ONE MOMENT SHE had been heating a tin of Heinz vegetable soup on the cooker, the next she was a whining heap on the floor.
Will had been thinking of when they first met. How her hair had glowed in the sunshine as she stepped from the library into his path. Following her, and berating himself for his foolishness as he did so, he’d tried to picture her face – of which he’d only caught a glimpse as she brushed by him. The black jacket she wore only served as a backdrop for the red that tumbled down it. When she reached her lift and caught him standing awkwardly, library book clasped to his chest, he asked if he might buy her a drink, fully expecting her to tell him to piss off. She did tell him to piss off. But she had kissed him too. Things had gone well. She had become his new direction. He’d suspected that a wasted life spent shoplifting and fighting and making cameos in any or all of the local courts might be over. Things had gone so well that here he was now, two years later, looking down at his heavily pregnant, heavily sweating wife as a pool of soup spread beneath her.
“Ambulance, Will,” she gasped as he tried to pick her up but she was fish slippery, her body so completely sheened she might have just stepped out of the shower. Her thick red hair had become dark and limp at the ends where it was plastered to her forehead and shoulders.
“Now?” he asked, incredulous. “But the doctor said–”
“Fuck the fucking doctor, Will. Fucking now.”
He lunged for the door, so shocked by her outburst he began to laugh. He tried not to look at her fingers as he spoke to the bland, professional voices – they’d become claws trying to gain purchase on the kitchen floor. Her face had gone horribly white with pain; her hair seemed to be leaking blood into her skin.
The first scream had him down on his knees beside her, pathetically trying to get her to breathe properly. He kept thinking of clean towels and hot water, not having a clue what to do with them. He thought the pounding was their baby trying to barge its way out but then he realised someone was at the door. He went to unlock it, grateful the ambulance crew had taken so little time but wondering why they’d come to the rear of the flat. It was Mrs Garraway, from next door.
“Out of the way, Will,” she squawked, pecking her tiny head in front of his. “You’ve phoned for an ambulance, no doubt. I should wait by the front door.”
Yes, he thought, as she began tending to his wife, loosening her blouse and the drawstring of her leggings, you fucking well should. Catriona was all clenched teeth and eyes – he hoped it wasn’t all due to the trauma of birth; that she was as peeved with Mrs Garraway’s appearance as he.
“How did you–” he began.
“I’m not thick, son,” she admonished, throwing him a withering look with those pale eyes of hers. “I know a birthing cry when I hear one. Now off with you. Call me when the cavalry arrive.”
Once out of the kitchenette and into the dim warmth of their living room, he began to shake, or at least notice he was shaking. Catriona’s copy of TV Quick lay open on the couch where she’d been sitting not ten minutes ago. They’d decided to watch a Daniel Craig film that evening; it would be starting soon.
He squinted into the street, astonished by the lack of warning. Was it always this way? Oughtn’t there be signs – contractions and the like? Those of his friends and family who had children had never described an incident resembling this. So did that mean something was wrong? Pincers tightened inside him. Mrs Garraway didn’t give the impression that anything was amiss but maybe she was hiding her concern so as not to panic him. He willed the sirens to sound and searched the sky for flashes of blue, trying to ignore the hollowing of his guts. Another scream drew blood from his tongue as he bit it; it should be him with her, not Mrs Garraway, yet he held back, afraid he wouldn’t hear the ambulance above his wife’s pain or the clamour of his heart should he return to the kitchen. As if suspecting his dilemma, Mrs Garraway called for him to stay put; she was in control, though her voice suggested otherwise.
He forced himself to resist anxiety and opened the door to the cool air. As much as he strained, he couldn’t hear a siren. Why tonight? he thought, cursing the thrum of traffic. Another cry pierced him. He must have been ready to faint for it appeared that great streamers of the night were sailing past him, destined for Catriona’s lungs as she sucked in the fuel for a scream that he was dreading. It wouldn’t sound of anything, that scream. The dying never scream. He heard Mrs Garraway moan, “Jesus Christ!” He fell against the door and a sheet of pain wrapped around his ribs; it cleared his head. Mrs Garraway’s face floated in front of his, twisted with grief and revulsion.
“Catriona,” he mumbled, searching to give muscle to his voice.
“She’s all right, Will. She’s okay.”
His relief was momentary. A skin of panic stuck his tongue to his palate. “The baby–” But his voice was a whisper. He looked past her to the kitchen door, which was barely open, offering a sliver of a view. The floor was awash with red. “The baby,” he wailed at last. Was that a towel there, that red heap? But it was moving, it was moving very slightly.
Mrs Garraway was shaking her head and crying. “The baby–”
“The baby what? The baby fucking what?” But he was pushing her aside. If it was moving, it must mean the child was alive. She said something else but he thought he must have heard wrong; she couldn’t have said that. At the kitchen door though, he saw she was right. Catriona was unconscious but breathing regularly, a peaceful look on her face. For him to scream now might wake her and he didn’t want to do that, not when it would mean she’d see that the baby had been born inside out.
