Chapter Five
Li huddled against Nik’s back as the horse continued its slow uphill plod. They’d been riding for several hours and she’d be perfectly content to never see the back end of a horse again. It felt like she’d been on this wretched creature for an eternity.
Rain pounded against her hood and inevitably found any nook or cranny to drip onto her skin. She was heartily sick of being wet, and she was more than ready for this journey to end.
The only good thing to occur was that Nik hadn’t made any effort to restrain her as he had the day before. He’d also given her his gloves, and while they were far too large, they protected her hands against the elements.
So far they’d only passed one tiny village, a mere notch in the road. The hamlet had sported a central well, a tiny church, and less than a dozen miniscule huts. Luckily for Li, one of the residents was a skilled wisewoman who’d taken care of her hand. She flexed her fingers inside her voluminous glove. Already her blistered flesh felt better.
The old woman had refused the silver coin Nik offered her; instead she’d asked for some fresh meat. He’d walked into the rain and returned with a brace of fat geese, filling her larder with fresh meat for the next few weeks at least. The woman had been overjoyed with the unexpected boon, and gifted them with two loaves of freshly baked bread and a large hunk of yellow cheese.
That had been quite a few hours ago and Li was more than ready to stop again. During their ride, the temperature had dropped steadily and the rain had continued to fall. It had seemed as if the entire realm were in danger of being washed away by the weeping skies.
Darkness was full upon them, and the little-used animal track they were following was barely discernable. Li wasn’t entirely sure where they were, but she was cognizant of the fact that they were deep in the Elven realm. It was quite possible they were near her village of Lygas, though she wasn’t sure. She’d never traveled from the southwestern regions, and the terrain was totally alien to her. A wave of homesickness washed over her.
Even though her father had cast her aside, she still loved him. She missed his big comforting bulk and his deep merry laugh. The scent of his pipe smoke and the way it created a wreath around his head during his evening smoke was a treasured memory.
She missed the laughter of her siblings, and most of all, she missed the warm cuddly bundle that was Jaxs. Tears stung her eyes. Her little brother would no longer be a baby. By now he’d be a sturdy boy of six seasons. He would’ve started his lessons a season ago, and he’d probably be a mischief-maker. She was sure his childish, exuberant laugh was a constant source of joy to the family. Jaxs was the son her father had longed for as each of her sisters had been born. It wasn’t that he didn’t adore his daughters; he did, but they’d all known Jaxs was the son he’d long desired.
“We’ll rest here.” Nik’s voice interrupted her daydreaming. “This village appears to have several inns, and I for one desire a dry warm place to sleep for a few hours.”
“You’re not the only one.” Li stifled a yawn.
She stretched her protesting back, eliciting a moan as she did so. Peering over his shoulder, her heart stuttered and she blinked several times, unable to comprehend what she saw.
She’d returned to Lygas.
“What do you mean you only have one room?” Nik could hardly resist leaning forward to tower over the diminutive innkeeper.
“I-I-I’m sorry, but my rooms are almost full this eve.” His hands fluttered over his wide stomach and his wings fluttered. “The Elven Fellowship is conducting a meeting in the village and most of the rooms have been taken.” He reached under the desk and pulled out a key. “I have one room left. It’s small but clean. The bed is very comfortable, and I’m sure you and your missus will be quite cozy.”
Nik ground his teeth and threw a look over his shoulder at Li. She stood as still and silent as a stone. Her cape was soaking wet and her hood shrouded her face, leaving only the tip of her chin exposed. If he had to sleep in the same bed with this woman, he’d take her. He knew that as sure as he knew his name.
“Is there a comfortable chaise lounge in this room?” he growled.
“No, sir, but there are two armchairs and a footstool.” He shot a curious look at Li, then back at Nik. “Will that do?”
“And you say the rest of the inns in the village are full as well?”
“Aye, full up.” He dangled the key from his pudgy fingertips. “It’s a cold, wet night out there, and it would be a shame to waste your time trudging through the mud to find out I’m telling the truth.”
