But she was resigning from Amatucci & Associates effective as soon as she completed this one final task. Kayla sat across from Louisa Harrison on her patio. The Tuscany sun beamed bright overhead, but Louisa had the white table shaded by a large yellow umbrella. The woman was quiet, reserved and poised. Not exactly the easiest person to get to know.
“Thank you so much for taking the time to see me.” Kayla fidgeted with the cup of coffee that Louisa had served just moments ago.
“I’m new here so I don’t get much company.”
Kayla gazed up at the huge palazzo. “Do you live here alone?”
Louisa nodded.
“You must get lonely in this big place all by yourself.” Kayla pressed her lips together, realizing she’d once again said too much. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Sometimes I don’t think before I speak.”
“It’s okay. Most people probably would get lonely.” Louisa played with the spoon resting on the saucer. “I moved here to get away from the crowd in Boston.”
So Louisa wanted to be alone—perhaps that was the reason for her refusing to host a royal wedding that would bring a huge crowd of onlookers, not to mention the press. So was Louisa an introvert? Or was there another reason she preferred a quiet atmosphere?
First, Kayla had to build some friendly bridges. Hopefully she’d do a better job of that going forward. She genuinely liked Louisa. And she felt sorry for the woman, being so secluded from life.
And then a thought struck Kayla—if she wasn’t careful and didn’t stop pushing people away, she might end up alone just like Louisa. First, she’d shoved away her ex because she just didn’t share his vision of the future. And now, there was Angelo, who had given her one amazing opportunity after the next. And how did she repay him but by having an utter meltdown.
She hadn’t spoken to him since he’d stormed out of their suite that morning. He’d never returned. And she’d been so busy losing her cool that she never did get to ask him for help with the fund-raiser.
At the moment, though, she had to focus on Louisa. “You know, we have something in common. I’m new here, too. Except I’m not staying. I’m only here on a business trip with my boss, Angelo Amatucci.”
Louisa’s cup rattled as she placed it on the saucer. “I met Mr. Amatucci. I suppose he sent you here to convince me to change my mind about the royal wedding?”
Kayla could hear the obvious resistance in Louisa’s voice. She’d have to tread lightly if she were to learn anything. “Actually, he didn’t send me. He doesn’t even know I’m here.”
Louisa’s eyes widened. “Then why have you come?”
“I need to be honest with you. I am here about the use of the chapel.”
Louisa’s mouth pressed together in a firm line and she shook her head. “I haven’t changed my mind. I told Mr. Amatucci numerous times that I wouldn’t agree to it.”
“But I was wondering if there was something we could do to make the idea acceptable to you. The fact of the matter is this event could really help the village’s economy. And the royal couple is adamant about using the chapel. If it’s not available, they’ll move on to the next village on their list.”
Surprise reflected in the woman’s eyes. “It’s really that important?”
Kayla nodded. “I haven’t lied to you so far. I need you to believe me now.”
Louisa’s light blue gaze met hers. “I do believe you. As much as I’d like to help, I just can’t do it.”
Kayla leaned forward. “If you tell me the problem, maybe I can find a way around it.”
“I...I just can’t have all of those people and reporters poking around here.”
Something told Kayla that Louisa had spent more time in front of the paparazzi’s cameras than she preferred. Her sympathy went out to the woman, but there had to be a compromise. “What if I make it my personal mission to ensure that you aren’t photographed or even mentioned in the press coverage?”
Louisa’s eyes opened wide. “You can do that?”
“Remember, we are dealing with royalty here. They have far-reaching hands. I’ll let them know about your stipulation, and I’m sure they’ll be able to handle the press.”
There was a moment of silence. “If you’re sure. I suppose it’d be all right.”
Kayla resisted the urge to reach out and hug the woman, not wanting to scare her off. Instead, she leaned forward and squeezed Louisa’s arm.
“Thank you.” Kayla sent her a smile. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’d love to hear more about your plans for this place. It’s absolutely beautiful here.”
Kayla sat back and sipped her coffee. She was happy that she could provide Angelo with this parting gift. With her resignation already typed up on her laptop, it was time for her to print it out.
That evening, Angelo had plans to dine with his brother and sister. While he was off having some family time, she would catch a plane home. Her moment beneath the Tuscany sun was over, and it was time to face the harsh reality of being jobless and heartbroken.