193. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-4, part 1, Association of Indian Workers to Frank Oliver, 19 February 1909. [AEMR-016332]

194. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, FA 10-17, volume 6041, file 160-5, part 1, 1905–1934, Emile Legal to Frank Pedley, 20 July 1908. [AEMR-254243]

195. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3928, file 117004-1, “Report on Indian Missions and Schools,” Presented to the Diocesan Synod, Diocese of Calgary, J. W. Tims, August 1908. [OLD-008159]

196. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, ACC-MSCC-GS 75-103, series 3:1, box 48, file 3, Arthur Barner to S. H. Blake, 16 February 1909. [AAC-090206]

197. Blake, Don’t you hear, 39.

198. Blake, Don’t you hear, 11.

199. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Superintendent General Indian Affairs to T. Ferrier, 18 July 1908. [AEMR-016328]

200. Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 32.

201. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 273.

202. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 274.

203. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 273–274.

204. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, ACC-MSCC-GS 75-103, series 3:1, box 48, file 3, Assistant-Deputy to S. P. Matheson, 25 November 1910. [AAC-090237]

205. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, ACC-MSCC-GS 75-103, series 3:1, box 48, file 3, Assistant-Deputy to S. P. Matheson, 25 November 1910. [AAC-090237]

206. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, Headquarters – Compulsory Attendance of Pupils – Indian Schools, 1904–1933, Microfilm reel C-8149, FA 10-17, “Re: Per Capita Grants at Indian Residential Schools,” Russell Ferrier, 5 April 1932. [120.18050]

207. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, “Correspondence and Agreement Relating to the Maintenance and Management of Indian Boarding Schools,” Ottawa, Government Printing Bureau, 1911. [AEMR-120208A]

208. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Memorandum, 26 June 1917. [AEMR-010655]

209. TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, “Notes on Indian Education.” Memorandum for Hon. Mr. Meighen, 1919. [AEMR-010656]

210. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Martin Benson to Scott, 7 February 1916. [100.00230]

211. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6468, file 890-1, part 1, J. Welch to D. C. Scott, 28 July 1916. [MIS-001473]

212. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 1, Martin Benson to Mr. Scott, 27 August 1917. [DRS-000507-0000]

213. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Memorandum, 26 June 1917. [AEMR-010655]

214. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3921, file 116818-1B, Martin Benson, 7 June 1913. [EDM-000594]

215. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 1, Martin Benson to Mr. Scott, 19 January 1916. [PLD-007466]

216. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6040, file 160-3A, part 1, T. Ferrier to Duncan C. Scott, 28 March 1918. [AEMR-120239]

217. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs to School and Account Branches, 3 July 1919. [AEMR-120246] In a 1932 letter, Russell Ferrier wrote that the increases were in 1919 and 1921. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, Headquarters – Compulsory Attendance of Pupils – Indian Schools, 1904–1933, Microfilm reel C-8149, FA 10-17, Russell Ferrier, 5 April1932. [AEMR-255375]

218. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 364; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1915, xxvi; TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3925, file 116823-1A, Clerk of the Privy Council to Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 18 February 1918; [ELK-000248] RG10, volume 6350, file 753-1, part 1, J. F. Woodsworth to James Endicott, 5 June 1919; [EDM-000242] Provincial Archives of Alberta, PAA 71.220B92 3866, W. M. Graham to Principal, Ermineskin Roman Catholic Boarding School, 28 October 1922. [OGP-030045]

219. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1922, 18; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1923, 8.

220. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6040, file 160-4, part 1, J. H. Edmison to Duncan C. Scott, 20 January 1921. [AEMR-016359]

221. For examples of deficits, see: TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, FA 10-17, volume 6041, file 160-5, part 1, 1905–1934, G. Leonard to Duncan C. Scott, 27 January 1921; [AEMR-254258V] J. L. Levern to Reverend Naissens, 29 January 1921; [AEMR-254258B] Sister Briault to Duncan C. Scott, 31 January 1921; [AEMR-254258C] J. Brachet to Duncan C. Scott, 31 January 1921. [AEMR-254258H]

222. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1923, 7.

223. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6001, file 1-1-1, part 4, “Memorandum to Honourable Charles Stewart, Re: Ownership Indian Residential Schools,” 12 May 1922. [120.06758]

224. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6001, file 1-1-1, part 3, Microfilm reel C-8134, Deputy Superintendent General to Mr. Buskard, 25 November 1932. [AEMR-010717]

225. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 10294, file 486/25-1-002, part 1, H. W. McGill to Superintendent General, 5 January 1934; [AEMR-010722] RG10, volume 6001, file 1-1-1, part 3, Harold W. McGill to Heads of Church Organizations conducting Indian Residential Schools, 19 April 1934. [SRS-000748-0001]

226. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6041, file 160-5, part 1, J. B. Beys to Duncan Campbell Scott, 17 February 1922. [SBR-001686]

227. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6041, file 160-5, part 2, J. O. Plourde to R. A. Hoey, 4 March 1938. [SPR-001856]

228. TRC, NRA, Deschatelets Archives Ottawa, HR 6113.C73R 5, Undated presentation of the Welfare and Training Branch of Indian Affairs. [OMI-030415]

229. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6041, file 160-7, part 1, Russell Ferrier to C. E. Manning, 4 May 1927. [AEMR-016405]

230. Clifford, Resistance to Church Union, 1. For details on transfer of schools, see: TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6041, file 160-7, part 1, J. H. Edmison to D. C. Scott, 7 July 1927; [RLS-001003] List of Indian Residential Schools Under the Mandate of the United Church showing the average attendance for the year ended March 31st, 1927. [AEMR-120377A]

231. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, FA 10-17, volume 6041, file 160-5, part 1, 1905–1934, Duncan C. Scott to J. B. Beys, 27 May 1927. [AEMR-254315]

232. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, Headquarters – Compulsory Attendance of Pupils – Indian Schools, 1904–1933, Microfilm reel C-8149, FA 10-17, Russell Ferrier, 5 April 1932. [AEMR-255375]

233. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6054, file 265-1, part 1, Extract from Report of Indian Superintendent Boyd for the Year 1923–24, On Indian Education in Nova Scotia, 19 May 1924; [SRS-000005] J. D. McLean to J. J. Ryan, 9 March 1911. [SRS-000816]

234. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6054, file 265-1, part 1, Extract from Report of Indian Superintendent Boyd for the Year 1923–24, On Indian Education in Nova Scotia, 19 May 1924; [SRS-000005] A. J. Boyd to Indian Affairs, 20 January 1925. [SRS-000006]

235. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6054, file 265-1, part 1, Reverend F. C. Ryan to Indian Affairs, 8 October 1925. [SRS-001546]

236. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2064, file 265-1, part 1, D. C. Scott to A. J. Boyd, 23 April 1927. [SRS-000009]

237. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6054, file 265-1, part 1, A. J. Boyd to D. C. Scott, 11 July 1927. [SRS-000016]

238. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6054, file 265-1, part 1, A. F. MacKenzie to J. P. Mackey, 24 January 1930. [SRS-000058]

239. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1931, 60.

240. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1931, 12.

241. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1931, 27.

242. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1931, 13.

243. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 7185, file 1/25-1-7-1, Russell T. Ferrier, to Church Officers and Principals of Indian Residential Schools, 29 March 1932. [AEMR-016416A] TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, ACCMSCC-GS 75-103, series 2.15, box 27, file 1, The Joint delegation and interview with the Prime Minister, 20 December 1934. [AAC-087280]

244. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 7185, file 1/25-1-7-1, part 1, Harold McGill to Church Officers, Principals of Indian Residential Schools, 22 February 1933. [AEMR-255373]

245. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6041, file 160-5, part 1, Harold McGill to Joseph Guy, 29 March 1933. [AEMR-254348]

246. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 11552, file 312-11, part 5, A. S. Williams to Inspectors of Indian Agencies, Indian Agents, Church Officers, and Principals of Indian Residential Schools, 13 July 1935; [AEMR-177231] RG10, volume 7185, file 1/25-1-7-1, part 1, Harold McGill to Inspectors of Indian Agencies, Indian Agents, Church Officers, Principals of Indian Residential Schools, 26 March 1936. [AEMR-255369]

247. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 7185, file 1/25-1-7-?, part 1, R. A. Hoey to Dr. McGill, 4 November 1938. [AEMR-120432]

248. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6041, file 160-5, part 2, J. O. Plourde to R. A. Hoey, 29 June 1939; [AEMR-254352] Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives ACC-MSCC-GS 75-103, series 2.15, box 27, file 1, R. A. Hoey to Geo. Dorey, 22 June 1939. [AAC-087334]

249. Prucha, Great Father, 2:808, 837; Child, Boarding School Seasons, 32–33.

250. Adams, Education for Extinction, 332.

251. L. Meriam, ed., The Problem of Indian Administration (Baltimore, 1928), 13, quoted in Szasz, Education and the American Indian, 20.

252. Szasz, Education and the American Indian, 3.

253. Szasz, Education and the American Indian, 28.

254. Szasz, Education and the American Indian, 27.

255. Adams, Education for Extinction, 330.

256. Speech delivered by Collier to the American Federation of Arts, Washington, DC, 14 May 1934, reprinted in Indians at Work 1 (1 June 1934): 9, quoted in Szasz, Education and the American Indian, 44–45.

257. W. C. Ryan and Rose K. Brandt, “Indian Education Today,” Progressive Education 9 (February 1932): 84, quoted in Szasz, Education and the American Indian, 67.

258. Prucha, Great Father, 2:980.

259. Szasz, Education and the American Indian, 34, 65.

260. Szasz, Education and the American Indian, 48.

261. Szasz, Education and the American Indian, 50–51, 55.

262. Szasz, Education and the American Indian, 67–68.

263. Szasz, Education and the American Indian, 72–75.

264. Szasz, Education and the American Indian, 61.

265. Szasz, Education and the American Indian, 31.

266. Szasz, Education and the American Indian, 60.

267. Szasz, Education and the American Indian, 60.

268. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6001, file 1-1-1, part 3, P. Phelan to Dr. McGill, 22 February 1934. [AEMR-177226]

The struggle over enrolment: 1867–1939

1. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6255, file 576-1, part 1, John Semmens to E. McColl, 19 February 1895. [BRS-000174]

2. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1884, 160.

3. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1897, xxvi.

4. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1887, 130.

5. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1887, 125.

6. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1888, 104.

7. Barker, Forty Years a Chief, 2, 16–17.

8. Moran, Stoney Creek Woman, 80.

9. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1884, 161.

10. Tobias, “Canada’s Subjugation,” 228–232.

11. Barron, “Indian Pass System”; Bennett, Study of Passes.

12. Pettipas, Severing the Ties, 118, 122.

13. An Act further to amend “The Indian Act, 1880,” Statutes of Canada 1884, chapter 27, section 10, amending Statutes of Canada 1880, chapter 28, section 74, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 97.

14. Oreopoulos, Canadian Compulsory School Laws, 8–9.

15. Nowakowski, “Indian Residential Schools,” 81.

16. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1885, 77.

17. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1886, 139.

18. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1888, 122.

19. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3647, file 8128, E. Dewdney to Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 29 December 1885.

20. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3818, file 57799, Hayter Reed to Superintendent General, 14 May 1889. [TAY-003820-0001]

21. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 394, file 123764-1, L. Vankoughnet to E. Dewdney, 13 April 1892.

22. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3675, file 11422-4, to Hayter Reed, 13 June 1891. [PLD-009433]

23. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3675, file 11422-4, Hayter Reed to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, May 20, 1891. [PLD-009429]

24. Ray, Miller, and Tough, Bounty and Benevolence, 192–195; Tobias, “Ahchuchwahauhhatohapit,” http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/ahchuchwahauhhatohapit_14E.html (accessed 17 July 2014).

25. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1897, 161.

26. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3940, file 121698-13, Extract from a Report of the Committee of the Honourable Privy Council, Approved by His Excellency on the 20th September 1897.

27. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3940, file 121698-13, J. D. McLean to H. R. Halpin, 21 December 1897.

28. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 152.

29. Tobias, “Ahchuchwahauhhatohapit,” http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/ahchuchwahauhhatohapit_14E.html (accessed 17 July 2014).

30. Star Blanket material is based on Kennedy, “Qu’Appelle Industrial School,” 182–183; Starblanket, “Beyond Culture,” 2; Starr-Spaeth, “Star Blanket,” 125–127; Tobias, “Ahchuchwahauhhatohapit,” http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/ahchuchwahauhhatohapit_14E.html (accessed 17 July 2014).

31. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, xxvi.

32. Tobias, “Ahchuchwahauhhatohapit,” http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/ahchuchwahauhhatohapit_14E.html (accessed 17 July 2014).

33. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4068, file 422752, October 1912, Letter from Chief Star Blanket to the Governor General.

34. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4068, file 422752, 5 December 1912.

35. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1894, xxii.

36. An Act respecting Indians, Statutes of Canada 1894, chapter 32, section 11, new sections added to Revised Statutes of Canada 1886, chapter 43, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 164.

37. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, “Regulations Relating to the Education of Indian Children,” Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1894. [AGA-001516-0000]

38. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, Regulations Relating to the Education of Indian Children, Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1894. [AGA-001516-0000]

39. These were: Mount Elgin, the Mohawk Institute, Shingwauk and Wawanosh homes (counted as one), and Wikwemikong.

40. These were: Brandon, St. Boniface, Rupert’s Land (Middlechurch), and Washakada (more commonly known as “Elkhorn”).

41. These were: Battleford, Regina, Qu’Appelle, and Emmanuel Training School.

42. These were: Morley, St. Joseph’s (High River), Red Deer, and St. Albert.

43. These were: Kuper Island, Kamloops, Kootenay, Alert Bay, Metlakatla (spelled as Metlakahtla), Williams Lake, and Coqualeetza.

