Chapter Eight

Li had never seen anything like the Elven city of Riverhaven. Situated in a deep ravine at the mouth of three large rivers, the white stone of the walls and graceful soaring towers were breathtaking. Hundreds of lanterns glittered like fireflies in the darkness, beckoning them forward. Numerous waterfalls sang a haunting melody as the water ran over rocks and fell hundreds of feet into the rivers that intersected the roadways. The city blended seamlessly with the surroundings, and Li thought this must be the most beautiful place in the Elven realm.

Nik guided their mount along a narrow, precarious path. At the base was a smooth, wide road paved with limestone. Arching bridges spanned the fast-flowing rivers, and every inch of the sides was covered with exquisite carvings. 

Despite the gloom and soft rain, Li craned her neck, desperate to see everything she could. Personal dwellings like none she’d ever seen were interspersed among the trees and rocks as if they’d grown there. Never had she seen such a seamless example of nature and humanity cohabitating within the same space. 

Soon they left the private homes and made their way through the marketplace. The stalls were shut tight against the night and the weather, but she couldn’t wait to see it during the day. She’d bet the wares sold here were probably as exquisite as the city itself. She mourned her lack of coin.

They exited the marketplace and moved along a wide lane lined with trees. At the end of the road was a tall, white stone arch flanked with several torches. 

Li whispered to Nik. “What is this place? Is it a sanctuary?”

He chuckled. “This is the royal house of Riverhaven, my family home.”

Her gaze followed the sharp line of his jaw, the only part of his face visible beneath his hood. “It must be so long since you’ve been home,” she said.

Their mount passed under the arch and into a paved courtyard.

“Too long,” he said.

The courtyard was well lit and scrupulously neat. Barrels overflowing with brightly colored flowers were strategically placed near the broad steps. Torches flanked a tall doorway at the top. The door was closed.

Nik pulled the horse to a halt near one of the barrels. A low whistle escaped Li when she looked up at the grand facade that was the house of Riverhaven. Even with the gloomy skies and encroaching night, the white stone of the building gleamed. Wide arched windows were plentiful, and each had stained glass at the apex. It must be breathtaking in the sunlight.

The tall doors opened and a man exited. He was slim, with long brown hair worn in a series of intricate braids. Dressed in an ornate, burgundy velvet robe that brushed the floor, and cream pants and shirt underneath, his carriage screamed wealth and breeding. He walked down the steps toward them, a bland smile on his unremarkable face.

“Welcome to Riverhaven.” He spoke in a lilting accent that was very similar to Nik’s. “Have you traveled far?”

“Farther than we’d like.” Li heard the amusement in Nik’s voice. “I’d like to see Lord Elan. Is he available this eve?”

The man’s smile slipped. “The lord of the house is only available by appointment. If you would like to speak with him, I can see if he has any time available in the next few weeks—”

“He’ll see me.” Nik released his grip on Li to dismount. “Please tell him that his son has returned.”

The man blinked and his smile faded. “Indeed? And which son would that be?”

“Nikolaz, his eldest.” 

The man smirked. “Another one? At least several times a season, someone shows up claiming to be the long-lost heir to the throne—”

Nik shoved off his hood and the man gasped; Li thought his eyes would bulge from his head. His hand fluttered in the air before it covered his mouth. 

“Oh, my—” He turned in a flurry of velvet and silk and raced up the steps, all decorum and attitude lost.

Li tilted her head. “What was that about?”

Nik grabbed her around the waist and swung her to the ground. “You’ll have to wait and see.”

Li stood beside him, curiously tense. She didn’t know what exactly was going to happen, but she sensed that this was an important moment for her companion. Nik was silent, still, and she was afraid he would hear how hard her heart thudded in her chest. The only sound was the soft, melodic patter of rain on the stone of the courtyard. 

The sound of running feet brought her attention back to the doorway. Another man emerged, this one dressed simply in black pants and a white velvet jerkin. Her gaze darted to his face and she sucked in a noisy breath. This newcomer could be Nik’s twin.

“Niko!” The man bounded down the steps and threw himself at Nik. After several thumps on the back that caused Li to wince, the men parted. “I can’t believe it’s really you.”

The joy on both men’s faces was evident. Nik gripped his brother’s shoulders and gave him a none-too-gentle shake. “And you, Lenoli, how well you look. No longer the younger brother I would smear into the mud on the Scrige field.”

“Oh ho, as if you could still do that, old man.” The younger laughed. 

“Where are the others—”

“You’re home!” A feminine shout sounded from the doorway.

