Chapter Nine

The past day had been a whirlwind of activity at Riverhaven. 

Li ran her fingers down the front of the silk dressing gown. She’d been here for a day and she’d barely seen Nik since last night. When she’d awoken, he’d been gone, leaving only a dented pillow and his scent on her body. Her hand stilled. She hadn’t dreamed their separation would hurt this much. 

She stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was in love with him. Her eyes closed. Why now? Why him? She stifled a harsh laugh by placing her fist over her mouth. Why couldn’t she have fallen in love with a common, hard-working man who could love her as she was? 

She opened her eyes. There was no way she would ever fit into this world even if Nik asked her to stay. 

When she’d been escorted to her room, they’d brought her a lavish dinner tray. She didn’t recognize half of the flatware, let alone know what to do with it. Even the servants looked down on her. A haughty housemaid had corrected her when she’d inquired about Nik’s whereabouts. She’d been informed by the autocratic creature that the crown prince wasn’t in the habit of informing young women of his whereabouts. Should he wish to see her, she would be informed. 

Li sighed. She was a halfling, half-human and half-elf, just enough of each to ensure she didn’t fit in anywhere. She was what she was, a woman with a great many scars both inside and out. Nik needed—no, deserved—a woman who could stand by his side and someday help him rule the realm of Riverhaven. 

Her lips firmed. It was inevitable that he would marry, as he was the heir to the throne. Her heart gave a sharp twinge. But that didn’t mean she had to be a witness to the man she loved marrying another woman.

A knock sounded on the door, and before she could say anything, it opened. Nik’s younger sister, Hollen, stood in the doorway with her arms loaded down with garments. She gave Li a brilliant smile as she bustled into the room. 

“I have some dresses for you to try. Since this ball is on such short notice, all of the ladies are consigned to wearing dresses from last season.” Hollen dumped her load onto the bed. “Then again, I guess Nik couldn’t have sent word ahead, could he?”

Li’s smile was faint. “No, considering he wasn’t sure where he was, that wasn’t a possibility.”

Hollen plopped herself on the bed, her beautiful face alight with curiosity. “Niko has been very tight-lipped about where he’s been. Do you know?”

Li shook her head. “I don’t know for sure, and if I did, it would be Nik’s story to tell, not mine.”

Hollen rolled her eyes. “Somehow I knew you’d say something like that. No one ever tells me anything.” She pulled a sapphire blue gown from the haphazard pile. “I think this will look good on you.”

Li clutched the neck of her gown tight to her throat. “I’m not sure I should attend, Hollen. I’m not family, and I don’t—”

The other woman waved her words away. “Of course you should. Nik brought you here and you’re a guest of the family. It is expected that you will attend.” She draped the blue gown on the bed and picked up a rose-colored one. “This one is nice too.”

Li stared at the dresses, her heart in her throat. The cost of one of those gowns was more than she earned in a season. What would happen if she damaged it? Would she have to pay for it? Or worse, what if she made a fool of herself in front of everyone?


The other woman leapt off the bed, the rose-colored gown in her arms. “Come, Li. Try this one on first.” She gave a wild giggle. “This will be my first ball with another woman in the house close to my age. We will have such fun together, I promise.”

Li looked at Hollen and saw the joy written on her face. The young woman and the rest of her family had been so good to her, how could she say no?




Li’s stomach was tied in knots by the time she descended the main stairs. The hall below was packed with people, and the thought of facing all those strangers was making her feel faint. She wanted nothing more than to run and hide in her room. Instead, she forced herself to walk beside Hollen as if it were common for her to attend a grand ball such as this. In reality, she’d never seen anything quite like it.

Everywhere she looked, there were riches like she’d never imagined. Jewels dripped from the ladies as plentiful as raindrops, and their silk dresses were in every color of the rainbow. She was both pleased and relieved that her dress was every bit as elegant as everyone else’s.

After much debate, Li had picked the rose dress that Hollen had insisted she try on first. The garment was of such exquisite workmanship she was afraid to breathe lest she damage it. The other woman had loaned her a simple necklace and earrings of delicate silver strands entwined with dozens of moonstones.

For the first time in her life, Li looked as if she belonged somewhere. 

Too bad she didn’t quite feel that way.

Hollen took her time moving through the crowds, talking to many people and taking care to introduce Li as she did so. Grateful for the other woman’s guidance, Li kept a smile on her face and followed her lead.

