A word of thanks for the people who have worked with me on this book by reviewing and commenting on earlier drafts. Kathryn L. Allen, Alexandria, VA; William J. Bennett, Ph.D., Empower America, Washington, DC; Peter B. Bensinger, Bensinger, DuPont, and Associates, Chicago, IL; Dan Buie, Texans’ War on Drugs, Austin, TX; Fred Burford, Council on Drug Abuse, Toronto, Ontario; James F. Callahan, D.P.A., American Society of Addiction Medicine, Chevy Chase, MD; Allan Y. Cohen, Ph.D., Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Rockville, MD; William F. Current, American Council for Drug Education (formerly), Rockville, MD; Betty Ford, Betty Ford Center at Eisenhower, Rancho Mirage, CA; Mark S. Gold, M.D., University of Florida Brain Institute, Gainesville, FL; Enoch Gordis, M.D., National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Rockville, MD; Jill Jonnes, Historian, Baltimore, MD; Raymond C. Kubacki, Jr., Psychemedics Corporation, Cambridge, MA; Ernest Kurtz, Ph.D., author, Ann Arbor, MI; Nicolas Lerch, M.D., Association for the Advancement of Psychological Understanding of Human Nature, Zurich, Switzerland; Donald Ian Macdonald, M.D., Employee Health Programs, Bethesda, MD; Edward J. Madara, American Self-Help Clearinghouse, Denville, NJ; Dr. Ma. Elena Medina-Mora, Instituto Mexicano de Psiquiatria, Mexico City, Mexico; Norman S. Miller, M.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL; Otto Moulton, Committees of Correspondence and Drug Watch, Danvers, MA; Michael Mulligan, Thacher School, Ojai, CA; David F. Musto, M.D., Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT; Katherine Nelson, Bethesda, MD; Thomas R. Neslund, International Commission for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency, Silver Spring, MD; Jean Newberry, National Family Partnership, Corpus Christi, TX; Patricia Owen, Ph.D., M.H.A., Hazelden Foundation, Center City, MN; Ross Perot, The Perot Group, Dallas, TX; L. Gerald Pond, Radio News and Feature Services, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, UT; Frank Riessman, M.D., National Self-Help Clearinghouse, New York, NY; Stephen W. Ringer, M.S.W., C.A.P., Coral Gables, FL; Brig. Gen. Robinson Risner, USAF (Ret), Austin, TX; Timothy M. Rivinus, M.D., Butler Hospital, Providence, RI; Rita Rumbaugh, Montgomery County Public Schools, Rockville, MD; Robert A. Sammons, Jr., M.D., Ph.D., Mesa Behavioral Medicine Clinic, Inc., Grand Junction, CO; John T. Schwarzlose, Betty Ford Center at Eisenhower, Rancho Mirage, CA; John Small, Parkside Publishing Corporation, Park Ridge, IL; David E. Smith, M.D., Haight Ashbury Free Medical Clinics, San Francisco, CA; Harry A. Tiemann, Ph.D., Mesa State College, Grand Junction, CO; Joyce Tobias, Emilie Gaborne-Dearing, and Patricia Gerlach, Parents’ Association to Neutralize Drug and Alcohol Abuse (PANDAA), Annandale, VA; Eric A. Voth, M.D., International Drug Strategy Institute, Topeka, KS; Bonnie B. Wilford, George Washington University, Washington, DC.; Clare Imholtz, Center for Substance Abuse Research (CESAR) Library, College Park, MD; Dianne Lange, DuPont Associates, P.A., Rockville, MD; Lindsay Blair, DuPont Associates, P.A., Rockville, MD.

An additional word of appreciation to Helen S. DuPont and Sarah Shiraki, Institute for Behavior and Health, Inc., Rockville, MD, for their help in preparing this manuscript.

Special thanks are due to Melissa Andrews and Judy Kramer, my editors, who skillfully and gently helped make this book reasonably literate and readable. Patricia R. Carson, my longtime associate and friend, helped me with my earlier book, Getting Tough on Gateway Drugs, and now has provided tremendously valuable assistance in every step of the creation of this book. Without her help, quite literally, there would be no book. My sincere thanks also to Ronald E. McMillen, Carol C. Nadelson, M.D., and Claire Reinburg from the American Psychiatric Press, Inc., for their encouragement and support for this project from start to finish. Martin Lynds, the Project Editor at the American Psychiatric Press, did an impressive job.

This edition has benefitted from the fine work of many people at Hazelden, including Stephen Lehman and Kathryn Kjorlien. I am deeply grateful to Hazelden for making this edition possible

Finally, I thank my patients and their family members who have been my teachers about addiction for the past quarter century in my practice of psychiatry. I thank also the many participants in the conferences and workshops I have conducted, whose questions and comments have helped me understand what is important and what is not.