- Aalto, Alvar
- Abbey church of St-Philibert (Tournus, France)
- access flooring systems
- active damping mechanisms
- Adams Kara Taylor
- aerodynamic damping mechanisms
- Air Force Academy Chapel (Colorado Springs, USA)
- air-handling units
- air-inflated structures
- air-supported structures
- air-water HVAC systems
- all-air HVAC systems
- all-water HVAC systems
- Alvastra (Sweden)
- American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
- anchorage, defined
- Ando, Tadao
- Angus Glen Community Center and Library (Markham, Canada)
- arched frames
- arches
- concrete
- corbeled
- fixed
- funicular
- glue-laminated
- masonry
- rigid
- steel
- three-hinged
- trussed
- two-hinged
- architectural structures
- celebrating the structure
- concealing the structure
- contrast between structural form and spatial composition
- correspondence between structural form and spatial composition
- defined
- designing
- exposing the structural system
- spatial composition
- Arena Minore, Yoyogi National Gymnasium (Tokyo, Japan)
- Arup
- Aspdin, Joseph
- Asplund, Erik Gunnar
- ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)
- Auer + Weber Associates
- Austria
- axial loads
- Banff Community Recreation Center (Banff, Canada)
- Bank of China Building (Hong Kong, China)
- Banpo (China)
- Barlow, William
- Barnes House (Nanaimo, Canada)
- barrel shells
- base isolation
- Bauerfeld, Walter
- Beach House (Victoria, Australia)
- beam-and-girder system, steel
- beams
- bending moments
- bending stress
- cantilevered buildings
- castellated
- collector
- column supports for
- column-beam connections
- concrete
- deflection
- feeder
- high-rise structures
- lateral buckling
- load tracing
- long-span structures
- neutral axis
- resisting moments
- roof
- shearing stress
- steel
- structural layers
- systems integration strategies
- transfer
- trussed
- width of
- wood
- bearing walls
- Belgian trusses
- Bell, Alexander Graham
- belt trusses
- bending moments
- cantilevers
- corner bays
- high-rise structures
- horizontal spans
- lateral stability
- long-span structures
- roof structures
- systems integration strategies
- wind loads
- bending stress
- Berg, Max
- Bernoulli, Daniel
- Bessemer, Henry
- Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Alexandrian Library) (Alexandria, Egypt)
- blowers
- boilers
- bolted connections
- bowstring trusses
- box girders
- braced core structures
- braced frames
- chevron bracing
- diagonal bracing
- diagonal tension-counter systems
- eccentric bracing
- high-rise structures
- horizontal
- K-bracing
- knee braces
- multi-bay arrangements
- stabilizing
- V-bracing
- X-bracing
- braced tube structures
- bracketing
- Bramah, Joseph
- Bramante, Donato
- Brunelleschi, Filippo
- building traps
- bulk-active structures
- bundled tube structures
- Burj Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
- butt joints
- cable net systems
- cable structures
- cable-stayed structures
- double-curvature structures
- singly-curvature structures
- spanning ranges
- cable supports and anchorages
- cabled truss systems
- cable-restrained pneumatic structures
- cable-stayed structures
- caissons
- Calatrava, Santiago
- Can Lis (Majorca, Spain)
- Candela, Felix
- cantilevers
- cantilevered buildings
- high-rise structures
- overhanging beams
- Cappadocia (Turkey)
- cap-truss structures
- Casa del Fascio (Como, Italy)
- cast iron
- castellated beams
- Catal Hüyük (Turkey)
- catenary, defined
- Cathedral of Florence (Florence, Italy)
- CATIA (Computer Aided Design, Engineering, and Manufacturing)
- cave dwellings
- ceiling plane
- celebrating the structure
- cellular decking
- cement
- Centra at Metropark (Iselin, USA)
- Centraal Beheer Insurance Offices (Apeldoorn, Netherlands)
- central heating
- Centre Le Corbusier/Heidi Weber Pavilion (Zurich, Switzerland)
- Chan Chan (Peru)
- chevron bracing
- Chile
- chimneys
- China Central Television (CCTV) Headquarters (Beijing, China)
- Chrysler Building (New York, USA)
- circuitous load paths
- CMU (concrete masonry units)
- code requirements
- coffered concrete domes
- collector beams
- defined
- modifying grid proportions
- radial grids
- rectangular grids
- tartan grids
- collector elements
- Colosseum (Rome, Italy)
- column-and-beam (trabeated) stone structures
