This chapter discusses the integration of the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems with the structural systems of buildings. These systems, which are integral to maintaining a comfortable, healthy, and safe building environment for the occupants, will typically include:
The equipment and hardware of these systems require both considerable space and continuous distribution paths throughout a building. They are normally hidden from view within concealed construction spaces or special rooms but they require access for inspection and maintenance. Meeting these criteria requires careful coordination and integration in the planning and layout of the systems in relation to the structural system.
In addition to shafts and space for HVAC, electrical, and plumbing systems, the circulation system that provides access and emergency egress must also penetrate the structural system of multistory buildings. Providing shafts and space for corridors, stairways, elevators and escalators will not only influence the layout of the structural system but may, in some cases, become an integral part of the structure.
Water supply systems operate under pressure. The service pressure of a water supply system must be great enough to absorb pressure losses due to vertical travel and friction as the water flows through pipes and fittings, and still satisfy the pressure requirement of each plumbing fixture. Public water systems usually supply water at about 50 psi (345 kPa), which is sufficient for upfeed distribution in low-rise buildings up to six stories in height. For taller buildings, or where the water service pressure is insufficient to maintain adequate fixture service, water is pumped up to an elevated or rooftop storage tank for gravity downfeed. Part of this water is often used as a reserve for fire-protection systems.
The pressurized water supply side of the plumbing system results in smaller piping and more flexible distribution layouts. The water supply lines can usually be accommodated within floor and wall construction spaces without too much difficulty. It should be coordinated with the building structure and other systems, such as the parallel but bulkier sanitary drainage system. Water supply pipes should be supported at every story vertically and every 6 to 10 feet (1830 to 3050) horizontally. Adjustable hangers can be used to ensure proper pitch along horizontal runs for drainage.
In large commercial and institutional buildings where public safety is an issue, building codes often require a fire sprinkler system to extinguish a fire before it can spread out of control; some codes allow an increase in floor area if an approved sprinkler system is installed. Some jurisdictions require the installation of fire sprinkler systems in multifamily housing as well.
Fire sprinkler systems consist of pipes that are located in or below ceilings, connected to a suitable water supply, and supplied with valves or sprinkler heads made to open automatically at a certain temperature. Specific requirements for the use and location of the sprinkler heads make the planning and coordination of the system a priority in the design of ceilings and underfloor cavities.
The two major types of sprinkler systems are wet-pipe systems and dry-pipe systems.
Utility companies transmit electrical power at high voltage to minimize voltage drop and conductor size in the transmission systems. For safety, transformers step this voltage down to lower voltages at the point of use. There are three different electrical system voltages commonly used in buildings:
The electrical system of a building supplies power for lighting, heating, and the operation of electrical equipment and appliances. Generator sets may be required to supply emergency electrical power for exit lighting, alarm systems, elevators, telephone systems, fire pumps, and medical equipment in hospitals.
The service connection may be overhead or underground. Overhead service is less expensive, easily accessible for maintenance, and can carry high voltages over long runs. Underground service is more expensive but is used in high- load-density situations such as urban areas. The service cables are run in pipe conduit or raceways for protection and to allow for future replacement. Direct burial cable may be used for residential service connections.
Once the electrical power requirements for the various areas of a building are determined, wiring circuits must be laid out to distribute the power to the points of use. Separate wiring circuits are required for the sound and signal equipment of telephone, cable, intercom, and security or fire alarm systems.
Conduit provides support for wires and cables and protects them against physical damage and corrosion. Metal conduit also provides a continuous grounded enclosure for the wiring. For fireproof construction, rigid metal conduit, electrical metallic tubing, or flexible metal conduit can be used. For frame construction, armored or nonmetallic sheathed cable is used. Plastic tubing and conduits are most commonly used for underground wiring.
Being relatively small, conduit can be easily accommodated in most construction systems. Conduit should be adequately supported and laid out as directly as possible. Codes generally restrict the radius and number of bends a run of conduit may have between junction or outlet boxes. Coordination with a building’s mechanical and plumbing systems is required to avoid conflicting paths.
Heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems simultaneously control the temperature, humidity, purity, distribution, and motion of the air in the interior spaces of a building.
The air treatment and refrigeration source in all-air systems may be located in a central location some distance from the conditioned spaces. Only the final heating-cooling medium (air) is brought into the conditioned space through ducts and distributed within the space through outlets or mixing terminal-outlets. All-air systems can not only provide heat and cooling but also clean the air and control humidity. Air is returned to the central unit and mixed with outside air for ventilation.
