The Publishers would like to thank everyone who helped so generously in the preparation of this book and, in particular: Richard Sinclair of The Warehouse Studio (; Plain English ( for their kind help with location shots; and Sticks & Stones ( for the provision of backgrounds.
We start by acknowledging one of our own, Nicola Swift, who joined the Ginger Pig team long after this book began; you ran with this project remarkably well, and your ideas, enthusiasm and determination have helped to ensure a book worthy of any keen cook’s bookshelf.
Enormous thanks to the team at Octopus: to Denise Bates who envisioned this book as a whole, long before it was finished, and for her necessary intervention to keep us along the right path; to Tracey Smith, our wonderfully talented editorial director with a fantastic eye for detail, whose unfalteringly cheery and unflappable demeanour has been essential to everyone involved; to project editor Joanne Wilson, who has the brilliance and ability to pull together fourteen things at once; to our wonderful senior production manager, Katherine Hockley; and not least to Trish Burgess and Jo Murray for their eagle-eyed and tenacious editing and proofreading and to Hilary Bird for the index that completes the package.
To Anna Power of Johnson and Alcock, whose idea it was for us to write a book in the first place; her inspiration, determination, and ability to join the dots at each step along the way have been invaluable.
Of course there would be nothing to write about without our farmers, stockmen, butchers, bakers, drivers, shop staff, accounts and customer service team, together with our tremendous livestock. You have all made the whole thing possible; thank you for your loyalty, enthusiasm and hard work. A special nod to the following people: to Julie Howe and Hester Salt, our preserve and pudding-making experts in Thornton-le-Dale, who ensure that our shops are filled with delicious handmade condiments, and who provided several recipes for this book; to Les Bowes, head baker, who has been on-hand throughout to advise on pies, pates, terrines and pastry; and to Sarah Clubley, who gets on with whatever needs doing without ever batting an eyelid.
To our art director Pene Parker and photographer Kristin Perers; mavericks, both of you. You captured beautifully the life of the farm on the pages of our first book and we are delighted with the natural style and elegance you’ve given to this one. You are the only people we wanted for the job and the look and feel of this book bears testament to why.
Finally, thank you to the patrons of our shops, and to the readers of our books. Your enthusiasm for our meat and for making the most of it is overwhelming; we hope you get as much satisfaction from cooking with our produce and recipes as we get in providing them.
For Octopus Publishing
Group Publishing Director: Denise Bates
Art Director: Jonathan Christie
Head of Editorial: Tracey Smith
Senior Production Manager: Katherine Hockley
For Ginger Pig Farmhouse Kitchen
Design, Art Direction and Styling: Pene Parker
Photographer: Kristin Peres
Illustration: Pene Parker
Food stylist: Katie Giovanni
Project editor: Joanne Wilson
Copy editor: Trish Burgess
Proofreader: Jo Murray
Indexer: Hilary Bird
First published in 2013 by Mitchell Beazley, an imprint of Octopus Publishing Group Ltd, Endeavour House, 189 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2 8JY.
An Hachette UK Company.
Copyright © Octopus Publishing Group Ltd 2013
Text copyright © Tim Wilson and Fran Warde 2013
The authors have asserted their moral rights.
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publishers.
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN: 978 1 84533 724 7
eISBN: 978 1 84533 971 5
Colour reproduction in Singapore
Printed and bound in China