- columns
- base supports
- bearing walls
- column-and-beam frames
- column-beam connections
- composite
- concrete
- earthquake resistance
- effective length
- high-rise structures
- inclined
- loads
- reinforcement of
- slenderness ratio
- steel
- stone
- struts
- supports for beams
- tributary area
- tributary load
- vertical continuity
- wind loads
- wood
- composite columns
- composite decking
- compound steel columns
- Computer Aided Design, Engineering, and Manufacturing (CATIA)
- concealing the structure
- concentrated loading
- beams and girders
- bearing walls
- bracketing
- columns
- long-span structures
- masonry walls
- mat foundations
- parking structures
- roof structures
- scale
- shear walls
- steel spanning systems
- stud-framed walls
- transfer beams
- wood spanning systems
- concrete
- corner structural bays
- flat plates
- hydraulic
- joists
- precast
- prestressed
- reinforced
- concrete arches
- concrete beams
- precast
- slabs with
- spanning ranges
- concrete domes
- concrete masonry units (CMU)
- concrete planks
- concrete roof vaults
- concrete slabs
- with beams
- diaphragms
- flat
- hollow core
- joist
- one-way spanning systems
- precast
- spanning ranges
- two-way spanning systems
- waffle
- concrete support systems
- bearing walls
- columns
- moment frames
- reinforced frames for curtain walls
- shear walls
- structural frames
- concrete walls
- bearing
- curtain walls
- shear
- contextual patterns, defined
- continuity
- continuous load paths
- contrasting geometry
- contrasting orientation
- Cook, Peter
- cooling towers
- corbel brackets
- corbeled arches
- corners
- curved
- emphasized
- with equivalent sides
- with one side dominant
- reentrant
- as void
- coupled shear walls
- crescent trusses
- Crystal Palace (London, England)
- curtain walls
- corners
- curvilinear
- fire resistance
- loads
- structural frames
- sunlight exposure
- temperature
- water
- wind loads
- earthquake resistance (seismic resistance)
- bearing walls
- building scale
- columns
- continuity
- curtain walls
- damping
- diagrids
- ductility
- fundamental period of vibration
- high-rise structures
- inertial force
- lateral stability
- long-span structures
- masonry walls
- overturning moment
- P-waves
- redundancy
- roof structures
- seismic base shear
- stiffness
- strength
- structural steel framing
- substructure
- S-waves
- eccentric bracing
- eccentric loads
- eddies
- Eden Project Bio Domes (Cornwall, England)
- effective length
- effective length factor
- Eiffel, Gustave
- Eiffel Tower (Paris, France)
- electrical circuits
- electrical systems
- electrical wiring
- elevators (lifts)
- Empire State Building (New York, USA)
- energy conservation
- Willis, Faber & Dumas Headquarters
- EOS Housing (Helsingborg, Sweden)
- ESO (European Southern Observatory) Hotel (Chile)
- exposing the structural system
- exterior high-rise structures
- Factory Mutual
- fan cable-stayed structures
- fan rooms
- fan-coil units
- feeder beams
- defined
- modifying grid proportions
- radial grids
- rectangular grids
- tartan grids
- Fink trusses
- Finland
- fire protection systems
- fire resistance
- floor systems
- horizontal span materials
- long-span structures
- parking structures
- precast concrete slabs
- ratings
- steel columns
- steel joist structures
- vertical support systems
- walls
- wood construction
- fire-baked brick structures
- Fitzpatrick + Partners
- fixed arches
- flat plates
- flat roofs
- flat slabs
- flat trusses
- flying buttresses
- folded plate structures
- form decking
- form-active structures
- Foster, Norman
- Foster + Partners
- foundation grids
- foundations
- Fournier, Colin
- Fox, Kohn Pedersen
- Freyssinet, Eugène
- friction dampers
- Fuller, Buckminster
- fundamental period of vibration
- funicular arches
- gable roofs
- Galileo
- GEC Architecture
- Gehry, Frank
- Gehry Partners
- geodesic domes
- girders
- box
- plate
- spanning ranges
- steel beam-and-girder system
- structural layers
- glass facades
- glass fin systems
- glued connections
- glue-laminated (glulam) timber
- arches
- columns
- long-span beams
- Göbekli Tepe (Turkey)
- grade beams
- gravity loads
- building scale
- cable structures
- cantilevers
- columns
- high-rise structures
- lateral-force-resisting systems
- long-span structures
