Chapter 6
Assessing and implementing secure design principles in network architectures
Securing network components
Implementing secure communication channels according to design
The Communication and Network Security domain requires a thorough understanding of network fundamentals, secure network design, concepts of network operation, networking technologies, and network management techniques. This domain represents 14 percent of the CISSP certification exam.
A solid understanding of networking concepts and fundamentals is essential for creating a secure network architecture. This understanding requires knowledge of network topologies; IP addressing; various networking protocols (including multilayer and converged protocols); wireless networks; communication security; and new and evolving networking trends, such as software-defined networks, microsegmentation, and cloud computing.
Data networks are commonly classified as local area networks and wide area networks. Although these classifications are basic, you should understand the fundamental distinctions between these two types of networks.
A local area network (LAN) is a data network that operates across a relatively small geographic area, such as a single building or floor. A LAN connects workstations, servers, printers, and other devices so that network resources, such as files and email, can be shared. Key characteristics of LANs include the following:
A wide area network (WAN) connects multiple LANs and other WANs by using telecommunications devices and facilities to form an internetwork. Key characteristics of WANs include the following:
The OSI and TCP/IP models define standard protocols for network communication and interoperability by using a layered approach. This approach divides complex networking issues into simpler functional components that aid in the understanding, design, and development of networking solutions. It provides the following specific advantages:
In 1984, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) adopted the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model (or simply the OSI model) to facilitate interoperability between network devices independent of the manufacturer.
The OSI model consists of seven distinct layers that describe how data is communicated between systems and applications on a computer network, as shown in Figure 6-1. These layers include
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FIGURE 6-1: The seven layers of the OSI model.
In the OSI model, data is passed from the highest layer (Application, Layer 7) downward through each layer to the lowest layer (Physical, Layer 1) and then transmitted across the network medium to the destination node, where it’s passed upward from the lowest layer to the highest layer. Each layer communicates only with the layer immediately above and below it (adjacent layers). This communication is achieved through a process known as data encapsulation, which wraps protocol information from the layer immediately above in the data section of the layer immediately below. Figure 6-2 illustrates this process.
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FIGURE 6-2: Data encapsulation in the OSI model.
The Application Layer (Layer 7) is the highest layer of the OSI model. It supports the components that deal with the communication aspects of an application that requires network access, and it provides an interface to the user. So both the Application Layer and the end user interact directly with the application.
The Application Layer is responsible for the following:
Don’t confuse the Application Layer with software applications such as Microsoft Word and Excel. Applications that function at the Application Layer include
The Presentation Layer (Layer 6) provides coding and conversion functions that are applied to data being presented to the Application Layer (Layer 7). These functions ensure that data sent from the Application Layer of one system are compatible with the Application Layer of the receiving system.
Tasks associated with this layer include
Examples of Presentation Layer protocols include
The Session Layer (Layer 5) establishes, coordinates, and terminates communication sessions (service requests and service responses) between networked systems.
A communication session is divided into three distinct phases:
Examples of Session Layer protocols include
Secure Shell (SSH and SSH-2): SSH provides a secure alternative to Telnet (discussed in the section “Application Layer (Layer 7)” later in this chapter) for remote access. SSH establishes an encrypted tunnel between the client and the server, and can authenticate the client to the server. SSH can be used to protect the confidentiality and integrity of network communications. SSH-2 establishes an encrypted tunnel between the SSH client and SSH server, and can authenticate the client to the server. SSH version 1 is also widely used but has inherent vulnerabilities that are easily exploited.
SSH-2 (or SSH) is an Internet security application that provides secure remote access.
The Transport Layer (Layer 4) provides transparent, reliable data transport and end-to-end transmission control. The Transport Layer hides the details of the lower layer functions from the upper layers.
Specific Transport Layer functions include
Several important protocols defined at the Transport Layer include
A three-way handshake is the method used to establish a TCP connection (see Figure 6-3). A PC attempting to establish a connection with a server initiates the connection by sending a TCP SYN (Synchronize) packet, which is the first part of the handshake. In the second part of the handshake, the server replies to the PC with a SYN ACK packet (Synchronize Acknowledgement). Finally, the PC completes the handshake by sending an ACK or SYN-ACK-ACK packet, acknowledging the server’s acknowledgement, and the data communications commence.
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FIGURE 6-3: The TCP three-way handshake.
A socket is a logical endpoint on a system or device used to communicate over a network to another system or device (or even on the same device). A socket usually is expressed as an IP address and port number, such as
A datagram is a self-contained unit of data that is capable of being routed between a source and a destination. Similar to a packet, which is used in the Internet Protocol (IP), datagrams are commonly used in UDP and other protocols.
The term Protocol Data Unit (PDU) is used to describe the unit of data used at a particular layer of a protocol. In OSI, the Layer 1 PDU is a bit, Layer 2’s PDU is a frame, Layer 3’s is a packet, and Layer 4’s is a segment or datagram, and Layer 7’s is message.
UDP is ideally suited for data that requires fast delivery as long as that data isn’t sensitive to packet loss and doesn’t need to be fragmented. Examples of applications that use UDP include Domain Name System, Simple Network Management Protocol, and streaming audio or video. The following characteristics and features are associated with UDP:
Jitter in streaming audio and video is caused by variations in the delay of received packets, which is a negative characteristic of UDP.
Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX): The protocol used to guarantee data delivery in older Novell NetWare IPX/SPX networks. SPX sequences transmitted packets, reassembles received packets, confirms that all packets are received, and requests retransmission of packets that aren’t received. SPX is to IPX as TCP is to IP, though the order is stated as IPX/SPX rather than SPX/IPX (as in TCP/IP): SPX and TCP are Layer 4 protocols, and IPX and IP are Layer 3 protocols. Just think of the SPX-IPS and TCP-IP relationships as yang and yin, rather than yin and yang!
Several examples of connection-oriented and connectionless-oriented protocols are identified in Table 6-1.
TABLE 6-1 Connection-Oriented and Connectionless-Oriented Protocols
Protocol |
Layer |
Type |
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) |
4 (Transport) |
Connection-oriented |
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) |
4 (Transport) |
Connectionless-oriented |
IP (Internet Protocol) |
3 (Network) |
Connectionless-oriented |
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) |
3 (Network) |
Connectionless-oriented |
IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) |
3 (Network) |
Connectionless-oriented |
SPX (Sequenced Packet Exchange) |
4 (Transport) |
Connection-oriented |
The Network Layer (Layer 3) provides routing and related functions that enable data to be transported between systems on the same network or on interconnected networks (or internetworks). Routing protocols — such as the Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) — are defined at this layer. Logical addressing of devices on the network is accomplished at this layer by using routed protocols, including IP and Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX).