KERWICK SAID, “I love this job.”
“What’s to love, for Christ’s sake?” Trantam leaned into the bend as he steered the Merc left. “And where, for the love of minge, are we?”
A voice from the back seat said: “Saddle up those sirens, children.” Out of the shadow, a head emerged, along with two huge, gloved hands that grasped the front seats. Black collars jutted into the grooves of a face so thin it seemed it must collapse in on itself.
“And can we have flashing lights too, Gleave?” sang Kerwick, clapping his hands. “Can we? Can we?”
“Nipple,” spat Trantam, but he was smiling. He turned to Gleave. “What’s happened?”
Traffic fell away from them as the Merc wailed and strobed through the north London streets. Gleave said, “We have to make a special pick-up. Same kind of shit we usually do, but we’re using a different hand to wipe the mess up with.” Gleave flexed his fingers; his directions were accompanied by the squeal of leather. “We’re on Pandora now. Hang a left into Narcissus. Top of the road, right into Mill Lane. West End Lane is straight ahead.”
Trantam braked hard outside Cumberland Mansions. The three men got out of the car. Gleave rang the bell. A few seconds later, a frantic voice yammered down at them about ambulances and police.
“That’s right, sir,” said Gleave firmly. “We’re from the hospital. Could you let us in, please?”
As the buzzer released the door, Gleave leaned against Trantam as Kerwick disappeared up the stairwell. “There are five flats in this block. Shoot anything that breathes. Shoot anything that doesn’t.”
WILL GOT SO far as to ask where the stretcher was before a great bright flare went off in his head. It took a while to blink it free and when he could see again, he was sitting in a puddle of his own piss on the floor, looking into the silenced muzzle of a gun.
“Congratulations! It’s a... it’s a... sheesh! What is it? Dog food?” Kerwick was pumped, jittery as a candle’s flame. Will saw, through the gap at the kitchen door, his wife being moved. She moved very easily on her slick of blood. He thought, hoped, he heard her moan.
Mrs Garraway was lolling over an arm of the sofa. Someone had used the philtrum between her nose and mouth for target practice. Splinters from her dentures had become embedded in her cheeks on their way out; it seemed as though she was eating herself from within.
“What did she do?” Will asked, his voice thick and sleepy with fear.
Kerwick snorted. “She died, brainiac. Jesus.”
Gleave appeared behind Kerwick, drifting from the kitchen. He didn’t look up as he passed them and stepped into the bathroom. “The mother’s dying. We have to be quick. Kill him and then we have to go,” he said. He turned to Will and smiled. It was almost compassionate, if you could get beyond the wolfish, densely packed teeth and the lack of animation in the eyes. “Godspeed, you nobody cunt,” he said.
CHEKE SPAT TWICE and waited for her eyes to clear. Mucus filled her nose and throat, and burbled wetly in the creaking cavities of her chest. Beyond the blurred limit of her vision, shapes rocked and nodded like restless trees viewed at dark. There were voices too, although she could not yet decode their patterns. It was a painful time and one best suited to introversion. She was barely conversant with the skill of torpor but tried to retreat into it now, seeking shelter in which she could rejuvenate herself at her own pace. The journey had been a shock, both physically and mentally. She wasn’t sure if she had escaped serious injury. She needed torpor to give her time for reflection as well as the chance to heal any injuries.
But they wouldn’t give her the chance. Again the needle sought her armpit, again the injection flooded her with bitter blue panic, the electric juice they’d pumped her with flirting with heart and brain as though it might violently dissolve them like sodium in water.
She flailed backwards, tipping up over an obstacle, landing heavily on her backside.
“What do you want?” she asked, but it came out all wrong, her lips failing to coalesce around the words as she uttered them. Another glut of sputum loosed itself from her lungs. She did not feel good. Someone must have understood her question however, for:
“We need you to find someone. We need you to end someone’s life for us. It’s a job beyond me or my men.”
The light bleeding into her eyes was less painful now, allowing her to make out a tall figure in a black coat, the lapels of which were raised high to his cheekbones. His eyes were hard and grey but surrounded with creases and crinkles that softened him, gave him an avuncular air. “My name is Gleave, by the way. Daniel Gleave. I was sent by friends to collect you.”
Cheke spat again and shivered. She was covered in thin, greyish slime. It was matted in her hair and she could feel it leaking from between her legs. Her brain had no concept of what had gone before a few minutes ago; her earliest memory, it seemed, was of the trauma-thrill of bright light scouring her head and the subsequent creep of form as she perceived figures through foggy, untrained eyes. The fugue that prevented her from dipping beneath the barrier to her memory was not so solid that it had severed her links with any of her abilities. She was, after all, recalling the benefits of torpor. She felt the instinct of attack swooning through her.