- low-aspect structures
- roof structures
- systems integration strategies
- vertical support systems
- walls
- Great Pyramid of Khufu (Egypt)
- Great Stupa (Sanchi, India)
- gridshells
- Grimshaw, Nicholas
- Gropius, Walter
- Guatemala
- Guggenheim Museum (Bilbao, Spain)
- Guggenheim Museum (New York, USA)
- guy cables
- Hagia Sophia (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Harappa (Pakistan)
- harp cable-stayed structures
- haunch
- Hearst Tower (New York, USA)
- heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems
- air-water
- all-air
- all-water
- packaged
- space requirements for
- heavy timber framing
- Hecker, Zvi
- Hertzberger, Herman
- Higgins, Bry
- high-rise structures
- damping mechanisms
- defined
- forces on
- stabilizing
- types of
- hip roofs
- HLKB Architecture
- Home Insurance Building (Chicago, USA)
- Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank (Hong Kong, China)
- horizontal braced framing
- horizontal spans
- beams
- cantilevers
- concentrated loading
- concrete spanning systems
- construction depth
- corner structural bays
- distributed loading
- irregular structural bays
- load tracing
- span direction
- span length
- spanning ranges
- steel spanning systems
- structural bay dimensions
- structural bay proportions
- structural layers
- two-way
- types of construction
- wood spanning systems
- Howe trusses
- humidifiers
- HVAC systems. See heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems
- hydraulic cement
- hyperbolic paraboloid (hypar) shell surface
- IBC. See International Building Code
- I-joists
- Imagination Art Pavilion (Zeewolde, Netherlands)
- inclined columns
- indeterminate structures
- induction HVAC systems
- inertial force
- Ingalls Building (Cincinnati, USA)
- in-plane curtain walls
- in-plane discontinuities
- Integrated Architecture
- interior high-rise structures
- International Building Code (IBC)
- building height and area
- fire-resistance ratings
- relationship of occupancy and construction type to allowable heights and building areas
- types of construction
- interstitial spaces. See transitional spaces
- iron
- cast
- early use of
- smelting process
- wrought
- Iron Bridge (Coalbrookdale, England)
- irregular building configurations
- diaphragm discontinuities
- geometric irregularities
- horizontal irregularities
- in-plane discontinuities
- nonparallel systems
- out-of-plane offsets
- reentrant corners
- soft stories
- torsional irregularity
- vertical irregularities
- weak stories
- weight or mass irregularity
- irregular structural grids
- accommodating irregular edge conditions
- accommodating irregular shapes
- accommodating irregular spaces
- accommodating large-scale spaces
- creating through addition or subtraction
- creating through contrasting orientation
- creating through modifying geometry
- creating through modifying proportions
- sheared grids
- Isozaki, Arata
- Israel
- Jahrhunderthalle (Centennial Hall) (Breslau, Poland)
- Jenney, William Le Baron
- John Hancock Center (Chicago, USA)
- joist bands
- joist slabs
- joists
- concrete
- I-joists
- light-gauge
- open-web
- spanning ranges
- steel
- structural layers
- trussed
- wood
- Kahn, Louis
- K-bracing
- kern area
- Kimball Art Museum (Fort Worth, USA)
- knee braces
- Kohn Pederson Fox Associates
- Koolhaas, Rem
- Koshino House (Ashiya, Japan)
- KPN Telecom Building (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
- Kunsthaus (Graz, Austria)
- La Condamine, Charles Maria de
- Lahauri, Ahmad
- Lalibela, Ethiopia
- Lamar Construction Corporate Headquarters (Grand Rapids, USA)
- Lambot, Joseph-Louis
- lamella vaults
- laminated decking
- laminated veneer lumber (LVL)
- Large Architecture
- large-scale spaces, accommodating
- lateral buckling
- lateral stability
- base isolation
- braced frames
- detailing of building components
- diaphragms
- earthquake resistance
- irregular building configurations
- moment frames
- regular building configuration
- shear walls
- wind loads
- lateral-force-resisting systems
- braced frames
- continuity in
- detailing of building components
- diaphragms
- irregular building configurations
- moment frames
- pattern of
- redundancy in
- regular building configuration
- shear walls
- lattice domes
- Le Corbusier
- Lee, C.Y.
