
Business Owners’ Wisdom is the product of hard work by many people. First and foremost, I want to thank the business owners who generously gave up their time to speak with me and share their wisdom. This is wisdom gained through the hard work, persistence and passion that comes from working on your own business.

This book simply would not have happened without the following sixteen business owners and their personal assistants: Andrew Simmons, Bill Bridges, Brett Blundy, Collette Dinnigan, Harry Triguboff, Imelda Roche, James Stevens, James Erskine, John Cutler, Lorna Jane Clarkson, Mark Carnegie, Matt Moran, Mike Cannon-Brookes, Nicola Cerrone, Peter Stutchbury, Tom Waterhouse, Jessica Kelly, Cheryl Griffiths, Anna De Paoli, Nikki Andrews, Fiona Fraser, Christina Papa, Ardleigh Matthews, Donna Hills, Danielle Ross, Loreto Escobar and Renee Lord.

Simon Carroll from Living Image Photography walked the journey with me.Thoughout the interviews he provided objective comment, encouraged the project and took incredible photographs.

Thanks also to my talented production team who turned thousands of transcribed notes into the tightly edited stories featured in the following pages.

Graham Rendoth of Reno Design worked with me to design and print my previous books Collective Wisdom and Universal Wisdom. Then, as now, he’s brought experience and design sensitivity to produce a book that looks fantastic.

Ella Martin has also returned to work with me on this book. She’s a first class copy-editor/proofreader, and her incredible attention to detail is a rare talent. Dan Stojanovich likewise returned to help me turn some very tough transcripts into readable text. Your hard work under pressure made all the difference.

I’m grateful for the work of new members of the editing team. Megan Drinan is a seasoned book editor and she worked under a tight deadline to make each chapter sparkle. Thank you to Mark Jones and Heather Jones at Filtered Media for their ideas, insistence on excellence and assistance in writing matters.

Finally, to my immediate and extended family. My in-laws make our lives so much better. Rebecca, my wife, is the strength, wit and intelligence who runs the real business, our family. Thomas, Nicholas and Audrey get me up early and keep me going late into the night because I want to be the best I can for them.