Routing protocols are defined at the Network Layer and specify how routers communicate with one another on a WAN. Routing protocols are classified as static or dynamic.
A static routing protocol requires an administrator to create and update routes manually on the router. If the route is down, the network is down. The router can’t reroute traffic dynamically to an alternative destination (unless a different route is specified manually). Also, if a given route is congested, but an alternative route is available and relatively fast, the router with static routes can’t route data dynamically over the faster route. Static routing is practical only on very small networks or for very limited, special-case routing scenarios (such as a destination that’s reachable only via a single router). Despite the limitations of static routing, it has a few advantages, such as low bandwidth requirements (routing information isn’t broadcast across the network) and some built-in security (users can get only to destinations that are specified in the routing table).
A dynamic routing protocol can discover routes and determine the best route to a given destination at any given time. The routing table is periodically updated with current routing information. Dynamic routing protocols are further classified as link-state and distance-vector (for intradomain routing) and path-vector (for interdomain routing) protocols.
A distance-vector protocol makes routing decisions based on two factors: the distance (hop count or other metric) and vector (the egress router interface). It periodically informs its peers and/or neighbors of topology changes. Convergence — the time it takes for all routers in a network to update their routing tables with the most current information, such as link status changes — can be a significant problem for distance-vector protocols. Without convergence, some routers in a network may be unaware of topology changes, causing the router to send traffic to an invalid destination. During convergence, routing information is exchanged between routers, and the network slows considerably.
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a distance-vector routing protocol that uses hop count as its routing metric. To prevent routing loops, in which packets effectively get stuck bouncing between various router nodes, RIP implements a hop limit of 15, which significantly limits the size of networks that RIP can support. After a data packet crosses 15 router nodes (hops) between a source and a destination, the destination is considered to be unreachable. In addition to hop limits, RIP employs three mechanisms to prevent routing loops:
RIP uses UDP port 520 as its transport protocol and port; thus, it is a connectionless-oriented protocol. Other disadvantages of RIP include slow convergence and insufficient security. (RIPv1 has no authentication, and RIPv2 transmits passwords in cleartext.) RIP is a legacy protocol, but it’s still in widespread use on networks today despite its limitations, because of its simplicity.
A link-state protocol requires every router to calculate and maintain a complete map, or routing table, of the entire network. Routers that use a link-state protocol periodically transmit updates that contain information about adjacent connections (called link states) to all other routers in the network. Link-state protocols are computation-intensive but can calculate the most efficient route to a destination, taking into account numerous factors such as link speed, delay, load, reliability, and cost (an arbitrarily assigned weight or metric). Convergence occurs very rapidly (within seconds) with link-state protocols; distance-vector protocols usually take longer (several minutes or even hours in very large networks). Two examples of link-state routing protocols are
A path-vector protocol is similar in concept to a distance-vector protocol, but without the scalability issues associated with limited hop counts. Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is an example of a path-vector protocol. BGP is a path-vector routing protocol used between separate autonomous systems. It’s considered to be an exterior gateway protocol because it performs routing between separate autonomous systems. It’s the core protocol used by Internet service providers, network service providers, and very large private IP networks. When BGP runs between autonomous systems, it’s called external BGP (eBGP). When BGP runs within an autonomous system (such as on a private IP network), it’s called internal BGP (iBGP).
Routed protocols are Network Layer protocols, such as Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) and IP, which address packets with routing information and allow those packets to be transported across networks via routing protocols (discussed in the preceding section).
Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) is a connectionless protocol used primarily in older Novell NetWare networks for routing packets across the network. It’s part of the Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX) protocol suite, which is analogous to the TCP/IP suite.
IP contains addressing information that enables packets to be routed. IP is part of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite, which is the language of the Internet. IP has two primary responsibilities:
IP Version 4 (IPv4), which is currently the most commonly used version, uses a 32-bit logical IP address that’s divided into four 8-bit sections (octets) and consists of two main parts: the network number and the host number. The first four bits in an octet are known as the high-order bits, and the last four bits in an octet are known as the low-order bits. The first bit in the octet is referred to as the most significant bit, and the last bit in the octet is referred to as the least significant bit. Each bit position represents its value (see Table 6-2) if the bit is on (1); otherwise, its value is zero (off or 0).
TABLE 6-2 Bit Position Values in an IPv4 Address
High-Order Bits |
Low-Order Bits |
Most significant bit |
Least significant bit |
128 |
64 |
32 |
16 |
8 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
Each octet contains an 8-bit number with a value of 0 to 255. Table 6-3 shows a partial list of octet values in binary notation.
TABLE 6-3 Binary Notation of Octet Values
Decimal |
Binary |
Decimal |
Binary |
Decimal |
Binary |
255 |
1111 1111 |
200 |
1100 1000 |
9 |
0000 1001 |
254 |
1111 1110 |
180 |
1011 0100 |
8 |
0000 1000 |
253 |
1111 1101 |
160 |
1010 0000 |
7 |
0000 0111 |
252 |
1111 1100 |
140 |
1000 1100 |
6 |
0000 0110 |
251 |
1111 1011 |
120 |
0111 1000 |
5 |
0000 0101 |
250 |
1111 1010 |
100 |
0110 0100 |
4 |
0000 0100 |
249 |
1111 1001 |
80 |
0101 0000 |
3 |
0000 0011 |
248 |
1111 1000 |
60 |
0011 1100 |
2 |
0000 0010 |
247 |
1111 0111 |
40 |
0010 1000 |
1 |
0000 0001 |
246 |
1111 0110 |
20 |
0001 0100 |
0 |
0000 0000 |
IPv4 addressing supports five address classes, indicated by the high-order (leftmost) bits in the IP address, as listed in Table 6-4.
TABLE 6-4 IP Address Classes
Class |
Purpose |
High-Order Bits |
Address Range |
Maximum Number of Hosts |
A |
Large networks |
0 |
1 to 126 |
16,777,214 (224-2) |
B |
Medium networks |
10 |
128 to 191 |
65,534 (216-2) |
C |
Small networks |
110 |
192 to 223 |
254 (28-2) |
D |
Multicast |
1110 |
224 to 239 |
N/A |
E |
Experimental |
1111 |
240 to 254 |
N/A |
Several IPv4 address ranges are also reserved for use in private networks, including
These addresses aren’t routable on the Internet and thus are often implemented behind firewalls and gateways by using Network Address Translation (NAT) to conserve IP addresses, mask the network architecture, and enhance security. NAT translates private, non-routable addresses on internal network devices to registered IP addresses when communication across the Internet is required. The widespread use of NAT and private network addresses somewhat delayed the inevitable depletion of IPv4 addresses, which is limited to approximately 4.3 billion due to its 32-bit format (232 = 4,294,967,296 possible addresses). But the thing about inevitability is that it’s … well, inevitable. Factors such as the proliferation of mobile devices worldwide, always-on Internet connections, inefficient use of assigned IPv4 addresses, and the spectacular miscalculation of IBM’s Thomas Watson — who in 1943 predicted that there would be a worldwide market for “maybe five computers” (he was no Nostradamus) — have led to the depletion of IPv4 addresses.
