Chapter NINE
Olivia woke up the following morning with butterflies in her tummy. “This is the day! Mom and Dad will be on their way here soon,” she said to Flame. “It’s the final dress rehearsal this morning.”
She jumped out of bed and got dressed quickly. Usually Flame followed her everywhere, but today he seemed reluctant to get off the bed.
“Hey! Sleepyhead,” she teased gently. “Are you coming?”
Flame peeped out of his cozy nest in the duvet with dull, troubled eyes. “I think I will stay here for a bit longer,” he meowed quietly.
“What’s wrong? Do you feel sick?” Olivia asked, beginning to feel alarmed.
“I think my enemies are getting close,” Flame told her with a tiny shudder. “If I stay very still, they may pass by.”
“Oh, no!” Olivia gasped. She was dreading the moment when Flame would have to leave, but it was a million times worse to think of him being hurt. “That’s it. I’m going to stay here with you. I’ll say I have a tummy ache or something . . .”
“No. It would draw attention to me. You cannot miss this important rehearsal,” Flame meowed.
Olivia knew Flame was right, but she felt torn. “All right, I’ll go. But I’ll come back and check on you when I can. You will still be here when I get back, won’t you?” She was distraught at the thought of not being able to say good-bye.
Flame curled up and tucked his tail around his tiny body. He gave a muffled, little meow. “I hope so.”
Olivia’s heart was heavy as she went to the dance studio.
“Are you okay?” asked Tamsin, as soon as she caught sight of Olivia’s pale face.
“Yes, I’m fine,” Olivia said, trying hard to pull herself together.
She managed to push her worries about Flame to the back of her mind and somehow concentrated fully on her dancing, but the moment rehearsal finished, Olivia dashed straight back up to the dorm.
Flame was on the landing, ears pricked and his little tail sticking straight up perkily. The fearful look had faded from his emerald eyes. He meowed a greeting as Olivia bounded up the stairs two at a time toward him.
“Flame!” Olivia cried happily. “I was so scared that you’d be gone!”
“I sensed that my enemies have passed. They may still return, but for now I am safe,” Flame purred.
“Oh, I’m so glad!” Olivia bent down to stroke his soft fur. “Come on. It’s almost lunchtime. I’ll see if I can smuggle something extra delicious out for you!”
With a joyful little meow, Flame jumped into her arms.
Olivia sat in the common room with Tamsin. Flame was curled up invisibly by her side. Normal lessons had finished early and the entire school seemed to be in upheaval as final preparations for the performance were made.
Olivia felt so nervous that she couldn’t sit still. She kept jumping up and pacing around. Flame seemed to have been infected by her nerves. One minute he was sitting down, the next he was pacing behind her.
“What time is it?” Olivia asked Tamsin.
Tamsin grinned. “Five minutes later than when you just asked me!”
“Sorry,” Olivia said. “I hate waiting around. If only there was something to do.”
“We’re supposed to be relaxing,” Tamsin said. “There’s still over an hour before we need to start putting on our makeup and costumes.”
“It’s no good. I feel like I have butterflies in my tummy! I think I’ll go and see if Mom and Dad have arrived.”
“Good idea,” Tamsin said. “You must be dying to see them after all these weeks. Not like me; I have to see my parents every day. I’ll stay here and read my magazine. I’ll see you in wardrobe later.”
“Okay,” Olivia sang out as she hurried out of the common room. She couldn’t understand how Tamsin could be so calm when she was exactly the opposite!
With Flame in her shoulder bag, Olivia went outside to check the car park, but there was no sign of her parents’ car yet.
“Never mind. They’ll be here soon,” she said to Flame. “Let’s go back inside.”
Flame answered with a sleepy purr from the depths of the bag.
Olivia put her hand inside and stroked Flame gently. She wandered down the corridor and found herself heading down toward the wardrobe room. Maybe she’d go and take another look at her costume.
Just before she got to wardrobe, she saw that the door to a normally empty room stood wide open. It was crammed with dress rails full of glittering costumes.
“Oh, look!” Olivia said delightedly, spotting her costume on the end of the rail nearest to her.
But as she reached for the hanger, Olivia caught a movement from the corner of her eye. A large, dark shadow was climbing the wall of the corridor. Something was coming toward them.
“He is close. I can sense him,” growled a harsh, cruel voice.
Olivia froze. Flame’s enemies. They were here!