- legal constraints
- building height and area
- maximum height and area
- occupancy classifications
- zoning ordinances
- LeMay–America’s Car Museum (Tacoma, USA)
- lifts (elevators)
- light wood framing
- light-gauge joists
- Lister County Courthouse (Solvesborg, Sweden)
- live loads
- building scale
- horizontal spans
- lateral stability
- load accumulation
- load strip
- load tracing
- Lois & Richard Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art (Cincinnati, USA)
- London City Hall (London, England)
- long-span structures
- accommodating irregular spaces
- arches
- beams
- cable structures
- construction issues
- design issues
- membrane structures
- plate structures
- roof systems
- shell structures
- span ranges for the basic types of
- structural issues
- trusses
- Los Manantiales (Xochimilco, Mexico)
- LVL (laminated veneer lumber)
- main switchboards
- masonry arches and vaults
- masonry walls
- mast truss systems
- mat foundations
- mechanical chases
- megaframe structures
- Mehrgarh (Pakistan)
- membrane structures
- Menara Mesiniaga (Subang Jaya, Malaysia)
- Mengeringhausen, Max
- metallic yield dampers
- Mexico
- Michelangelo
- Mill Owners’ Association Building (Ahmedabad, India)
- Minneapolis Rowing Club (Minneapolis, USA)
- Mohenjo-daro (India)
- moment frames
- moments. See also bending moments; overturning moments
- overhanging beams
- resisting
- torsional
- Monier, Joseph
- mud-brick structures
- multiple-slope roofs
- multi-zone HVAC systems
- Museum of Modern Art (Gunma Prefecture, Japan)
- Nervi, Pier Luigi
- net structures
- Netsch, Walter
- neutral axis
- Newton, Isaac
- Notre Dame Cathedral (Paris, France)
- Nouvel, Jean
- occupancy classifications
- Ohm, George
- Olympic Arena (Tokyo, Japan)
- Olympic Swimming Arena (Munich, Germany)
- Olympic Velodrome (Athens, Greece)
- One Jackson Square (New York, USA)
- One Shelley Street (Sydney, Australia)
- one-way spanning systems
- concrete slabs
- corners
- irregular structural bays
- long-span structures
- radial grids
- rectangular grids
- spanning ranges by element
- spatial fit and
- square grids
- steel beam systems
- structural bay proportions
- tartan grids
- wood plank-and-beam systems
- open-web joists
- long-span structures
- steel
- systems integration strategies
- Otis, Elisha
- Otto, Frei
- out-of-plane offsets
- outriggers
- overlapping joints
- overturning moments
- cantilevers
- earthquake resistance
- high-rise structures
- long-span structures
- slope-side construction
- wind loads
- ovoid plan shape
- packaged HVAC systems
- Palazzo Dello Sport (Rome, Italy)
- Palmach Museum of History (Tel Aviv, Israel)
- pan joist system
- panelboards
- Pantheon (Rome, Italy)
- parallel strand lumber (PSL)
- parallelogram plan shape
- Parkes, Alexander
- parking structures
- Parliament Building (Chandigarh, India)
- Parthenon (Athens, Greece)
- passive damping mechanisms
- Patkau Architects
- Paxton, John
- P-delta effect
- Pei, I. M.