In 1998, the IETF formally defined IP Version 6 (IPv6) as the replacement for IPv4. IPv6 uses a 128-bit hexadecimal IP address (versus 32 bits for IPv4) and incorporates additional functionality to provide security, multimedia support, plug-and-play compatibility, and backward compatibility with IPv4. The main reason for developing IPv6 was to provide infinitely more network addresses than are available with IPv4 addresses. Okay, it’s not infinite, but it is ginormous — 2128 or approximately 3.4 × 1038 (that’s 340 hundred undecillion) unique addresses!
IPv6 addresses consist of 32 hexadecimal numbers grouped into eight blocks (sometimes referred to as hextels) of four hexadecimal digits, separated by a colon.
TABLE 6-5 Decimal, Hexadecimal, and Binary Notation
Decimal |
Hexadecimal |
Binary |
0 |
0 |
0000 |
1 |
1 |
0001 |
2 |
2 |
0010 |
3 |
3 |
0011 |
4 |
4 |
0100 |
5 |
5 |
0101 |
6 |
6 |
0110 |
7 |
7 |
0111 |
8 |
8 |
1000 |
9 |
9 |
1001 |
10 |
A |
1010 |
11 |
B |
1011 |
12 |
C |
1100 |
13 |
D |
1101 |
14 |
E |
1110 |
15 |
F |
1111 |
The basic format for an IPv6 address is
where x represents a hexadecimal digit (0–f).
Following is an example of an IPv6 address:
There are several rules the IETF has defined to shorten an IPv6 address:
Security features in IPv6 include network-layer security via Internet Protocol Security and requirements defined in Request For Comments 7112 to prevent fragmentation exploits in IPv6 headers.
Multilayer protocols are groups of protocols that are purpose-built for some type of specialized communications need. Multilayer protocols have their own schemes for encapsulation, like TCP/IP itself.
One good example of a multilayer protocol is Distributed Network Protocol (DNP3), which is used in industrial control systems (ICS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) networks. DNP3 has a Data Frame Layer, Transport Layer, and Application Layer.
DNP3’s original design lacks security features, such as authentication and encryption. Recent updates to the standard have introduced security protocols. Without security features, relatively simple attacks (such as eavesdropping, spoofing, and perhaps denial of service) can be carried out easily on specialized multiprotocol networks.
Converged protocols refers to an implementation of two or more protocols for a specific communications purpose. Examples of converged protocols include
Software-defined networks (SDN) represent the ability to create, configure, manage, secure, and monitor network elements rapidly and efficiently. SDN uses an open standards architecture that enables intelligent network functions, such as routing, switching, and load balancing (the overlay function), to be performed on virtual software that is installed on commodity network hardware (the physical underlay), similar to server virtualization. In SDN, network elements and network architectures are virtual, which enables organizations to build and modify their networks and network elements quickly.
As with other virtualization technologies, correct management of SDN requires policy, process, and discipline to avoid network sprawl (the phenomenon in which undisciplined administrators bypass change control processes and unilaterally create virtual network elements).
Related to SDN, software-defined WAN is discussed later in this chapter.
Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) is an IETF open standard for VPNs that operates at the Network Layer (Layer 3) of the OSI model. It’s the most popular and robust VPN protocol in use today. IPsec ensures confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity by using Layer 3 encryption and authentication to provide an end-to-end solution. IPsec operates in two modes:
The two main protocols used in IPsec are
Each pair of hosts communicating in an IPsec session must establish a security association (SA), which is a one-way connection between two communicating parties; thus, two associations are required for each pair of communicating hosts. Additionally, each association supports only a single protocol (AH or ESP). Therefore, using both an AH and an ESP between two communicating hosts requires four security associations. A security association has three parameters that uniquely identify it in an IPsec session:
Key management is provided in IPsec by using the Internet Key Exchange (IKE), which is a combination of three complementary protocols: the Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP), the Secure Key Exchange Mechanism, and the Oakley Key Exchange Protocol. Internet Key Exchange operates in three modes: Main, Aggressive, and Quick.
Other protocols defined at the Network Layer include Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and Simple Key Management for Internet Protocols (SKIP).
ICMP is used for network control and diagnostics. Commonly used ICMP commands include ping
and traceroute
. Although ICMP is very helpful in troubleshooting routing and connectivity issues in a network, it is also commonly used by attackers for network reconnaissance, device discovery, and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks (such as an ICMP flood).
SKIP is a Network Layer key management protocol used to share encryption keys. An advantage of SKIP is that it doesn't require a communication session to be established before it sends encrypted keys or packets. The protocol is bandwidth-intensive, however, because of the size of additional header information in encrypted packets.
The primary networking equipment defined at Layer 3 is routers and gateways.
Routers are intelligent devices that link dissimilar networks and use logical or physical addresses to forward data packets only to the destination network (or along the network path). Routers employ various routing algorithms (such as RIP, OSPF, and BGP) to determine the best path to a destination, based on variables that include bandwidth, cost, delay, and distance.
Gateways are created with software running on a computer (workstation or server) or router. Gateways link dissimilar programs and protocols by examining the entire Layer 7 data packet so as to translate incompatibilities. A gateway can be used, for example, to link an IP network to an IPX network or a Microsoft Exchange mail server to a Lotus Notes server (a mail gateway).
The Data Link Layer ensures that messages are delivered to the proper device across a physical network. This layer also defines the networking protocol (such as Ethernet, USB, Wi-Fi, or token ring) used to send and receive data between individual devices. The Data Link Layer formats messages from layers above into frames for transmission, handles point-to-point synchronization and error control, and can perform link encryption.
The IEEE 802 standards and protocols further divide the Data Link Layer into two sublayers: Logical Link Control (LLC) and Media Access Control (MAC), as shown in Figure 6-4.
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FIGURE 6-4: The LLC and MAC sublayers.
The LLC sublayer operates between the Network Layer above and the MAC sublayer below. The LLC sublayer performs the following three functions:
The MAC sublayer operates between the LLC sublayer above and the Physical Layer below. It’s responsible primarily for framing and has the following three functions:
Common LAN protocols are defined at the Data Link and Physical layers, and include the following:
LAN data transmissions are classified as
Important wireless networks to be familiar with for the CISSP exam include Li-Fi, Wi-Fi, Near-Field Communication (NFC), ZigBee, and satellite.