The most beautiful woman Li had ever seen ran down the steps toward them. Joy was written on her heart-shaped face. Her sea foam-green dress floated about her ankles as she ran. Her hair was the color of honey, and a slim silver band encircled her head. She launched herself at Nik, wrapping her arms around his neck. 

“You’re home, you’re home,” she sobbed. 

“Yes, little one, I’m home.” Nik hugged the beauty with great warmth. Li shrank inside her cloak. 

Who was this woman? His mate?

Several other men came rushing down the steps to greet Nik. Li was forced to step to the side or else be trampled. Her eyes widened as she took in the assembled group, stunned by the sheer beauty of Nik’s siblings. The family resemblance was evident in their height and the same icy blond hair and blue eyes. Any woman in her right mind would be feeling faint right about now.

Her heart swelled when she took in the look of pure bliss on Nik’s handsome face. He’d so wanted to be reunited with his family, and now it was a reality for him. Nik was home.

Feeling happy for him yet sad for herself, Li leaned against the sturdy horse. Any dream that she’d had of being reunited with her family had been dashed in the village. Only to herself, in the dark of the night, did she admit how much she missed them, how much their defection had hurt her. Even though they’d turned their backs, she’d spent countless hours dreaming about her return one day. How they’d love her and welcome her back into their lives, the disagreement of the past long forgotten.

But that was never to be. 

Her father’s actions and those of her fellow villagers had told her the truth of the situation. She was well and truly alone. She brushed her fingertips over the wound on her cheek.

“Come, brother, our father will want to see you,” the one called Len spoke. 

“Lead the way.” Nik slapped his brother on the shoulder. 

The group moved up the stairway, and her heart sank with each step. Nik had forgotten her already. It wasn’t that she’d expected him to—

“Li, are you coming?” Nik stood at the top of the steps, his brothers grouped around him and the beautiful woman at his side. 


He held out his hand and she couldn’t prevent the rush of pleasure that the simple gesture evoked. She smiled and mounted the steps. 

“Who is she?” The woman spoke.

“Li is my—”

Li’s foot caught in her skirt and she stumbled forward, landing hard on the stone steps. Her cheeks heated and she was thankful her hood was still in place. 

Stupid fool—

She heard footsteps on the stairs and a familiar hand was thrust into her line of vision. She pushed back her cumbersome hood. 

Nik was smiling down at her and his expression was kind. “Li is my very tired traveling companion.” He spoke over his shoulder. 

Unable to speak, Li gave him a tremulous nod. He took her hand and led her up the steps, then through the silent group of people. For that one moment, Li actually felt as if she belonged by his side.




It was late when Li was allowed to escape to her room. Her belly was full and her ears rang from the exuberant conversation between Nik and his people. She’d never seen a family interact the way they did. They were loud, openly affectionate, and took every available opportunity to laugh, mostly at themselves. 

She had no idea what his family thought of her, or even what Nik had told them. They were polite enough to not pry, though she didn’t miss their speculative glances when they thought she wasn’t looking.

She was glad to finally be alone.

The room she’d been given was more luxurious than even the best suite at Graystone. Nik’s mother, Queen Awae, had sent a large selection of clothing to the room, and Li, who had never had anyone wait on her before, was starting to feel quite pampered. 

Li drew the brush through her hair. She’d just completed her bath and was ready for sleep. All she had to do was braid her hair and climb into the soft oversized bed. She planned on sleeping as long as possible, a desire she was rarely able to indulge.

A knock sounded on the door.

“Come in.”

The door opened and Nik appeared. Her eyes widened as she took in the change in his appearance. His pale hair was damp, falling like watered silk over his shoulders. He wore loose-fitting blue silk pants, and his broad chest was bare, as were his feet. 

“Are you comfortable?” He walked toward her and Li’s throat tightened. She’d secretly hoped he’d come to her, but hadn’t dared to dream it would actually happen.

“Yes, very.” She placed the brush on the table.

“How is your hand?” 

She opened her palm. “Much better. Your sister is a wiz with ointments.”

“That she is.” Nik smiled and her stomach clenched. “And your cheek?”

She shrugged. “It will heal.”

He placed his hands on her shoulders; the warmth seeped into her skin. “You look beautiful in that shade of green.”

Li’s gaze met his in the mirror, and she could barely speak. “Thank you.” She was nude beneath the fragile silk robe.

“And you’ll look even more beautiful without it.”