All-water systems supply hot or chilled water from a central location to fan-coil units located in the conditioned spaces through pipes, which require less installation space than air ducts.
In air-water systems, the air treatment and refrigeration source may be separated from the served spaces. However, the temperature of the air delivered to the conditioned spaces is primarily balanced by warm or cool water circulated in an induction unit or radiant panel in the conditioned spaces. Air may be returned to the central unit or exhausted directly. Common types of air-water systems include:
Packaged systems are self-contained, weatherproof units incorporating a fan, filters, compressor, condenser, and evaporator coils for cooling. For heating, the unit may operate as a heat pump or contain auxiliary heating elements. Packaged systems are powered by electricity or by a combination of electricity and gas.
For schematic design purposes, the space required for the various types of HVAC systems can be estimated as a percentage of gross floor area. In the table below, the gross area of the entire building can be used to estimate the size of equipment rooms as well as the gross area served for the duct space. Where not otherwise indicated, space for the vertical risers is included in the equipment room percentage.
Plumbing chases provide the space necessary for the water supply and sanitary sewage lines in a building. They are almost invariably associated with lavatories, kitchens, and laboratories. Potential conflicts between a building structure and plumbing lines can be avoided by restricting supply and drainage piping to vertical plumbing chases.
Although the use of plumbing chases is less critical in low-rise buildings, it is a particularly efficient approach to organizing and laying out the plumbing systems of certain building types, such as high-rise structures, hotels, hospitals, and dormitories.
While it is more efficient to locate a fan room in a central location to reduce the length of air supply ducts, it may be located anywhere in a building that provides an outside air source and exhaust, and from which vertical shafts can accommodate the necessary supply and return air ducts.
In buildings two to three stories high, vertical chases for mechanical services are often located wherever they can be accommodated within the floor plans and provide service where it is needed. Without careful planning, this can result in weaving ductwork, piping, and wiring in and around the building structure, making access for maintenance or alterations difficult and reducing the efficiency of the systems.
In large and tall buildings, mechanical chases are often located with other shafts, such as those enclosing exit stairways, elevators, and plumbing risers. This naturally leads to the grouping of these facilities into one or more efficient cores that extend vertically through the height of the building. Because these cores are continuous as they rise through multiple floors—and additional fire protection is required in their construction—they can also serve as shear walls to help resist lateral loads as well as bearing walls to assist in carrying gravity loads.
The service core or cores of a building house the vertical distribution of mechanical and electrical services, elevator shafts, and exit stairways. These cores must be coordinated with the structural layout of columns, bearing walls, and shear walls or lateral bracing as well as with the desired patterns of space, use, and activity.
The building type and configuration will influence the location of vertical cores.
Mechanical services are distributed to and from vertical shafts and chases in a horizontal manner through the floor-ceiling assemblies of a building. The manner in which these services relate to the depth of the structural spanning system determines the vertical extent of the floor-ceiling assemblies, which in turn has a significant effect on the overall height of a building.
There are three fundamental ways in which to distribute the horizontal runs of mechanical services:
Wiring and supply pipes require little space and can readily be run in small chases and floor or ceiling cavities. Distributing air, however, requires supply and return ducts of significant size. This is particularly true of systems where reduced noise is important and air is supplied at a low velocity, or where a small differential between a desired temperature and that of the supplied air requires a high volume of air movement. HVAC systems, therefore, pose the greatest potential conflict with both the horizontal and vertical dimensions of a building structure.
The horizontal distribution of mechanical services through a spanning structure is made possible by the openings inherent in certain structural elements, such as steel and wood trusses, light-gauge steel joists, hollow-core concrete planks, cellular steel decking, and wood I-joists.
Specialized building systems have been developed to accommodate integrating some mechanical systems with the structural system.
Beams can be shaped or penetrated to permit the passage of mechanical services.
When the mechanical systems are located below the floor structure, the horizontal zone layer immediately below the structure is reserved for the distribution of air ducts. For maximum efficiency, the main or trunk lines of air ducts should run parallel to the girders or main beams. Where necessary, the smaller branch ducts cross under the girders to minimize the total floor depth. The lowest layer is typically reserved for lighting fixtures and the sprinkler system that extend through the ceiling.
Access flooring systems are typically used in office spaces, hospitals, laboratories, computer rooms, and television and communication centers to provide accessibility and flexibility in the placement of desks, workstations, and equipment. Equipment can be moved and reconnected fairly easily with modular wiring systems. They are also a desirable option when the underside of the spanning structure, such as a waffle slab, is to be exposed as a finish ceiling.