Similar to fiber-optic networks, which use light rather than electrical signals to transmit data over wired networks, Li-Fi uses light in the visible, ultraviolet, and infrared spectrums rather than radio frequency to transmit data up to 100 Gbps over wireless networks.
WLAN (wireless LAN) technologies, commonly known as Wi-Fi, function at the lower layers of the OSI Reference Model. WLAN protocols define how frames are transmitted over the air. See Table 6-6 for a description of the most common IEEE 802.11 WLAN standards.
TABLE 6-6 Wireless LAN Standards
Type |
Speed |
Description |
802.11a |
54 Mbps |
Operates at 5 GHz (less interference than at 2.4 GHz) |
802.11b |
11 Mbps |
Operates at 2.4 GHz (first widely used protocol) |
802.11g |
54 Mbps |
Operates at 2.4 GHz (backward-compatible with 802.11b) |
802.11n |
600 Mbps |
Operates at 5 GHz or 2.4 GHz |
802.11ac |
1 Gbps |
Operates at 5 GHz |
802.11ad (WiGig) |
6.7 Gbps |
Operates at 60 GHz (range limited to 30 ft) |
802.11ah (WiFi HaLow) |
347 Mbps |
Operates at 900 MHz |
802.11ax (WiFi 6) |
10 Gbps |
Operates at 5 GHz or 2.4 GHz (backwards-compatible with 802.11a/b/g/n/ac) |
ZigBee is a low-cost, low-power wireless mesh network protocol based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. ZigBee is commonly used in industrial environments and smart home products. Various ZigBee specifications include ZigBee Pro, ZigBee Radio Frequency for Consumer Electronics (RF4CE), and ZigBee IP.
Near-Field Communication (NFC) is a set of communication protocols used over short distances (up to 4 cm), often used with smartphones for access control and contactless payments.
Satellite broadband technologies are commonly used in remote areas where wired, wireless, or cellular services may not be readily available, as well as to provide backup connectivity. Other applications include providing connectivity for logistics (ships, planes, and trains) and communication backbones for IoT devices (such as fleet management and remote maintenance).
Smartphones, IoT devices, and other mobile devices use cellular networks as well as Wi-Fi networks to communicate. The Third Generation Partnership Project defines the various generations and develops the protocols for mobile telecommunications (that is, cellular networks). The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is a regulatory organization of the United Nations that is responsible for the global use of mobile telecommunication. Relevant cellular network generations include
WAN technologies function at the lower three layers of the OSI Reference Model (the Physical, Data Link, and Network layers), primarily at the Data Link Layer. WAN protocols define how frames are carried across a single data link between two devices. These protocols include
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN): ISDN is a communications protocol that operates over analog phone lines that have been converted to use digital signaling. ISDN lines are capable of transmitting both voice and data traffic. ISDN defines a B-channel for data, voice, and other services, and a D-channel for control and signaling information.
With the introduction and widespread adoption of DSL and DOCSIS, ISDN has largely fallen out of favor in the United States and is no longer available in many areas.
Circuit-switched networks are ideally suited for always-on connections that experience constant traffic.
Packet-switched networks: In a packet-switched network, devices share bandwidth (by using statistical multiplexing) on communications links to transport packets between a sender and receiver across a carrier network. This type of network is more resilient to error and congestion than circuit-switched networks. We compare packet-switched and circuit-switched networks in Table 6-7.
Examples of packet-switched networks include
Packet-switched networks are ideally suited for on-demand connections that have bursty traffic.
WAN protocols and technologies are implemented over telecommunications circuits. Refer to Table 6-8 for a description of common telecommunications circuits and speeds.
TABLE 6-7 Circuit Switching versus Packet Switching
Circuit Switching |
Packet Switching |
Ideal for always-on connections, constant traffic, and voice communications |
Ideal for bursty traffic and data communications |
Connection-oriented |
Connectionless-oriented |
Fixed delays |
Variable delays |
TABLE 6-8 Common Telecommunications Circuits
Type |
Speed |
Description |
DS0 |
64 Kbps |
Digital Signal Level 0, framing specification used in transmitting digital signals over a single channel at 64 Kbps on a T1 facility |
DS1 |
1.544 Mbps or 2.048 Mbps |
Digital Signal Level 1, framing specification used in transmitting digital signals at 1.544 Mbps on a T1 facility (U.S.) or at 2.048 Mbps on an E1 facility (EU) |
DS3 |
44.736 Mbps |
Digital Signal Level 3, framing specification used in transmitting digital signals at 44.736 Mbps on a T3 facility |
T1 |
1.544 Mbps |
Digital WAN carrier facility; transmits DS1-formatted data at 1.544 Mbps (24 DS0 user channels at 64 Kbps each) |
T3 |
44.736 Mbps |
Digital WAN carrier facility; transmits DS3-formatted data at 44.736 Mbps (672 DS0 user channels at 64 Kbps each) |
E1 |
2.048 Mbps |
Wide-area digital transmission scheme used primarily in Europe that carries data at a rate of 2.048 Mbps |
E3 |
34.368 Mbps |
Wide-area digital transmission scheme used primarily in Europe that carries data at a rate of 34.368 Mbps (16 E1 signals) |
OC-1 |
51.84 Mbps |
SONET (Synchronous Optical Networking) Optical Carrier WAN specification |
OC-3 |
155.52 Mbps |
OC-12 |
622.08 Mbps |
OC-48 |
2.488 Gbps |
OC-192 |
9.9 Gbps |
OC-768 |
39 Gbps |
Networking devices that operate at the Data Link Layer include bridges, switches, DTEs/DCEs, and wireless equipment:
Wireless Access Points (APs) are transceivers that connect wireless clients to the wired network. Access points are base stations for the wireless network. They’re essentially hubs (or routers) operating in half-duplex mode — they can only receive or transmit at a given time; they can’t do both at the same time (unless they have multiple antennas). Wireless access points use antennas to transmit and receive data. The four basic types of wireless antennas are
Client devices in a Wi-Fi network include desktop and laptop PCs, as well as mobile devices and other endpoints (such as smartphones, medical devices, bar-code scanners, and many so-called smart devices such as thermostats and other home automation devices). Wireless network interface cards (or wireless cards) come in a variety of forms, such as PCI adapters, PC cards, and USB adapters or are built into wireless-enabled devices, such as laptop PCs, tablets, and smartphones.
Access points and the wireless cards that connect to them must use the same WLAN 802.11 standard or be backward-compatible. See the section “Wireless networks” earlier in this chapter for a list of the 802.11 specifications.
Access points (APs) can operate in one of four modes:
The Physical Layer sends and receives bits across the network medium (cabling or wireless links) from one device to another.