After an interminable amount of time, she heaved a sigh of relief when they finally reached the ballroom. On the far side were several musicians who were playing a gentle tune. The crowd milled about in lively conversation, and she had no doubt that most were speculating on the sudden reappearance of Nik—nay, Crown Prince Nikolaz. 

Her gaze skimmed the crowd and her heart leapt when she’d located him. He stood at the far end of the room surrounded by his parents and brothers. He looked handsome in a jacket of dark purple velvet. Black leggings clung to his long lean legs, and black leather knee boots completed his outfit. Around his head he wore a carved silver band. 

Li swallowed hard. He looked every bit a prince.

The king walked to the front of the dais. “If I may have your attention, please.” The crowd stilled. “I’d like to thank you for attending this gathering to celebrate the return of my eldest son, Nikolaz.”

The cheers and clapping were thunderous. Nik looked both touched and proud at the same time. He nodded at a few people and tipped his head forward in the traditional Elven greeting to the crowd at large.

“My son and heir has returned to his home, and his family and people will be forever grateful for his safe, albeit tardy, arrival.”

Laughter broke out.

“Tonight we celebrate. We drink to the health of my family and the realm of Riverhaven.” The king selected a glass from a waiter who stood at his elbow. “We will eat to celebrate the continued prosperity of our community. We will drink to our continued prosperity. We shall dance to reaffirm our love of life, family, and community.” The king raised his glass. “To Riverhaven.”

Cheers sounded around Li as the revelers drank to the toast. 

The king handed his glass to the waiter, then clapped his hands. “Let the celebration begin. My son, Nikolaz, will lead everyone in the first dance.”

Li was jostled, separated from Hollen as people moved to clear the dance floor. Through the crush, she saw several women approach Nik and offer him hugs and whisper a few words into his ear. She lost sight of him when a man elbowed her in the chest and she slipped behind a large potted plant in the corner.

She batted a leaf out of her face and resisted the urge to cry. Now that Nik was home, it was time for her to leave. Maybe he’d forgotten about his promise to return her to Graystone? Should she just approach the king and request an escort—


Nik’s voice sounded in front of her. She parted the lush foliage and peered out. He stood near the dance floor with a wide smile on his handsome face. Her heart clenched when he held his hand out toward her.

“Please join me in this dance.”

She gulped, knowing she wouldn’t say no. This might be the last time she would hold this man in her arms. In a day or so she’d be gone; he’d be free to resume his former life, and she, hers.

Why did that prospect leave her feeling so desolate?

“I don’t dance very well.” She forced a smile. “But if you’re willing to risk your toes then I’d be honored,” her voice wobbled.

His hand was warm, reassuring as his fingers closed around hers. She stepped out from behind the plant, well aware of the hundreds of pairs of eyes focused on them. She held her breath as they walked onto the center of the dance floor. 

Please don’t let me make a fool of myself…

He seemed to sense her discomfort and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “Relax.”

She looked up into his blue eyes and fell in love with him all over again. His arms came around her and everyone else faded away. The music was light and lively, and Li had no trouble following his steps. She’d always loved to dance, though most of her dancing had taken place at the village festivals in Graystone. 

After a few moments, others joined them on the dance floor, but Li paid them no mind. Nothing existed outside of Nik’s mesmerizing gaze. They twirled about the floor and Li felt like a princess. The lights seemed overly bright, her handsome partner held her close, and in that one shining moment, everything was perfect. 

Nik leaned down and spoke in her ear. “You look beautiful this evening.”

Li’s cheeks warmed. “So do you.”

“I need to taste you.” Her mouth went dry with the sensual images his words aroused. “Meet me on the terrace in a few minutes?” His lips brushed her temple and she shivered.

Wordless, she nodded, and his answering smile warmed her heart.

The music ended and they parted. Nik bowed at the waist and gave her a subtle sign as to where to find the terrace doors. Keeping her smile demure, Li tipped her head toward him before slipping into the crowd. 

With her heart thudding, she wove her way toward the terrace doors, then slipped outside. The covered terrace was dim, lit only by a few torches. Rain still fell but it was a misty rain that painted everything in a soft romantic gloom. It was fitting for the most magical night of her life. 

She wrapped her arms around her waist. This feeling would not last, but while it did, she was going to grab it with both hands and hold on tight—

A cold hand landed on her neck and spun her around. Her eyes widened when she saw Junal standing beside her, his silver tooth shimmering in the torchlight. 

“Hello, Li.”