

An anthology of this nature, one that collects and reprints classic material from writers past and present, is very much a team effort. A necessary collaboration takes place between the anthology editor, the various writers and their agents, and even, on occasion, the original publisher of the story at hand. It is the sort of time-consuming work where patience is a virtue, though a sense of urgency is also required.

I’m very grateful for the perfect balance between those two extremes shown by Skyhorse Publishing editor Jason Katzman, who kept me on track throughout, and Jarred Weisfeld of Start Publishing, for seeing the potential of this project from the very start. I’m also very grateful for the generosity and support of talented writer and publisher Jacob Weisman, who brought me into the project and offered sound advice along the way, and to Night Shade editor Jeremy Lassen, who initiated the entire project.

My agent, Bob Diforio, was extremely helpful with advice, counseling, and some critical communication with other agents, and I’m most appreciative of that help. Special thanks, too, to Roxana Aguilar, who worked some critical magic with the scanner at just the right moment; and to Bradbury scholar Donn Albright, whose advice is greatly appreciated.

Also, my wife, Robin, and my daughter, Samantha, have always been supportive of my writing and editing work, and I greatly appreciate their support on this project. My son, Richard Jr., is a big baseball fan and unmatched supporter of the Tampa Bay Rays. His hugs, encouragement, and consistently positive outlook on life were important to me in completing this project.

And, finally, I owe a huge debt to the writers of these fine stories, who have, one and all, entertained and deeply informed all of us who love great literature and the game of baseball. I’m deeply appreciative of the opportunity to reprint their work.

The conversion of reprinted material from its original source to the version you see here in Field of Fantasies is a demanding task. A number of people have worked to make that conversion a clean one and I thank them all. Any errors or omissions, of course, are mine.

Rick Wilber
May 2014