It specifies the electrical, mechanical, and functional requirements of the network, including network topology, cabling and connectors, and interface types, as well as the process for converting bits to electrical (or light) signals that can be transmitted across the physical medium. Various network topologies, made from copper or fiber-optic wires and cables, hubs, and other physical materials, comprise the Physical Layer.
Four basic network topologies are defined at the Physical Layer. Although there are many variations of the basic types — such as FDDI, star-bus (or tree), and star-ring — we stick to the basics here:
Cables carry the electrical or light signals that represent data between devices on a network. Data signaling is described by several characteristics, including type (see the sidebar “Analog and digital signaling” in this chapter), control mechanism (see the sidebar “Asynchronous and synchronous communications,” in this chapter), and classification (baseband or broadband). Baseband signaling uses a single channel for transmission of digital signals and is common in LANs that use twisted-pair cabling. Broadband signaling uses many channels over a range of frequencies for transmission of analog signals, including voice, video, and data. The four basic cable types used in networks include
Twinaxial cable: Twinaxial (also known as twinax) cable is very similar to coax cable, but it consists of two solid copper-wire cores rather than a single core. Twinax is used to achieve high data transmission speeds (such as 10 Gb Ethernet over very short distances such as 10 meters) at a relatively low cost. Typical applications for twinax cabling include SANs and top-of-rack network switches that connect critical servers to a high-speed core. Other advantages of twinax cabling include lower transceiver latency (delay in transmitter/receiver devices), low power consumption (compared with 10 GbE twisted-pair cables), and low bit error ratios.
Bit error ratio (BER) is the ratio of incorrectly received bits to total received bits over a specified period of time.
Twisted-pair cable: Twisted-pair cable is the most popular LAN cable in use today. It’s lightweight, flexible, inexpensive, and easy to install. One easily recognized example of twisted-pair cable is common telephone wire.
Twisted-pair cable consists of four copper-wire pairs that are twisted together to improve the transmission quality of the cable by reducing crosstalk and attenuation. The tighter the twisted pairs, the better the transmission speed and quality.
Crosstalk occurs when a signal transmitted over one channel or circuit negatively affects the signal transmitted over another channel or circuit. An (ancient) example of crosstalk occurred over analog phone lines when you could hear parts of other conversations over the phone. Attenuation is the gradual loss of intensity of a wave (such as electrical or light) while it travels over or through a medium.
Currently, 10 categories of twisted-pair cabling exist, but only Cat 5/5e, Cat 6/6a, and Cat 7/7a cable are typically used for networking today (see Table 6-9).
Twisted-pair cable can be unshielded (UTP) or shielded (STP). UTP cabling is more common because it’s easier to work with and less expensive than STP. STP is used when noise is a problem or when security is a major concern and is popular in IBM rings. Noise is produced by external sources and can distort or otherwise impair the quality of a signal. Examples of noise include RFI and EMI from sources such as electrical motors, radio signals, fluorescent lights, microwave ovens, and electronic equipment. Shielded cabling also reduces electromagnetic emissions that may be intercepted by an attacker.
TEMPEST is a (previously classified) U.S. military term that refers to the study of electromagnetic emissions from computers and related equipment.
Twisted-pair cable is terminated with an RJ-type terminator. The three common types of RJ-type connectors are RJ-11, RJ-45, and RJ-49. Although these connectors are similar in appearance (particularly RJ-45 and RJ-49), only RJ-45 connectors are used for LANs. RJ-11 connectors are used for analog phone lines, and RJ-49 connectors are commonly used for ISDN lines and WAN interfaces.
TABLE 6-9 Common Twisted-Pair Cable Categories
Category |
Use and Speed |
Example |
5 (not a TIA/EIA standard) |
Data (up to 100 Mbps) |
Fast Ethernet |
5e |
Data (up to 1000 Mbps at 100 MHz) |
Gigabit Ethernet |
6 |
Data (up to 1000 Mbps at 250 MHz) |
Gigabit Ethernet |
6a |
Data (up to 10 Gbps at 500 MHz) |
10 Gigabit Ethernet |
7 |
Data (up to 10 Gbps at 600 MHz up to 100 meters) |
10 Gigabit Ethernet |
7a |
Data (up to 100 Gbps at 1000 MHz up to 15 meters) |
40 Gigabit Ethernet |
TABLE 6-10 Cable Types and Characteristics
Cable Type |
Ethernet Designation |
Maximum Length |
EMI/RFI Resistance |
RG58 (thinnet) |
10Base-2 |
185 m |
Good |
RG8/11 (thicknet) |
10Base-5 |
500 m |
Better |
10Base-T 100Base-TX 1000Base-T 10GbE |
100 m |
Poor |
10Base-T 100Base-TX 1000Base-T 10GbE |
100 m |
Fair to good |
Fiber-optic |
100Base-F |
2,000 m |
Best (EFI and RFI have no effect on fiber-optic cable) |
The interface between the Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and Data Communications Equipment (DCE), which we discuss in the following section, is specified at the Physical Layer.
Common interface standards include
Networking devices that operate at the Physical Layer include network interface cards (NICs), network media (cabling, connectors, and interfaces, all of which we discuss in the section “Cable and connector types” earlier in this chapter), repeaters, and hubs.
NICs are used to connect a computer to the network. NICs may be integrated on a computer motherboard or installed as an adapter card, such as an ISA, PCI, or PC card. Similar to a NIC, a WAN interface card (WIC) contains a built-in CSU/DSU and is used to connect a router to a digital circuit. Variations of WICs include high-speed WAN interface cards and voice WAN interface cards.
A repeater is a nonintelligent device that simply amplifies a signal to compensate for attenuation (signal loss) so that one can extend the length of the cable segment.
A hub or concentrator is used to connect multiple LAN devices, such as servers and workstations. The two basic types of hubs are
A switch is used to connect multiple LAN devices. Unlike a hub, a switch doesn’t send outgoing packets to all devices on the network; it sends packets only to actual destination devices.
The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Model is similar to the OSI Reference Model. It was originally developed by the U.S. Department of Defense and actually preceded the OSI model. The TCP/IP Model is not as widely used as a learning and troubleshooting tool as the OSI model. The most notable difference between the models is that the TCP/IP model consists of only four layers rather than seven (see Figure 6-5):
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FIGURE 6-5: Comparing the OSI model and the TCP/IP Model.
Network equipment such as routers, switches, wireless access points, and other network components must be securely operated and maintained. The CISSP candidate must understand general security principles and unique security considerations associated with different types of network equipment.
Network equipment such as routers and switches (discussed earlier in this chapter), as well as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, wireless access points, and other components (discussed in the following sections) must be securely deployed, operated, and maintained. Aspects of proper operation of hardware include
Network transmission media includes wired (such as copper and fiber) and wireless. Wired transmission media is defined at the Physical Layer of the OSI model (discussed previously in this chapter). Wireless transmission media is defined at the Data Link Layer of the OSI model (discussed previously in this chapter). Additionally, the CISSP candidate must understand Wi-Fi security techniques and protocols.
