black, for inviting me to tell a few stories while on a cruise ship with him, which ultimately led to my solo show that led to this book; Paul Provenza, who has been my Yoda, shepherd, mentor, shrink, and fellow traveler and director of said solo show; Garry Shandling, for always seeing me so clearly and sharing his wise soul. Rick Overton—you are my brother.
My friends who read through my pages and cheered me on—your enduring love and confidence in my voice emboldens me daily. And to all my comrades in art and life that dance, laugh, and gather around the fire pit with me—you’re the net that holds me up.
And lastly, my parents, for everything. Really. Everything.