The man, Gleave, approached her, and curled a blanket around her shoulders. “I’m sorry for the haste,” he said, in a voice bound up with smells she could not place but which were of comfort to her. “It must have been a shock to the system, to say the least. But we are in great danger and we need your help. There have been unforeseen developments in spheres we thought were long extinct.”
Another voice, clipped, withering, in the background: “Unforeseen by some of us, Gleave. Not all.”
Gleave held the blanket tightly around her and ignored the interruption. She was able to focus on his nails as his fingers made shallow dents in the fabric. Neatly cut nails, with a milky white cuticle, a dull sheen. She felt his fingers warming her skin, little pads of energy. Her pores opened and gulped his proximity, starved for the nourishment that she required to function.
“I need to feed,” she managed, and the man nodded.
“I know.”
He led her through a door into a corridor flanked with plants bearing heavy, waxy leaves. A man’s voice said: “Who the fuck is she?”
“Where is this?” she asked, her voice growing stronger all the time. Her eyes were pulling in shapes much faster now, although their edges bled colour into the air, making everything seem dreamlike and unreal.
“You don’t need to know that just yet,” he soothed. “We’ll get you somewhere safe and then you can rest. You’ve made quite a journey. We don’t want you spoilt in any way.”
The floor they walked on was flooded with soft, red carpet; she couldn’t see her bare feet land, it was so deep. She could smell something rich and dense that made her stomach churn with desire. The man’s hand was gentle but steady upon her arm, staying her, and she fought with the desire to sap him. It would appear that any allies would be hard to find. She didn’t want to alienate the first person to help her.
Up ahead, a door gave on to a room awash with blood. Her mouth filled with drool.
“She’s fresh,” said Gleave. “She helped bring you to us.”
Cheke moved away from him. Her eyes much more comfortable in the false night of the room, she was able to see the woman immediately, slumped in her own juices, moaning, flapping a hand.
Cheke didn’t make a sound as she surged over the dying woman, wrapping her up in a seamless embrace. Her eyes flickered spastically in closing, a reflex of pleasure as she felt the flesh beneath her succumb to the grateful opening of her mouths.
The fire escape held him well enough, but he wasn’t sure that his sanity would follow suit. He had kicked out at the hand holding the gun when Trantam was rubbernecking the freak that had come tottering out of his bathroom. Catriona was dead or as near as damn it. He knew that, and the knowledge helped him run faster. If he was to go back he would be dead too, and how would that have made Cat feel? He tore along streets that now possessed a comic familiarity. Usually he would pad back along this lane with the Sunday papers, or cut down this alleyway on his way back from O’Henery’s pub, kicking a can against the wall. Now he scarred these roads of his with fear. He’d not be able to retrace his route in the future without a bad taste in his mouth.
He chanced a look over his shoulder as he fled down Finchley Road, but nothing was coming his way. Traffic was a still concertina, cars aiming for the motorway or fruitlessly attempting to nose south towards the auto graveyard that the city centre had become. Cursing the fact that he didn’t have his mobile on him, and the lack of a police presence in an area usually teeming with them, he jogged to a phone box whose guts had been ripped out. His eyes followed the broken obliques of rain on the glass, splintering the coming and going of white and red lights. He wondered if this numbness was a part of shock; he had never in his life suffered a traumatic moment. No broken bones. His grandparents dead long before he was even aware of what death meant. No operations, no burns, no car accidents...
He tried the phone even though he knew it couldn’t work. He was sitting on the floor of the kiosk, snot and tears dribbling into his mouth as quickly as he could lick them away. He raised his face to a boy in a school uniform slowly obscuring the glass space between them with a can of spray paint. The boy was looking down at him and shaking his head.
MOTION. CHEKE FELT it rolling through her, under her. Warmth seeping into her. She sat next to Gleave who looked dead and grey, flickering in and out of the light that pulsed at the windows. She felt the anger drift off him in similar waves. One eye was lost to a slice of shadow; the other stared flatly at the back of Trantam’s head. She had flinched before the stinging rebuke Trantam had received.
Cheke shifted in her seat, moving against Gleave, and was glad for the arm that enfolded her. The smell of his coat was almost animal. It reassured and encouraged her. She watched the houses stream by the window as they rushed to a place that Gleave had called home. She was like the colour that might otherwise play along these streets; she knew how to lose herself at night, become anonymous, although she couldn’t put her finger on where the knowledge came from, being unable to remember anything beyond what had happened in the last few hours. The illogicality of it distressed her only mildly. Her belly full, her head cushioned by the sublime beating of a friendly heart deep beneath this musky coat, she slept, and dreamed of her abilities as they quickened within her by the second; of what she would be capable when she woke. Of whom she would be capable.