Aside from the use of encryption to render any intercepted communications unreadable by unauthorized parties, it’s important to protect communication media from eavesdropping and sabotage. Techniques available to protect wired network media include
Security on wireless networks, as with all security, is best implemented by using a defense-in-depth approach. Security techniques and protocols include broadcast of SSIDs, authentication, and encryption using Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA).
WPA2 and WPA3 provide significant security enhancements over Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and WPA. WPA2 supports various EAP extensions (see the section “Remote access” later in this chapter) to enhance WLAN security. These extensions include EAP-TLS (Transport Layer Security), EAP-TTLS (Tunneled Transport Layer Security), and Protected EAP (PEAPv0 and v1). WPA2 uses the AES-based algorithm Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP), which replaces TKIP and WEP to produce a WLAN protocol that is far more secure. WPA3 requires either AES-128 or CCMP-128 as the minimum encryption algorithm in WPA3-Personal Mode.
Network access control devices include firewalls (as well as proxies, web application firewalls, next-generation firewalls, and unified threat management), intrusion detection systems (and intrusion prevention systems), web content filters, data loss prevention, and cloud access security brokers.
A firewall controls traffic flow between a trusted network (such as a home network or corporate LAN) and an untrusted or public network (such as the Internet), known as north-south traffic. A firewall can comprise hardware, software, or a combination of both hardware and software.
The three basic classifications of firewalls are packet-filtering, circuit-level gateway, and application-level gateway. Web application firewalls (WAFs), next-generation firewalls (NGFWs), and unified threat management (UTM) platforms are specialized firewall types.
A packet-filtering firewall (or screening router), one of the most basic (and inexpensive) types of firewalls, is ideally suited to a low-risk environment. A packet-filtering firewall permits or denies traffic based solely on the TCP, UDP, ICMP, and IP headers of the individual packets. It examines the traffic direction (inbound or outbound), the source and destination IP addresses, and the source and destination TCP or UDP port numbers. This information is compared with predefined rules that have been configured in an access control list (ACL) to determine whether each packet should be permitted or denied. A packet-filtering firewall typically operates at the Network Layer or Transport Layer of the OSI model. Some advantages of a packet-filtering firewall are
Disadvantages of packet-filtering firewalls are
A more advanced variation of the packet-filtering firewall is the dynamic packet-filtering firewall. This type of firewall supports dynamic modification of the firewall rule base by using context-based access control (CBAC) or reflexive ACLs, both of which create dynamic access list rules for individual sessions as they are established. An ACL might be created automatically to allow a user working from the corporate network (inside the firewall) to connect to an FTP server outside the firewall to upload and download files between her PC and the FTP server. When the file transfer is complete, the ACL is deleted from the firewall automatically.
A circuit-level gateway controls access by maintaining state information about established connections. When a permitted connection is established between two hosts, a tunnel (or virtual circuit) is created for the session, allowing packets to flow freely between the two hosts without the need for further inspection of individual packets. This type of firewall operates at the Session Layer (Layer 5) of the OSI model.
Advantages of this type of firewall include
Disadvantages of this type of firewall include
A stateful inspection firewall is a type of circuit-level gateway that captures data packets at the Network Layer and then queues and analyzes these packets at the upper layers of the OSI model.
An application-level (or Application Layer) gateway operates at the Application Layer of the OSI model, processing data packets for specific IP applications. This type of firewall is generally considered to be the most secure and is commonly implemented as a proxy server. In a proxy server, no direct communication between two hosts is permitted. Instead, data packets are intercepted by the proxy server, which analyzes the packet’s contents and — if permitted by the firewall rules — sends a copy of the original packet to the intended host.
Advantages of this type of firewall include
Disadvantages of this type of firewall include
A WAF is used to protect a web server (or group of web servers) from various types of web application attacks such as script injection and buffer overflow attacks. A WAF examines HTTP traffic at the Application Layer before it reaches the web server and employs rules to determine whether the traffic is considered routine and friendly or hostile.
Next-generation firewalls (often termed next-gen firewalls or NGFWs) and unified threat management devices (often called UTMs) are similar terms describing firewalls with multiple functions, including combinations of the following security devices:
The basic firewall types that we discuss in the preceding sections may be implemented by using one of the firewall architectures described in the following sections. The four basic types of firewall architectures are screening router, dual-homed gateway, screened-host gateway, and screened subnet.
A screening router is the most basic type of firewall architecture employed. An external router is placed between the untrusted and trusted networks, and a security policy is implemented by using ACLs. Although a router functions as a choke point between a trusted network and an untrusted network, an attacker — after gaining access to a host on the trusted network — may be able to compromise the entire network.
Advantages of a screening router architecture include
Disadvantages of the screening router architecture include
Still, using a screening router architecture is better than using nothing.
Another common firewall architecture is the dual-homed gateway, a system that has two network interfaces and sits between an untrusted network and a trusted network. Bastion host is a general term often used to refer to proxies, gateways, firewalls, or any server that provides applications or services directly to an untrusted network. Because it’s often the target of attackers, a bastion host is sometimes referred to as a sacrificial lamb. This term is misleading, however, because a bastion host is typically a hardened system that employs robust security mechanisms.
A dual-homed gateway is often connected to the untrusted network via an external screening router. The dual-homed gateway functions as a proxy server for the trusted network and may be configured to require user authentication. A dual-homed gateway offers a more fail-safe operation than a screening router does because by default, data normally isn’t forwarded across the two interfaces.
Advantages of the dual-homed gateway architecture include
Disadvantages of the dual-homed gateway architecture include
A screened-host gateway architecture employs an external screening router and an internal bastion host. The screening router is configured so that the bastion host is the only host accessible from the untrusted network (such as the Internet). The bastion host provides any required web services to the untrusted network, such as HTTP and FTP, as permitted by the security policy. Connections to the Internet from the trusted network are routed via an application proxy on the bastion host or directly through the screening router.
Here are some of the advantages of the screened-host gateway:
Here are some disadvantages of the screened-host gateway:
Screened subnet is perhaps the most secure of the current firewall architectures. The screened subnet employs an external screening router, a dual-homed (or multi-homed) host, and a second internal screening router. This firewall type implements the concept of a network demilitarized zone (DMZ). Publicly available services are placed on bastion hosts in the DMZ.