- Pelli, Cesar
- Perkins + Will
- Peru
- Petra, Jordan
- Petronas Towers (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
- Phaeno Science Center (Wolfsburg, Germany)
- Philharmonic Hall (Berlin, Germany)
- Philosophiae Naturilis Principia Mathematica (Newton)
- Piano, Renzo
- pile foundations
- pin joints
- pit-style structures
- planar truss systems
- Planetarium (Jena, Germany)
- planks
- concrete
- structural layers
- wood
- plastered interior walls
- plastics, first synthetic
- plate girders
- plate structures
- folded plate structures
- space frames
- waffle slabs
- platform framing
- plenums
- plumbing chases
- pneumatic structures
- Poland
- Pompidou Center (Paris, France)
- ponding
- Porta Pulchra (Peruga, Italy)
- Portland cement
- post-and-beam construction
- Pratt trusses
- preaction sprinkler systems
- precast slabs
- prefabrication
- columns
- moment frames
- shell structures
- wood decking
- wood joists and trusses
- preheaters
- prestressed concrete
- primary (compression) waves (P-waves)
- Pritchard, T. M.
- proportions of structural elements
- PSL (parallel strand lumber)
- Public Natatorium (Gebweiler, France)
- punching shear
- P-waves (primary or compression waves)
- pyramids
- raceways
- radial cable-stayed structures
- radial grids
- radiant panel HVAC systems
- radius of gyration
- rectangular grids
- redundancy
- reentrant corners
- regular building configuration
- regular structural grids
- modifying by addition or subtraction
- modifying geometry of
- modifying proportions of
- radial grids
- rectangular grids
- square grids
- tartan grids
- reinforced concrete
- domes
- frame for curtain walls
- roof vaults
- structures
- resisting moments
- retaining walls
- ribbed domes
- ridge boards
- rigid arches
- rigid frame structures
- rigid joints
- rock-cut structures
- Rogers, Richard
- roller joints
- roof decking
- roof structures
- flat roofs
- multiple-slope roofs
- sloping roofs
- vaulted roofs
- rotational shell surfaces
- Rotunda-Pavilion (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
- ruled shell surfaces
- Russia
- Saarinen, Eero
- saddle shell surfaces
- Safeco Field (Seattle, USA)
- Sakyamuni Pagoda (China)
- Sala Sinopoli, Parco della Musica (Rome, Italy)
- sanitary sewage systems
- sawtooth roofs
- scale
- human
- long-span structures
- of structural grids
- vertical
- Scharoun, Hans
- Scheeren, Ole
- Schwedler domes
- scissors trusses
- Sean Godsell Architects
- Sears Tower (Chicago, USA)
- secondary (shear) waves (S-waves)
- Segal, Rafi
- Seinajoki Library (Seinajoki, Finland)
- seismic base shear
- seismic resistance. See earthquake resistance
- service drops
- service switches
- Shaanxi, China
- shaped joints
- shaped trusses
- shear
- high-rise structures
- punching
- seismic base
- transverse
- shear lag
- shear plates
- shear walls
- core structures
- coupled
- high-rise structures
- lateral stability
- stabilizing
- sheared grids
- shearing stress
- horizontal (longitudinal)
- overhanging beams
- punching shear
- transverse shear
- vertical
- shell structures
- barrel
- domes
- gridshells
- hyperbolic paraboloid
- lamella vaults
- rotational
- ruled
- saddle
- translational
- types of
- Shreve, Lamb, and Harmon
- Shukhov, Vladimir
- Siamese pipe fittings
- sidesway
- single-curvature structures
- Skidmore, Owings and Merrill
- slabs
- diaphragms
- flat
- hollow core
- joist
- one-way
- precast
- span length
- spanning ranges
- structural layers
- systems integration strategies
- two-way slabs with beams
- waffle
- slenderness ratio
- sliding
- slope-side construction
- grade beams
- retaining walls
- stepped foundation walls
- sloping roofs
- Smith, Adrian
- Snøhetta
- soft stories
- solid sawn lumber
- space frames
- space trusses
- spandrel beams
- spanning systems
- concentrated loading
- concrete
- construction depth
- direction and length of spans
- distributed loading
- grain
- load tracing
- one-way
- pattern of
- span direction
- span length
- steel
- structural bay dimensions
- structural bay proportions
- structural layers
