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"I like the comfort of jeans, and the elegance of a suit. But above all, I love the sensuality and sexuality that emanates from leather. It multiplies one's sensations tenfold."
Emmanuel Petit, former French national player
How was it possible to crave a woman so badly after just a few kisses? Flynn suspected it was a case of reverse psychology. Ever since Abby had declared they couldn’t touch, all Flynn could think about was touching. Touching, tasting, teasing...aye, he was going crazy with the images inside his head.
He’d thought a swim in the freezing waters of the loch would help take his mind off Abby. Instead, all it achieved was to make his unused muscles ache. He’d pushed himself too hard, forgetting his body didn’t work the way it used to. And now he was paying for it. His leg felt like it was on fire, and it took all his effort not to strike out at anyone who crossed his path. After a lifetime having absolute confidence in his own body, the weakness he felt was humiliating. He hated the fact his body had let him down. Hated it wasn’t perfect. Hated it all.
He opened the cabinet above his kitchen sink and pulled out the medication he’d been given. It was a combination painkiller and muscle relaxant. He’d been loath to take it, but now he had no choice. It was take the pills or spend the rest of the day in bed suffering.
“You in there?” A voice broke into his thoughts.
“No.” What did a man have to do to get some peace?
“Flynn?” It was Megan.
“I don’t have time for another lecture on how I’m screwing up everyone’s lives. Come back another day.” He was busy. He’d planned on spending the afternoon staring out at the garden, where the goat was currently eating his shirt, all the while brooding about having to keep his hands off Abby.
“That wasn’t me,” Megan said. “It was the rest of the family, remember? I’m on your side. I’m happy to support your screwed-up life.”
“Thanks.” Flynn swallowed the pills.
“Can you come out here? I need to talk to you.”
“Flynn, stop being a grumpy old man. You really need to be out here for this.”
Damn, he didn’t like the sound of that. He limped towards the door, wondering why he’d fired his physio. He’d done it in anger straight after he’d gotten the word the club was letting him go. He hadn’t seen the point of physiotherapy when he’d never play again. Now he kind of thought it might be nice to have help to just bloody walk without being in agony.
“What is it?” He threw the door open and gawked.
Megan was grinning up at him and she was flanked by two ugly-as-sin donkeys. They looked to be about a hundred years old. Their ribs were showing and they were obviously depressed. Suddenly Eeyore made perfect sense. Megan held the reins out towards him.
“Claire said you’re taking in animals. So here you are. This is Derek and this is Boris. They’ve been mistreated and need a good home. They’re all yours.”
Flynn stared at her then at the donkeys. He looked back at his younger cousin. She was grinning, but it was nervous.
“Do I look like a bloody animal shelter?” Flynn barked.
Megan scowled. “You look like an inconsiderate deadbeat who should be nice to his relatives. I brought you a gift. A nice guy would say thanks.”
“You want me to thank you for two donkeys who are so old and knackered they should be turned into glue?”
She gasped before petting the animals. “Don’t listen to the mean man. I’m pretty sure they don’t turn donkeys into glue. He’s just being nasty.”
“Take them away.” Flynn was done with this conversation.
He turned to go, but Megan stopped him with a pout. After a lifetime dealing with the twins, he should have been immune to the pout. But he wasn’t. It was their superpower. One pout and men crumbled.
“Flynn, they need someone to look after them, and you have lots of space. You’re already taking care of a duck and a goat. I hear you’re doing a great job. You’re the best person to take care of the donkeys. They won’t be any trouble.”
“That’s what Claire said about the goat.” He pointed at the animal, who had part of an Arsenal shirt hanging out of its mouth.
“Yeah, well, donkeys only eat grass.” Megan worked at looking innocent. “Can you at least take them until I find another home? Please?”
“What are you doing with donkeys anyway?”
“A parent at Claire’s kindy asked her to find a home for them. She was too scared to bring them herself after offloading the goat on you.”
“Why is Claire suddenly the go-to person for homeless animals?”
Megan shrugged. “Word gets around. And Claire’s a soft touch.”
Flynn looked at the depressed animals and his shoulders slumped. Apparently Claire wasn’t the only soft touch in the family. “Okay, I’ll take them. But just until you and Claire find another home. And you better look for one.”
“I will. Promise.” She thrust the ropes at him and made a run for it, heading straight for the lime-green Mini Cooper she shared with her sister. The tiny car had a large horse trailer attached to it, which made Flynn shake his head. The trailer was three times bigger than the car. Matt would have a fit if he saw it.
Thinking of Matt made Flynn realise he wasn’t the only one with land. Jena and Matt’s new house sat on three acres. He’d been conned. Megan had chosen the easier relative, her wimp of a cousin over her scary big brother.
He looked at the animals. “As soon as it gets dark,” he told them, “we’re going to take a little walk over to Matt’s place. You’ll like it there. His grass is tasty.”
The one on the left nuzzled him, and he couldn’t resist patting it. He felt the bones under his hand and wondered who exactly had mistreated the animals. Once his leg was better, he’d pay them a visit. There was nothing wrong with his fists, and as soon as he could stand without toppling he’d put them to good use.
“Come on, guys. The grass by the stream is the best.” He led the animals to the spot he had in mind, followed closely by the goat, who wanted to see what was happening. That goat was a nosey bugger.
“Here.” He pointed to the grass as he looked around for somewhere to tie the donkeys. He stopped. Why couldn’t they wander? With a shrug, he clipped off the leads, earning another nuzzle.
As Flynn walked back to his RV, he wondered if there was a supplement or something he could get for the animals. Something to build them back up. As soon as he was in his van, he put a call through to the vet in Fort William. He was now on first-name terms with the guy. While he was on the phone, he asked him how long he should keep the duck’s wing in a splint. And what to do to stop the goat eating everything in sight.
As he listened to the vet’s advice, he spotted the bloody goat chowing down on his limited edition Nikes. Flynn wondered if goat curry would be a better solution for that particular problem.