Nik snatched the key from his fingers, not missing the look of glee on the innkeeper’s plain face. “Send up a hot bath for the lady, a plentiful meal for two, and some extra blankets.” He removed several silver coins from the pouch at his waist. The innkeeper’s eyes widened when Nik held the coins up so the man could see them plainly. “This should be more than enough to cover our expenses.” He flipped them in his direction.
“Oh, aye, sir, this will be more than generous.” He snatched the coins in midair and immediately tucked them into his pocket. “I’ll even escort you to your room.” He came out from behind the narrow desk. “Do you have any bags?” He started toward the steps.
“None.” Nik fell into step behind the man, then motioned for Li to follow them.
The little man led them up a set of narrow steps, then down a carpeted hall. Typical of Elven dwellings, the windows overlooking the soggy town square were large and plentiful. The appointments were functional, and the colors were reminiscent of those found in nature.
He unlocked a door at the far end of the hall, then stepped to the side to allow them to enter first. Nik had to stifle a grimace when he surveyed the room. At least the man hadn’t lied, as the room was small—very small. His closet in Riverhaven was much larger than this tiny space.
A roomy four-poster bed dominated the small space, leaving barely enough room for all three people to fit into the room. The bed was pushed against two walls, with a small wooden chest placed at the foot. A fireplace was tucked into the opposite corner, with two comfy-looking chairs and a footstool arranged before it.
“I’ll move these chairs and we’ll have the bath brought up for your lady.” The innkeeper began shoving the chairs toward the wall to create a space for the tub. “Will you need some dry clothing, miss?”
Nik glanced at Li in time to see her shake her head. He wondered at her silence, surprised she hadn’t announced she’d been kidnapped or at least tried to alert the man to her predicament. Instead, she hovered at the foot of the bed with her hood firmly in place. There was no mistaking her tension; her ramrod straight spine and squared shoulders told him more than words ever would. Ever since they’d entered this little town, she’d fallen silent and hidden in the voluminous folds of her cloak.
Nik looked out of the window and at the falling rain. What was it about this place that set Li on edge?
Li’s knees were shaking by the time the innkeeper had left the room, taking Nik with him. Rasmus Gowers, the owner of the Marvel Inn, was familiar to her. He was a friend of her father’s and had spent many nights at their dinner table, regaling them with stories of his guests. Even now, four seasons later, she knew he’d recognize her if he got a clear look at her face.
She glanced toward the closed door. Nik had told her he’d return in a half hour, giving her adequate time to have a hot bath and be in bed before he returned.
On shaky legs, Li approached the fireplace. What would happen if she were to be recognized? Would Rasmus turn her away? Would the villagers cast her out again? Memories of that painful night washed over her and she pushed the hurt away. She couldn’t bear to think about it; not here, not now.
She removed her clothing, hanging the damp garments near the fire to dry. Nude, she slid into the bath water. A moan escaped her as the hot water touched her chilled flesh. Taking a bath was a novelty for her. Usually, she was forced into a quick sponge bath in the morning before assuming her household duties. It was well known in the Graystone household that Li adored bathing, and Cookie had declared her love of water unnatural. Li grinned. It wasn’t unnatural for her kind at all. Elves were very conscious of their personal grooming, while most humans were indifferent at best.
She leaned against the tall back of the tub. There was something very sensual about an everyday event like bathing. The warmth of the water was hypnotic, as was the flicker of the fire. Tension seeped from her limbs and her eyelids grew heavy. Even though she was exhausted, she didn’t dare fall asleep in the tub. She’d be mortified if Nik caught her nude and sleeping.
She yawned wide and reached for the table next to the tub. On top was a nubby bathing cloth and a clay pot of soap. She lifted the container to her nose and inhaled the pleasant scent of wildflowers.
She dampened the cloth and added a generous dollop of soap. Working it into a lather, she drew the soapy cloth over her throat, very aware of the sensuality of the motion. She ran the cloth down her throat and across her chest before slipping it beneath the water.
She cupped her breast, giving it a gentle squeeze. She brushed her thumb over the stiff tip, and her breath hissed through her teeth. She was a sexually experienced woman—she knew her body intimately and knew what would give her pleasure and release.
She allowed her washcloth-covered hand to drift lower. Soft curls gave way as she cupped her mound. Spreading her thighs, she breached the tender folds and brushed a finger over her delicate inner lips, parting them. A quiver of heat rushed through her body as her fingertip grazed her clitoris.