- two-way
- types of construction
- wood
- spatial composition
- contrast between structural form and
- correspondence between structural form and
- spatial patterns, defined
- spiral reinforcement
- split-packaged HVAC systems
- split-ring connectors
- sprinkler systems
- square grids
- SS. Sergius and Bacchus (Istanbul, Turkey)
- St. Pancras Station (London, England)
- St. Peter’s Basilica (Rome, Italy)
- steel
- corner structural bays
- framed structures
- framing and systems integration
- mass production of
- steel arches
- steel beams
- beam-and-girder system
- long-span
- one-way beam system
- spanning ranges
- wide-flange
- steel spanning systems
- beam-and-girder system
- construction depth
- corner bays
- decking
- light-gauge joists
- one-way beam system
- open-web joists
- span length
- structural framing
- structural layers
- triple-layer system
- trussed system
- steel tensile structures
- steel trusses
- steel vertical support systems
- columns
- moment frames
- shear walls
- structural frame for curtain walls
- stud walls
- steel walls
- platform framing
- structural frames
- stud walls
- stepped foundation walls
- stone structures
- storm drain systems
- stressed-skin panels
- Strobel, Charles Louis
- strong-back systems
- structural analysis
- structural bays
- accommodating irregular spaces
- adapting
- corners
- defined
- defining on grid
- dimensions of
- direction and length of spans
- foundation grids
- irregular
- lateral bracing
- proportions of
- rectangular grids
- scale of structural grid
- square grids
- width of
- structural connections
- structural design
- structural form
- contrast between spatial composition and
- correspondence between spatial composition and
- structural grids
- accommodating irregular edge conditions
- accommodating irregular shapes
- accommodating irregular spaces
- accommodating large-scale spaces
- defined
- dimensions of spans
- extending into third dimension
- grain
- modifying geometry
- modifying proportions
- modifying through addition or subtraction
- modifying through contrasting orientation
- parking structures
- proportions of bays
- radial
- rectangular
- scale of
- sheared
- spatial fit
- square
- tartan
- structural patterns. See also structural grids
- assembling structural units
- in context
- defined
- one-way spanning systems
- structural units
- support options
- transitional
- two-way spanning systems
- structural planning
- building design
- building height and area
- building program
- code requirements
- continuity
- economic feasibility
- legal constraints
- maximum height and area
- occupancy classifications
- redundancy
- systems integration
- types of construction
- zoning ordinances
- structural systems
- defined
- formal intent of architectural design
- historical survey of
- structural analysis versus structural design
- structural connections
- substructure
- superstructure
- types of
- structural units
- struts
- Strutt, William
- stud-framed walls
- substructure
- suction
- superstructure
- support condition
- supports
- bearing walls
- cable
- collector beams
- column-and-beam frames
- curved lines of support
- feeder beams
- load accumulation
- metal and wood stud walls
- parking structures
- spatial fit and
- structural frames
- tributary loads
- vertical continuity
- surface-active structures
- suspended roof structures
- S-waves (secondary or shear waves)
- Switzerland
- Sydney Opera House (Australia)
- systems integration
- electrical systems
- fire protection systems
- horizontal distribution
- HVAC systems
- sanitary sewage systems
- storm drain systems
- strategies for
- vent systems
- vertical distribution
- water supply systems
- Taipei 101 (Taiwan)
- Taiwan
- Taj Mahal (Agra, India)
- Tange, Kenzo
- tartan grids
- temperature differential
- high-rise structures
- long-span structures
- walls
- Temple of Amun (Karnak, Egypt)
- tendon damping systems
- Tenerife Concert Hall (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain)
- tent structures
- terminal reheat systems