44. These were: Portage la Prairie, Pine Creek, and Birtle.

45. These were: Onion Lake, File Hills, Gordon’s Reserve, Muscowequan, Duck Lake, Round Lake, and Crowstand.

46. These were: the Blackfoot Boarding School, the Blood Boarding School, and the Lac La Biche, Piegan, Sarcee, and Stony Plain schools.

47. These were: Port Simpson’s Girls Home, and All Hallows Boarding School at Yale.

48. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, John J. McGee, “At The Government House At Ottawa, Monday, 1st Day of April, 1895.” [AGA-001516-0001]

49. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2552, file 112220, Hayter Reed to Assistant Indian Commissioner, 20 December 1894.

50. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6255, file 576-1, part 1, Deputy Superintendent Indian Affairs to E. McColl, 8 March1895. [BRS-000175]

51. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6305, file 652-5, part 1, R. S. McKenzie to The Indian Commissioner, Regina, 30 October 1895. [SMD-001170-0000]

52. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, Hayter Reed to E. D. Cameron, 24 April 1896. [TAY-003516]

53. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, xxxvii.

54. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1895, xxi–xii.

55. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, xxxvii.

56. Morris, Treaties of Canada, 315, 319, 323, 333, 345–346, 353, 371.

57. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3647, file 8128, E. Dewdney to Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 29 December 1885.

58. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3647, file 8128, E. Dewdney to Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 29 December 1885.

59. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Frank Pedley to Reverend and dear sirs, 21 March 1908. [AEMR-120155]

60. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6309, file 654-1, part 1, Hayter Reed to Owen Owens, 16 May 1894. [GDC-005971]

61. Porter, “St. Paul’s Boarding School,” 43, 48, 60.

62. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 154.

63. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 154–156.

64. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 167.

65. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 168.

66. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 219, 224.

67. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1909, 136, 140.

68. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6307, file 653-1, part 1, R. B. Heron to Rev. Dr. Grant, 13 November 1913. [FHR-000095-0001]

69. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6307, file 653-1, part 1, W. M. Graham to Mr. Scott, 20 December 1913. [FHR-000096]

70. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6455, file 885-1, part 2, Microfilm reel C-8777, J. D. McLean to W. R. Robertson, 30 July 1918. [KUP-003824]

71. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, xxvi.

72. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 308.

73. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 284.

74. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 282.

75. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1902, 365.

76. Library and Archives Canada, RG10 (Red Series), volume 2552, file 112220, Magnus Begg to David Laird, 19 January 1901.

77. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2552, file 112220, Magnus Begg to David Laird, 19 January 1901.

78. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2552, file 112220, J. Hugonnard to David Laird, 9 January 1901.

79. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2552, file 112220, D. Laird to J. Hugonnard, 8 January 1901.

80. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 312–317.

81. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1904, 205–206.

82. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6321, file 658-1, part 1, J. R. Matheson to Frank Pedley, 22 January 1906. [PAR-000974]

83. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2552, file 112220, J. A. J. McKenna to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 8 June 1903.

84. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2552, file 112220, J. A. J. McKenna to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 8 June 1903.

85. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, Headquarters – Compulsory Attendance of Pupils – Indian Schools, 1904–1933, Microfilm reel C-8149, FA 10-17, D. Laird to Indian Agent, Touchwood Hills, 29 April 1904; [AEMR-255240] D. Laird to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 19 May 1904. [AEMR-255241]

86. TRC, NRA, Regulations Relating to the Education of Indian Children, Ottawa, Government Printing Bureau, 1908; [AEMR-010652] Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, Acting Deputy Minister [Justice?] to Deputy Superintendent General Indian Affairs, 24 June 1908. [AEMR-177176]

87. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Frank Pedley to Reverend and dear sirs, 21 March 1908. [AEMR-120155]

88. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1885, 77.

89. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1887, 128–129.

90. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 7184, file 1/25-1-5-7, part 1, J. D. McLean to A. Sutherland, 16 August 1898. [NCA-014601]

91. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 7184, file 1/25-1-5-7, part 1, J. D. McLean to A. W. Vowell, 2 August 1900. [NCA-014608]

92. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 7184, file 1/25-1-5-7, part 1, J. D. McLean to Principals of All Industrial Schools, 22 February 1911. [AEMR-120194]

93. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 7184, file 1/25-1-5-7, part 1, J. D. McLean to various principals, 18 April 1911. [AEMR-120199]

94. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6040, file 160-3A, part 1, Martin Benson to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 23 December 1901. [100.00132]

95. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Martin Benson, to J. D. McLean, 15 July 1897. [100.00109]

96. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 1, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, 17 October 1907. [DRS-000467]

97. Anglican Church General Synod Archives, Journal of Proceedings (1909): 172, quoted in Gull, “‘Indian Policy,’” 10–12.

98. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 10416, Shannon Box 56B, 1908–1909, NAC, J. D. McLean to U. Verreau 3 April 1909. [EDH-002930]

99. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1913, 578.

100. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1913, 408.

101. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1629, David Laird to Indian Agent, Sarcee Agency, 14 March 1901. [SAR-000397]

102. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1629, A. J. McNeill to D. Laird, 10 December 1901. [SAR-000404]

103. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1629, D. Laird to Indian Agent, Sarcee, 16 December 1901. [SAR-000407]

104. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 232.

105. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6320, file 658-1, part 1, David Laird to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 3 April 1906; [PAR-000980-0000] RG10, volume 6320, file 658-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-9802, M. Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 21 February 1907. [120.00284]

106. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3858, file 81812, unidentified to Hayter Reed, 29 August 1891. [120.06695]

107. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1641, 1893–1894, Samuel Lucas to Assistant Commissioner Regina, 15 November 1893. [SAR-000134]

108. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1135 [no file number], A. Forget to Agents and Principals of Boarding and Industrial Schools, 15 March 1895. [EDH-002532]

109. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1897, 263.

110. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada – Burnaby, RG10, FA 10-136, volume 11466, 987/18-24, part 1, Truancy, 1952–1969, NAC Burnaby, R. Sedgewick to Acting Deputy Superintendent General Indian Affairs, 11 October 1891; [SQU-001298-0001] RG10, volume 1575, C-14851, 1898–1899, NAC, Application for Admission, 30 November 1898. [BQL-008267-0001]

111. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, FA10-379, 1999-01431-6, box 405, 987/25-1-018, part 1, Indian Education – Squamish Students Residence, Fraser District, 1950–1969, NAC Ottawa, P. Phelan to Legal Adviser, 17 November 1952; [SQU-000595] Burnaby, RG10, FA 10-136, volume 11466, 987/18-24, part 1, Truancy, 1952–1969, NAC Burnaby, P. Phelan to W. S. Arneil, 22 November 1952. [SQU-001297]

112. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1629, 1897–1908, “Application for Admission,” 6 June 1900. [SAR-070003-0000]

113. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3920, file 116818, John Nelson to the Indian Commissioner, 14 August 1894. [EDM-009774] For additional information on Seenum, see: Whitefish Lake First Nation, #128, “Our History,” http://www.wfl128.ca/chief_history.html (accessed 17 November 2014).

114. Battleford Herald, volume 17, number 10, March 1895.

115. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2552, file 112-220-1, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 25 September 1903.

116. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6320, file 658-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-9802, M. Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 21 February 1907. [120.00284]

117. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 273.

118. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1897, 269.

119. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6040, file 160-3A, part 1, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 13 February 1904. [100.00140]

120. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 256–257.

121. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1911, 374.

122. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, “Regulations Relating to the Education of Indian Children, Ottawa,” Government Printing Bureau, 1894; [AGA-001516-0000] Regulations Relating to the Education of Indian Children (Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1908). [AEMR-010652]

123. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, Acting Deputy Minister [Justice?] to Deputy Superintendent General Indian Affairs, 24 June 1908. [AEMR-177176]

124. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1884, 161.

125. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1884, 155.

126. Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 66–67.

127. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1887, 101.

128. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3767, file 33170, G. Mann to Assistant Indian Commissioner, 22 October 1886.

129. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1887, 101.

130. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1891, 167; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1895, 340–341.

131. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1901, 361.

132. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1902, 358.

133. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3922, file 116820, E. Matheson to Frank Pedley, 24 August 1907, cited in Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 236.

134. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1907, 341.

135. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1911, 477.

136. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4041, file 334503, Duncan Campbell Scott to Frank Pedley, 19 February 1912, cited in Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 261–263.

137. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1915, xxvi.

138. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1887, 124.

139. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1884, 161. For details of L’Heureux’s dismissal, see: Library and Archives Canada, Hayter Reed Papers MG 29, E 106, volume 18, Personnel H-L, J. W. Tims to Indian Commissioner, October 27, 1891 and L. Vankoughnet to H. Reed, 7 December 1891.

140. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1887, 125.

141. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1885, 76.

142. Lewis, “Anglican Church,” 7; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1887, 124. (Although spelled “Sims” in the source document, this was likely the controversial Anglican missionary J. W. Tims, who commenced his work in this region in 1883.)

143. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1887, 124, 125.

144. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1887, 125.

145. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1887, 123.

146. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3796, file 47249, Hayter Reed to Indian Commissioner, 5 April 1888. [RCA-010972]

147. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3833, file 65138, part 2, A. Lacombe to Hayter Reed, 4 September 1888. [MRY-010790]

148. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1892, 214.

149. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1897, 258.

150. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 297; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 474.

151. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3933, file 117657-1, J. D. McLean to Harry Gunn, 30 July 1917.

152. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1629, Indian Agent to Father Naessens, 10 September 1906. [SAC-000870]

153. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3933, file 117657-1, W. J. Dilworth to Assistant Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 28 July 1917. For Nordmann’s name, see: Titley, “Dunbow Indian Industrial School,” 107.

154. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives of Alberta, PAA 71.220 B16 668, unsigned letter to J. T. McNally, 22 February 1922. [OGP-090011]

155. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives of Alberta, PAA 71.220 B92 3866, W. M. Graham to Principal, Ermineskin Roman Catholic Boarding School, 28 October 1922. [OGP-030045]

156. TRC, NRA, Deschatelets Archives Ottawa, HR 6553.C73R 5, “Tabulated Record of Industrial Schools,” 31 December 1902. [OMI-030267]

157. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 110.

158. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 362.

159. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3919, file 116751-1A, J. P. Magnan to D. Laird, 10 December 1902. [SBR-003409]

160. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1905, xxxiii; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 191 (this reflects on the Fort Frances portion of the statement); TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3919, file 116751-1A, Clifford Sifton to Governor General in Council, 23 December 1903. [FAR-000095]

161. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3764, file 32725-2, Bishop of Rupert’s Land to E. Dewdney, 23 January 1891.

162. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1900, 329.

163. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1903, 346.

164. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 191; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1907, xxxiii.

165. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1904, 375.

166. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1908, 197.

167. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3990, file 175581, J. A. Markle to Indian Commissioner, 28 February 1896.

168. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1897, 233.

169. TRC, NRA, United Church of Canada Archives, Acc. No. 1979.199C, box 5, file 72, R. B. Heron to R. P. McKay, 6 April 1905. [RIS-000209]

170. TRC, NRA, United Church of Canada Archives, Acc. No. 1979.199C, box 6, file 116, James Farquharson to R. P. MacKay, 3 December 1908. [RIS-000555]

171. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 364. For evidence of Indian Affairs dissatisfaction with the management of the Regina school, see: TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6332, file 661-1, part 1, W. M. Graham to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 17 November 1910. [RLS-000027]

172. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1894, 91; TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3920, file 116818, A. Sutherland to Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 6 January 1893. [EDM-003965]

173. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1894, 91.

174. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3920, file 116818, A. Sutherland to Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 4 January 1898. [EDM-003969]

175. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1909, 384.

176. United Church Archives, A. Sutherland papers, Prairie provinces, Indian missions, Red Deer Industrial Institute, 1908, A. Barner, Principal, box 133, 19 September 1908, quoted in Fox, “Failure of Red Deer Industrial School,” 93.

177. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, Headquarters – Compulsory Attendance of Pupils – Indian Schools, 1904–1933, Microfilm reel C-8149, FA 10-17, W. E. S. James to Frank Oliver, David Laird, and William Verreau, 22 February 1909. [AEMR-255255]

178. Fox, “Failure of Red Deer Industrial School,” 95.

179. Fox, “Failure of Red Deer Industrial School,” 94.

180. TRC, NRA, United Church of Canada/Victoria University Archives, Acc. No. 86.158C, box 2, file 2, Red Deer Industrial School Joblin Scrapbooks/UCC Docs Toronto, Arthur Barner to A. Sutherland and T. Ferrier, 4 May 1909. [UCA-080255-0008] For Barner’s role in the campaign to keep the schools open, see: TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, ACC-MSCC-GS 75-103, series 3:1, box 48, file 3, Arthur Barner to S. H. Blake, 16 February 1909. [AAC-090206]

181. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 10421, Shannon Box 450, NAC, Microfilm reel T-10075, James Seenum to C. E. Hughes, 2 February 1913. [SLA-004016] This is apparently the same James Seenum as discussed earlier in the chapter. Seenum was born in the early 1840s and died in 1917. See: Whitefish Lake First Nation, #128, “Our History,” http://www.wfl128.ca/chief_history.html (accessed 17 November 2014).

182. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 10412, Shannon Box 40, J. F. Woodsworth to C. E. Race, 1 August 1914. [EDM-003964]

183. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3921, file 116818-1B, Microfilm reel C-10162, J. F. Woodsworth to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 19 August 1914. [EDM-000946]

184. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3921, file 116818-1B, J. F. Woodsworth to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 5 May 1919; [EDM-000958] file 116818-22 1, J. F. Woodsworth to James Endicott, 5 June 1919. [EDM-000992]

185. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6350, file 753-1, part 1, J. F. Woodsworth to James Endicott, 5 June 1919. [EDM-000242]

186. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1884, 24.

187. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1888, 21.

188. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1900, 314.

189. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 423.

190. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3924, file 116823, E. F. Wilson to the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 25 June 1888. [ELK-000001]

191. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3924, file 116823, E. F. Wilson to the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 28 April 1891, 10 January 1889. [ELK-000053, ELK-000020]

192. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3924, file 116823, Edward F. Wilson to the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 10 January 1889. [ELK-000020]

193. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 433.

194. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3925, file 116823-1A, Clerk of the Privy Council to Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 18 February 1918. [ELK-000248]

195. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1881, 167.

196. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3918, FA 10-13, file 116.659-1, 1892–1920, Spec. Claims Kamloops Agency: General Correspondence Pertaining to Kamloops Industrial School, J. A. Mackay to A. W. Vowell, 29 May 1892. [KAM-009637]

197. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1892, 259.

198. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 124; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1894, 158.

199. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1907, 235.

200. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1891, 136.

201. Coccola, They Call Me Father, 119.

202. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1891, 136.

203. Coccola, They Call Me Father, 175.

204. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6444, file 881-5, part 4, 1926–1933, N. Coccola to R. H. Moore, 30 September 1927. [LEJ-004381]

205. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1889, xxxi; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1908, 434.

206. Pettit, “‘To Christianize and Civilize,’” 203.

207. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6038, file 157-1-1, Alfred Adams and five others to Thomas Deasy, 20 January 1914.

208. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6810, file 470-2-3, part 7, Evidence of D. C. Scott to the Special Committee of the House of Commons Investigating the Indian Act amendments of 1920, 32 (H-1), 114. 32; “Individuals Responsible for Indian and Northern Affairs in Canada, 1755 to 2006,” Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, https://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1100100016471/1100100016472 (accessed 22 July 2014).

209. Petites Annales des Missionaires Oblats de Marie Imaculée (Paris, 1912), 262, cited in Nowakowski, “Indian Residential Schools,” i, 81–82.

210. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 10410, Shannon Box 36, 1918–1920, Untitled circular, Duncan Campbell Scott, 9 November 1914. [AEMR-200902]

211. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6371, file 764-1, part 1, W. J. Dilworth to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs, 8 August 1914. [PUL-000900]

212. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6371, file 764-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to W. J. Dilworth, 21 August 1914. [PUL-000901]

213. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada – Ottawa, RG10, volume 6371, file 764-1, part 1, W. J. Dilworth to the Blood Indians, undated. [BPD-000725]

214. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6268, file 581-1, part 1, T. Ferrier to Chief Berens, 29 September 1915. [NHU-001892]

215. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, E. L. Newcombe to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs, 4 February 1918. [AEMR-177180]

216. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, Headquarters – Compulsory Attendance of Pupils – Indian Schools, 1904–1933, Microfilm reel C-8149, FA 10-17, A. F. MacKenzie, 10 December 1919. [AEMR-255278] For letters urging enforcement of attendance regulations, see: Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, Headquarters – Compulsory Attendance of Pupils – Indian Schools, 1904–1933, Microfilm reel C-8149, FA 10-17, J. H. Edmison to J. D. McLean, 20 September 1919; [AEMR-255273] D. C. Scott to Mr. Meighen, 11 December 1919; [AEMR-255279] RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, “Resolution on Compulsory Attendance,” Methodist Church, General Board of Missions, 6 October 1919. [AEMR-177181]

217. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, T. B. R. Westgate to The Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 21 October 1930.

218. An Act respecting Indians, Statutes of Canada 1919–1920, chapter 50, section 1, amending Revised Statutes of Canada 1906, chapter 81, section 10, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 178–179.

219. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, Headquarters – Compulsory Attendance of Pupils – Indian Schools, 1904–1933, Microfilm reel C-8149, FA 10-17, J. D. McLean to J. W. Waddy, 19 March 1926. [AEMR-255327]

220. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1920, 13.

221. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1883, xi.

222. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 22.

223. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1904, 308.

224. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1911, 495.

225. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives of Alberta, PAA 71.220 B54 2274, Hugh F. Baker to the Reverend Principal, Roman Catholic School, Stand Off, Alberta, 15 January 1919. [OGP-020790]

226. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1924, 15.

227. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6200, file 466-1, part 1, A. M. Boyce to Indian Affairs, 29 March 1921; [TAY-002416-0001] Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1921, 73.

228. Johnston, Indian School Days, 19.

229. TRC, NRA, The United Church of Canada Archives, Toronto, ON, Acc. No. 1979.199C, box 7, file 127, W. McWhinney to Dr. MacKay, 30 November 1909. [CRW-000197]

230. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6323, file 65810, part 3, C. P. Schmidt to the Secretary of the Department of Indian Affairs, 21 May 1929. [PAR-020832]

231. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6438, file 878-5, part 3, George Forbes to Deputy Superintendent General, 7 March 1936. [JOE-025233]

232. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6304, file 651-10, part 1, E. A. W. R. McKenzie to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 21 September 1935. [MRS-045480]

233. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6308, file 653-10, part 1, George A. Dodds to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 3 February 1936. [FHR-001084]

234. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6258, file 576-10, part 9, F. J. Clarke to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 5 August 1936. [NCA-011528]

235. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6358, file 757-10, part 1, 1930–1942, W. B. Murray to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 5 April 1938. [MOR-071134-0000]

236. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2064, file 265-1, part 1, D. C. Scott to A. J. Boyd, 23 April 1927. [SRS-000009]

237. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6057, file 265-10, part 1, Philip Phelan to A. Richard, 14 June 1937. [SRS-008116]

238. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6057, file 265-10, part 1, A. Richard to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 16 June 1937. [SRS-007670]

239. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6057, file 265-10, part 2, Charles Hudson, to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 1 September 1938. [SRS-007871-0000]

240. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6053, file 260-10, part 1, N. A. McDougall to Indian Affairs, 28 September 1939. [SRS-005074]

241. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6053, file 280-10, part 1, Chas. Hudson to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 20 November 1939. [SRS-007989-0000]

242. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6053, file 260-10, part 1, John R. McMullen to R. A. Hoey, 9 November 1939. [SRS-004629]

243. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6193, file 462-10, part 2, B. Maurault to Indian Affairs, 26 August 1937. [CRS-000235]

244. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1888, 21.

245. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3853, file 78880, Affidavit of Es-quasis, 15 April 1891; [PLD-009096-0002] Affidavit of Manitouwastotin, 24 April 1891. [PLD-009096-0003]

246. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6303, file 651-1, part 1, D. Laird to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 3 April 1902. [MRS-001381]

247. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6255, file 576-1, part 1, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, 30 March 190X (last figure not legible). [120.00219]

248. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6371, file 764-1, part 1, W. J. Dilworth to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs, 8 August 1914. [PUL-000900]

249. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives of Alberta, PAA 71.220 B54 2277, E. Ruaux to Dr. McGill, 16 January 1933; [OGP-020855] A. F. MacKenzie to E. Ruaux, 28 March 1933; [OGP-020857] E. Ruaux to A. F. MacKenzie, 3 April 1933; [OGP-020858] J. E. Pugh to E. Ruaux, 16 May 1933; [OGP-020860] Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1544, S. H. Middleton to J. E. Pugh, 17 January 1933. [MRY-003610]

250. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives of Alberta, Acc. 71.220/1325, J. H. Allard to Reverend Provincial Father, 21 February 1935. [THR-000377]

251. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives of Alberta, Accession No. 71.220/1325, J. H. Allard, 13 August 1935. [THR-000379]

252. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1925, 13.

253. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 7184, file 1/25-1-5-7, part 1, Russell T. Ferrier to E. Laird, 5 November 1928. [100.00395]

254. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 7184, file 1/25-1-5-7, part 1, Russell T. Ferrier to C. A. Stevenson, 30 June 1927. [AEMR-120374]

255. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6187, file 461-1, part 2, J. D. McLean to A. D. Menzies, 23 January 1929. [CJC-001357]

256. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 7184, file 1/25-1-5-7, part 1, W. M. Graham to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 14 January 1926. [NCA-014625-0000]

257. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 7184, file 1/25-1-5-7, part 1, J. D. McLean to W. M. Graham, 12 February 1926. [NCA-014625-0001]

258. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 7184, file 1/25-1-5-7, part 1, W. M. Graham to Secretary, 19 February 1926. [NCA-014626]

259. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6041, file 160-5, part 1, Joseph Guy to Duncan C. Scott, 26 October 1925. [SBR-001693-0000]

260. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, Appointment of Truant Officers, D. C. Scott, 7 February 1927. [MRS-000045]

261. The following is a listing of RCMP reports from a five-year period, 1928 to 1932, dealing with the enforcement of the Indian Act attendance provisions: TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6330, file 660-10, part 1, “RCMP report, re. Kathline Whitecloud,” 18 October, 1928; [PLD-003224-0002] W. Mulhall to W. P. Lyndsay, 3 April 1929; [PLD-003231-0001] J. G. Metcalfe to NCO in Charge, RCMP Regina, 12 October 1929; [PLD-003245-0001] R. W. Greatwood to Indian Affairs, 11 April 1930; [PLD-003278-0001] RG10, volume 6196, file 464-1, part 1, D. K. Anderson to RCMP, Winnipeg, 27 October 1930; [SJS-000319-0001] RG10, volume 6323, file 658-10, part 4, “Royal Canadian Mounted Police Report, re Joe Quinney,” 15 August 1931; [PAR-017103-0001] RCMP report re Joseph Antoine, 20 August 1932; [PAR-017101] RG10, volume 6278, file 584-10, part 1, RCMP report re William Beaulieu, 5 September 1932; [SBR-110541] RCMP report re Ambrose Sutherland, 8 November 1932. [SBR-110550]

262. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1544, J. D. McLean to J. E. Pugh, 11 December 1928. [PUL-000017]

263. An Act respecting Indians, Statutes of Canada 1932–33, chapter 42, section 1, amending Revised Statutes of Canada 1927, chapter 98, section 10, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 248.

264. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1931, 12.

265. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, Headquarters – Compulsory Attendance of Pupils – Indian Schools, 1904–1933, Microfilm reel C-8149, FA 10-17, Russell T. Ferrier to T. B. R. Westgate, 28 October 1930. [AEMR-255349]

266. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1014, V. LeGoff to S. L. Macdonald, 21 March 1932. [THR-007124]

267. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1014, Indian Agent to V. LeGoff, 23 March 1932. [THR-007128]

268. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1014, Court Summons, 21 March 1932. [THR-007127]

269. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1014, Indian Agent to George Lightfoot, 15 November 1932. [THR-007147]

270. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6337, file 663-10, part 1, R. C. Torrens, RCMP Report, 16 October 1937. [THR-000214-0001]

271. TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, R. H. Moore to L. H. Rivet, 8 April 1936. [PRC-000091]

272. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada RG10, volume 6379, file 768-10, part 1, L. Beuglet to His Excellency Bishop Guy, 20 September 1935. [MAR-071113] The correspondence is confusing in that Gambler’s name is given as John Muchmaton Gambler and Jean Baptiste Gambler. But it is clear from the names of his daughters and his Treaty number that the two names refer to the same person.

273. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6379, file 768-10, part 1, “Royal Canadian Mounted Police Report, re: John Gambler,” Constable S. L. Grayson, 6 August 1935. [MAR-071104-0001]

274. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada RG10, volume 6379, file 768-10, part 1, L. Beuglet to His Excellency Bishop Guy, 29 September 1935. [MAR-071113]

275. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6379, file 768-10, part 1, M. Christianson to The Officer Commanding, RCMP, Edmonton, Alberta, 24 August 1935; M. Christianson to Jas. H McIntosh, 24 August 1935; M. Christianson to Secretary of Indian Affairs, 24 August 1935. [MAR-071104-0002, MAR-071104-0003, MAR-071104-0000]

276. Todd Lamirande, “The Power of the Indian Agent: The story behind this 1935 letter,” APTN National News, N. P. L’Heureux to J. H. McIntosh, 24 July 1935, http://aptn.ca/news/2014/10/02/power-indian-agent-story-behind-1935-letter/ (accessed 5 October 2014).

277. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6379, file 768-10, part 1, N. P. L’Heureux to Constable McKay, 1 February 1938. [MAR-071194-0003]

278. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6379, file 768-10, part 1, W. Mortimer to N. P. L’Heureux, 12 February 1938. [MAR-071194-0002]

279. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6379, file 768-10, part 1, N. P. L’Heureux to Jean Baptiste Gambler, 5 July 1938. [MAR-071197]

280. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6379, file 768-10, part 2, Application for Admission for Angelique Marguerite Gambler, 11 October 1940; [MAR-071255-0002] Application for Admission for Annie Clara Gambler, 11 October 1940. [MAR-071255-0001]

281. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada RG10, volume 6368, file 762-10, part 3, N. P. L’Heureux to The Secretary, Indian Affairs Branch, Dept. of Mines and Resources, 21 January 1938. [JRD-071063] For the name Agnes Cunningham, see: TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6368, file 762-10, part 3, “Application for Admission for Florence Cardinal,” 1 April 1938. [JRD-071074]

282. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6368, file 762-10, part 3, Philip Phelan to Paul Serrand, 31 January 1938. [JRD-071067]

283. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6368, file 762-10, part 3, R. A. Hoey to J. W. McClung, 27 January 1938. [JRD-001362]

284. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6368, file 762-10, part 3, “Application for Admission for Florence Cardinal,” 1 April 1938. [JRD-071074]

285. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6379, file 768-10, part 1, N. P. L’Heureux to Wanakew Cardinal, 6 July 1938; [MAR-071198] Royal Canadian Mounted Police Report re François (Wanakew) Cardinal, 12 December 1938, D. E. Forsland. [MAR-071200]

286. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, volume 12333, box 19, part 1, 1936–1939, NAC, J. D. Caldwell to [Severed], 16 March 1939. [KUP-004496]

287. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6209, file 468-10, part 2, W. C. Lewies to Indian Affairs, 25 July 1939. [MER-001136]

288. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1920, 13.

289. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6810, file 470-2-3, volume 7, Evidence of D. C. Scott to the Special Committee of the House of Commons Investigating the Indian Act amendments of 1920, (L-2)(N-3).

290. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1892, 51.

291. Revised Statutes of Canada 1906, chapter 81, section 89, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 204; Moore, Leslie, and Maguire, Historical Development, 103–104.

292. Statutes of Canada 1911, chapter 14, section 2, amending Revised Statutes of Canada 1906, chapter 81, section 49, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 193.

293. Statutes of Canada 1911, chapter 14, section 1, amending Revised Statutes of Canada 1906, chapter 81, section 46, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 191.

294. Statutes of Canada 1914, chapter 35, section 8, amending Revised Statutes of Canada 1906, chapter 81, section 149, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 230.

295. Statutes of Canada 1910, chapter 28, section 3, amending Revised Statutes of Canada 1906, chapter 81, section 105, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 211; Statutes of Canada 1914, chapter 35, section 7, amending Revised Statutes of Canada 1906, chapter 81, section 105, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 211.

296. Statutes of Canada 1918, chapter 26, section 4, amending Revised Statutes of Canada 1906, chapter 81, section 90, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 206.

297. Statutes of Canada 1919, chapter 56, section 1, amending Revised Statutes of Canada 1906, chapter 81, section 48, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 192.

298. Statutes of Canada 1930, chapter 25, section 16, amending Revised Statutes of Canada 1927, chapter 98, section 141, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 301.

299. Statutes of Canada 1936, chapter 20, section 2, amending Revised Statutes of Canada 1927, chapter 98, section 69, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 269.

300. Statutes of Canada 1930, chapter 25, section 16, amending Revised Statutes of Canada 1927, chapter 98, section 140, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 300.

301. Titley, Narrow Vision, 59.

302. See: Titley, Narrow Vision, 51, for the repeal. For the new provision, see: Statutes of Canada 1932–33, chapter 42, section 7, amending Revised Statutes of Canada 1927, chapter 98, reproduced in Venne, Indian Acts, 287.

303. Titley, Narrow Vision, 147–148.

304. Titley, Narrow Vision, 54–55.

305. Elections Canada, History of the Vote, 85.

306. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1920, 13.

The educational record of residential schools: 1867–1939

1. Canada, House of Commons Debates (9 May 1883), 1108.

2. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3675, file 11422-3, L. Vankoughnet to John A. Macdonald, 10 January 1884. [PLD-007553]

3. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3879, file 91833, Order-in-Council, 22 October 1892. [RIS-000354]

4. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6191, file 462-1, part 1, Russell T. Ferrier to George Prewer, 8 February 1922. [CRS-001015]

5. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6191, file 462-1, part 1, Russell T. Ferrier to George Prewer, 8 February 1922. [CRS-001015]

6. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1889, xi.

7. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1887, 180–181.

8. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1887, 126.

9. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 173–174.

10. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1899, 299.

11. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1907, 290.

12. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1884, 23.

13. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 104.

14. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 281.

15. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 297.

16. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 339.

17. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 356.

18. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 288.

19. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 1, Gordon J. Smith to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 16 July 1908. [MER-000361]

20. Gidney and Millar, How Schools Worked, 278.

21. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG22, volume 1209, file 974/2, D. M. MacKay to Dr. H. W. McGill, 17 April 1939. [KUP-005550-0001]

22. Callahan, “On Our Way to Healing,” 65.

23. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3674, file 11422, E. Dewdney to Reverend Thomas Clarke, 31 July 1883. [120.06668]

24. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6452, file 884-1, part 1, C-8773, “Rules and Regulations, Kootenay Industrial School.” [AEMR-011621A]

25. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, “Regulations Relating to the Education of Indian Children,” Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1894. [AGA-001516-0000]

26. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1889, 171.

27. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1894, 246.

28. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6014, file 1-1-6 MAN, part 1, Duncan Campbell Scott to Mr. Meighen, 1 June 1920. [NCA-002403]

29. Wallace, First Book of Canadian History, 3–4; Brown, Building the Canadian Nation, 39. (The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada would like to thank Kenneth W. Osborne for drawing these citations to its attention.)

30. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1894, 246–249.

31. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3647, file 8128, Andsell Macrae, 18 December 1886, 6.

32. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3818, file 57799, Hayter Reed to Superintendent General, 14 May 1889. [TAY-003820-0001]

33. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 256–356.

34. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1903, 351.

35. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1891, 139.

36. Butcher, Letters of Margaret Butcher, 101.

37. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives of Alberta, PAA 71.220 B94 3970, “Inspector’s Report on Ermineskin Indian Residential School,” E. L. Fuller, 2 December 1926. [OGP-032534]

38. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6014, file 1-1-6 MAN, part 1, Duncan Campbell Scott to Mr. Meighen, 1 June 1920, D. C. Scott to R. S. Thornton, 27 July 1920. [NCA-002403, NCA-002407]

39. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1921, 28.

40. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3679, file 12046, John A. Macdonald, Memorandum to Council, October 19, 1880.

41. Stamp, “Evolving Patterns,” 316.

42. Gregor and Wilson, Development of Education, 39–40.

43. Stamp, “Evolving Patterns,” 298–299.

44. Gregor, “Teacher Education,” 227.

45. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Martin Benson, Memorandum, 15 July 1897, 4, 25. [100.00108]

46. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Martin Benson, Memorandum, 15 July 1897, 18–19. [100.00108]

47. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6431, file 877-1, part 1, A. W. Neill to A. W. Vowell, 8 July 1909. [ABR-007011-0001]

48. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6431, file 877-1, part 1, A. W. Vowell to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 14 July 1909. [ABR-007011-0000]

49. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6431, file 877-1, part 1, “Extract from Agent Neill’s Report on the West Coast Agency for the Month of March, 1910.” [ABR-007004]

50. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, ACC-MSCC-GS 75-103, series 3:1, box 48, file 3, Assistant-Deputy to S. P. Matheson, 25 November 1910. [AAC-090237]

51. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4041, file 334503, F. H. Paget to Frank Pedley, 25 November 1908, 55. [RCA-000298]

52. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4041, file 334503, F. H. Paget to Frank Pedley, 25 November 1908. [RCA-000298]

53. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1914, xxiii.

54. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1915, xxx; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1916, xxxv; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1917, 15; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1918, 23; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1919, 33; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1920, 14; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1921, 28; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1922, part 1, 18.

55. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1923, 8.

56. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1924, 15.

57. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1925, 14.

58. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8452, file 773/23-5-003, part 1, Alberta Inspectorate, Red Deer, 4 November 1914. [SAC-001227]

59. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6342, file 750-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8699, J. D. McLean to E. Ruaux, 9 April 1923. [MRY-001536]

60. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8452, file 773/23-5-003, part 1, J. D. McLean to E. Ruaux, 3 February 1925. [NCA-003948]

61. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, ACC-MSCC-GS 75-103, series 3:2, box 55, file 5, The Indian And Eskimo Commission of the Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada, “Introduction to the Outline of the Duties of the Teacher,” from the cover letter, 1922. [AAC-090244]

62. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, W. M. Graham to Duncan C. Scott, 23 March 1923. [AEMR-120285]

63. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, W. M. Graham to Duncan C. Scott, 28 April 1923. [AEMR-120291]

64. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada – Ottawa, RG10, School Files, volume 6358, file 758-1, part 1, W. M. Graham, 16 April 1923. [OLD-000405]

65. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 2, W. M. Graham to Russell T. Ferrier, 28 February 1922, “Memorandum for File,” Russell T. Ferrier, 17 March 1922. [PLD-007086, PLD-007242]

66. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 2, W. M. Graham to Russell T. Ferrier, 28 February 1922. [PLD-007086]

67. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 2, Graham, 13 December 1923. [PLD-000708]

68. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8451, file 655/23-5, Russell T. Ferrier to W. M. Graham, 3 November 1925. [PLD-008912]

69. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8451, file 655/23-5, “Inspectors’ Report on Qu’Appelle Indian Residential School,” 6 February 1929. [PLD-008922-0001]

70. TRC, NRA, Grey Nuns Archives, St. Boniface, Manitoba M6/04/01, Sister Pulvermacher to Reverende Mere Ste. Emelienne, 10 May 1932. [GNB-000032]

71. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8451, file 655/23-5, Inspector’s Report on Lebret Indian Residential School, R. L. Horning, 17, 18, 27 March 1936. [PLD-008942-0001]

72. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6001, file 1-1-1, part 2, Russell T. Ferrier to J. H. McKechnie, 3 January 1923. [AEMR-177199]

73. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6452, file 884-1, part 2, 1910–1934, Kootenay Agency – Kootenay Industrial School – General Administration, FA 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8774, NAC Ottawa, “Extract from Inspector’s Report on the Kootenay Residential School,” 31 May 1925. [EGN-008050]

74. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 501/23-5-076, volume 1. School Inspector’s Report, C. K. Rogers, 15 April 1926. [SBR-000884]

75. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6041, file 160-5, part 1, FA 10-17, Duncan C. Scott to Most Reverend Alfred A. Sinnott, 4 November 1926. [120.18206]

76. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6332, file 661-5, part 1, W. M. Graham to Duncan Campbell Scott, 16 February 1928. [RLS-000257-0000]

77. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 673/23-5-037, volume 1, W. M. Graham to Indian Affairs, 14 January 1931. [SPR-004999-0000]

78. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6001, file 1-1-1, part 3, “Department of Indian Affairs, Schools Branch,” 31 March 1935. [SRS-000279]

79. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6262, file 578-1, part 4, W. M. Graham to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 4 February 1922. [ELK-000299]

80. TRC, NRA, United Church Archives, Acc. 83.050C, box 144-21, “Statement of Policy Re Indian Residential Schools,” June 1936. [UCC-050004]

81. TRC, NRA, Deschatelets Archives Ottawa, HR 8004.C73R 4, “Minutes of the Committee of the Indian Missions of the Oblate Fathers, 12 October 1939.” [OMI-033064]

82. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1894, 194.

83. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 261.

84. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 262.

85. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 276.

86. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6270, file 582-1, part 1, Assistant Deputy Minister and Secretary to A. Chaumont, 13 June 1911. [PCR-000050]

87. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 501/23-5-075, “Inspector’s report on the Pine Creek Indian Residential School,” J. S. Peach, 19 March 1925. [PCR-000089-0001]

88. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to Rev. J. Hugonard, 30 May 1911. [PLD-007442]

89. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6422, file 869-1, part 2, R. H. Cairns, inspector to J. D. McLean, 5 January 1915. [COQ-000390]

90. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 1, S. R. McVitty to DIA Secretary, 17 August 1915; J. D. McLean to S. R. McVitty, 26 August 1915. [MER-000385, MER-000383]

91. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 2, “Extract from Report of Inspector Sexton on the Mount Elgin Residential School,” 31 May, 1 June 1926. [MER-000457]

92. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 2, “Extract from Report of Mr. Inspector Sexton, dated December 19th, 1927, on the Mount Elgin Indian Residential school.” [MER-000458]

93. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 2, “Extract from Report of Mr. Inspector Sexton, Date December 4th and 5th, 1928, on his inspection of the Mount Elgin, Indian Residential School.” [MER-000460]

94. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6197, file 465-1, part 1, “Extract from report of separate school inspector J. M. Bennet, on Kenora Boarding School,” 27 June 1922. [KNR-000665]

95. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6431, file 877-1, part 2, “Extract from Report of Mr. Inspector Cairns dated September 5th and 6th, 1928 on the Alberni Indian Residential School.” [ABR-001591]

96. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6211, file 469-1, part 3, Duncan C. Scott to T. B. R. Westgate, 30 June 1931. [SWK-001540]

97. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1904, 374.

98. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1903, 457.

99. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1909, 349.

100. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6187, file 461-1, part 1, Assistant Deputy and Secretary to A. S. Grant, 11 April 1916. [CJC-000835]

101. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6323, file 658-6, part 1, Department of Indian Affairs, “Inspector’s Report on St. Barnabas Indian Residential School,” D. Hicks, 23 and 25 September 1929. [PAR-001011]

102. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6323, file 658-6, part 1, Department of Indian Affairs, Inspector’s Report on St. Barnabas Indian Residential School, D. Hicks, 30 September 1931. [PAR-001018]

103. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-5, part 4, A. G. Hamilton Inspection Report, not dated. [DRS000570]

104. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1903, 342–343.

105. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 433–434.

106. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1890, 119.

107. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1900, 323.

108. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1901, 317.

109. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1901, 320.

110. Moine, My Life in a Residential School, n.p.

111. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1887, 27–28.

112. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 377.

113. Archives de la Société historique de Saint-Boniface, Fonds Soeurs Grises du Manitoba, 03/31/1 (Photograph).

114. TRC, NRA, United Church Archives, Acc. 83.050C, box 144-21, “Statement of Policy Re Indian Industrial Schools,” June 1936. [UCC-050004]

115. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 432.

116. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1907, 344.

117. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, W. J. Dilworth to Assistant Deputy Indian Affairs, 25 February 1915. [AEMR-120228]

118. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6348, file 752-1, part 1, 1894–1936, Microfilm reel 8705, “Extract from Agent’s Report for the month of August, 1923.” [CFT-000175]

119. Moine, My Life in a Residential School, n.p.

120. Callahan, “On Our Way to Healing,” 64.

121. Callahan, “On Our Way to Healing,” 76.

122. Graham, Mush Hole, 459.

123. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6040, file 160-4, part 1, R. B. Heron to Regina Presbytery, April 1923. [AEMR-016371]

124. These are among the main elements of colonial education, as identified by historian Jo-Anne Fiske in Fiske, “Life at Lejac,” 268–269.

125. TRC, NRA, The United Church of Canada Archives, Acc. No. 1979.182C, box 1, file 3, F. E. Pitts to Dr. Edmison, August 1923. [RIS-000554]

126. Axelrod, Promise of Schooling, 39–42.

127. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1909, 349–350.

128. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6342, file 750-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8699, J. D. McLean to Reverend E. Ruaux, 21 June 1915. [MRY-001517]

129. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-5, part 4, Joseph Hamilton Inspection Report, not dated. [DRS-000570]

130. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 673/23-5-038, volume 1, H. L. Winter to Indian Affairs, 9 September 1932. [MRS-000138-0001]

131. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 951/23-5, volume 1, School Reports, Christie Students Residence, South Island District, British Columbia, 1919–1964, locator 40-10, IRSRC-Historical Files, “Report on the Christie Residential School,” R. H. Cairns, 10 September 1928. [CST-000852]

132. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, volume 6430, file 876-1, part 1, West Coast Agency – Ahousaht Residential School – General Administration, 1901–1931 F.A. 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8759, Assistant Deputy and Secretary to R. P. McKay, 20 February 1911. “Extract from report of Mr. Agent Cox on the Ahousaht Boarding School for the month of September, 1914.” [AST-200016, AST-200023]

133. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 501/23-5-105, volume 1, J. E. S. Dunlop to Indian Affairs, 15 June 1933. [NHU-001177]

134. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1883, 96.

135. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1891, 20.

136. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6323, file 658-6, part 1, Department of Indian Affairs Inspector’s Report for the St. Barnabas, Indian Residential school, D. Hicks, 25 September 1928. [PAR-003233]

137. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 2, S. R. McVitty to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 30 January 1928.

138. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1905, 452.

139. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6323, file 658-6, part 1, Inspector of Indian Agencies to D. C. Scott, 16 March 1915. [PAR-003222]

140. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 9137, file 302-11, W. M. Veazey to Indian Affairs, 11 December 1924. [THR-000312-0001]

141. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 9137, file 302-11, Inspector W. H. Magee, 23 November 1926. [THR-000308]

142. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6337, file 663-10, part 1, “Excerpts from report of Inspector Campbell Inness on Thunderchild Residential School, 22 February 1937.” [THR-000220-0001]

143. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8449, file 511/23-5-014, “Inspector’s Report on the Birtle Boarding School,” Boyd Morrison, 9 November 1922. [NCA-002531]

144. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6323, file 658-6, part 1, “Inspector’s Report on Anglican Indian Residential School, Onion Lake,” Charles Nivens, 3 June 1926. [PAR-003231]

145. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 675/23-5-018, volume 1, “Inspector’s Report on the Gordon’s Indian Residential School,” J. E. McKechnie, 25 August 1926. [GDC-011270-0001]

146. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 675/23-5-020, volume 1, “Inspector’s Report on Muscowequan Indian Residential School,” R. C. Moir, 16 June 1932. [MDD-000680-0001]

147. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 675/23-5-020, volume 1, “Inspector’s Report on Muscowequan Indian School,” R. C. Moir, 7 December 1933. [MDD-000687-0001]

148. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, 961/23-5, 1922–1964, volume 1, RCAP, “Inspector’s Report on the Kuper Island Indian Residential School,” G. H. Barry, 23 September 1931. [KUP-000289-0002]

149. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 487/25-1-015, volume 1, A. G. Hamilton to Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 28 February 1936. [KNR-000333]

150. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1902, 194.

151. Dion, My Tribe the Crees, 156–163.

152. Morley, Roar of the Breakers, 57, 158.

153. Ahenakew, Voices of the Plains Cree, 14–24.

154. Johnston, Buckskin & Broadcloth, 46.

155. Brantford Expositor, “Norman Lickers First Ontario Indian Lawyer,” November 18, 1938, quoted in Briggs, “Legal Professionalism,” 2.

156. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1904, 376.

157. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1914, xxiii.

158. Canada, Special Joint Committee, 1947, 747.

159. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6200, file 466-1, part 2, “Successful Graduates,” 1930; G. Sutherland to Dr. McGill, 4 May 1936. [TAY-004294-0002, TAY-003083]

160. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1889, 170.

161. Gidney and Millar, How Schools Worked, 13.

162. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1926, 17.

163. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1936, 21.

164. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, IERSC Minutes, 01/33-10/34, pg.1654-1877, Accession GS-75-103, series 2:15[a], box 18, Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada, “Minutes of Meeting of Indian Residential School Commission, MSCC, Held on Tuesday October 9, 1934.” [AGS-000512]

165. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1939, 223.

166. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 675/23-5-018, volume 1, “Inspector’s Report on the Gordon’s School,” J. G. McKechnie, 25 September 1923. [GDC-011278-0001]

167. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6332, file 661-1, part 2, Mary B. Ross to E. B. McKenzie, 14 March 1936. [RLS-000384-0001]

168. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6255, file 576-1, part 1, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, 30 March 190[?] (last figure not legible). [120.00219]

169. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6040, file 160-3A, part 1, Martin Benson to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 23 December 1901. [100.00132]

170. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1903, 457.

171. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, T. H. Carter to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs, 14 October 1914. [AEMR-120224]

172. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6377, file 766-10, part 1, R. A. Hoey to F. S. Lajoie, 8 February 1938. [FTV-071050]

173. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, Vol. 6436, File 877-22, pt. 1, J.D. Sutherland, to Kenneth Beaton, 22 October 1935. [NCA-002385]

The student as labourer: 1867–1939

1. Thommasen, Grizzlies and White Guys, 21–22.

2. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 1, M. Benson to Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 28 November 1902, 4. [MER-000328]

3. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1897, xxvii.

4. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1902, 191.

5. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 273–274.

6. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6033, file 150-60, part 1, R. A. Hoey, Circular letter to teachers, 15 January 1937. [AGA-000134]

7. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 131.

8. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1894, 169.

9. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2006, file 7825-1A, Benson, Report on the Mohawk Institute and Six Nations Schools, 30 August 1895, 35. [TAY-003821-0000]

10. TRC, NRA, United Church of Canada/Victoria University Archives, Acc. No. 83.050C, box 20, file 252, 1935 UCC Commission on Indian Education – United Church Archives – Toronto, “Report of Commissioner on Indian Education,” Appointed by the Board of Home Missions and the Woman’s Missionary Society of the United Church of Canada, 18. [UCA-081639]

11. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6054, file 265-1, part 2, J. P. Mackey to Secretary Indian Affairs, 30 January 1939.

12. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2047, file 9212, part 2, L. Vankoughnet to E. Dewdney, 18 December 1889, 4. [MER-000047-0000]

13. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1894, 158.

14. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1894, 167.

15. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1894, 92.

16. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1890, 118–119.

17. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 89.

18. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 495.

19. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1901, 372.

20. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1907, 412.

21. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 474.

22. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1889, 91.

23. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1889, 90.

24. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1894, 195.

25. Speare, Days of Augusta, 18.

26. oUr Space (University of Regina’s DSpace), Interview with Mary Englund 1, conducted by Margaret Whitehead, 31 July 1980, Tape Number æIH-BC.79, http://ourspace.uregina.ca/handle/10294/983; oUr Space (University of Regina’s DSpace), Interview with Mary Englund 2, conducted by Margaret Whitehead, 31 July 1980, Tape Number æIH-BC.79, http://ourspace. uregina.ca/handle/10294/984.

27. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 1, ‘The Advocate Newspaper’, Vol. 1, No. 5, November & December 1915, 7. [DRS-000499]

28. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1897, 288.

29. Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 447. Mary Angus was known as Susan Whitecap when she attended the Battleford school because there were “so many Marys in the school.” Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 451.

30. Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 454.

31. Callahan, “On Our Way to Healing,” 108.

32. Callahan, “On Our Way to Healing,” 116.

33. Barman, “Separate and Unequal,” 113–116.

34. Mrs. Mary Hickman, Chilliwack, 17 December 1983, quoted in Barman, “Separate and Unequal,” 116.

35. Graham, Mush Hole, 431.

36. Graham, Mush Hole, 441.

37. Graham, Mush Hole, 355.

38. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1897, 287.

39. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 253.

40. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1895, 134.

41. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 323.

42. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 340; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1903, 408–442; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 446–448.

43. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1895, 49.

44. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1894, 195.

45. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1895, 133.

46. Titley, “Red Deer Industrial School,” 63–64.

47. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4041, file 334503, F. H. Paget to Frank Pedley, 25 November 1908, 27. [RCA-000298]

48. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6273, file 583-1, part 1, M. Christianson to W. M. Graham, 11 September 1925. [PLP-000954]

49. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1884, 23–24.

50. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 321.

51. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8762, 1890–1912, Paul Durieu to A. W. Vowell, 15 June 1893. [JOE-070025]

52. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8762, 1890–1912, Martin Benson to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 1 June 1899. [JOE-070027]

53. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 1, D. C. Scott to W. M. Graham, 10 June 1915. [PLD-007460]

54. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6191, file 462-1, part 1, Russell T. Ferrier to Scott, 23 January 1922. [CRS-001009]

55. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6191, file 462-1, part 1, D. C. Scott to George Prewer, 5 February 1922. [CRS-001014-0001]

56. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3790, file 44467, Hayter Reed to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 5 June 1891. [PLD-009489]

57. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3790, file 44467, Hayter Reed to Deputy Superintendent General, 9 February 1892. [PLD-009509]

58. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3790, file 44467, Hayter Reed to Deputy Superintendent General, 12 April 1892. [PLD-009513]

59. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3818, file 57799, Hayter Reed to Superintendent General, 14 May 1889, 4. [TAY-003820-0001]

60. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 115.

61. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 253.

62. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, xxxix.

63. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 114.

64. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1892, 214.

65. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1895, 133.

66. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 326.

67. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1897, 260.

68. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 321.

69. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 276.

70. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 309.

71. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1899, 329.

72. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1897, 267.

73. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 326.

74. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 330.

75. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1899, 393–394.

76. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 451.

77. Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 450.

78. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1913, 613.

79. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6053, file 260-10, part 1, R. Lee McCutcheon to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 1 August 1939. [SRS-004231]

80. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6032, file 150-40A, part 1, Regulations Relating to the Education of Indian Children, Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1894, 10. [AGA-001516-0000]

81. The British Postal Museum and Archive, P.O. Savings Bank, http://postalheritage.org.uk/page/3581/P.O.-Savings-Bank.

82. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1891, 112. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1629, A. E. Forget to Indian Agents and Principals of Industrial Schools, 14 December 1897; [AEMR-252032] volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Frank Pedley to Reverend and dear sirs, 21 March 1908. [AEMR-120155]

83. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1629, A. E. Forget to Indian Agents, Principals of Industrial Schools, 14 December 1897. [AEMR-252032]

84. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1629, A. E. Forget to Indian Agents, Principals of Industrial Schools, 3 February 1898. [AEMR-252033]

85. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1884, 155.

86. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1886, 139.

87. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3930, file 117377-1 A, H. Reed to Bishop of Rupert’s Land, 31 May 1893.

88. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Martin Benson to J. D. McLean, 15 July 1897. [100.00109]

89. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 266.

90. TRC, CAR, United Church Archives, Presbyterian Church in Canada, Board of Foreign Missions, Records Pertaining to Missions to Aboriginal People in Manitoba and the North West, 79.199C, box 8, file 146, C1101, W. W. McLaren to Dr. Farquharson, May 2, 1912.

91. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 1, H. Janes to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 22 September 1915, 3–4. [MER-000384-0000]

92. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6452, file 884-1, part 2, 1910–1934, Kootenay Agency – Kootenay Industrial School – General Administration, FA 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8774, NAC Ottawa, Report on the Kootenay Agency, G. S. Pragnell, 13 September 1923. [EGN-007948]

93. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8452, file 773/23-5-003, part 1, W. M. Graham to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 9 June 1930. [NCA-003893]

94. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8452, file 773/23-5-003, part 1, NAC, Russell Ferrier to W. M. Graham, 14 June 1930. [PUL-007872]

95. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6350, file 753-1, part 1, G. C. Mortimer to W. E. Ditchburn, 23 October 1931. [EDM-000307]

96. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6350, file 753-1, part 1, Eddy Smith to G. C. Mortimer, 18 October 1931. [EDM-000308]

97. TRC, NRA, INAC – Main Records Office – Ottawa, 701/23-17 volume 1 03/32-05/63 CR-HQ, M. Christiansen to Dr. Scott, 25 March 1932. [RCA-000507]

98. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6055, file 265-5, part 3, Russell T. Ferrier to T. D. Irvin, 7 November 1930. [SRS-001370]

99. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 7185, file 1/25-1-7-1, part 1, draft letter, 22 May 1929. [SWK-001295]

100. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6187, file 461-1, part 3, T. R. L. MacInnes to Mrs. D. T. L. McKerroll, 12 November 1936. [CJC-000703]

101. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives of Alberta, PAA 71.220 B54 2276, W. M. Graham to Reverend Principal, St. Mary’s Indian Residential School, 16 June 1930. [OGP-020833]

102. Callahan, “On Our Way to Healing,” 74.

103. Callahan, “On Our Way to Healing,” 93.

104. Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 467.

105. Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 468.

106. Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 470.

107. Graham, Mush Hole, 451.

108. Graham, Mush Hole, 359.

109. Graham, Mush Hole, 361.

110. Informant B, quoted in Fiske, “Life at Lejac,” 255.

111. Moran, Stoney Creek Woman, 59.

112. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 1, M. Benson to Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 28 November 1902. [MER-000328]

113. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 1, W. M. Graham to D. C. Scott, 18 October 1916. [PLD-000491]

114. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to W. M. Graham, 17 November 1916. [PLD-007468]

115. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-9807, Deputy Superintendent General to C. Cahill, 1 March 1917. [AEMR-013531]

116. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 114.

117. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1899, 361–362.

118. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1894, 149–150.

119. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1895, 49.

120. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1892, 264.

121. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1894, 167.

122. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1895, 150.

123. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1908, 434.

124. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1909, 383.

125. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6471, file 890-11, part 1, 1929–1939, T. J. Fahlman to D. Scott, 30 September 1930. [MIS-001706]

126. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6348, file 752-1, part 1, 1894–1936, Microfilm reel 8705, Extract from letter of Agent G. H. Gooderham, Dated June 10, 1922, on the Crowfoot School. [CFT-000161]

127. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, RG10, School Files, volume 6358, file 758-1, part 1, Commissioner W. M. Graham, 16 April 1923. [OLD-000405]

128. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6443, file 881-1, part 1, A. F. MacKenzie to W. J. McAllen, 20 October 1924. [LEJ-001014]

129. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6270, file 582-1, part 1, Frank Flatfoot to Indian Affairs, 26 May 1923. [PCR-000058]

130. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6270, file 582-1, part 1, A. Ogletree to Acting Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 30 June 1923. [PCR-000061]

131. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6270, file 582-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to Frank Flatfoot, 27 November 1923. [PCR-000062]

132. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6270, file 582-1, part 1, Frank Flatfoot to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 4 January 1924, 3. [PCR-000063]

133. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6270, file 582-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to Frank Flatfoot, 24 January 1924. [PCR-000064]

134. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6270, file 582-1, part 1, A. Ogletree to Frank Flatfoot, 11 March 1924. [PCR-000070]

135. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6270, file 582-1, part 1, “Extract from the Inspector’s report on Pine Creek Indian Residential School, includes Commissioner’s comments, 4 March 1926.” [PCR-000094]

136. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6435, file 877-11, part 1, “Extract from Report of Inspector Cairns on the Alberni Residential School,” 1 September 1926. [ABR-007076]

137. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6435, file 877-11, part 1, “Extract from Report of Mr. Inspector Cairns dated November 9th and 10th, 1927 on the Alberni Indian Residential School.” [ABR-007079]

138. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6427, file 875-5, part 2, “Extract from Report of Mr. Inspector Cairns dated May 2nd, 1928 on his inspection of the Alert Bay Boys’ Residential School.” [MIK-003796]

139. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8452, file 773/23-5-003, part 1, Agent’s Report respecting the Blood, St. Mary’s Indian Residential School for the Month of October 1929. [NCA-003885]

140. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8452, file 773/23-5-003, part 1, Agent’s Report respecting the Blood, St. Mary’s Indian Residential School for the Month of November 1930. [MRY-009594]

141. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6016, file 1-1-11, part 1, Russell T. Ferrier to Principals of Indian Residential Schools, 18 March 1931. [SRS-000721]

142. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8452, file 773/23-5-003, part 1, Agent’s Report respecting the Blood, St. Mary’s Indian Residential School for the Month of May 1932; [NCA-003914] March 1935. [NCA-003932]

143. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6191, file 462-5, part 3, “Extract from Report of Public School Inspector Skuce, regarding his inspection of the Chapleau Indian Residential School, on December 2nd, 1931.” [CRS-001508]

144. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6435, file 877-11, part 1, “Extract from Inspector Barry’s Report regarding his visit to the Alberni Indian Residential School on April 26th, 1932.” [ABR-007112]

145. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8452, file 773/23-5-003, part 1, M. Christiansen to Harold McGill, 15 May 1936. [NCA-003938]

146. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8452, file 773/23-5-003, part 1, C. Pant Schmidt to Harold McGill, 23 November 1938. [MRY-009652]

147. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6273, file 583-1, part 1, “Extracts from letter received from Rev. W. A. Hendry, 7 October 1930.” [PLP-000961]

148. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6207, file 468-5, part 6, S. R. McVitty to Secretary Indian Affairs, 3 January 1929. [MER-000751]

149. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6207, file 468-5, part 6, J. D. McLean to S. R. McVitty, 7 January 1929. [MER-000752]

150. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6207, file 468-5, part 6, S. R. McVitty to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 31 May 1929. [MER-000757]

151. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6270, file 582-5, part 2, J. Brachet to Russell T. Ferrier, 24 September 1928. [PCR-010241]

152. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6188, file 461-5, part 5, A. G. Hamilton to Acting Assistant Deputy and Secretary, 26 February 1936, 2. [CJC-000953-0000]

153. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6270, file 582-5, part 2, J. Brachet to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 1 July 1929. [PCR-000117]

154. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6271, file 582-5, part 4, J. Brachet to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 12 November 1931. [PCR-004366]

155. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6058, file 265-13, part 1, J. P. Mackey to A. F. MacKenzie, 20 May 1930. [SRS-000252]

156. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6219, file 471-13, part 1, Paul J. Gros Louis to Indian Affairs, 6 June 1932; [AGA-000068] Paul H. Groslouis to Indian Affairs, 28 December 1938. [AGA-000164]

157. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6219, file 471-13, part 1, Russell T. Ferrier to J. Howitt, 13 June 1932. [AGA-000069]

158. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6219, file 471-13, part 3, R. A. Hoey to M. A. Bastien, 6 January 1939. [AGA-000166]

159. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 11552, file 312-11, R. W. Frayling to J. W. Waddy, 9 February 1935. [GDC-000530-0001]

160. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 11552, file 312-11, R. W. Frayling to A. E. MacKenzie, 25 February 1935. [GDC-000530-0000] This document is described as being in file 11552 by the NRA database. The image, however, is stamped as being in volume 11553. The letter is addressed to A. E. MacKenzie. It was likely intended for A. F. MacKenzie.

161. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 3, William Hall to Indian Affairs, 30 April 1936. [PLD-000746]

162. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 3, A. F. MacKenzie to G. Leonard, 6 May 1936. [PLD-006119]

163. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 3, G. Leonard to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 12 May 1936. [PLD-000749]

164. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 3, A. F. MacKenzie to William Hall, 18 May 1936. [PLD-000750]

165. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 3, William Hall to Indian Affairs, 30 April 1936. [PLD-000746]

166. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6430, file 876A-1, part 1, West Coast Agency – Ahousaht Residential School – General Administration, 1931–1950 F.A. 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8759, A. E. Caldwell to P. B. Ashbridge, 28 February 1938. [AST-200154-0001]

167. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6422, file 869-1, part 3, Microfilm reel C-88754, NAC, R. C Scott to A. O’N. Daunt, 14 May 1938. [COQ-000564]

168. Callahan, “On Our Way to Healing,” 69.

169. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6057, file 265-10, part 1, Copy of Catherine Sacks Statement, n.d. [SRS-000280-0004]

170. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6057, file 265-10, part 1, J. P. Mackey to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 12 October 1936. [SRS-000280-0000]

171. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Martin Benson, to J. D. McLean, 15 July 1897, 16. [100.00109]

172. ChiefCalf, “Victorian Ideologies,” 127.

173. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1904, 177.

174. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1894, 221.

175. Graham, Mush Hole, 443.

176. Graham, Mush Hole, 451.

177. Calf Robe, Siksika, 11–14.

178. Titley, “Industrial Education,” 392.

179. Boon, These Men Went Out, 39–40.

180. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1895, 18.

181. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 322.

182. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 322.

183. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6054, file 265-1, part 1, M. Christianson to Dr. McGill, 2 June 1937, 2. [SRS-000083]

184. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6054, file 265-1, part 1, R. A. Hoey to J. P. Mackey, 14 June 1937. [SRS-000084]

185. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6054, file 265-1, part 2, R. A. Hoey to J. P. Mackey, 21 January 1939. [SRS-000085]

186. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6054, file 265-1, part 2, J. P. Mackey to Secretary Indian Affairs, 30 January 1939.

Recreation and sports: 1867–1939

1. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 351.

2. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1903, 375.

3. Moine, My Life in a Residential School, n.p.

4. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6355, file 757-1, part 2, 1928–1948, “Indian Children at Festival,” Calgary Daily Herald, 10 May 1932. [MOR-004254-0001]

5. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4041, file 334503, F. H. Paget to Frank Pedley, 25 November 1908, 42. [RCA-000298]

6. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1905, 361.

7. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3925, file 116823-1A, “Christmas Tree at the Industrial School,” Elkhorn Mercury, 6 January 1910. [ELK-000220]

8. United Church of Canada Archives, Toronto, Accession No. 2000.135C/TR, Fonds 3558, Marion Steele Noble Laing Fonds, 1898–1912, J. W. Russell to Minnie Steele, 1898.

9. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Martin Benson to J. D. McLean, 15 July 1897, 11. [100.00109]

10. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1544, J. D. McLean to R. N. Wilson, 2 October 1909. [PUL-000002]

11. Mattison, “On the March,” 6.

12. Mattison, “On the March,” 6.

13. Herbert, “Nineteenth-Century Bands,” 12, 16.

14. Herbert, “Nineteenth-Century Bands,” 23, 29, 30–32.

15. “Music in Humble Life,” Household Words (11 May 1850): 161–164, quoted in Herbert, “Nineteenth-Century Bands,” 33.

16. Herbert, “Nineteenth-Century Bands,” 34.

17. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 383.

18. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 446, 457.

19. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 115.

20. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 364.

21. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1900, 427.

22. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 391.

23. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 345.

24. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 174.

25. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6187, file 461-1, part 3, A. G. Hamilton to Indian Affairs, Ottawa, 3 November 1936. [CJC-000705]

26. Neylan, “Here Comes the Band,” 48.

27. Neylan, “Here Comes the Band,” 54.

28. Neylan, “Here Comes the Band,” 56–59.

29. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1884, 155.

30. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 187.

31. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1895, 279. The history of libraries in residential schools is described and analyzed in greater detail in Edwards, Paper Talk, 73–83.

32. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 330.

33. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 349.

34. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1897, 230, 259.

35. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 297.

36. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 258.

37. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 312.

38. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 349.

39. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1899, 356.

40. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1899, 388.

41. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1900, 318.

42. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1900, 338.

43. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1901, 304.

44. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1903, 417.

45. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1903, 437.

46. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1903, 467–468.

47. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1908, 389.

48. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 472.

49. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1908, 400.

50. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 459.

51. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 187.

52. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, Northern Lights, January 1913. [DYK-201301]

53. TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, Lucy L. Affleck to Dr. Barner, 3 October 1929. [UCB-005108]

54. Moss, Manliness and Militarism, 82–83.

55. Moss, Manliness and Militarism, 61–89.

56. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, MG17, B2, Class ‘G’ C.1/1.0, Appendix D, The Guide, December 1895. [PAR-003614]

57. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, Northern Lights, January 1913. [DYK-201301]

58. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3921, file 116818-1B, Microfilm reel C-10162. The Wawaskasoo, March 1916. [EDM-000951]

59. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 1, The Advocate, March and April 1916. [DRS-000500]

60. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, GS 75-103, series 2-15, box 27, The Gazette, March 1933; [GSA-000025] Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6426, file 875-1, part 3, St. Michael’s Indian Residential School, Alert Bay, B.C. News Letter, No. 4, January 1934. [MIK-000317]

61. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives – Alberta, PAA 71.220 B227 8848, The Moccasin News, 9 October 1937. [OGP-032717]

62. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, file 150-62, part 1, Headquarters – Publications of Residential Schools, 1937–1946, F.A. 10-17, Perm. volume 6034, Moccasin Telegram, December 1937. [BQL-200187]

63. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6034, file 150-62, part 1, Thunder Report, number 2, 1938. [THR-000711-0001]

64. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, GS 75-103, series 2-15, box 27, The Gazette, March 1933. [GSA-000025]

65. Mountain Horse, My People the Bloods, 10.

66. Ford, Smoke from Their Fires, 67.

67. Baker, Khot-La-Cha, 39–42.

68. Mott, “Games and Contests,” 19–20, 22.

69. Fisher, Lacrosse, 12–16; Howell, Blood, Sweat, and Cheers, 26–27; Mott, “Games and Contests,” 20–22.

70. Cosentino and Howell, History of Physical Education, 3; Fisher, Lacrosse, 21.

71. Fisher, Lacrosse, 12–16; Mott, “Games and Contests,” 20–23.

72. Hughes, Tom Brown’s School Days, 250.

73. Hughes, Tom Brown at Oxford, 168.

74. Metcalfe, Canada Learns to Play, 69.

75. Quoted in J. Purcell, “English Sport and Canadian Culture in Toronto, 1876–1911,” Master’s of Physical Education thesis, University of Windsor, 41–42, quoted in Metcalfe, Canada Learns to Play, 126.

76. Hall, Girl and the Game, 25–26.

77. Hall, Girl and the Game, 7–8; Howell, Blood, Sweat, and Cheers, 126.

78. Hall, Girl and the Game, 28–29.

79. Lenskyj, “Femininity First,” 188–189.

80. Red Man and Helper, 24 October 1902, 1, quoted in Adams, Education for Extinction, 186; more generally, see: Adams, Education for Extinction, 181–191.

81. Adams, Education for Extinction, 188.

82. Buford, Native American Son, 342.

83. Child, Boarding School Seasons, 4.

84. Metcalfe, Canada Learns to Play, 11, 48, 63, 86.

85. Metcalfe, Canada Learns to Play, 13.

86. Howell, Blood, Sweat, and Cheers, 52.

87. Metcalfe, Canada Learns to Play, 47–98.

88. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1888, 146–147.

89. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1895, 114.

90. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6040, file 160-4, part 1, “Resolutions of the Indian Worker’s Association of the Presbyterian Church for Saskatchewan and Manitoba,” 1911. [CRW-000285-0002]

91. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 98.

92. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1897, 251.

93. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6426, file 875-1, part 3, The Thunderbird, Alert Bay Indian Residential School, volume I, Easter 1928. [MIK-000291]

94. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 322.

95. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1897, 260.

96. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 353.

97. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1897, 260; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 353; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1899, 392.

98. Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, M79-6, Trevor Jones fonds, Trevor Jones: “The Jones Journals: Living and working with the peoples of Northern Canada,” n.d., 20a.

99. Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, M79-6, Trevor Jones fonds, Trevor Jones: “The Jones Journals: Living and working with the peoples of Northern Canada,” n.d., 15a.

100. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, 757-5, part 2, volume 6356, 1926–1934, NAC, M. Christianson to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 14 January 1933. [MOR-005622]

101. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 429.

102. Calf Robe, Siksika, 7.

103. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 313.

104. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 322.

105. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1899, 392.

106. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1901, 320.

107. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1902, 372.

108. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1902, 413.

109. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1909, 384.

110. Butcher, Letters of Margaret Butcher, 22.

111. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1901, 348.

112. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6468, file 890-1, part 1, “Extract from Inspector’s Report on the St Mary’s Mission Boarding School, November 24th and 25th,” R. H. Cairns. [MIS-001493]

113. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 379.

114. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 323.

115. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1909, 349–350.

116. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1910, 430.

117. Bryce, Report on the Indian Schools, 19.

118. For evidence of physical activity including calisthenics, see: Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1911, 293, 296, 299, 302, 311, 318, 319, 338, 340, 341, 364, 439, 441, 463, 471, 499, 501, 502, 507, 533, 538, 548, 564, 583, 584, 591; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1912, 309, 311, 318, 328, 329, 330, 333, 339, 342, 358, 371, 396, 449, 450, 455, 458, 459, 460, 472, 483, 493, 495, 501, 530, 537, 542, 549, 550, 551, 560, 567, 576, 577, 578, 582.

119. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, Inspection report, 31 October 1929. [DRS-000566]

120. TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, Lucy L. Affleck to Dr. Barner, 3 October 1929. [UCB-005108]

121. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6332, file 661-1, part 2, A. F. MacKenzie to R. J. Ross, 25 June 1930. [RLS-000308]

122. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6332, file 661-1, part 2, “Extract from report of J. P. B. Ostrander, Indian Agent, for month of December 1930, on Round Lake Indian Residential School.” [RLS-000879]

123. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6221, file 472-23, part 1, R. A. Hoey to A. G. Hamilton, 30 December 1936. [MCI-004998]

124. TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, T. M. Kennedy to Reverend Father Provincial, 1 December 1937. [OKM-000248]

125. TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, T. M. Kennedy to Reverend Father Provincial, 1 December 1937. [OKM-000248]

126. Howell, Blood, Sweat, and Cheers, 52; Adams, Education for Extinction, 188; Forsyth, “Bodies of Meaning,” 16.

127. Cosentino and Howell, History of Physical Education, 13–14, 23–34.

128. Howell, Blood, Sweat, and Cheers, 33.

129. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1884, 155.

130. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1891, 20.

131. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 98–99.

132. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2006, file 7825-1A, “Report on the Mohawk Institute and Six Nations Board Schools,” Benson, 30 August 1895. [TAY-003821-0000]

133. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6211, file 649-1, part 2, George Ley King to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 7 February 1899; [SWK-001434] J. D. McLean to George L. King, 10 February 1899; [SWK-001435] J. D. McLean to Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence, 13 February 1899. [SWK-001436]

134. Cosentino and Howell, History of Physical Education, 38.

135. Socknat, Witness against War, 35–36.

136. Dunae, “Strathcona Trust,” http://www.viu.ca/homeroom/content/topics/programs/st.htm (accessed 1 May 2013).

137. Cosentino and Howell, History of Physical Education, 27.

138. Socknat, Witness against War, 112.

139. Socknat, Witness against War, 114.

140. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3925, file 116823-1A, J. D. McLean to A. E. Wilson, 14 November 1912. [ELK-000240]

141. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6443, file 881-1, part 1, Assistant Deputy Minister and Secretary to A. K. O. Ockoniy, 7 June 1917. [LEJ-000944]

142. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, file 881-1, part 1, Stuart Lake Agency – Lejac Residential School – General Administration, 1905–1934 F.A. 10-17, Perm. volume 6443, Microfilm reel C-8767, A. O. Ockoniy to W. Allan, 14 June 1922. [LEJ-200235-0001]

143. Socknat, Witness against War, 132.

144. Socknat, Witness against War, 286–287.

145. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6308, file 653-17, part 1, Russell Ferrier to Rhodes, 19 November 1931. [FHR-000818]

146. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6308, file 653-17, part 1, F. Rhodes to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 25 November 1931. [FHR-000819]

147. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6214, file 469-17, part 1, Benjamin Fuller to Russell T. Ferrier, 17 August 1928. [SWK-001623]

148. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6214, file 469-17, part 1, A. F. MacKenzie to B. P. Fuller, 24 August 1928. [SWK-001624]

149. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1A, “Mohawk Cadets Passed Inspection,” Brantford Expositor, 2 July 1920. [TAY-003597]

150. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1901, 318.

151. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1904, 325.

152. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to E. Fiset, 5 September 1918. [PLD-007510]

153. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1912, 511.

154. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6426, file 875-1, part 3, The Thunderbird, Alert Bay Indian Residential School, volume I, Easter 1928. [MIK-000291]

155. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, file 888-11, part 1, Lytton Agency – St. George’s Residential School – Vocational Training – Supplies – F.A.10-17, Perm. volume 6466, Microfilm reel C-8785, “Indian Residential Schools Cadet Corps,” n.d. [GRG-250064-0001]

156. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, 773/25-10-004, volume 10316, 1925–1958 NAC, L. W. Miller to S. Middleton, 19 June 1925. [PUL-003155]

157. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives of Alberta, file A.320/571, Indian [and Eskimo] School Commission, 1933–1937, Archival Acc. PR1970.0387/1640, Archival Box 41 Anglican Diocese of Athabasca Fonds, “Indian Residential School Commission of the Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada, St. Paul’s Indian Residential School, The Blood Reserve, Cardston, Alberta,” 1933. [PUL-800286]

158. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, GS 75-103, series 9-8.1, box 131. “St. Barnabas, M.S.CC.,” no date. [GSA-000034]

159. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2837, file 171340, Wm. Hamilton Merritt to The Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs, 11 May, 1898.

160. Lackenbauer and McGowan, “Competing Loyalties,” 96. For a biography of William Hamilton Merritt senior, see: J. J. Talman, “William Hamilton Merritt,” http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/merritt_william_hamilton_1855_1918_14E.html (accessed 13 May 2014).

161. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2837, W. Hamilton Merritt to Deputy Minister Indian Affairs, 11 May 1898, H. C. Ross to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 26 May 1898.

162. Morris, Treaties of Canada, 69, 230, 234.

163. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2991, Microfilm reel C-11307, file 215-977, Indian Affairs Notice to all Superintendents, 22 April 1900, quoted in Winegard, King and Kanata, 37.

164. Winegard, King and Kanata, 38.

165. Winegard, King and Kanata, 7.

166. Winegard, King and Kanata, 9.

167. House of Lords Records Office/Parliamentary Archives (London, United Kingdom), Andrew Bonar Law Papers, BL/55/16. Memorandum: Colonial Office to Governors General and Administrators of British Dominion, Colonies and Protectorates, 8 October 1915, quoted in Winegard, King and Kanata, 54.

168. Winegard, King and Kanata, 9.

169. Winegard, King and Kanata, 6.

170. Winegard, King and Kanata, 50–51; Veterans Affairs Canada, Orders and Decorations, http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/collections/cmdp/mainmenu/group01 (accessed 5 July 2013).

171. Winegard, King and Kanata, 110.

172. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1908, 370.

173. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6371, file 764-1, part 1, J. W. Tims to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 6 February 1911; [PUL-000882] Provincial Archives of Alberta, file A.320/571, Indian [and Eskimo] School Commission, 1933–1937, Archival Acc. PR1970.0387/1640, Archival Box 41 Anglican Diocese of Athabasca Fonds, “Indian Residential School Commission of the Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada, St. Paul’s Indian Residential School, The Blood Reserve, Cardston, Alberta,” 1933. [PUL-800286]

174. Forsberg, Chief Mountain, 33–40.

175. Dempsey, “Indians and World War One,” 3–4; Dempsey, “Albert Mountain Horse,” http://www.biographi.ca/009004-119.01-e.php?BioId=41736 (accessed 1 May 2013).

176. Winegard, King and Kanata, 5.

177. Forsberg, Chief Mountain, 37–47.

178. Dempsey, “Albert Mountain Horse,” http://www.biographi.ca/009004-119.01-e.php?BioId=41736 (accessed 1 May 2013); Winegard, King and Kanata, 3–5.

179. Winegard, King and Kanata, 70–72.

180. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6766, file 452-13, Glen Campbell to D. C. Scott, 3 February 1916.

181. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6766, file 452-13, D. C. Scott to Glen Campbell, 7 February 1916.

182. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6766, file 452-13, D. C. Scott to C. Brouillet, 22 February 1916.

183. Winegard, King and Kanata, 71.

184. Thompson, Chief Peguis, 61.

185. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1393, “Report of W. W. Gibson, Principal of the File Hills Boarding School for the year ended March 31st, 1916.” [FHR-001510-0000]

186. Lackenbauer and McGowan, “Competing Loyalties,” 103, 114; Winegard, King and Kanata, 64.

187. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1930, 21.

188. Lackenbauer and McGowan, “Competing Loyalties,” 100; TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6200, file 466-1, part 2, “Successful Graduates,” undated. [TAY-004294-0002]

189. Montour, Brown Tom’s School Days, 69.

190. Winegard, King and Kanata, 112–113.

The deadly toll of infectious diseases: 1867–1939

1. Scott, “Indian Affairs,” 615.

2. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3940, file 121698-13, Summary of statements made at meeting attached to correspondence, H. R. Halpin to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 16 November 1897. For Kah-pah-pah-mah-am-wa-ko-we-ko-chin’s name and his being deposed from office, see: Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3940, file 121698-13, Extract of a report of a Committee of the Honourable Privy Council Approved his Excellency on the 20 September 1897.

3. Moine, My Life in a Residential School, n.p.

4. These gaps are discussed in a separate volume of this report.

5. Bynum, Spitting Blood, xiv–xix, xxiii; Dubos and Dubos, White Plague, 73; Lux, Medicine that Walks, 42; McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 4–5, 42.

6. Dubos and Dubos, White Plague, 5–6.

7. Dubos and Dubos, White Plague, 5, 72.

8. Dubos and Dubos, White Plague, 29, 69.

9. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 158.

10. Dubos and Dubos, White Plague, 90, 119–120.

11. Grzybowski and Allen, “Tuberculosis,” 1025; Dubos and Dubos, White Plague, 8–10, 199–203, 231.

12. Dubos and Dubos, White Plague, 8–10, 96.

13. Dubos and Dubos, White Plague, 176–177.

14. Dubos and Dubos, White Plague, 181; Bynum, Spitting Blood, 138–145.

15. Wherrett, Miracle of Empty Beds, 39, 41.

16. Bynum, Spitting Blood, 142–143.

17. Bynum, Spitting Blood, 146–147; McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 23–24.

18. Bynum, Spitting Blood, 153–156; Wherrett, Miracle of Empty Beds, 41.

19. Rosenblatt, “Pulmonary Tuberculosis,” 173.

20. Dubos and Dubos, White Plague, 209–211.

21. Dubos and Dubos, White Plague, 185–186; McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 189–192, 253; Murray, “Century of Tuberculosis,” 1181.

22. Bynum, Spitting Blood, 189–200; McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 197.

23. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 198.

24. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 3.

25. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 57; Wherrett, Miracle of Empty Beds, 15.

26. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 17.

27. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 8.

28. Farrell, Congress on Tuberculosis, 12.

29. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 27–28; Wherrett, Miracle of Empty Beds, 42.

30. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 32–33.

31. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 160.

32. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 164–165.

33. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 41.

34. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 45, 138.

35. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 133.

36. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 45–47.

37. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 48.

38. Hader, “Effect of Tuberculosis,” 132–133; McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 95, 139–140.

39. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 87, 103.

40. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 67.

41. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 93.

42. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 168–169, 177.

43. Wherrett, Miracle of Empty Beds, 41.

44. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 292.

45. Finkel, Social Policy, 101–102.

46. Much of the following discussion draws heavily on the work of Maureen Lux’s Medicine that Walks.

47. Waldram, Herring, and Young, Aboriginal Health, 48.

48. Waldram, Herring, and Young, Aboriginal Health, 49.

49. Dubos and Dubos, White Plague, 191; Ferguson, “Tuberculosis Among the Indians,” 7.

50. Pepperell et al., “Dispersal of Mycobacterium,” 6528.

51. Ferguson, “Some Light Thrown on Infection,” 18–19; Wherrett, Miracle of Empty Beds, 99.

52. Dubos and Dubos, White Plague, 191; McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 3.

53. Ferguson, “Tuberculosis Among the Indians,” 10, 12; Ferguson, “Some Light Thrown on Infection,” 24.

54. Ferguson, “Some Light Thrown on Infection,” 24.

55. Wherrett, Miracle of Empty Beds, 255.

56. Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Treaty No. 6, http://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1100100028710/1100100028783.

57. Morris, The Treaties of Canada, 185.

58. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1899, xxxvi.

59. Hader, “Effect of Tuberculosis,” ii.

60. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2873, file 851-1-9, part 1, P. E. Moore to D. G. Emerson, 31 August 1954. [AEMR-171159]

61. For an example, see: McNally, Lord’s Distant Vineyard, 76–68.

62. Lux, Medicine that Walks, 142–147.

63. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3632, file 6326, R. N. Wilson to Superintendent General Indian Affairs, 3 February 1901.

64. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3067, file 254-017-1, Circular to Indian Supts. and Agents, 1 March 1902.

65. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 10.

66. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3067, file 254-017-1.

67. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3654, file 8904, Laird to Mills, 22 May 1878, cited in Lux, Medicine that Walks, 33.

68. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3744, file 29506-2, Augustus Jukes to F. White, 17 October 1882.

69. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3745, file 29506-4 part 1, O. C. Edwards to MacDonald.

70. Lux, Medicine that Walks, 45.

71. Waldram, Herring, and Young, Aboriginal Health, 187–188. For an example of withholding rations, see: TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1629, A. J. McNeill to D. Laird, 10 December 1901. [SAR-000404]

72. Lux, Medicine that Walks, 49.

73. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4048, file 360377, General instructions to newly appointed Indian agents in British Columbia, 1910; Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3086, file 279222-1, Circular to all Agents in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, from J. D. McLean, 17 December 1906; and to all Agents from J. D. McLean, 13 April 1908, quoted in Shewell, ‘Enough to Keep Them Alive,’ 89–90.