She drew her knees higher, which wasn’t difficult in the cramped confines of the tub. Taking up a slow, even pace, she caressed the hard bead as waves of sensation rippled through her body. Her hips rocked with each stroke and her breathing grew deeper as she imagined Nik’s hands on her body, his mouth on her breasts…
Tension spiraled higher and she bit her lip against the moan that threatened to burst forth. Her eyes slid closed as release beckoned—
A soft knock on the door stilled her rapid movements and she sat up, sloshing water over the edge of the tub.
“Y-yes?” she called. “Who is it?”
“Are you through with your bath?” Nik’s voice sounded from the opposite side of the door.
“Not quite, just a few moments more.” Li dove for the bathing cloth and began scrubbing her face.
“Ten minutes, no longer,” Nik rumbled.
Her heart raced when she heard his heavy footfalls outside the door fade. Her skin heated and she raced through her ablutions. What had he heard outside the door? She’d tried to quell her sounds of excitement, but no doubt she hadn’t been completely successful. Would he recognize it as such? Would he guess she’d been fantasizing about him?
Li raced through the washing of her hair. After wrapping a thick towel around the wet locks, she climbed from the tub to dry her body. Across the foot of the bed was a nightgown provided by the innkeeper. She slipped the generous folds over her head before attending to her hair. She was rubbing it dry when she heard footsteps outside the door. Leaping into bed, she made sure she was fully covered from neck to toes when the soft knock sounded.
“It’s me,” Nik spoke.
“Come in.”
The door opened and Nik filled the doorway with his tall frame. Her breath caught as his blue gaze moved over her. Her cheeks warmed and she looked away. In light of her recent fantasies, just looking at the man made her tingly all over.
Nik entered the room, followed by several chambermaids. They made quick work of emptying the tub and clearing away the mess she’d created. As they prepared to leave, another maid arrived with a large tray of food and a bottle of wine. With a soft smile and a covetous look toward Nik, the maid placed the tray within Li’s reach before leaving the room.
“Did you enjoy your bath?” Nik’s voice was velvet over steel, igniting an ache in her breasts.
“Yes.” Her gaze flicked over his damp hair. “I see you’ve had one yourself.”
“There are community baths on the lower level.” He removed his jerkin to reveal a cream-colored shirt shot with pale silken strands of white. He tossed the jacket over a chair and began unlacing the shirt.
Li forced herself to look away. Fixing her attention on the tray, it was all she could do to not wolf down the contents. Roasted chicken, fresh goat cheese, and thick bread were offered along with a bowl of fresh greens. Li picked up a chunk of meat and could scarcely contain her hunger when she bit into it.
Once she’d tasted the food, all decorum was lost and she concentrated on eating as much as she could possibly hold. Within a short period of time the tray was decimated and her belly was full.
She reached for the bottle of wine, surprised to see quite a bit of it was gone. She wasn’t used to drinking spirits, but she found she quite enjoyed this wine. She poured herself a final glass. Her head was fuzzy when her attention returned to her companion.
Nik had removed most of his clothing and now stood beside the bed clad only in his cotton underdrawers. The impressive ridge of his manhood stretched the material, clearly delineating every delectable inch. Her throat went dry as she imagined the press of his steely flesh against her. A wave of arousal washed over her.
Nik reached down and her eyes widened when she realized he was reaching for the covers. Stunned, she grabbed the blankets and pulled them up to her chest.
“Surely you don’t mean to sleep here, with me?” she gaped up at him.
He snorted. “Of course I do; we only have one bed.”
She clutched the blankets tighter. “There are chairs over there.” She nodded toward the fireplace.
He cast them a disdainful look. “And if you think I could fit in those, you’re mistaken.” He pulled the blankets from her numb fingers. “I am the crown prince of Riverhaven. I command thousands of elves in the royal army, and I will someday rule the lands that my family has held for thousands of seasons. I don’t sleep in chairs or on the floor.” He sat on the edge of the bed and presented her with his broad back. “If you are so disturbed by my presence in bed, you may sleep in the chair.”