- Terragni, Giuseppe
- 30 St. Mary Axe (The Gherkin; Swiss Re Building) (London, England)
- three-hinged arches
- thrust
- Tikal (Guatemala)
- Todaiji (Nara, Japan)
- TOD’s Omotesando Building (Tokyo, Japan)
- torsional irregularity
- torsional moments
- Tower Verre (New York, USA)
- Toyo Ito and Associates
- trabeated (column-and-beam) stone structures
- transformers
- transitional (interstitial) spaces
- to mediate between structures of contrasting geometry
- to mediate between structures of contrasting orientation
- to mediate between structures of sheared grids
- transitional structural patterns
- translational shell surfaces
- transverse shear
- tributary area
- tributary loads
- defined
- long-span structures
- vertical support systems
- triple-layer system
- trussed arches
- trussed joists
- high-rise structures
- wood
- trussed tube structures
- trusses
- Belgian
- belt
- bowstring
- bracing
- cabled
- cantilevered buildings
- crescent
- Fink
- flat
- Howe
- long-span structures
- mast
- open-web
- parallel-chord
- planar
- Pratt
- scissors
- shaped
- space
- spacing
- steel
- structural layers
- transfer
- vertical
- Vierendeel
- Warren
- wood
- tube structures
- tube-in-tube structures
- tuned liquid dampers
- tuned mass dampers
- turbulence
- two-hinged arches
- two-way spanning systems
- concrete slabs
- concrete slabs with beams
- corners
- long-span structures
- radial grids
- spanning ranges by element
- spatial fit and
- square grids
- structural bay dimensions
- structural bay proportions
- tartan grids
- Type I buildings
- Type II buildings
- Type III buildings
- Type IV buildings
- Type V buildings
- Underwriters Laboratory
- United Arab Emirates
- Utzon, Jørn
- Valley Center House (San Diego County, USA)
- van Zuuk, René
- variable-air-volume (VAV) systems
- vaulted roofs
- V-bracing
- vector-active structures
- vent systems
- Venturi effect
- vertical continuity
- vertical dimensions
- building scale
- columns
- curtain walls
- diagrids
- human scale
- loads
- plans
- roof structures
- structural glass facades
- support systems
- walls
- vertical support systems. See supports
- vertical transportation systems
- Vierendeel frames
- Vierendeel trusses
- Vincent James Associates
- viscoelastic and viscous dampers
- vortices
- Wachsmann, Konrad
- waffle slabs
- walls
- bearing
- concrete
- curtain walls
- diagrids
- masonry
- platform framing
- shear
- steel
- structural glass facades
- wood
- Walt Disney Concert Hall (Los Angeles, USA)
- Warren trusses
- water heaters
- water supply systems
- Waterman, Henry
- watt-hour meters
- weak stories
- welded connections
- Western Wood Structures
- wet-pipe sprinkler systems
- wide-flange steel beams
- Wilhelmson, Anders
- Willis, Faber & Dumas Headquarters (Ipswich, England)
- wind loads
- bearing walls
- building scale
- cable structures
- columns
- curtain walls
- direct pressure
- distributed loading
- drag
- eddies
- high-rise structures
- lateral stability
- long-span structures
- overturning
- roof structures
- sliding
- steel beams and girders
- substructure
- suction
- tall, slender structures
- turbulence
- vertical support systems
- vortices
- wiring chases
- wood
- heavy timber framing
- light wood framing
- timber framework structures
- wood beams
- glue-laminated timber
- laminated veneer lumber
- parallel strand lumber
- plank-and-beam systems
- solid sawn lumber
- spanning ranges
- wood spanning systems
- beams
- construction depth
- corner bays
- decking
- heavy timber framing
- joists
- light wood framing
- plank-and-beam systems
- prefabricated joists and trusses
- structural layers
- wood stilt structures
- wood trusses
- wood vertical support systems
- columns
- moment frames
- shear walls
- stud walls
- wood walls
- platform framing
- structural frames
- stud walls
- World Trade Center Towers (New York, USA)
- Wright, Frank Lloyd
- wrought iron structures
- Yeang, Ken
- Young, Thomas
- Yoyogi National Gymnasium (Tokyo, Japan)
- Yungang Grottoes (China)
- Zaha Hadid Architects
- zoning ordinances
- Züblin, Eduard