Advantages of the screened-subnet architecture include
Disadvantages of a screened-subnet architecture include
Intrusion detection is defined as real-time monitoring and analysis of network activity and data for potential vulnerabilities and attacks in progress. One major limitation of current intrusion detection system (IDS) technologies is the requirement to filter false alarms to prevent the operator (the system or security administrator) from being overwhelmed with data. IDSes are classified in many ways, including active and passive, network-based and host-based, and knowledge-based and behavior-based.
An active IDS is configured to block suspected attacks in progress automatically, without requiring any intervention by an operator. IPS has the advantage of providing real-time corrective action in response to an attack, but it has many disadvantages as well. An IPS must be placed inline along a network boundary; thus, the IPS itself is susceptible to attack. Also, if false alarms and legitimate traffic haven’t been properly identified and filtered, authorized users and applications may be improperly denied access. Finally, the IPS itself may be used to effect a denial-of-service attack, which involves intentionally flooding the system with alarms that cause it to block connections until no connection or bandwidth is available.
A passive IDS is configured to monitor and analyze network traffic activity and alert an operator to potential vulnerabilities and attacks. It can’t perform any protective or corrective functions on its own. The major advantages are that these systems can be easily and rapidly deployed and aren’t normally susceptible to attack themselves. Passive IDS is usually connected to a network segment via a tap (physical or virtual) or switched port analyzer (SPAN) port.
A network-based IDS (NIDS) usually consists of a network appliance (or sensor) that includes a NIC operating in Promiscuous mode (meaning that it listens to, or “sniffs,” all traffic on the network, not just traffic addressed to a specific host) and a separate management interface. The IDS is placed along a network segment or boundary, and it monitors all traffic on that segment.
A host-based IDS (HIDS) requires small programs (or agents) to be installed on the individual systems that are to be monitored. The agents monitor the operating system and write data to log files and/or trigger alarms. A host-based IDS can monitor only the individual host systems on which the agents are installed; it doesn’t monitor the entire network.
A knowledge-based (or signature-based) IDS references a database of previous attack profiles and known system vulnerabilities to identify active intrusion attempts. Knowledge-based IDSes are more common than behavior-based IDSes. Advantages of knowledge-based systems include
Disadvantages of knowledge-based systems include
A behavior-based (or statistical anomaly-based) IDS references a baseline or learned pattern of normal system activity to identify active intrusion attempts. Deviations from this baseline or pattern cause an alarm to be triggered. Advantages of behavior-based systems include
Disadvantages of behavior-based systems include
A web content filter typically is an inline device that monitors and controls internal users’ access to websites. Web content filters can be configured to block access to both specific websites and categories of websites (blocking access to sites that discuss polka music, for example).
Organizations that use web content filters to block access to categories of web sites are often trying to keep employees from accessing sites that are not related to work. The use of web content filters also helps enforce policies and protect the organization from potential liability. Blocking access to pornographic and hate-related websites, for example, to enforce sexual harassment and racial discrimination/safe working environment policies, and can help demonstrate due diligence.
Web content filters typically employ large databases of websites that constantly evaluated and updated by the vendor of the content filtering software. These databases often contain errors in classification, which require policies and procedures for employees to request access to legitimate websites or access to blocked websites for legitimate work purposes. These processes can be frustrating for employees, particularly if it takes more than a few minutes for the security team to respond to the request. An alternative policy that many organizations use is “Trust but verify.” Websites are not blocked, but users are warned before navigating to a potentially suspicious, dangerous, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate website; also, each user must positively acknowledge that they understand the risk and that they are visiting the site for a legitimate purpose. The website visit is logged and reported. Typically, appropriate security or human resources personnel will follow up with the employee if necessary.
Tech-savvy users often use various proxy software programs in an attempt to circumvent web content filters. Proxy software is a significant risk to enterprise security and should be explicitly forbidden by policy. Next-generation firewalls and certain advanced web content filters are capable of detecting proxy software in the enterprise.
Data loss prevention (DLP) refers to a class of security products that are designed to detect and (optionally) prevent the exfiltration of sensitive data over an organization’s network connections. DLP systems work by performing pattern matching (such as XXX-XX-XXXX
representing a Social Security Number, or XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX representing a credit card number) against data transmitted over the network. Depending on the type of DLP system and its configuration, the system can either generate an alert describing the suspected data exfiltration or block the transmission.
Another class of DLP products scans file servers and database management systems in search of sensitive data. The idea is that people sometimes extract sensitive data from sanctioned repositories and then make copies of that data for storage in less-secure locations.
Cloud access security brokers (CASB) monitor and control access to cloud-based applications and services. If an organization uses for unstructured file storage, for example, CASB can be configured to block access to alternative storage services such as Dropbox and Skydrive.
Organizations generally use CASB to limit the exfiltration of sensitive information and steer personnel to officially sanctioned applications. You can think of them as being security policy enforcement points.
Endpoints, including desktop and laptop computers, smartphones, tablets, and other mobile equipment (such as medical devices, bar-code scanners, and other so-called smart devices), have become very attractive targets for cybercriminals. Endpoints are particularly vulnerable to attack for many reasons, including
At its most basic level, endpoint security consists of antimalware (or antivirus) software. Signature-based software is the most common type of antivirus software used on endpoints. Signature-based antivirus software scans an endpoint’s hard drive and memory in real time and at scheduled times. If a known malware signature is detected, the software performs an action, such as the following:
Signature-based antivirus software must be kept up to date to be effective, and it can detect only known threats. The endpoint is vulnerable to any new zero-day malware threats until a signature is created by the software vendor and uploaded to the endpoint.
Application whitelisting is another common antimalware approach used for endpoint protection. This approach requires a positive control model on the endpoint; only applications that have been explicitly authorized can be run on the endpoint. Trends such as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) that allow users to use their personal devices for work-related purposes make application whitelisting approaches difficult to implement in the enterprise. Another limitation of application whitelisting is that an application (such as Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat) that has already been whitelisted can be run on an endpoint, even if that application is exploited (perhaps with a malicious Word document or Adobe PDF file).
Behavior-based (also known as heuristics-based or anomaly-based) endpoint protection attempts to create a baseline of normal activity on the endpoint. Any unusual activity (as determined by the baseline) is detected and stopped. Unfortunately, behavior-based software is prone to high false positives and typically requires significant computing resources.
Container-based endpoint protection isolates any vulnerable processes running on an endpoint by creating virtual barriers around individual processes. If a malicious process is detected, the software kills the process before the malicious process can infect any legitimate processes on the endpoint. Container-based approaches typically require significant computing resources and extensive knowledge of any applications running on the endpoint.
In addition to antimalware prevention, endpoint protection should include
The CISSP exam requires knowledge of secure design principles and implementation of various communication technologies, including voice, multimedia collaboration, remote access, data communications, virtualized networks, and third-party connectivity.
