He looked like a warrior, ready to do battle.
He downplayed the threat from the SUV he’d just chased off, his voice calm. But his body language said differently.
“If it’s the intruder from last night, he’s more of a danger.”
“How so?” Krista kept the mounting panic from her voice.
“Takes someone without fear to return right after the police were called. He doesn’t care who gets in his way.”
This guy was persistent. Breaking in. Attacking her. Perhaps killing her if Cash hadn’t arrived.
Panic threatened again but she fought it. Cash was here. Strong, capable Cash. The man she’d been fighting every step of the way.
“Thanks for being here.”
“It’s what I do.”
“You can’t possibly do this for everyone. So why me?”
He shrugged, but held her gaze, and she felt a change in him. Not the spark of attraction that clearly existed between them. Something softer. Something that made her forget the bomber.
“I can’t put my finger on it, but I know you need me.” His voice was low and husky.
The word trustworthy came to mind. A man of honor. Could she really believe he was everything he seemed to be…even if he discovered who she really was?