A tremor of desire shot through her limbs as he parted the collar to expose her chest. She shivered when the material slid against her sensitized nipples. What was it about this man, that with a touch, he could turn her from a mature intelligent woman into a quivering ball of sexual heat?

She swallowed hard. As much as she wanted to be with him, she had to know something before they went any further. 

“Did you love her, the Lady of Maragorn?”

Nik stopped, his hands big and warm on her shoulders. “I barely knew her.”

Li couldn’t help but smile. “Do you make a habit of kissing women you barely know?”

He grinned in the mirror. “Only the cursed ones.” 

He slid the garment from her shoulders and she flinched when her back was bared to his gaze. She looked away, knowing how horrible the scars on her back were.

He sank to his knees and to her shock, his mouth touched the reddened flesh. She bit her lip to prevent a sob from escaping when he continued his sensual caress, kissing every inch of the jagged scar. Tears stung her eyes and she blinked them away, not wanting to fall apart in front of him.

“You’re beautiful.” He rose and their gazes met in the mirror once more. Sincerity was written on his handsome face. “Scars are the mark of a life lived, not a badge of dishonor and shame.”

Li stifled a sob with her fist, and her head dipped forward. Nik sat behind her, sheltering her with his big body. His arms were secure and he held her, allowing her to cry.

He kissed her temple. “I hate to see you cry.”

She gave a noisy sniff. “I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to be sorry.” He gave her a quick squeeze. “I want to see you happy, to see you smile.”

Li rubbed away her tears, appalled to see how red her nose had become. “I’m not a delicate crier.” She sniffed.

He chuckled again. “Maybe I should have said you were beautiful with your scar and your tears?”

She smiled and leaned against his broad chest, feeling more secure than she had in years. “Liar,” she spoke without heat.

He shook his head. “Shall I show you how beautiful you are?”

Their gazes met and he slid his hands up to cup her breasts. His teeth grazed her neck to blaze a trail of fire over her skin. “I want to touch you.”

“Y-you are,” she whispered.

“I’m not touching you nearly enough.” He plumped her breasts. She whimpered as his thumbs caressed her nipples. Warmth rushed to her vagina as he gave each a gentle tug. 

“You have beautiful breasts.” He released her to slide his hands over her stomach. “A beautiful belly.” She moaned when he covered her woman’s mound with his hand. “Open for me.”

Stunned at the sheer eroticism of this moment, she was unable to speak. Instead, she parted her thighs, pressing them against his silk-covered ones.

Nik tugged on the silk tie at her waist and the material slithered away. The air felt cool against her dampened exposed flesh. He parted her mound and slipped inside, touching her, stroking her aroused flesh.

Li leaned her head against his shoulder, her eyes sliding half shut as she gave herself over to him. Her hips followed his slow movements and the tension built. With a final caress, her body folded in on itself and she came—hard. Her nails dug into his thighs and he held her, murmuring softly in her ear until the tension left her body.

Nik sat her upright, then rose. Picking her up, he carried her to the bed. Her lashes fluttered, then opened in time to see him climb in beside her. 

“I want to taste you.” His voice was raw and his eyes were dark with desire. “I want to thrust myself into your body until we become one being.” He pressed her thighs apart, skimming his hands upward until he reached the apex. He delved into her damp folds, seeking the aching bud at the center of her desire. He stroked with a slow, deliberate movement and Li arched her back, wanting more, much more. 

“Is this what you want?” He slid a finger into her vagina, eliciting a low moan from her when he withdrew it again. 

“Yes, please.”

Smiling, he slid a finger into her wet flesh, then added another. Pressing his thumb against her clitoris, the breadth of his fingers stretched her, filled her. He began to stroke, and the friction was incredible. Within seconds, she came again, writhing against his hand. Her cries escalated into a shriek as the power of her orgasm ripped through her. 

She lay limp and breathless as Nik slid between her thighs. With a smooth thrust, he embedded himself deep within her. She grabbed his neck, holding him tight. She arched beneath him, taking him deeper. He bit back a groan as his hips gave an involuntary thrust.

She forced her eyes open and met his heated gaze. He held himself completely still within her and she drew her legs against his hips to urge him on. His head dipped and their lips met in a kiss that was earthy, carnal. Their tongues moved seductively as his hips kept up their wild ride. 

He released her mouth and she cried out, her nails digging into his shoulders as her release washed over her. Replete, Li held Nik close as he found completion. With their bodies intimately entwined, Li closed her eyes, her breath raging in her lungs.

Now that she’d found the man worthy of her trust, how could she let him send her away?