The peace troops followed their leaders through the jungle. Every spy had one central thought: The evil and sinister Brutus-G must be brought to his knees. The welfare of kitties everywhere depended on it, and the stakes just couldn’t be any higher. It was hot and muggy in the rain forest, and many of them had been waiting for hours for the mission to begin. But no one complained. Just before they split into their individual divisions, they came upon a group of protesters. In the forest they were walking in formation, carrying signs that read, “Free Furbain Now.” Rosie, Willie and Tully rushed over and signed them up for the mission, right on the spot. They joined the hundreds of peace troops who were lined up, as far as the eye could see.
Each of the three divisions led by Willie, Rosie and Tully set out separately on their march to destiny. They radioed ahead with their “meowie-zeowies” to Poppy, who had put her apparatus on “vibrate.” Willie said, “We are advancing, so keep on with the contest, but try to drag it out as long as you can.” Poppy, who was on a break before the start of the final Word Buzz round, was able to get the message. She returned to Brutus-G’s headquarters, and tried to stall and distract the evil leader. Poppy decided that flattery would work the best on Brutus’ bloated ego.
“I’ve been noticing that you have a very beautiful and fluffy tail,” said Poppy to the evil leader. She continued to compliment him, but finally, she just ran out of stall tactics. Brutus-G announced that the sudden death round was about to begin. She casually looked down, and what she saw caused her heart to sink. Her “meowie-zeowie” had come loose! She knew that soon the KIT agents would be on the scene to rescue her, but discovery before that time, would be a disaster.
Their whole plan rested on the element of surprise. If Brutus-G knew what was up, he could use violence to hurt the peace troops, and then avoid capture. Luckily, Poppy’s spy training had prepared her for just such a calamity. Thinking quickly with her razor sharp mind, she kicked her “meowie-zeowie” within range–and then gradually worked it to a hidden spot under Brutus’ lush Oriental rug. She kept a very calm look on her face because she knew her spies would be on the scene in just two shakes of a squirrel’s tail.
Meanwhile, Rosie, Willie and Tully’s divisions had worked their way through the rough terrain and had arrived at the edge of the Bad Cat Compound. Each group unearthed their freestanding robot from its hiding place in the forest and began to get in formation behind it. Each Cybella was to give protection and cover–and allow the elite troops to sleep-zap everyone in their path.
Soon, Brutus-G would be surrounded. Each division moved ahead now at record speed. All the spies checked to make sure that their alpha-wave blockers were on and working. It wouldn’t do for them to fall prey to the hypno-sonic zappers themselves and fall asleep on the job. Soon the peace troops would be encountering Bad Cat territory, and they would have to use the hypno-sonic zappers on everyone who crossed their path. The KIT specialists pulled out their fancy zappers, and with their trained eyes scrutinized their surroundings. The elite troops had such lightning fast responses that before any of the kitties could even blink, every creature outside the evil headquarters was fast asleep.
Poppy and Brutus resumed the final round of Word Buzz. The competition was stiffer than the evil genius expected, and he was starting to get frustrated. He had been hoping to take out his old nemesis in the early rounds. The wheels started to turn in his devious little mind. “Why not just declare myself the winner before Poppy has a chance to beat me,” he thought to himself. “I don’t think the spectators will notice, and I want to make sure I’m the champion, after all. I deserve to wear the winner’s crown because I’m the best.”
He was also starting to get a little suspicious, because it was curiously quiet outside his quarters.
“Attention everyone!” he said. We have a winner, and it is none other than ‘yours truly,’” he said with a sneer. “Guards! Guards! Seize Papagena,” he shouted.
Just then. the KIT peace troops burst into his headquarters, and hypno-zapped everyone. All present immediately fell asleep, except for those protected by the alpha-wave blockers. As it turned out, they were just in the nick of time. Poppy was just about to pay a visit to Brutus-G’s alligator pit.
There was no time to lose. The spies had only about an hour to work before everyone woke up. They quickly grabbed Brutus-G’s limp body and carried him off to the lockup. Scores of peace agents gathered up the rest of his floppy workers, loaded them onto a truck like so many fish, and carried them off to jail. There just was no time to sort out who was a willing member of the evil empire, and who had been forced into a life of crime. That would be a matter for another day. Today it was just important to secure everyone behind bars.