Private Branch Exchange (PBX) switches, Plain Old Telephone Systems (POTS), and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) switches are some of the most overlooked and costly aspects of a corporate telecommunications infrastructure. Many employees don’t think twice about using a company telephone system for extended personal use, including long-distance calls. Personal use of company-supplied mobile phones is another area of widespread abuse. Perhaps the simplest and most effective countermeasure against internal abuse is publishing and enforcing a corporate telephone-use policy. Regular auditing of telephone records is also effective for deterring and detecting telephone abuse. Similarly, as both voice communications and the global workforce have become increasingly mobile, organizations need to define and implement appropriate BYOD, Choose Your Own Device, or corporate-owned, personally-enabled mobile device policies.
Cloud communication has become a viable alternative to PBX and on-premises VoIP systems for many organizations, from small and midsize businesses to large enterprises. Many cloud communication providers offer the same advanced features and functionality as on-premises PBX and VoIP systems, with all the business and technical benefits of the cloud.
Similarly, over-the-top services such as Jabber, Vonage, Vimeo, and Zoom are increasingly common in business communications.
Finally, mobile operators have introduced innovations such as Voice over Long-Term Evolution (VoLTE), Voice over Wi-Fi (VoWiFi), and Wi-Fi calling, providing improved voice communications capabilities.
Types of attacks on voice communications systems include
Multimedia collaboration includes remote meeting software, certain VoIP applications, and instant messaging, among others.
Remote meeting (such as Cisco WebEx, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom) software has become immensely popular and enables rich collaboration over the Internet. Potential security issues associated with remote meeting software include downloading and installing potentially vulnerable add-on components or other required software. Other security issues arise from the inherent capabilities of remote meeting software, such as remote desktop control, file sharing, sound, and video. An unauthorized user who connects to an endpoint via remote meeting software could potentially have access to all of these capabilities.
Instant messaging (IM) applications enable simple, convenient communications within an organization and can boost productivity significantly. IM has long been a favorite attack vector for cybercriminals, however. Users need to be aware that IM is no more secure than any other communication method. Communications can be intercepted (IMs are rarely encrypted), and malware can be spread via these messages.
Remote access to corporate networks has become more ubiquitous over the past decade. Such trends such as telecommuting and mobile computing blur the distinction between work and personal lives for many people. Safely enabling ubiquitous access to corporate network resources from any device requires extensive knowledge of various remote access security methods, protocols, and technologies.
Remote access security methods include restricted allowed addresses, geolocation, caller ID, callback, and multifactor authentication:
Multifactor authentication: Requiring users to authenticate with a user ID and password, plus an additional factor such as a one-time passcode (which may be sent to a mobile device via SMS text message), token, or biometric, reduces the risk of compromised login credentials.
One limitation of callback is that it can be easily defeated by call forwarding.
Remote access security technologies include RAS servers that use various authentication protocols associated with PPP, RADIUS, and TACACS:
RADIUS: The Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) protocol is an open-source, UDP-based (usually ports 1812 and 1813, and sometimes ports 1645 and 1646), client-server protocol, which provides authentication and accountability. A user provides username/password information to a RADIUS client by using PAP or CHAP.
The RADIUS client encrypts the password and sends the username and encrypted password to the RADIUS server for authentication.
Note: Passwords exchanged between the RADIUS client and the RADIUS server are encrypted, but passwords exchanged between the PC client and the RADIUS client aren’t necessarily encrypted, such as when PAP authentication is used. If the PC client happens to also be the RADIUS client, however, all password exchanges are encrypted, regardless of the authentication protocol being used.
RADIUS is an authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) protocol that manages access in an AAA transaction.
A VPN creates a secure tunnel over a public network, such as the Internet. Encrypting the data as it’s transmitted across the VPN creates a secure tunnel. The two ends of a VPN are commonly implemented by using one of the following methods:
PPTP was developed by Microsoft to enable PPP to be tunneled through a public network. PPTP uses native PPP authentication and encryption services (such as PAP, CHAP, and EAP). PPTP is commonly used for dial-up connections. PPTP operates at the Data Link Layer (Layer 2) of the OSI model and is designed for individual client-server connections.
L2F was developed by Cisco and provides similar functionality to PPTP. As its name implies, L2F operates at the Data Link Layer of the OSI model and permits tunneling of Layer 2 WAN protocols such as HDLC and SLIP.
L2TP is an IETF standard that combines Microsoft (and others’) PPTP and Cisco L2F protocols. Like PPTP and L2F, L2TP operates at the Data Link Layer of the OSI model to create secure VPN connections for individual client-server connections. L2TP addresses the following end-user requirements:
The SSL protocol provides session-based encryption and authentication for secure communication between clients and servers on the Internet. SSL operates at the Transport Layer (Layer 4) of the OSI model. SSL has been deprecated and superseded by Transport Layer Security (TLS). As of August 2018, TLS 1.3 is the most current version of TLS. The terms SSL and TLS are often used interchangeably. However, when referring to most “SSL” implementations today (for example, SSL VPNs), TLS is typically the protocol that is actually used. SSL VPNs (using TLS) have rapidly gained widespread popularity and acceptance in recent years because of their ease of use and low cost. An SSL VPN requires no special client hardware or software (other than a web browser) and little or no client configuration. SSL VPNs provide secure access to web-enabled applications and thus are somewhat more granular in control, as a user is granted access to a specific application rather than to the entire private network. This granularity can also be a limitation of SSL VPNs; not all applications will work over an SSL VPN, and many convenient network functions (file and print sharing) may not be available over an SSL VPN.
Network data communications are secured by means of several technologies and protocols.
Virtual LANs (VLANs) are used to logically segment a network, for example by department or resource. VLANs are configured on network switches and restrict VLAN access to devices that are connected to ports that are configured on the switch as VLAN members.
The SSL/TLS protocol (discussed in the preceding section) is commonly used to encrypt network communications.
Virtualization technology emulates physical computing resources, such as desktop computers and servers, processors, memory, storage, networking, and individual applications. The core component of virtualization technology is the hypervisor, which runs between a hardware kernel and an OS, and enables multiple guest virtual machines (VMs) to run on a single physical host machine.
Two common types of hypervisors are Type 1 (native or bare metal) hypervisors, which run directly on host hardware, and Type 2 (hosted) hypervisors, which run within an operating system environment.
In addition to virtualized servers, virtualization technology is used for
Security in virtualized environments begins with the hypervisor. A compromised hypervisor can potentially give an attacker access to and control of an entire virtualized environment.
Operational security issues associated with virtualized environments include
Organizations frequently provide access for various third parties such as partners, contractors, and vendors. Third-party connectivity is an attack vector that is frequently exploited by threat actors, due to various vulnerabilities in these types of connections, such as
Examples of data breaches via third-party connectivity include