74. Lux, Medicine that Walks, 182–183.

75. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1886, 110.

76. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1888, xiv.

77. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, xxiv.

78. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3949, file 126345, H. Reed to A. E. Forget, 14 February 1895; F. X. Girard to Indian Commissioner, 1 April 1895; N. J. Lindsay to A. E. Forget, 31 May 1895; A. B. Stewart to A. E. Forget, 12 March 1895.

79. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, xix–xx.

80. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1904, xix–xx.

81. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3674, file 11422, E. Dewdney to Thomas Clarke, 31 July 1883. [120.06668]

82. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6452, file 884-1, part 1, Rules and Regulations, Kootenay Industrial School, 17 October 1889. [AEMR-011621A]

83. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3765, file 31161, M. M. Seymour to John A. Macdonald, received 30 September 1885; Edgar Dewdney to Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 17 October 1885.

84. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 173.

85. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3674, file 11422-5, H. Reed to Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 13 May 1891.

86. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3920, file 116818, H. J. Denovan, 1 May 1901. [EDM-009805]

87. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3920, file 116818, D. Laird to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 17 May 1904. [EDM-009841]

88. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3927, file 116836-1A, J. A. Graham to J. A. Sinclair, 2 February 1904. [RIS-000075]

89. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1886, 139; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 88.

90. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1885, 137.

91. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1886, 139.

92. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1887, 128.

93. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1888, 96.

94. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1887, 128.

95. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 173.

96. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3676, file 11422-5, Indian Commissioner to Superintendent General Indian Affairs, 2 October 1884.

97. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1886, 141.

98. Wasylow, “History of Battlefield Industrial School,” 462.

99. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3764, file 32725-2, Bishop of Rupert’s Land to E. Dewdney, 27 November 1890.

100. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3765, file 3275-3, unsigned to Indian Commissioner, received 26 January 1892.

101. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2765, file 822-1-A901, part 1, P. H. Bryce to F. Pedley, 26 March 1906. [NPC-600090]

102. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3881, file 934189, M. Begg to A. Forget, 23 February 1895.

103. Dempsey, Amazing Death of Calf Shirt, 190–191.

104. Dempsey, Amazing Death of Calf Shirt, 193.

105. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3912, file 111762, R. G. MacDonnell to Alex McGibbon, 29 May 1895.

106. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3912, file 111762, R. G. MacDonnell to Alex McGibbon, 29 May 1895.

107. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3912, file 111762, Hayter Reed to A.E. Forget, 6 April 1895.

108. Chambers, Royal North-West Mounted Police, 116.

109. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3912, file 111762, W. M. Baker to Alex McGibbon, 1 June 1895.

110. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3912, file 111762, John McCrea to Alex McGibbon, 31 May 1895.

111. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3912, file 111762, R. G. MacDonnell to Alex McGibbon, 29 May 1895. The name is spelled MacDonell in the original, but is actually MacDonnell. See Lethbridge Herald, “Death Calls One More MacLeod Pioneer,” 19 March 1915.

112. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3928, file 117004-1, M. Begg to the Indian Commissioner, 2 May 1895; [OLD-008058-0001] W. M. Baker to Alex McGibbon, 6 June 1895. [OLD-008067-0002]

113. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3928, file 117004-1, Indian Commissioner to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 27 February 1896. [OLD-008076]

114. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3928, file 117004-1, “That Blackfoot Trouble: The Missionary’s Flight,” Toronto Globe, 5 [?] July 1895. [OLD-008068-0001]

115. Pettit, “‘To Christianize and Civilize,’” 302.

116. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, FA 10-1, volume 1346, Microfilm reel C-13916, Cowichan Agency – Incoming Correspondence re Kuper Island Industrial School, 1891–1907, NAC Ottawa, G. Donckele to W. R. Robertson, 25 October 1900. [KUP-022107]

117. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 1, Elijah Manass to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 7 April 1902. [MER-000321]

118. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 1, W. W. Shepherd to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 11 April 1902. [MER-000322]

119. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3931, file 117377-1C, A. Gordon to C. Sifton, 18 January 1902.

120. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 107.

121. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 91–97.

122. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 88.

123. Daschuk, Clearing the Plains, 176–177.

124. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1892, 209.

125. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3964, file 149874, “Statement showing status of pupils discharged from Industrial Schools up to 30th June 1897.” [RIS-000341]

126. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 313.

127. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1897, 255.

128. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1898, 292.

129. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6334, file 662-1, part 1, J. Decorby to Wilfrid Laurier, 15 June 1899. [SPR-001903-0001]

130. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3957, file 140754-1, A. B. Stewart to Indian Commissioner, 20 June 1896; W. J. Lindsay to Indian Commissioner, June 6, 1896; J. L. Hicks to Indian Commissioner, 6 June 1896; S. E. Macadam, 5 June 1896; R. Spencer to A. E. Forget, 11 June 1896.

131. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3957, file 140754-1, Hayter Reed to A. E. Forget, 10 July 1896.

132. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 1, W. R. Tucker to Department of Indian Affairs, 26 May 1904. [PLD-008659-0001]

133. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3957, file 140754-1, P. H. Bryce to F. Pedley, 5 November 1909.

134. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6328, file 660-5, part 1, David Laird to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 16 September 1904. [PLD-007062-0000]

135. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3674, file 11422-5, H. Reed to Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 13 May 1891.

136. Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 453.

137. Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 475.

138. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1908, 429.

139. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1905, 384.

140. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 473.

141. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3733, file 27089, Hayter Reed to Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 6 June 1887. [PLD-009609-0000]

142. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3917, file 116575-5, M. M. Seymour, M.D. to Indian Commissioner, 17 September 1895.

143. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3917, file 116575-5, Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs to Indian Commissioner, 14 November 1895.

144. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Martin Benson to J. D. McLean, 15 July 1897. [100.00109]

145. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3927, file 116836-1A, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 11 May 1903. [RIS-000045]

146. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3917, file 116575-5, M. M. Seymour, M.D. to Indian Commissioner, 17 September 1895.

147. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1903, 400.

148. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3879, file 91833, Order-in-Council, 22 October 1892. [RIS-000354]

149. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1895, 140.

150. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1135, no file number, Illegible for the Commissioner, to Principals, 26 May 1896. [EDH-002544-0000]

151. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 346.

152. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1899, 208.

153. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1900, 330.

154. Meijer Drees, “Reserve Hospitals,” 149–176.

155. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3909, file 107557, J. D. Lafferty to Clifford Sifton; [OLD-008886-0001] Lux, Medicine that Walks, 114.

156. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3909, file 107557, “Memorandum: Mr. Smart,” 29 December 1899. [OLD-008210]

157. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8452, file 773/23-5-003, part 1, Martin Benson, 8 February 1901. [MRY-009509]

158. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3927, file 116836-1A, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, 1 June 1903. [RIS-000047]

159. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3927, file 116836-1A, Frank Pedley to the Indian Commissioner, 2 June 1903.

160. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6212, file 469-5, part 1, S. E. Fleming M.D., J. Douglas McLean M.D. and R. J. Gibson M.D. to the Shingwauk Indian School Board of Management, 6 March 1906. [SWK-001274-0001]

161. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6191, file 462-1, part 1, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 2 September 1908; [CRS-000816] J. D. McLean to H. A. West, 4 September 1908; [CRS-000817] H. A. West to J. D. McLean, 5 September 1908. [CRS-001136-0000]

162. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3993, file 186790, J. A. Markle to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 17 October 1905.

163. Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society in Canada, 49th Annual Report, 1873, xxxi, quoted in Graham, Mush Hole, 237.

164. TRC, RBS, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3930, file 117377-1A, “Third Annual Report of the Rupert’s Land Industrial School for the Year Ending 30 September 1892.” [2058143]

165. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3965, file 150000-4, David Laird to the Secretary, Indian Affairs, 10 July 1901; Martin Benson to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 25 September 1901.

166. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3965, file 150000-4, J. D. Lafferty to David Laird, 18 July 1905. [PLD-008573-0001]

167. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3965, file 150000-4, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 16 May 1906. [PLD-008573-0000]

168. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3965, file 150000-4, David Laird to Frank Pedley, 3 May 1906.

169. Bryce, Story of a National Crime, 3.

170. Brown and Cook, Canada, 55–56, 68.

171. Brown and Cook, Canada, 79.

172. Brown and Cook, Canada, 63.

173. T. S. Sproule, in Canada, House of Commons Debates (1903), 6591, quoted in Brown and Cook, Canada, 73.

174. Palmer, Patterns of Prejudice, 28.

175. Brown and Cook, Canada, 55.

176. Peter H. Bryce, Sessional Papers 1910, number 25, 110, quoted in Avery, Dangerous Foreigners, 19. For differences in the immigration policies of Sifton and Oliver, see: Avery, Dangerous Foreigners, 96–97.

177. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1903, xx–xxi.

178. Bryce, Story of a National Crime, 3.

179. Sproule-Jones, “Crusading for the Forgotten,” 203.

180. Peter Bryce, “The Struggle against Tuberculosis,” in National Council of Women of Canada, Yearbook (1908), 34, quoted in McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 7.

181. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 274–275.

182. Farrell, Congress on Tuberculosis, 12.

183. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 276.

184. McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 19.

185. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 277.

186. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 282.

187. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6307, file 653-1, part 1, C. E. Carthew to W. M. Graham, 26 January 1903. [FHR-000011]

188. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6422, file 869-1, part 2, “Report on the Coqualeetza Institute For The Year Ending June 30, 1910.” [COQ-000375]

189. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 282.

190. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3957, file 140754-1, F. Fisher to Frank Oliver, 29 June 1906; “Copy of Resolution No. 30, Tuberculosis Among Indians,” Associated Boards of Trade of Western Canada, Third Annual Convention, Edmonton, Alberta, 13 and 14 June 1906; Secretary Treasurer, Saskatchewan Medical Association to Frank Pedley, 28 March 1906; R. R. Earle to Frank Pedley, 5 June 1906.

191. Bryce, Report on the Indian Schools, 18.

192. Bryce, Report on the Indian Schools, 17.

193. Bryce, Report on the Indian Schools, 18.

194. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1907, 2:52–57.

195. Bryce, Story of a National Crime, 4.

196. Bryce, Report on the Indian Schools, 18.

197. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4037, file 317021, Saturday Night, untitled editorial, 23 November 1907; Montreal Star, “Death Rate Among Indians Abnormal,” 15 November 1907; Ottawa Citizen, “Schools and White Plague,” 16 November 1907.

198. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4037, file 317021, J. A. Markle to Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 22 November 1907. [RCA-000313]

199. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4037, file 317021, J. I. Fleetham to Secretary, 28 November 1907. [RCA-000317]

200. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4037, file 317021, T. Ferrier to the editor, 23 November 1907. [RCA-000315]

201. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1908, 350.

202. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4037, file 317021, W. R. Haynes to Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 23 November 1907. [RCA-000314]

203. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4037, file 317021, J. Hugonard to Secretary Indian Affairs, 17 December 1907.

204. Ferguson, “Tuberculosis Among the Indians,” 15.

205. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4037, file 317021, Peter H. Bryce to Frank Pedley, 4 June 1907. [CJC-000959-0002]

206. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3957, file 140754-1, “Recapitulation continued and remarks,” J. D. Lafferty, undated.

207. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, Accession V92-93/006, box #1, RG29, NAC-BC, J. D. Lafferty to Frank Pedley, May 1908. [JON-004179]

208. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3928, file 117004-1, D. C. Scott to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 15 May 1908. [OLD-008151.]

209. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3928, file 117004-1, Frank Pedley to Frank Oliver, 19 June 1908. [OLD-008152]

210. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3928, file 117004-1, H. W. Gibbon Stocken to Bishop of Calgary, 29 July 1908. [OLD-008154]

211. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3928, file 117004-1, D. Scott to Acting Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 15 August 1908. [OLD-008156]

212. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1155, Indian Agent to Secretary Indian Affairs, 31 July 1912. [OLD-000280]

213. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3957, file 140754-1, Frank Pedley to Frank Oliver, 19 April 1909.

214. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3957, file 140754-1, P. H. Bryce to F. Pedley, 5 November 1909.

215. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3957, file 140754-1, J. D. Lafferty to P. H. Bryce, 22 January 1910.

216. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3957, file 140754-1. “Recommendations based on conclusions from the Investigation of 243 Indian School Children.” For the Frimley model, see: Bynum, Spitting Blood, 142–143.

217. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3957, file 140754-1, D. C. Scott, “Notes on Dr. Bryce’s Report – with suggestions for future action,” 7 March 1910.

218. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Superintendent General Indian Affairs to T. Ferrier, 18 July 1908. [AEMR-016328]

219. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3957, file 140754-1, D. C. Scott, “Notes on Dr. Bryce’s report – with suggestions for further action,” 7 March 1910.

220. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3957, file 140754-1, J. D. Lafferty to F. Pedley, 22 June 1910.

221. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Correspondence and Agreement Relating to the Maintenance and Management of Indian Boarding Schools (Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1911). [AEMR-120208A]

222. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3957, file 140754-1, D. C. Scott to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 28 March 1911.

223. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1913, 297.

224. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1913, 295.

225. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1913, 300.

226. Bryce, Story of a National Crime, 6–8.

227. Bryce, Story of a National Crime, 17.

228. Bryce, Story of a National Crime.

229. Wherrett, Miracle of Empty Beds, 105–106.

230. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4076, file 451868, J. D. McLean to O. I. Grain, 5 January 1914.

231. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3909, file 107557, O. I. Grain to D. C. Scott, 18 January 1914. [OLD-008226]

232. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6371, file 764-1, part 1, O. I. Grain, 18 January 1914. [PUL-000891]