233. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6371, file 764-1, part 1, Samuel Middleton to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 13 February 1914. [PUL-000894]

234. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6371, file 764-5, part 1, O. I. Grain to D. C. Scott, 26 September 1916. [PUL-001015]

235. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6027, file 117-1-1, part 1, O. I. Grain to D. C. Scott, 5 November 1914. [CRW-000206]

236. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3921, file 116818-1B, O. I. Grain to D. C. Scott, 25 January 1914. [EDM-000937]

237. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6369, file 763-1, part 1, J. J. Gillespie to E. H. Yeomans, 22 January 1913. [CYP-005030-0001]

238. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6369, file 763-1, part 1, J. W. Tims to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 5 February 1913. [CYP-005031]

239. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6369, file 763-1, part 1, [Illegible], Inspector of Indian Agencies to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 26 March 1913. [CYP-005034]

240. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6369, file 763-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to H. A. Gunn, 20 January 1914; [CYP-005044] J. D. McLean to J. W. Tims, 22 April 1918. [CYP-005063]

241. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1541, N. D. Steele to D. C. Scott, 2 January 1918. [BPD-001531-0001]

242. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4092, file 546898, F. A. Corbett to W. M. Graham, 7 December 1920. [RCA-000510-0001]

243. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4092, file 546898, W. M. Graham to D. C. Scott, 7 December 1920. [RCA-000510-0002]

244. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4092, file 546898, Duncan C. Scott to James Lougheed, 11 December 1920. [SAR-000470-0000]

245. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4092, file 546898, S. Gould, 14 January 1921. [SAR-000475]

246. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1922, 18.

247. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4076, file 451868, J. D. McLean, Memorandum, 16 May 1922.

248. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6191, file 462-1, part 1, Extract from Inspector’s Report on Chapleau Boarding School, 3 May 1915. [CRS-000883]

249. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6187, file 461-1, part 1, R. S. McKenzie to O. I. Grain, 30 July 1915. [CJC-000828-0000]

250. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, Cowichan Agency – Letterbooks [Indexed], 07/1921–02/1922, F.A. 10-1, Perm. volume 1390, Microfilm reel C-13933, Alfred H. Lomas to W. E. Ditchburn, 27 October 1921. [KUP-230101]

251. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6455, file 884-14, part 1, “Extract from report of Inspector Cairns,” 9 November 1922. [KUP-003836-0000]

252. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1347, “Indian Industrial School Kuper Island B.C., Ex-Pupils,” 31 March 1919. [KUP-004250]

253. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6333, file 661-6, part 1, W. Murison to W. M. Graham, 5 December 1923. [RLS-000196-0001]

254. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6041, file 160-5, part 1, “Memorandum of the Convention of the Catholic Principals of Indian Residential Schools held at Lebret, Saskatchewan, August 28 and 29, 1924.” [200.4.00016]

255. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 3403, file 823-1-A772, T. J. Fleetham to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 4 March 1915. [NPC-604045a]

256. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 3403, file 823-1-A772, O. I. Grain to D. C. Scott, 18 March 1915. [NPC-604045]

257. Provincial Archives of Alberta, Oblates of Mary Immaculate, école Dunbow, Boîte 80, #3381, Journal quotidien de l’école Dunbow, 18 January 1916, quoted in Pettit, “‘To Christianize and Civilize,’” 254.

258. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 10750, Shannon File, 1913–1916, Incoming Correspondence, J. D. McLean to William McLeod, 4 January 1915. [CRS-000873]

259. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6191, file 462-1, part 1, Russell T. Ferrier to D. C. Scott, 23 January 1922. [CRS-001009]

260. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6191, file 462-1, part 1, D. C. Scott to George Prewer, 2 February 1922. [CRS-001014-0001]

261. Lux, Medicine that Walks, 198–199.

262. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Correspondence and Agreement Relating to the Maintenance and Management of Indian Boarding Schools (Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1911). [AEMR-120208A]

263. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3933, file 117657-1, J. Riou to Department Secretary, Indian Affairs, 12 June 1910.

264. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6305, file 652-1, part 1, J. MacArthur to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 27 December 1910. [SMD-001209]

265. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6305, file 652-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to W. J. Chisholm, 12 January 1911. [SMD-001210]

266. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6300, file 650-1, pt. 1, O. Charlebois to J. D. McLean, 6 April 1911. [BVL-000769]

267. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6300, file 650-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to O. Charlebois, 19 April 1911. [BVL-000770]

268. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6260, file 577-1, part 1, E. Lecoq to D. C. Scott, 2 November 1912. [NHR-000378]

269. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 10750, Shannon File, 1913–1916, Incoming Correspondence, J. D. McLean to William McLeod, 4 December 1914. [CRS-001774]

270. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 10750, Shannon File, 1913–1916, Incoming Correspondence, J. D. McLean to William McLeod, 1 April 1915. [CRS-001757]

271. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 10750, Shannon File, 1913–1916, Incoming Correspondence, J. D. McLean to William McLeod, 9 April 1915. [CRS-001759]

272. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 10750, Shannon File, 1913–1916, Incoming Correspondence, J. D. McLean to William McLeod, 7 May 1915. [CRS-001762]

273. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6323, file 658-10, part 1, “Certificate of Health,” 5 August 1920. [PAR-020341-0002]

274. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6016, file 1-1-13, part 1, Headquarters – Schools – Medical Supplies, 1923–1941, D. C. Scott, to W. M. Graham, 16 February 1925. [120.18196]

275. TRC, NRA, No document location, no document source, J. McGuire to A. F. MacKenzie, 24 September 1927. [OKM-000086]

276. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 2, Russell Ferrier to D. C. Scott, 27 March 1922. [PLD-000687]

277. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6058, file 265-13, part 1, J. P. Mackey to A. F. MacKenzie; [SRS-004811] 3 July 1930, A. F. MacKenzie to J. P. Mackey, 8 July 1930. [SRS-000257]

278. Ferguson, “Tuberculosis Survey,” 381.

279. For a summary of contemporary views of what constituted proper treatment for tuberculosis, particularly the benefits of ventilation, rest, and diet, see: McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 43.

280. Ferguson, “Some Light Thrown on Infection,” 19.

281. Wherrett, Miracle of Empty Beds, 105–106.

282. Hader, “Effect of Tuberculosis,” 110.

283. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1927, 11–12.

284. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2964, file 851-4-001, part 1, E. L. Stone to Dr. Scott, 1 August 1930; [NPC-620454] Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1930, 10.

285. Wherrett, Miracle of Empty Beds, 252, 255.

286. Stewart, “Red Man and White Plague,” 674–675.

287. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2775, file 822-1-X200, part 1b, E. W. Montgomery to E. D. R. Bissett, 23 January 1930. [120.13004B]

288. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2964, file 851-4-001, part 1, E. L. Stone to Dr. Scott, 1 August 1930. [NPC-620454]

289. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1930, 10.

290. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1932, 8.

291. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6016, file 1-1-13, part 1, Department of Indian Affairs, Circular Letter, 1 March 1932. [SRS-000657]

292. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2777, file 822-1-X500, part 1, E. L. Stone to A. L. McQuarrie, 7 November 1934. [NPC-605490]

293. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3087, file 279222-IC, Letter to All Indian Agents from A. F. MacKenzie, 26 June 1933, quoted in Shewell, ‘Enough to Keep Them Alive,’ 118.

294. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3087, file 279222-IC, Memorandum to All Indian Agents, Re: Sick Relief, Special Relief for Sick Indians, from A. F. MacKenzie, 20 September 1933, quoted in Shewell, ‘Enough to Keep Them Alive,’ 119.

295. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3087, file 279222-1C, Circular to All Indian Agents in Ontario and British Columbia and accompanying letter from A. F. MacKenzie, 10 February 1934, quoted in Shewell, ‘Enough to Keep Them Alive,’ 120.

296. Shewell, ‘Enough to Keep Them Alive,’ 123.

297. Struthers, No Fault of Their Own, 71–73.

298. Shewell, ‘Enough to Keep Them Alive,’ 123.

299. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6453, file 884-5, part 3, 1930–1931, Kootenay Agency – Kootenay Residential School – Building Maintenance – Supplies – Accounts (Reports), FA 10-17, C. C. Perry to W. E. Ditchburn, 12 June 1930. [EGN-008478]

300. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, Provincial Archives of Alberta, file 37, Surveys for Tuberculosis – Blood Indian Reserve 1929–1939, Archival Acc. GR 1973.0315, Archival box 2, “Report on Examinations Made at School on Blood Indian Reserve, June 23rd to 26th, 1930.” [PUL-800274]

301. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, Provincial Archives of Alberta, file 37, Surveys for Tuberculosis – Blood Indian Reserve 1929–1939, Archival Acc. GR 1973.0315, Archival box 2, “Blood Indian Survey October 1934.” [MRY-800064]

302. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, Provincial Archives of Alberta, file 37, Surveys for Tuberculosis – Blood Indian Reserve 1929–1939, Archival Acc. GR 1973.0315, Archival box 2, “Blood Indian Survey October 1936–37.” [MRY-800065]

303. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2760, file 822-1-A494, part 1, Dr. H. K. Mitchell, 6 October 1933. [NPC-601644]

304. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6058, file 265-13, part 2, J. J. MacRitchie to E. L. Stone, 24 February 1934. [SRS-005440]

305. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6323, file 658-10, part 1, “Certificate of Health,” 5 August 1920; [PAR-020341-0002] Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3957, file 140754-1, Frank Pedley to Frank Oliver, 19 April 1909.

306. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, file 885-10, part 6, Cowichan Agency – Kuper Island Industrial School – Admissions – Discharges 1934–1939, FA 10-17, Perm. volume 6457, “Application for Admission,” 17 March 1933. [KUP-265021]

307. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6446, file 881-23, part 1, R. H. Moore to Dr. Pitts, 18 October 1935. [LEJ-004071]

308. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6431, file 877-1, part 2, A. F. MacKenzie to F. E. Pitts, 9 July 1931. [ABR-000758]

309. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6446, file 881-23, part 1, Dr. C. Pitts to R. H. Moore, 22 October 1935. [LEJ-004073]

310. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6446, file 881-23, part 1, R. H. Moore to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 8 November 1935. [LEJ-004074]

311. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6446, file 881-13, part 2, P. Phelan to T. F. H. Reed, 17 February 1937. [LEJ-005032]

312. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6446, file 881-13, part 2, Harper Reed to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 9 March 1937. [LEJ-005031]

313. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6446, file 881-13, part 2, T. R. L. MacInnes to R. H. Moore, 14 February 1938. [LEJ-005048]

314. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6451, file 882-23, part 1, “Memorandum of an inquiry into the cause and circumstances of the death of Clarina Matthew,” 13 September 1936. [KAM-000648-0001]

315. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6058, file 265-13, part 4, D. F. MacInnis to J. P. Mackey, 11 February 1939. [SRS-001698-0001]

316. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6058, file 265-13, part 4, E. L. Stone to J. P. Mackey, 16 February 1939. [SRS-001699]

317. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2917, file 851-1-A672, part 1, E. L. Stone to W. M. Graham, 28 April 1931. [NPC-620696]

318. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG85, Perm. volume 1879, file 630/109-2, part 1-A, Hay River Residential School, 1923–1930, FA 85-8, A. J. Vale to O. S. Finnie, 13 July 1929; [HRU-000550] D. L. McKeand to A. J. Vale, 20 July 1929. [HRU-000551]

319. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2915, file 851-1-A671, part 1a, John Albert to Indian Department, 7 April 1934; [NPC-602628b] RG10, volume 1015, W. B. Treleaven to Indian Affairs, 9 April 1934. [THR-000558]

320. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2915, file 851-1-A671, part 1a, A. F. MacKenzie to Secretary Treasurer, Rural Municipality of Cut Knife, Saskatchewan, 18 April 1934. [120.13052]

321. TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, Bishop Guy to Harold W. McGill, 19 March 1935. [GMA-001272] Lux gives the provenance as GAI, M742, box 4, file 36.

322. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives of Alberta, file 35, Surveys for Tuberculosis – Blackfoot Indian Reserve 1937–1938, Archival Acc. GR 1973.0315, Archival Box 2, J. Riou to Dr. Baker, 29 November 1937. [CFT-800140-0000]

323. TRC, NRA, United Church of Canada/Victoria University Archives, Acc. No. 83.050C, box 20, file 252, 1935 UCC Commission on Indian Education – United Church Archives – Toronto, “Report of Commission on Indian Education,” 1935. [UCA-081639]

324. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6058, file 265-13, part 2, J. P. Mackey to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 7 April 1932. [SRS-002183]

325. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4092, file 546898, Allan Kennedy to W. M. Graham, 7 January 1922. [AEMR-013537]

326. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6058, file 265-13, part 2, C. C. Parker to J. P. Mackey, 21 April 1932. [SRS-002234]

327. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6058, file 265-13, part 3, A. F. MacKenzie to J. P. Mackey, 7 May 1936. [SRS-005377]

328. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6058, file 265-13, part 2, D. F. MacInnis to T. R. L. MacInnes, 26 June 1933. [SRS-000273]

329. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6058, file 265-13, part 2, J. P. Mackey, 10 July 1933. [SRS-000658]

330. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6058, file 265-13, part 2, M. L. Scammell to E. L. Stone, 20 July 1933. [SRS-000960]

331. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6016, file 1-1-23, part 1, A. F. MacKenzie to Indian Agents, Principals of Indian Residential Schools, 17 April 1935. [SBR-001147-0000]

332. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6016, file 1-1-23, part 1, Indian Affairs Memorandum, 17 April 1935. [SBR-001147-0001]

333. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6016, file 1-1-23, part 1, A. F. MacKenzie to Indian Agents, Principals of Indian Residential Schools, 17 April 1935. [SBR-001147-0000]

334. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6315, file 655-23, part 1, P. Phelan to S. Lovell, 19 January 1937. [GUY-000094]

335. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6314, file 655-10, part 1, S. Lovell to the Secretary, Indian Affairs, 25 January 1937. [GUY-000096]

336. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6315, file 655-23, part 1, S. Lovell to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 7 November 1939. [GUY-000102-0000]

337. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1933, 14.

338. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 494/25-1-015, volume 1, Duncan Campbell Scott to C. Perrault, 25 March 1930. [MCI-000604]

339. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6220, file 472-9, part 1, A. F. MacKenzie to Frank Edwards, 4 April 1930. [MCI-000607]

340. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 494/25-1-015, volume 1, C. Perrault to Frank Edwards, 2 May 1930. [MCI-000613-0001]

341. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 494/25-1-015, volume 1, A. F. MacKenzie to Frank Edwards, 30 November 1931. [MCI-000672]

342. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6445, file 881-10, part 5, H. Reed to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 11 April 1939. [LEJ-001963]

343. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6443, file 881-1, part 2, “Lejac Indian Residential School Quarterly Report,” A. R. Simpson, 31 March 1939. [LEJ-000786]

344. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6468, file 890-1, part 2, F. O’Grady to A. O’N. Daunt, 7 February 1937. [MIS-001573]

345. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6468, file 890-1, part 2, R. A. Hoey to W. V. Doran, 19 March 1937. [MIS-001578]

346. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6451, file 882-23, part 1, “Memorandum of an inquiry into the cause and circumstances of the death of [name redacted],” 24 September 1935. [KAM-000644-0001]

347. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6448, file 882-5, part 6, Vancouver Province, “Indian School Opened,” 21 April 1929. [KAM-000802]

348. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, A. G. Hamilton to Harold McGill, 22 March 1933. [DRS-000612]

349. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6460, file 887-5, part 5, F. J. C. Ball to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 13 March 1931. [SLT-001576]

350. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1933, 14; Ferguson, “Some Light Thrown on Infection,” 24; Lux, Medicine that Walks, 208–209.

351. Ferguson, “Some Light Thrown on Infection,” 25.

352. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2964, file 851-4-001, part 1, R. G. Ferguson to Thomas Murphy, 29 August 1932. [NPC-620452a]

353. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2964, file 851-4-001, part 1, E. L. Stone to H. McGill, 4 November 1932. [NPC-620451]

354. TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, Bishop Guy to Harold W. McGill, 19 March 1935. [GMA-001272]

355. Lux, Medicine that Walks, 213–214.

356. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2964, file 851-4-001, part 1, “Tuberculosis Research Among the Indians of the Qu’Appelle Indian Health Unit 1933.” [NPC-620446]

357. TRC, NRA, Deschatelets Archives, Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Ottawa, file L1022.M27M 10, “Report on Indian Boarding School Children in Saskatchewan,” Director of Medical Services, October 1934. [RCS-000738-0000]

358. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 1229, file 311-T7-24, part 3, “Appendix B, Tuberculosis Research Among the Indians of the Qu’Appelle Indian Health Unit, 1935.” [NPC-622228c]

359. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 1225, file 311-T7-16, D. A. Stewart to John Bracken, 14 November 1934. [RCM-006201]

360. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2964, file 851-4-001, part 1, W. E. J. Paul to Mackenzie King, 11 December 1935. [NPC-620435]

361. Lux, Medicine that Walks, 202–203; McCuaig, Weariness, Fever, and Fret, 84; Weindling, “Origins of Informed Consent,” 41.

362. Lux, Medicine that Walks, 210–211.

363. Houston, R. G. Ferguson, 99.

364. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2964, file 851-4-001, part 1, “Tuberculosis Research Among the Indians of the Qu’Appelle Indian Health Unit 1933”; [NPC-620446] A. B. Simes, “Progressive Report on B.C.G. Vaccination of Children of the Qu’Appelle Indian Health Unit, 1934.” [NPC-620439a]

365. Lux, Medicine that Walks, 210–211.

366. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2964, file 851-4-001, part 1, “Tuberculosis Research Among the Indians of the Qu’Appelle Indian Health Unit 1933”; [NPC-620446] A. B. Simes, “Progressive Report on B.C.G. Vaccination of Children of the Qu’Appelle Indian Health Unit, 1934;” [NPC-620439a] Lux, Medicine that Walks, 211.

367. Lux, Medicine that Walks, 210–211.

368. Wherrett, Miracle of Empty Beds, 109–110.

369. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 1225, file 311-T7-16, “Tuberculosis Amongst Indians,” n.d. [NPC-600392]

370. Stewart, “Red Man and White Plague,” 674.

371. Stewart, “Red Man and White Plague,” 674.

372. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives of Alberta, PAA 71.220 B54 2279, Harold McGill to All Indian Agents, 14 January 1937. [OGP-020890]

373. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2777, file 822-1-X500, part 1, H. W. McGill to A. L. McQuarrie, 15 January 1937. [NPC-605463]

374. Stewart, “Red Man and White Plague,” 675–676.

375. Canadian Tuberculosis Association Bulletin 15, 3 (March 1937): 4, quoted in Hader, “Effect of Tuberculosis,” 117.

376. Hader, “Effect of Tuberculosis,” 117; TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2964, file 851-4-001, part 1, “Minutes of the Standing Committee on Indian Tuberculosis,” 10 March 1938. [NPC-620426]

377. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2964, file 851-4-001, part 1, H. McGill to Deputy Minister, 19 April 1937; [NPC-620434] 11 June 1937. [NPC-620432]

378. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2964, file 851-4-001, part 1, E. L. Stone to A. B. Simes, 15 May 1937. [NPC-620433]

379. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2697, file 802-2-2, part 3, “Another Milestone Passed,” W. S. Barclay, n.d. [NPC-606199]

380. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6422, file 869-1, part 2, “A World Within a World, Best Describes Coqualeetza Indian Residential School,” Chilliwack Progress, 14 December 1938. [COQ-000569-0001]

381. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, ACC-MSCC-GS 75-103, series 2.15, box 23, file 1, T. B. R. Westgate, “Report of the Secretary of the Commission on His Visit to the Alert Bay, Blood, Peigan, Blackfoot, and Elkhorn Schools, February–March 1939.” [AAC-083340]

382. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6266, file 579-25, part 1, P. E. Moore to McGill, 3 March 1939; [FAR-002164-0001] INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 501/25-1-019, volume 1, J. Brachet to F. M. Hughes, 26 October 1946. [FAR-060226]

383. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6266, file 579-25, part 1, T. R. L. MacInnes to A. G. Hamilton, 21 September 1938. [FAR-002154]

384. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6266, file 579-25, part 1, P. E. Moore to McGill, 3 March 1939. [FAR-002164-0001]

385. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6266, file 579-25, part 1, H. W. McGill to J. Brachet, 31 May 1939. [FAR-002168]

386. Wherrett, Miracle of Empty Beds, 114; TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2964, file 851-4-001, part 1, Secretary to A. B. Simes, 20 April 1938. [NPC-620421]

387. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2964, file 851-4-001, part 1, E. L. Stone and H. W. McGill to All Indian Agents, 10 February 1938. [NPC-620428]

388. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2919, file 851-1-A772, part 1, J. Riou to E. L. Stone, 21 February 1938. [NPC-603400]

389. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives of Alberta, file 46b, Surveys for Tuberculosis – Crees – Hobbema 1937–1942, Archival Acc. GR 1973.0315, Archival box 3, J. R. Enman to A. H. Baker, 19 September 1938; [ERM-800188] Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2911, file 851-1-A494, part 1, G. C. Brink to E. L. Stone, 28 October 1938; [NPC-605126] RG29, volume 3132, file 861-2-1, part 1, “Annual Report, Indian Health Services,” E. L. Stone, 1938. [120.13257]

390. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2964, file 851-4-001, part 1, Secretary to A. B. Simes, 20 April 1938. [NPC-620421]

391. Taubenberger and Morens, “1918 Influenza,” DOI: 10.3201/eid1201.050979 (accessed 22 October 2014).

392. Jones, Influenza 1918, 5, 18; Lux, Medicine that Walks, 185.

393. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1892, 263.

394. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of IndiansAffairs, 1906, 393.

395. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6187, file 461-1, part 1, Assistant Deputy and Secretary to S. McKenzie, 21 October 1918.

396. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6187, file 461-1, part 1, R. S. McKenzie to Assistant Deputy Minister, Indian Affairs, 23 October 1918.

397. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, FA 10-1, volume 1347, Cowichan Agency – Incoming Correspondence re Kuper Island Industrial School, 1907–1920, Indian Agent to J. Geurts, 19 October 1918. [KUP-022343]

398. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6273, file 583-1, part 1, Ogletree to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 12 October 1918. [PLP-000935]

399. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6273, file 583-1, part 1, “Extract from letter from W. A. Hendry, Principal of the Portage la Prairie Boarding School,” 4 November 1918. [PLP-000941]

400. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1A, Boyce to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 24 October 1918. [TAY-003573]

401. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6217, file 471-1, part 1, T. A. Desautels to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 18 November 1918. [AGA-001428]

402. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1919, 90.

403. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2919, file 851-1-A772, part 1, William Gordon to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 31 October 1918. [NPC-603410]

404. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2919, file 851-1-A772, part 1, W. M. Gordon to Assistant Deputy, Indian Affairs, 13 April 1919. [NPC-603403]

405. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1919, 89.

406. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3933, file 117657-1, A. Naessens to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 7 January 1919.

407. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2918, file 851-1-A675, part 1, W. Murison to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 23 November 1918. [NPC-602928]

408. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2915, file 851-1-A671, part 1a, W. Sibbald to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 18 December 1918. [NPC-602635-01]

409. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2912, file 851-1-A501, part 1, H. S. Norquay to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs, 18 December 1918. [CLD-000698]

410. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3921, file 116818-1B, J. F. Woodsworth to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 25 November 1918. [EDM-000956]

411. TRC, NRA, RG10, volume 3921, file 116818-1B, Deputy Superintendent General to J. F. Woodsworth, 5 December 1918. [EDM-000957]

412. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3921, file 116818-1B, J. F. Woodsworth to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 25 November 1918. [EDM-000956]

413. Fox, “Failure of Red Deer Industrial School,” 107–108.

414. For examples of such efforts, see: TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3920, file 116818, H. J. Denovan, 1 May 1901; [EDM-009805] TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3920, file 116818, D. Laird to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 17 May 1904. [EDM-009841]

415. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6211, file 469-1, part 3, A. D. McNabb to J. D. McLean, 11 February 1919. [SWK-001408]

416. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6211, file 469-1, part 3, George Algoma to Duncan Campbell Scott, 21 February 1919. [SWK-001410]

417. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2912, file 851-1-501, part 1, G. H. Wheatley to O. I. Grain, 21 February 1919. [NPC-606155]

418. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2938, file 851-1-X500, part 1, W. E. Ditchburn to Duncan Campbell Scott, 4 December 1918. [NPC-621735]

419. Father Allard’s Diary, quoted in Cronin, Cross in the Wilderness, 219.

420. Butcher, Letters of Margaret Butcher, 183.

421. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2925, file 851-1-A987, part 1, “B.C. Epidemic of Spanish Influenza.” [NPC-608037a]

422. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6191, file 462-1, part 1, T. J. Godfrey to J. D. McLean, 25 February 1920. [CRS-000952]

423. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives of Alberta, PAA 71.220 B54 2274, Hugh F. Baker to the Reverend Principal, 15 January 1919. [OGP-020790]

424. TRC, NRA, Headquarters 777/25-1-007, 02/13–03/65, volume 1, HQ., J. B. Sutherland to D. C. Scott, 28 October 1919. [GRU-002737]

425. Cadigan, Newfoundland & Labrador, 191.

426. Lux, Medicine that Walks, 187.

427. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6462, file 888-1, part 4, H, A. R. Lett to Parents and Friends, June 1937; [GRG-022262] RG10, volume 6462, file 888-1, part 2, C. C. Perry to Indian Affairs, 6 May 1927. [GRG-001611]

428. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6214, file 469-13, part 2, Charles Hives to G. H. Sims, 3 February 1938. [SWK-001664-0000]

429. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6302, file 650-23, Victor Bleau, P. E. Lavoie, and S. L. Macdonald, 17 June 1937. [BVL-000498-0002]

430. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1903, 337.

431. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1903, 315.

432. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 236.

433. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6355, file 757-1, part 1, 1886–1927, John McDougall to Rev. A. Sutherland, 14 January 1888. [MOR-004638-0001]

434. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3927, file 116836-1A, J. A. Sinclair to Indian Commissioner, Winnipeg. [RIS-000071]

435. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 13, file 937022, part 21, James Patterson to F. Montizambert, 22 November 1901. [NPC-622043]

436. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 1, W. R. Taylor to the Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 16 November 1915. [DRS-000494]

437. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 1, O. I. Grain to Duncan C. Scott, 29 November 1915. [DRS-000497]

438. Singh and Romanowski, “Syphilis,” 189, 196.

439. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6058, file 265-13, part 2, A. F. MacKenzie to T. I. Byrne, 7 March 1932. [SRS-002220-0001]

440. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6058, file 265-13, part 2, J. P. Mackey to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 1 March 1932. [SRS-005388]

441. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6058, file 265-13, part 2, A. F. MacKenzie to J. P. Mackey, 13 November 1933. [SRS-001086]

442. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6058, file 265-13, part 2, A. F. MacKenzie to J. P. Mackey, 5 January 1934. [SRS-005380]

443. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6058, file 265-13, part 2, A. F. MacKenzie to J. P. Mackey, 18 January 1934. [SRS-000276]

444. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, volume 6457, file 885-10, part 6, Cowichan Agency – Kuper Island Industrial School – Admissions–Discharges 1934–1939, FA 10-17, Application for Admission Form, 17 March 1933. [KUP-265021]

445. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2915, file 851-1-A671, part 1a, Lang Turner to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 31 October 1921. [NPC-602633]

446. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6470, file 890-5, part 2, A. O’N. Daunt, 18 December 1924. [MIS-004992]

447. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6207, file 468-5, part 7, A. F. MacKenzie to K. J. Beaton, 9 July 1935. [MER-000845]

448. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6210, file 468-13, part 1, T. R. McLeod to E. L. Stone, 28 October 1935. [MER-000804]

449. Maura, Sisters of Charity, 233–234. For Kateri Tekakwitha, see: Greer, Jesuit Relations.

450. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6468, file 890-1, part 1, A. J. Stuart to R. C. McDonald, 5 March 1905; [MIS-001424] W. McLaughlin to Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 8 March 1905; [MIS-001426] R. C. McDonald to A. W. Vowell, 13 March 1905. [MIS-001427]

451. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1394, J. D. McLean to G. B. Stanton, 7 May 1916. [FHR-001463]

452. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6305, file 652-1, part 1, J. McArthur to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 5 July 1909; [SMD-001186] 6 July 1909. [SMD-001187]

453. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, R. H. Moore to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 24 April 1939. [KUP-005051]

454. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6348, file 751-13, part 1, 1923–1937, Jos. Angin to Harold McGill, 24 August 1936. [BQL-005481]

455. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6348, file 751-13, part 1, 1923–1937, W. E. Gullion to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 18 September 1936. [BQL-005485-0000]

456. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6236, file 659-10, part 4, W. F. Dreaver to Mr. Graham, 21 September 1931. [ORC-010164]

457. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6323, file 658-10, part 4, “Admission and Discharge of Pupils at Onion Lake (Anglican) School during December 31 Quarter, 1931.” [PAR-123489]

458. TRC, NRA, NAC, RG10, volume 6352, file 753-23, part 1, 1935–44, J. D. Sutherland, Acting Superintendent of Indian Education, to G. C. Laight, Indian Agent, Edmonton, 6 November 1936. [EDM-003356]

459. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6216, file 470-23, part 1, Letter from Simon Wesley, Blackstone House, as quoted in a letter from Philip Phelan, Chief, Training Division, Indian Affairs, to Rev. J. F. J. Marshall, Principal, Indian Residential School, Sioux Lookout, 2 March 1937. [PLK-001020]

460. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6330, file 660-10, part 2, Andrew Gordon to Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 20 May 1936. [PLD-003359-0001]

461. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6330, file 660-10, part 2, Frank Booth to the Secretary, Indian Affairs, 11 July 1936. [PLD-000159]

462. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6330, file 660-10, part 2, J. D. Sutherland to Frank Booth, 16 July 1936. [PLD-000160]

463. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6330, file 660-10, part 3, Admission and Discharge Form, Qu’Appelle School, September 1938. [PLD-013057]

464. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6215, file 470-5, part 3, Frank Edwards to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, 8 October 1936. [PLK-000125-0000]

465. George, Living on the Edge, 28.

466. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6307, file 653-1, part 1, Andrew S. Grant to the Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 8 March 1913.

467. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1347, J. Geurts to W. R. Robertson, 7 April 1920. [KUP-004249]

468. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6191, file 462-1, part 1, George Prewer to J. D. McLean, 8 March 1922; [CRS-001142] Russell T. Ferrier to George Prewer, 9 March 1922. [CRS-001139]

469. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2920, file 851-1-A774, part 1, J. F. Woodsworth to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 24 April 1934. [NPC-605083p]

470. TRC, NRA, The United Church of Canada Archives, Toronto, ON, Acc. No. 1979.199C, box 4, file 56, J. A. Sinclair to R. P. MacKay, 30 December 1903. [RIS-000131]

471. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2923, file 851-1-A978, part 1, Sargt. D. Angermann to Officer Commanding, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Vancouver BC, 26 June 1923. [NPC-622741]

472. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, Inspection report, 31 October 1929. [DRS-000566]

473. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2922, file 851-1-A901, part 1, Indian agent to assistant secretary and deputy, 1 August 1919. [NPC-603425]

474. World Health Organization, Water Sanitation Health, Water-related Diseases, Trachoma, http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/diseases/trachoma/en/ (accessed 11 April 2014).

475. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 281.

476. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1907, 272.

477. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 281; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1908, 280.

478. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1907, 272.

479. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 1, F. W. Jacobs to J. A. Macrae, 9 April 1906. [MER-000345-0001]

480. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada – Ottawa, RG10, volume 4092, file 546898, F. A. Corbett to W. M. Graham, 7 December 1920, 6–7. [RCA-000510-0001]

481. Feibel, “Fred Loe,” 504.

482. Feibel, “Fred Loe,” 505.

483. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1928, 8.

484. Byers, “Trachoma in Canada,” 372.

485. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2974, file 851-4-370, part 1, E. L. Stone to W. M. Graham, 1 March 1929; [NPC-620519] see also: TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2974, file 851-4-370, part 1, E. L. Stone to D. C. Scott, 20 June 1929. [NPC-620518]

486. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1937, 193.

487. Byers, “Trachoma in Canada,” 375. Byers was the author of “On the Necessity of Better Recognition and Isolation of Trachomatous Patients in Canada,” which was published in the Canadian Journal of Medicine and Surgery in 1901. See Byers, “Trachoma in Canada,” 376.

488. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 288, file 402-7-1, part 2, Department of Indian Affairs, “Trachoma,” 1 October 1931. [NPC-620744]

489. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 7185, file 1/25-1-7-1, Russell T. Ferrier, to Church Officers and Principals of Indian Residential Schools, 29 March 1932. [AEMR-016416A] TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, ACCMSCC-GS 75-103, series 2.15, box 27, file 1, The Joint delegation and interview with the Prime Minister, 20 December 1934. [AAC-087280]

490. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1939, 221; TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2974, file 851-4-370, part 3, P. E. Moore to Phillip Tygeson, 21 June 1945. [NPC-620268]

491. TRC, NRA, The Presbyterian Church in Canada Archives, Toronto, ON, Acc. 1988-7004, box 7, file 2, E. Lockhart to the Ladies of the W.M.S., Presbyterian Church in Canada, undated. [BIR-000547]

492. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2974, file 851-4-370, part 3, P. E. Moore to Phillip Tygeson, 21 June 1945. [NPC-620268]

493. Feibel, “Fred Loe,” 506–507.

494. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG29, volume 2974, file 851-4-370, part 3, P. E. Moore to Phillip Tygeson, 21 June 1945. [NPC-620268]

495. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1346, G. Donckele to W. H. Lomas, 29 December 1898. [KUP-005086]

496. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6217, file 471-1, part 1, L. N. Dugas to Dear Sir, 25 August 1913.

497. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6203, file 467-1, part 1, H. N. Awrey to D. C. Scott, 25 August 1919; [MFI-000170W] Rachlam to Duncan Campbell Scott, 13 October 1919. [MFI-000176-0000]

498. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6203, file 467-1, part 1, A. J. MacKenzie to W. Haythornthwaite, 6 September 1919. [MFI-000172]

499. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6203, file 467-1, part 1, W. Haythornthwaite to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 13 October 1919. [MFI-000175]

500. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6203, file 467-1, part 1, Translation of statement of Chief Woomastoogish, George Hardisty, and Andrew Butterfly and John Dick, 13 October 1919. [MFI-000176-0001] For original, see: TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada RG10, volume 6203, file 467-1, part 1, undated statement in syllabics. [MFI-000176-0002] For the band the men were from, see: TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada RG10, volume 6203, file 467-1, part 1, W. Rachlam to Duncan Campbell Scott, 13 October 1919. [MFI-000176-0000]

501. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1A, Charles McGibbon to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 29 March 1916. [TAY-003558]

502. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada – Ottawa, RG10, volume 6472, file 905-1, part 1, F. Cook to Officer Commanding, Great Slave Lake Sub-District, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 8 July 1929. [HRU-000922-0001]

503. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6334, file 661-10, part 1, J. P. B. Ostrander to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 8 June 1934; [RLS-000360] Philip Phelan to J. P. B. Ostrander, 14 June 1934. [RLS-000361]

504. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6369, file 763-1, part 1, H. H. Nash to Indian Commissioner, 24 September 1895. [CYP-004985] For the boy’s name, see: TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6369, file 763-1, part 1, H. H. Nash to the Indian Commissioner, 25 October 1895. [CYP-004987]

505. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6369, file 763-1, part 1, “Indian Boys Killed,” Winnipeg Daily Tribune, 23 January 1899. [CYP-004995]

506. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6369, file 763-1, part 1, W. R. Haynes to R. N. Wilson, 16 January 1899. [CYP-004994]

507. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6210, file 468-23, part 1, O. B. Strapp to H. W. McGill, 13 June 1939. [MER-000960]

508. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6210, file 468-23, part 1, R. A. Hoey to O. B. Strapp, 21 June 1939. [MER-000961]

509. Brass, I Walk in Two Worlds, 26.

510. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, A. O’N. Daunt to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, 1 August 1920. [IRC-047108]

511. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6443, file 881-1, part 1, A. F. MacKenzie to N. Coccola, 12 July 1930. [LEJ-001056]

512. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1899, 208.

Building and maintaining the schools: 1867–1939

1. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Martin Benson to J. D. McLean, 15 July 1897. [100.00109]

2. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG11, volume 3914 [No file number], 1890, “Specification of the Several Works and Materials required in the erection and completion of Industrial School buildings at Red Deer, N.W.T., according to the accompanying Drawings prepared by the Department of Public Works, Ottawa,” December 1890. [EDM-002391]

3. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 1, M. Benson to Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 28 November 1902. [MER-000328]

4. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3764, file 32725-1, Bishop of Rupert’s Land to E. Dewdney, 24 March 1890.

5. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6268, file 581-1, part 1, D. Ewart to E. F. E. Roy, 26 October 1898. [NHU-001867]

6. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6193, file 462-9, part 1, Duncan C. Scott to T. J. Godfrey, 25 June 1919; [CRS-000908] RG10, volume 6260, file 577-5, part 1, H. E. Matthews to J. D. McLean, 24 April 1913; [NHR-000946] RG10, volume 6334, file 662-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to Chas. Cahill, 17 November 1911. [SPR-001949]

7. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6444, file 881-5, part 4, 1926–1933, Microfilm reel C-8768, D. C. Scott to A. Meighen, 2 June 1920. [LEJ-004351]

8. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6445, file 881-5, part 8, 1920–1924, Microfilm reel C-8768, D. C. Scott to W. Foran, 29 March 1921. [LEJ-002845]

9. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6443, file 881-1, part 1, R. T. Ferrier, Fraser Lake Industrial School, 1 September 1922. [LEJ-000999]

10. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6350, file 753-5, part 1, J. F. Woodsworth to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 2 March 1925. [EDM-000553]

11. TRC, NRA Library and Archives Canada, RG22M, Acc. 912016, Item 985, National Map Collection, 178648, “Plan of Indian Residential School, Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia,” Gurney E. Orr, 1928; [SRS-006527] RG10, volume 6055, file 265-5, part 1, Gurney Orr to Dr. Scott, 28 March 1928; [SRS-000662] RG10, volume 6055, file 265-5, part 2, Gurney Orr to Dr. Scott, 23 April 1929. [SRS-000705]

12. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6055, file 265-5, part 3, “Memorandum: Re Shubenacadie Residential School,” Philip Phelan, 5 May 1930; [SRS-001359] RG10, volume 6055, file 265-5, part 3, J. P. Mackey to Indian Affairs, 28 March 1930. [SRS-001353]

13. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6055, file 265-5, part 3, J. P. Mackey to Unknown, Indian Affairs, 30 July 1932. [SRS-001388-0000]

14. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6268, file 581-1, part 2, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 28 September 1907. [NHU-000137]

15. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1347, Microfilm reel C-13916, Rev. P. Claessen to W. R. Robertson, 16 December 1908. [KUP-004234]

16. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1347, Microfilm reel C-13916, Rev. P. Claessen to W. R. Robertson, 15 October 1909. [KUP-004236]

17. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1909, 424.

18. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, no document file source, “Extract from Report of Inspector Ditchburn for the Month of October, 1915, Southwestern Inspectorate, B.C., October 1915.” [KUP-091301]

19. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6456, file 885-5, part 4, Microfilm reel C-8777, G. H. Barry, 3 March 1931. [KUP-004095]

20. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6456, file 885-5, part 4, Microfilm reel C-8777, “Extract from report, G. A. Barry, 7 February 1934.” [KUP-004128]

21. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6456, file 885-5, part 4, Microfilm reel C-8777, H. Graham to Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 11 February 1935. [KUP-004131]

22. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, volume 12333, box 19, part 4, 1936–1939, A. F. MacKenzie to H. Graham, 20 February 1936. [KUP-004376]

23. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4041, file 334503, F. H. Paget to Frank Pedley, 25 November 1908, 13. [RCA-000298]

24. TRC, NRA, United Church of Canada Archives, Account Number 1979.199C, box 6, file 106, Reverend E. A. Henry to Dr. Farquharson, 5 February 1908. [RIS-000581]

25. TRC, NRA, United Church of Canada Archives, Account Number 1979.199C, box 7, file 124, J. D. McLean to Reverend R. P. McKay, 19 August 1909. [RIS-000630]

26. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4041, file 334503, F. H. Paget to Frank Pedley, 25 November 1908, 27. [RCA-000298]

27. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, School Files, volume 6343, file 750-5, part 2, Ruaux to D. C. Scott, 5 September 1924. [PUL-009341]

28. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6371, file 764-1, part 1, M. Christianson to W. M. Graham, 28 October 1927. [PUL-001008]

29. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6372, file 764-5, part 4, M. Christianson to W. M. Graham, 2 April 1929. [MRY-008656]

30. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1909, 328.

31. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1911, 547.

32. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6027, file 117-1-1, part 1, Benson to Scott, 11 November 1914. [CRW-000057]

33. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, AC-MSCC-GS 75-103, series 2.15, box 23, file 1, Report of the Field Secretary on his visit to various centres in Alberta in February 1922, T. B. R. Westgate. [AAC-085019]

34. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, ACC-MSCC-GS 75-103, series 3:2, box 55, file 5, T. B. R. Westgate to D. C. Scott, pages 3, 4, 22 November 1923. [AAC-090253]

35. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6380, file 769-1, part 1, T. B. R. Westgate to Russell T. Ferrier, 22 November 1923. [WFL-000458]

36. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6427, file 875-5, part 3, Kwawkewlth Agency – Alert Bay Residential School – Building Maintenance, Field Secretary, Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada to Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 22 January 1931. [MIK-012570]

37. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6427, file 875-5, part 3, Kwawkewlth Agency – Alert Bay Residential School – Building Maintenance, T. B. R. Westgate, Field Secretary, Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada to Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 01 September 1931. [MIK-012588]

38. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6380, file 769-5, part 1, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Indian Residential School Commission, M.S.C.C. to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 19 June 1936. [WFL-000069]

39. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6378, file 767-5, part 2, “Report and Diary of Trip to Wabasca From January 29th to February 2nd, 1937,” N. P. L’Heureux. [JON-000305]

40. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6470, file 890-5, part 3, D. C. Scott to Reverend J. Welch, 20 April 1928. [MIS-000052]

41. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6470, file 890-5, part 3, D. C. Scott to W. E. Ditchburn, 8 September 1928. [MIS-000061]

42. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6471, file 890-11, part 1, 1929–1939, T. J. Fahlman to D. Scott, 30 September 1930. [MIS-001706]

43. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6470, file 890-5, part 3, G. S. Pragnell, “Inspection report New Westminster Agency, 15 December 1930.” [MIS-000066]

44. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6471, file 890-11, part 1, 1929–1939, A. O’N. Daunt to the Secretary, Indian Affairs, 18 March 1931. [MIS-001710]

45. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6470, file 890-5, part 3, A. O’N. Daunt to the Secretary, Indian Affairs, 7 April 1931. [MIS-000069]

46. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6470, file 890-5, part 3, “Inspection report, New Westminster Agency, No. 6, June 26, 1933.” [MIS-000074]

47. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6468, file 890-1, part 2, Deputy Superintendent General to Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 12 February 1934. [MIS-001532]

48. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6468, file 890-1, part 2, A. M. D. Gillen, 10 January 1934. [MIS-001529]

49. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6470, file 890-5, part 3, Deputy Superintendent General to Superintendent General, 16 February 1934. [MIS-000079]

50. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6588, file 1A-1780-20, part 1, C. E. Webb to T. S. Mills, 18 March 1938. [MIS-004006]

51. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6499, IND 13-1-33, McGill to Wardle, 12 April 1938. [MIS-001686]

52. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6471, file 890-11, part 2, F. O’Grady to R. A. Hoey, 19 January 1939. [MIS-001719]

53. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6277, file 584-5, part 5, Private Secretary, Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, to Dr. McGill, 5 March 1935. [SBR-000576]

54. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 501/25-1-076, volume 1, V. A. Vincent to R. A. Hoey, 30 March 1937. [SBR-000366]

55. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6207, file 468-5, part 7, Oliver B. Strapp to R. B. Cochrane, 8 March 1937. [MER-000869]

56. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6551, file 1A-1456-11, part 1, H. W. McGill to Director, Surveys and Engineering Branch, 18 March 1939. [PCR-010341-0001]

57. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6270, file 582-1, part 1, Martin Benson to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 1 December 1899. [PCR-010011]

58. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6551, file 1A-1456-11, part 1, Brick to Stinson, 10 May 1939. [PCR-010345]

59. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6271, file 582-5, part 5, H. McGill to Deputy Minister, 14 August 1939. [PCR-100881-0000]

60. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1904, 204.

61. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6356, file 757-5, part 1, J. W. Butler to A. Sutherland, 10 March 1892. [MOR-000882]

62. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6027, file 117-1-1, part 1, Hayter Reed to W. E. Jones, 20 November 1893. [CRW-000014]

63. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 1, M. M. Seymour to Rev. Principal, Qu’Appelle School, 27 September 1897. [PLD-007268-0002]

64. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 348.

65. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1901, 371.

66. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Martin Benson to J. D. McLean, 15 July 1897, 4, 5. [100.00109]

67. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Martin Benson to J. D. McLean, 15 July 1897, 8. [100.00109]

68. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 1, Martin Benson to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 11 September 1901. [MER-000317]

69. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 1, M. Benson to Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 28 November 1902. [MER-000328]

70. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1901, 362.

71. TRC, NRA, United Church of Canada Archives, Acc. No. 1979, 199C, box 6, file 106, Reverend E. A. Henry to Dr. Farquharson, 5 February 1908. [RIS-000581]

72. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6251, file 575-1, part 1, David Iverach to Rev. A. S. Grant, 7 July 1915. [BIR-000041]

73. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6276, file 584-5, part 2, A. F. MacKenzie to J. T. Johnston, 29 August 1927. [SBR-002001]

74. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6197, file 465-5, part 2, “Extract from report of Mr. Inspector Bennett, 14 September 1927.” [KNR-000832]

75. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6198, file 465-5, part 4, Williams to Thomas G. Murphy, 22 April 1932. [KNR-000850]

76. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6198, file 465-5, part 7, Frank Edwards to Secretary, Indian Affairs Branch, 16 November 1939. [KNR-000872]

77. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6198, file 465-5, part 7, Frank Edwards to Secretary, Indian Affairs Branch, 12 February 1940. [KNR-000890]

78. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6448, file 882-5, part 5, 1925–1928, PARC, M. G. Archibald to Father McGuire, 15 June 1927. [KAM-000770]

79. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6448, file 882-5, part 5, 1925–1928, PARC, J. McGuire to Colonel Pragnell, 17 June 1927. [KAM-000769]

80. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 501/25-1-076, volume 1, W. M. Graham to Duncan C. Scott, 22 May 1930. [SBR-000346]

81. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6277, file 584-5, part 5, O. Chagnon to A. G. Hamilton, 28 May 1934. [SBR-001878-0001]

82. Quoted in Whitehead, Cariboo Mission, 118.

83. United Church of Canada Archives – Winnipeg, Andrew Baird Papers, H 157-160, Neil Gilmour to Baird, 2 December 1897, in Hildebrand, “Staff Perspectives,” 171.

84. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1899, 306.

85. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1897, 278.

86. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1904, 374.

87. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 413.

88. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1904, 386.

89. TRC, NRA, United Church of Canada Archives, Acc. No. 19179, 199C, box 6, file 106, Reverend E. A. Henry to Dr. Farquharson, 5 February 1908, 2. [RIS-000581]

90. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6252, file 575-5, part 2, H. B. Currie to the Department of Indian Affairs, 27 July 1927. [BIR-000081-0001]

91. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4041, file 334503, F. H. Paget to Frank Pedley, 25 November 1908, 54, 56–57. [RCA-000298]

92. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 4092, file 546898, W. M. Graham to D. C. Scott, 7 December 1920. [SAR-000470-0003]

93. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6012, file 1-1-5A, part 2, R. A. Hoey to Dr. McGill, 31 May 1940. [BIR-000248]

94. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6012, file 1-1-5A, part 2, R. A. Hoey to Dr. McGill, 31 May 1940. [BIR-000248] For the date of Hoey’s appointment, see: Manitoba Historical Society, “Memorable Manitobans: Robert Alexander Hoey (1883–1965),” http://www.mhs.mb.ca/docs/people/hoey_ra.shtml (accessed 21 December 2013).

95. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6012, file 1-1-5A, part 2, R. A. Hoey to Dr. McGill, 31 May 1940, 9. [BIR-000248]

96. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6012, file 1-1-5A, part 2, R. A. Hoey to Dr. McGill, 31 May 1940, 4. [BIR-000248]

Fire, a deadly hazard: 1867–1939

Table 18.1. Schools destroyed by fire: 1867 to 1939

1. Foran, “Les Gens de Cette Place,” 72–73.

2. Wilson, Missionary work, 129, 130–131.

3. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1885, 21; Shanahan, Jesuit Residential School, 28.

4. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6422, file 869-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8754, Hayter Reed to T. Mayne Daly, 10 November 1893. [COQ-000277]

5. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6324, file 659-5, part 1, Acting Superintendent General, Indian Affairs to Assistant Indian Commissioner, 12 March 1894. [ORC-008088]

6. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6196, file 464-5, part 1, “Disastrous Fire: St. Joseph’s Convent, Orphanage and Catholic Church Destroyed,” in Fort William Daily Journal, 10 April 1895. [SJS-000078-0001]

7. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 317.

8. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, “Blaze at Brantford: The Mohawk Institute Totally Destroyed,” in The Globe, story datelined 19 April 1903; [TAY-003519] Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 21 April 1903. [TAY-003521]

9. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6378, file 767-5, part 1, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, 4 February 1904. [JON-000079]

10. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6328, file 660-5, part 1, Frank Pedley to David Laird, 11 January 1904. [PLD-000665]

11. Stanley, “Alberta’s Half-Breed Reserve,” 96–98.

12. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, file 883-1, part 1, Bella Coola Agency – Kitamaat Boarding School – General Administration, 1906–1932, F. A. Perm. volume 6451, Microfilm reel C-8773, Green to F. Pedley, 22 May 1909, 6. [KMT-095620]

13. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1906, 191.

14. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1911, 527.

15. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6270, file 581-9, part 1, Martin Benson to Mr. Scott, 18 August 1915. [NHU-000001]

16. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6376, file 766-5, part 1, Martin Benson to Duncan Scott, 10 November 1914. [FTV-000003]

17. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6431, file 877-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8759, W. E. Ditchburn to D. C. Scott, 15 June 1917. [ABR-000682]

18. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6431, file 877-1, part 1, R. H. Cairns to J. D. McLean, 6 June 1917. [SLT-003478]

19. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6431, file 877-1, part 1, R. H. Cairns to J. D. McLean, 6 June 1917. [SLT-003478]

20. Ausland, “Chateau Saint-Jean,” part 1, http://www.jkcc.com/robes.html (accessed 1 January 2012).

21. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8754, file 651/25-1, part 1, C. F. Hives to R. A. Hoey, 9 February 1947. [PAR-009212]

22. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6422, file 869-1, part 2, C. E. Manning, 20 October 1921. [PSM-200026-0001]

23. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6367, file 762-5, part 1, J. D. McLean to Harold Laird, 8 January 1924. [JRD-003064]

24. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6446, file 882-1, part 2, Sister Mary Gabriel to D. Scott, 26 October 1927. [KAM-000186]

25. Ausland, “Chateau Saint-Jean,” part 1, http://www.jkcc.com/robes.html (accessed 1 January 2012).

26. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6300, file 650-1, part 1, Louis Mederic Adam to Indian Affairs, 22 September 1927. [BVL-000879]

27. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6300, file 650-1, part 1, O. Charlebois to Duncan Scott, 21 September 1927; [BVL-000874] Louis Mederic Adam to Indian Affairs, 22 September 1927. [BVL-000879]

28. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, School Files, volume 6358, file 758-1, part 1, T. B. R. Westgate to Duncan C. Scott, 4 July 1928. [OLD-000312]

29. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives of Alberta, Acc. 93.281/26, Stephans to Reverendes Soeurs de l’Assomption de la Sainte Vierge, Nicolet, P.Q., 22 May 1928. [ORC-000796]

30. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6309, file 654-1, part 1, S. S. Moore to W. M. Graham, 4 February 1929. [GDC-006542-0001]

31. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6260, file 577-1, part 1, J. L. Fuller to A. McNamara, 8 March 1930; [CLD-000933-0000] William Gordon to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs, 10 March 1930. [CLD-000934]

32. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6328, file 660-5, part 3, H. W. McGill to Thomas G. Murphy, 18 November 1932. [PLD-000027]

33. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6041, file 160-5, part 1, Joseph Guy to Harold McGill, 25 March 1933. [AEMR-254347]

34. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, Samuel Lovell to Dr. McGill, 20 March 1933. [DRS-000611-0000]

35. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6433, file 877-5, part 5, W. L. Healey to Fire Marshall, 24 February 1937. [ABR-006601-0001]

36. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6480, file 940-5, part 6, T. B. Caulkin to Commissioner Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 18 April 1939. [CAR-015059-0001]

37. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6185, file 460-5, part 2, H. McGill to Henri Belleau, 24 August 1939. [FTA-000625]

Table 18.2. Outbuildings destroyed by fire: 1867 to 1939

1. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1889, 19.

2. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1894, 150.

3. TRC, NRA, Dominion of Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended 30th June 1896, 317. [ELK-000436]

4. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3928, file 117004-1, Magnus Begg to Indian Commissioner, 19 October 1896. [OLD-008079]

5. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6470, file 890-5, part 1, Extract of a letter of the Principal of the St. Mary’s Mission School; dated 22 May 1896. [MIS-000001]

6. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1902, 422.

7. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, E. D. Cameron to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 15 May 1903. [TAY-003524]

8. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, E. D. Cameron to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 22 June 1903. [TAY-003528]

9. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1904, 424.

10. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1907, 415.

11. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1908, 399.

12. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-5, part 1, J. D. McLean to T. T. George, 22 November 1907. [MER-000199]

13. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8451, file 652/23-5, part 1, “Agent’s Report respecting Duck Lake Boarding School for the Month of September 1913.” [SMD-001451]

14. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6206, file 468-5, part 3, S. R. McVitty to Duncan Campbell Scott, 4 June 1915. [MER-000635]

15. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6358, file 758-1, part 1, P. H. Gentleman to Dr. Westgate, 2 April 1921. [OLD-000468]

16. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6333, file 661-6, part 1, W. M. Graham to Indian Affairs, 11 December 1923. [RLS-000196-0000]

17. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6369, file 763-5, part 2, T. B. R. Westgate to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 15 December 1925. [CYP-000544]

18. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6191, file 462-5, part 2, T. B. R. Westgate to Secretary Indian Affairs, 30 June 1926; [CRS-001190-0000] RG10, volume 6306, file 652-5, part 3, W. M. Graham to Duncan C. Scott, 5 May 1926. [SMD-001611]

19. Greyeyes, “St. Michael’s Indian residential school,” 147.

20. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6318, file 657-5, part 2, J. W. Waddy to W. M. Graham, 29 July 1931. [MDD-006063-0001]

21. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6318, file 657-1, part 1, A. F. MacKenzie to J. Poulet, 13 August 1931. [MDD-000859]

22. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6345, file 751-5, part 2, 1922–1930, W. E. Gullion to Duncan C. Scott, 17 September 1928. [BQL-006674]

23. Jansen, “Power, Resistance,” 118.

24. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG85, Perm. volume 1883, file 630/219-2, part 2, Shingle Point Anglican School 1932, F.A. 85-8, A. L. Fleming to Chairman, Dominion Lands Board, 18 January 1934. [SPU-000206]

25. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6316, file 656-5, part 5, T. B. R. Westgate to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 29 March 1934. [PAR-008946]

26. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6252, file 575-5, part 4, P. G. Lazenby to Secretary Indian Affairs, 23 April 1934. [BIR-000200]

27. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, volume 6307, file 653-5, part 4, A. F. McKenzie to G. A. Dodds, 15 March 1935. [FHR-001336]

28. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6444, file 881-5, part 5, 1933–1938, Microfilm reel C-8768, R. H. Moore to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 21 October 1935. [LEJ-004638-0000]

29. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6475, file 916-5, part 1, G. Breynat to H. McGill, 31 January 1936. [FRU-010052]

30. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6475, file 916-5, part 1, Extract from Radiotelegram from Dr. Bourget, Resolution, N.W.T., 27 December 1935. [FRU-010048]

31. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6113, file 351-5, part 1, J. O. Plourde, 2 November 1938. [FTG-000548]

32. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6198, file 465-5, part 7, Frank Edwards to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 29 December 1938. [KNR-000859]

33. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6322, file 658-5, part 7, J. T. Hill to Secretary Indian Affairs, 28 February 1939. [PAR-001067-0000]

34. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6198, file 465-5, part 7, Frank Edwards, 5 January 1939. [KNR-000866]

Table 18.3. Additional reported fires that did not destroy buildings

1. Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 68.

2. Shanahan, Jesuit Residential School, 28.

3. E. F. Wilson, Autobiographical Journal, 47, quoted in Porter, “Anglican Church,” 33.

4. Miller, Shingwauk’s Vision, 368–369.

5. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 386.

6. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1899, 405.

7. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3920, file 116818, Public Archives, David Laird to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 28 December 1899; [EDM-009798] RG18, volume 295, file 271-05, 1900–1905, NAC, J. R. Huddle to Officer Commanding, 19 July 1900. [EDM-002395]

8. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6251, file 575-1, part 1, G. H. Wheatley to David Laird, 13 March 1901. [BIR-000015]

9. Titley, “Industrial Education,” 397–398.

10. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6206, file 468-5, part 2, T. T. George to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 29 June 1906. [MER-000395]

11. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3925, file 116823-1A, Principal Wilson to David Laird, 19 March 1908. [ELK-000217]

12. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6206, file 468-5, part 2, Secretary, Indian Affairs to T. T. George, 30 January 1908. [MER-000394]

13. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6027, file 117-1-1, part 1, S. Spencer Page to The Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 25 March 1913. [CRW-000045]

14. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6431, file 877-1, part 1, Agent’s Report for Month of November 1913, Chas. A. Cox, 3 December 1913. [ABR-006993]

15. Marceau-Kozicki, “Onion Lake,” 129.

16. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 1, W. M. Graham to Secretary Indian Affairs, 8 June 1914. [PLD-007452]

17. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6364, file 760-1, part 1, 1892–1936, Microfilm reel C-8717, George H. Race to the Secretary, 18 January 1917. [SAL-000088]

18. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6305, file 652-1, part 1, P. Schmidt to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 17 September 1917. [SMD-001235]

19. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6426, file 875-1, part 2, W. E. Ditchburn to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 22 January 1918. [MIK-002569]

20. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6206, file 468-5, part 4, S. R. McVitty to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 14 July 1922. [MER-000674]

21. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6444, file 881-5, part 2, 1922–1924, Microfilm reel C-8767, N. Coccola to McAllan, 6 August 1923. [LEJ-003744-0001]

22. TRC, NRA, English Language Summary of the Fort Resolution Chronicles, volume 1, 1903–1942, 38. [GNN-000077-0001]

23. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6426, file 875-1, part 2, J. D. McLean to W. M. Halliday, 3 October 1924. [MIK-002612]

24. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6252, file 575-5, part 2, “Extract from Agent’s Report on the Birtle Residential School, for the month of February, 1925.” P. G. Lazenby. [BIR-000070]

25. TRC, NRA, Deschatelets Archives, Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Ottawa, file L1027.M27L 121, Principal Cowessess Indian Residential School, to Russell T. Ferrier, 16 March 1926. [MRS-006020]

26. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6219, file 472-5, part 2, Russell Ferrier to Dr. Scott, 9 June 1927. [MCI-000243]

27. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives, Canada, RG10, volume 6355, file 757-1, part 1, 1886–1927, Indian Agent, Department of Indian Affairs, Morley to Russell T. Ferrier, 1 November 1927. [MOR-005523]

28. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6321, file 658-5, part 4, “Statement of George Peechow, Age 17 Years in connection with an outbreak of fire at the Anglican Indian School, Onion Lake Sask., on Friday evening at 8 o’clock p.m. Feb. 10th 1928.” [PAR-017008-0001]

29. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada – Ottawa, RG10, volume 6468, file 890-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to A. O’N. Daunt, 6 October 1928. [MIS-001505]

30. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-5, part 4, W. M. Graham to Secretary Indian Affairs, 24 December 1929. [DRS-000572-0000]

31. TRC, NRA, English Language Summary of the Fort Resolution Chronicles, volume 1, 1903–1942, 56. [GNN-000077-0001]

32. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6345, file 751-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8701, W. M. Graham to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 27 September 1929. [BQL-001728]

33. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6270, file 582-5, part 3, Report Re Fire at Camperville, Manitoba, Thomas Baird, 24 November 1930. [PCR-000124]

34. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6322, file 658-5, part 5, T. B. R. Westgate to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 28 August 1930. [PAR-015011-0000]

35. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, Minutes of the Meetings of Indian Residential School Commission MSCC, 01/1930–11/1932 Accession GS 75-103, series 2:15[a], box 18, “Minutes of Meeting of Indian Residential School Commission, MSCC, Held on Tuesday, April 7, 1931,” 5. [AGS-000145]

36. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6346, file 751-5, part 4, 1932–1933, NAC, W. E. Gullion to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 3 December 1932. [BQL-006214-0000]

37. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6366, file 761-5, part 2, Bishop Guy to Harold W. McGill, 11 December 1933. [FVD-000726-0000]

38. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6366, file 761-5, part 2, Bishop Guy to Harold W. McGill, 11 December 1933. [FVD-000726-0000]

39. TRC, NRA, English Language Summary of the Fort Resolution Chronicles, volume 1, 1903–1942, 66. [GNN-000077-0001]

40. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 10413, file Shannon Box 45, M. Christianson to G. C. Laight, 26 September 1933. [CFT-004504]

41. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6357, file 757-5 part 4, 1935–1938, NAC, [Illegible] for T. R. L. MacInnes, to M. Christianson, 15 October 1935. [MOR-004448-0000]

42. TRC, NRA, Minutes of the Meetings of Indian Residential School Commission MSCC, 02/35–05/38, pg. 1902-2256 Accession GS 75-103, series 2:15[a], box 19, Minutes of Meeting of Indian Residential School Commission, MSCC, held on Tuesday, May 14, 1935. [AGS-000529]

43. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6055, file 265-5, part 4, J. P. Mackey, 20 November 1936. [SRS-001501]

44. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6215, file 470-5, part 3, H. McGill to Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 6 October 1936. [PLK-000124]

45. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6357, file 757-5, part 4, 1935–1938, NAC, W. Barr Murray to C. Pant Schmidt, 25 July 1938. [MOR-004509-0001]

46. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6444, file 881-5, part 6, 1938–1941, A. R. Simpson to D. M. MacKay, 25 September 1939. [LEJ-002960-0001]

47. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, Kwawkewlth Agency – Alert Bay Residential School – Building Maintenance – Supplies and Accounts, 1937–1939, F.A. 10-17, volume 6428, file 875-5, part 6, National Archives of Canada – Ottawa, M. S. Todd to Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 14 June 1939. [MIK-013732]

48. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6444, file 881-5, part 6, 1938–1941, Microfilm reel C-8768, J. H. F. Lacey to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 26 September 1939. [LEJ-002940]

Table 18.4. School fires that were suspected or proven to be deliberately set

1. Wilson, Missionary work, 130–131, 142.

2. Shanahan, Jesuit Residential School, 28.

3. E. F. Wilson, Autobiographical Journal, 47, quoted in Porter, “Anglican Church,” 33.

4. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 386.

5. Miller, Shingwauk’s Vision, 368–369.

6. Miller, Shingwauk’s Vision, 368.

7. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, “Blaze at Brantford: The Mohawk Institute Totally Destroyed,” in The Globe, story datelined 19 April 1903; [TAY-003519] Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 21 April 1903. [TAY-003521]

8. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, E. D. Cameron to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 15 May 1903. [TAY-003524]

9. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, E. D. Cameron to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 22 June 1903. [TAY-003528]

10. Stanley, “Alberta’s Half-Breed Reserve,” 96–98.

11. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6206, file 468-5, part 2, Secretary, Indian Affairs to T. T. George, 30 January 1908. [MER-000394]

12. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6027, file 117-1-1, part 1, S. Spencer Page to The Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 25 March 1913. [CRW-000045]

13. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6305, file 652-1, part 1, P. Schmidt to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 17 September 1917. [SMD-001235]

14. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6426, file 875-1, part 2, W. E. Ditchburn to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 22 January 1918. [MIK-002569]

15. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6364, file 760-1, part 1, 1892–1936, Microfilm reel C-8717, George H. Race to the Secretary, 18 January 1917. [SAL-000088]

16. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6426, file 875-1, part 2, W. M. Halliday to Ditchburn, 17 January 1918. [MIK-000274]

17. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6426, file 875-1, part 2, J. D. McLean to W. M. Halliday, 3 October 1924. [MIK-002612]

18. TRC, NRA, Deschatelets Archives, Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Ottawa, file L1027.M27L 121, Principal Cowessess Indian Residential School, to Russell T. Ferrier, 16 March 1926. [MRS-006020]

19. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6355, file 757-1, part 1, 1886–1927, Indian Agent, Department of Indian Affairs, Morley to Russell T. Ferrier, 1 November 1927. [MOR-005523]

20. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6321, file 658-5, part 4, “Statement of George Peechow, Age 17 Years in connection with an outbreak of fire at the Anglican Indian School, Onion Lake Sask., on Friday evening at 8 o’clock p.m. Feb. 10th 1928.” [PAR-017008-0001]

21. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada – Ottawa, RG10, volume 6468, file 890-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to A. O’N. Daunt, 6 October 1928. [MIS-001505]

22. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6345, file 751-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8701, W. M. Graham to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 27 September 1929. [BQL-001728]

23. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6270, file 582-5, part 3, “Report Re Fire at Camperville, Manitoba,” Thomas Baird, 24 November 1930. [PCR-000124]

24. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6260, file 577-1, part 1, J. L. Fuller to A. MacNamara, 8 March 1930; [CLD-000933-0000] William Gordon to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs, 10 March 1930; [CLD-000934] RG10, volume 6260, file 577-1, part 1, “Crime Report: Re: [name redacted], Treaty Indian Cross Lake, Man. Arson, 28 October 1931.” [CLD-004089]

25. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 10413, file Shannon Box 45, M. Christianson to G. C. Laight, 26 September 1933. [CFT-004504]

26. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6357, file 757-5 part 4, 1935–1938, NAC, [Illegible] for T. R. L. MacInnes, to M. Christianson, 15 October 1935. [MOR-004448-0000]

Fire, a deadly hazard: 1867–1939

1. Wilson, Missionary work, 129, 130–131.

2. Wilson, Missionary work, 136.

3. Wilson, Missionary work, 142.

4. Porter, “Anglican Church,” 32.

5. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1908, 417.

6. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6328, file 660-5, part 1, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, 28 January 1904. [PLD-000673]

7. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6328, file 660-5, part 3, H. W. McGill to Thomas G. Murphy, 18 November 1932. [PLD-000027]

8. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6453, file 884-5, part 5, 1936–1941, Kootenay Agency – Kootenay Residential School – Building Maintenance – Supplies – Accounts, FA 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8775, NAC Ottawa, “Inspection of the St. Mary’s Indian School, Mission, Cranbrook, British Columbia,” Adams, P., 25 October 1938. [EGN-004990]

9. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6055, file 265-5, part 4, J. P. Mackey, 20 November 1936. [SRS-001501]

10. Manore, “Vision of Trust,” 7; Pettit, “‘Christianize and Civilize,’” 54; Harrington, “Shingwauk School,” 24.

11. Stanley, “Alberta’s Half-Breed Reserve,” 96–98.

12. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6300, file 650-1, part 1, O. Charlebois to Duncan Scott, 21 September 1927; [BVL-000874] Louis Mederic Adam to Indian Affairs, 22 September 1927. [BVL-000879]

13. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6260, file 577-1, part 1, J. L. Fuller to A. McNamara, 8 March 1930; [CLD-000933-0000] William Gordon to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs, 10 March 1930. [CLD-000934]

14. TRC, RBS, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3930, file 117377-1A, J. Ashby to E. McColl, 21 October 1895; J. Ashby to E. McColl, 22 October 1895; E. McColl to T. Mayne Daly, 30 October 1895. [2058143]

15. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6300, file 650-1, part 1, Harry J. Thompson, to Officer Commanding, Royal North West Mounted Police, Prince Albert, 8 November 1909. [BVL-000766]

16. TRC, NRA, English Language Summary of the Fort Resolution Chronicles, volume 1, 1903–1942, 43, 44. [GNN-000077-0001]

17. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada – Ottawa, file 876-1, part 1, West Coast Agency – Ahousaht Residential School – General Administration, 1901–1931, F.A. 10-17, Perm. volume 6430, Microfilm reel C-8759, Indian Agent, West Coast Indian Agency to Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 6 April 1915; [AST-200025] Assistant Deputy and Secretary to Charles Cox, 25 April 1916. [AST-200026]

18. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6378, file 767-5, part 1, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, 4 February 1904; [JON-000079] David Laird, to the Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, page 1 of 1, 26 January 1904. [JON-000077]

19. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6446, file 882-1, part 2, Sister Mary Gabriel to D. Scott, 26 October 1927. [KAM-000186]

20. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6328, file 660-5, part 3, H. W. McGill to Thomas G. Murphy, 18 November 1932. [PLD-000027]

21. André, “Fire Escapes,” 38, 52.

22. André, “Fire Escapes,” 53.

23. André, “Fire Escapes,” 54; “The Collinwood School Fire,” The Encyclopedia of Cleveland History, http://ech.case.edu/ech-cgi/article.pl?id=CSF (accessed 13 January 2013).

24. André, “Fire Escapes,” 56.

25. André, “Fire Escapes,” 57.

26. “The Parliament Buildings,” http://www.parl.gc.ca/About/Parliament/Publications/ParliamentBuildings/ParlBlgs-e.asp (accessed 13 January 2013).

27. Wilkins, “Montreal Diary: A Century Worth Celebrating for Westmount Park School,” Montreal Gazette, 22 November 2013, http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/century+worth+celebrating+Westmount+Park+School/9202882/story.html.

28. Maines, Asbestos and Fire, 132.

29. Le musée interactif du Montréal juif, “Montreal Hebrew Orphan’s Home,” http://mimj.ca/location/1049 (accessed 15 January 2014).

30. Maines, Asbestos and Fire, 132.

31. Observer, “Brothers’ Heroism Revealed: Gave Lives in Canadian School Fire,” 27 January 1938, http://obs.stparchive.com/Archive/OBS/OBS01271938p01.php.

32. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6012, file 1-1-5A, part 2, R. A. Hoey to Dr. McGill, 31 May 1940. [BIR-000248]

33. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6251, file 575-1, part 1, G. H. Wheatley to David Laird, 13 March 1901. [BIR-000015]

34. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG 10, volume 6252, file 575-5, part 2, W. Murison to W. Graham, 17 November 1927. [BIR-000093]

35. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file 675/23-5-018, volume 1, J. G. McKechnie to Bishop of Qu’Appelle, 8 June 1918. [GDC-011275-0001]

36. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6350, file 753-5, part 2, 1925–1929, Microfilm reel C-8707, W. M. Graham to D. C. Scott, 14 October 1927. [EDM-007410]

37. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, file 153/6-1-890, volume 2, St. Mary’s Ind. Res. School General, Jan/55–Feb 24/64, F.A. 10-333, Acc. 78-C-18, Parc Box 308320, Temp Box 28, National Archives of Canada – Burnaby, A. O’N. Daunt to D. C. Scott, 7 March 1928. [MIS-010279]

38. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6212, file 469-5, part 3, W. J. Phillips to A. S. McCaig, 26 October 1929. [SWK-001252]

39. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6378, file 767-5, part 2, T. B. R. Westgate, to The Secretary, Indian Affairs, 18 January 1934. [JON-000270]

40. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6328, file 660-5, part 3, Extract from Inspector Hamilton’s Report regarding his inspection of the Qu’Appelle Indian Residential school on 7 and 8 March 1932. [PLD-008542]

41. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6328, file 660-5, part 3, H. W. McGill to Thomas G. Murphy, 18 November 1932. [PLD-000027]

42. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6328, file 660-5, part 3, J. Sutherland to Dr. McGill, 14 October 1933. [PLD-008580]

43. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6453, file 884-5, part 5, 1936–1941, Kootenay Agency – Kootenay Residential School – Building Maintenance – Supplies – Accounts, FA 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8775, NAC Ottawa, “Inspection of the St. Mary’s Indian School, Mission, Cranbrook, British Columbia,” 25 October 1938. [EGN-004990]

44. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1642, 1894–1896, Samuel Lucas to Indian Commissioner, Regina, 13 January 1896. [SAR-000320]

45. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6444, file 881-5, part 2, 1922–1924, Microfilm reel C-8767, “Extract from Inspector’s Report on the Fraser Lake Residential School,” 23 April 1923. [LEJ-003751]

46. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6444, file 881-5, part 2, 1922–1924, Microfilm reel C-8767, W. J. McAllan to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 7 June 1923. [LEJ-003706]

47. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6444, file 881-5, part 2, 1922–1924, N. Coccola to McAllan, 6 August 1923. [LEJ-003744-0001]

48. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6444, file 881-5, part 2, 1922–1924, Microfilm reel C-8767, Acting Deputy Superintendent General to Charles Stewart, 10 September 1923. [LEJ-003761]

49. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, School Files, volume 6358, file 758-1, part 1, P. H. Gentleman to Dr. Westgate, 2 April 1921. [OLD-000468]

50. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6273, file 583-5, part 4, M. Christianson to Indian Affairs, 1 December 1927. [PLP-000874-0001] For positive assessment of the Portage school, see: TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6273, file 583-5, part 4, “Portage la Prairie Residential School,” M. Christianson, 25 June 1927. [PLP-000866]

51. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, School Files, volume 6350, file 753-5, part 1, NAC, W. M. Graham to D. C. Scott, 3 April 1924. [EDM-003806]

52. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6350, file 753-5, part 1, J. F. Woodsworth to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 4 May 1925. [EDM-00115]

53. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-5, part 4, Joseph Hamilton Inspection Report, not dated, 5. [DRS-000570]

54. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 2, Williams Lake Agency – Cariboo Industrial School – General Administration, 1913–1937 F.A. 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8762, G. Forbes to A. F. MacKenzie, 13 December 1932. [JOE-201925-0001]

55. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6265, file 579-5, part 6, S. Perrault to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 1 June 1934. [FAR-002747]

56. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6430, file 876-5, part 3, West Coast Agency – Ahousaht Residential School – Building Maintenance – Supplies – Accounts 1931–1938, F.A. 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8759, “West Coast Agency Inspection Report, No. 9,” Geo. S. Pragnell, 18 August 1937. [AST-200097]

57. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6431, file 876-6, part 1, West Coast Agency – Ahousaht Residential School – Inspectors’ Reports, 1933–1940, F.A. 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8759, “Inspector’s Report on Ahousaht Indian Residential School,” Gerald H. Barry, 4 April 1939. [AST-200078-0003]

58. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6430, file 876-5, part 4, West Coast Agency – Ahousaht Residential School – General Administration – Supplies – Accounts 1938–1944, F.A. 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8759, “Agent’s Report on West Coast Agency for January 1940,” P. B. Ashbridge, 31 January 1940. [AST-200084]

59. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6456, file 885-5, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8777, Deputy Superintendent General to A. W. Vowell, 25 November 1895. [KUP-004057]

60. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1629, J. D. McLean to A. J. McNeill, 1 May 1907. [AEMR-252036]

61. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1629, David Laird to Principals of all Indian Boarding and Industrial Schools, 14 March 1908. [AEMR-252037]

62. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives of Alberta, PAA 71.220 B54 2275, Duncan Scott to Principals of Indian Residential Schools, 6 October 1927. [OGP-020818] For number of deaths in the Beauval fire, see: Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6300, file 650-1, part 1, O. Charlebois to Duncan Scott, 21 September 1927; [BVL-000874] Louis Mederic Adam to Indian Affairs, 22 September 1927. [BVL-000879]

63. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 11552, file 312-11, part 2, Russell T. Ferrier and Duncan C. Scott to Principals of Indian Residential Schools, 5 February 1932. [AEMR-177210]

64. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2047, file 9212, part 2, W. W. Shepherd to Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 26 November 1890. [MER-001342]

65. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6206, file 468-5, part 2, J. D. McLean to S. R. McVitty, 11 March 1910. [MER-000402]

66. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6206, file 468-5, part 2, Robert Ogilivie to Indian Affairs, 30 October 1912. [MER-000435-0000]

67. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6206, file 468-5, part 5, “Extract From Inspector’s Report on the Mount Elgin Residential School, June 6, 1924,” J. H. Sexton. [MER-000708]

68. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6207, file 468-5, part 6, “Extract from Report of Mr. Inspector Sexton, dated December 19th, 1927, on the Mount Elgin Indian Residential School.” [MER-000740]

69. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6207, file 468-5, part 6, A. F. MacKenzie to S. R. McVitty, 8 August 1929. [MER-000758]

70. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6467, file 889-5, part 1, 1908–1932, Vancouver Agency – Squamish Residential School – Building Maintenance – Supplies – Accounts, FA 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8785, NAC Ottawa, O. L. Lister to Sister Superior, 20 February 1923. [SQU-002300-0001]

71. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6470, file 890-5, part 2, A. O’N. Daunt to D. C. Scott, 15 September 1926. [MIS-000042]

72. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6197, file 465-5, part 2, “Extract from Report of Inspector Bennett on the Kenora Residential School, 8 October 1926.” [KNR-000721]

73. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6197, file 465-5, part 2, Frank Edwards to Assistant Deputy Minister and Secretary, Indian Affairs, 6 December 1927. [KNR-000838]

74. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6197, file 465-5, part 2, F. J. McDonald to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 5 May 1928. [KNR-001593]

75. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6198, file 465-5, part 6, “Excerpt from Grand Jury Inspection Report on the Kenora Residential School,” 3 November 1938. [KNR-000720]

76. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6332, file 661-1, part 2, A. G. Hamilton to Mr. Graham, 11 September 1929. [RLS-000282-0001]

77. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6440, file 879-5, part 3, West Coast Agency – Christie Industrial School – Building Maintenance – Supplies – Accounts – 1932–1940, F.A. 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8763, NAC Ottawa, “Extract from Report of Inspector G. H. Barry Dated April 25, 1934, on his inspection of the Christie Indian Residential School.” [CST-006646]

78. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6316, file 656-5, part 3, Charles Hives to T. B. R. Westgate, 15 October 1923. [PAR-007641]

79. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6316, file 656-5, part 3, Duncan C. Scott to Charles Stewart, 14 November 1923. [PAR-008605]

80. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6252, file 575-5, part 2, H. B. Currie to Indian Affairs, 12 October 1927. [BIR-000090]

81. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6273, file 583-5, part 4, W. A. Hendry to W. Graham, 5 October 1927. [PLP-000869-0001]

82. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6453, file 884-5, part 2, 1924–1930, Kootenay Agency – Kootenay Residential School – Vocational Training – Supplies–Accounts, FA 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8774, L. Choinel to E.H. Small, 11 January 1928. [EGN-007479]

83. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6380, file 769-5, part 1, T. B. R. Westgate to the Secretary, Indian Affairs, 20 July 1929. [WFL-000116]

84. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6353, file 754-5, part 2, D., 1926–1936, Microfilm reel C-8709, W. M. Graham to Duncan C. Scott, 17 May 1930. [EDM-003837]

85. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6264, file 579-5, part 3, P. Bousquet to J. D. McLean, 23 April 1923. [FAR-003892-0000]

86. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6219, file 472-5, part 1, A. F. MacKenzie to C. Perrault, 23 September 1925. [MCI-000163]

87. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6316, file 656-5, part 4, C. F. Hives to T. B. R. Westgate, 18 October 1927. [PAR-008144]

88. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6300, file 650-1, part 1, Louis Mederic Adam to Indian Affairs, 22 September 1927. [BVL-000879]

89. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6300, file 650-1, part 1, O. Charlebois to Duncan Scott, 21 September 1927; [BVL-000874] Louis Mederic Adam to Indian Affairs, 22 September 1927. [BVL-000879]

90. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6300, file 650-1, part 1, “Beauval Mission Fire,” The Standard, 29 September 1927. [BVL-000882]

91. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6260, file 577-1, part 1, J. L. Fuller to A. MacNamara, 8 March 1930; [CLD-000933-0000] William Gordon to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs, 10 March 1930. [CLD-000934]

92. TRC, AVS, Evelyn Jebb, Statement to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Opaskwayak Cree Nation, Manitoba, 16 January 2012, Statement Number: 2011-0293.

93. TRC, AVS, Bella Quekeapow, Statement to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Norway House First Nation, Manitoba, 9 May 2011, Statement Number: 2011-0287. (Translated from Cree to English by Translation Bureau, Public Works and Government Services Canada, 8956128.)

94. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6260, file 577-1, part 1, J. L. Fuller to A. MacNamara, 8 March 1930; [CLD-000933-0000] William Gordon to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs, 10 March 1930. [CLD-000934]

95. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6260, file 577-1, part 1, J. L. Fuller to A. MacNamara, 8 March 1930; [CLD-000933-0000] William Gordon to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs, 10 March 1930. [CLD-000934]

96. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6260, file 577-1, part 1, J. L. Fuller to A. MacNamara, 8 March 1930; [CLD-000933-0000] William Gordon to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs, 10 March 1930. [CLD-000934]

97. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6307, file 653-5, part 4, George Dodds to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 13 February 1932. [FHR-000853]

98. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6307, file 653-5, part 4, George Dodds to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 5 March 1932. [FHR-000215]

99. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6333, file 661-5, part 3, “Excerpt from letter dated July 6, 1938 from Dr. J. J. Wall.” [RLS-000398]

100. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8451, file 772/23-5-001, “Agent’s Report,” G. H. Gooderham, June & July, 1935. [CFT-001732]

101. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6215, file 470-5, part 4, John Marshall to A. G. Hamilton, 17 March 1938. [PLK-000148-0001]

102. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6444, file 881-5, part 4, 1926–1933, Microfilm reel C-8768, “Extract from Indian Agent Moore’s Report for the Month of February 1932, regarding the Lejac Indian Residential School.” [LEJ-004508]

103. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6444, file 881-5, part 5, 1933–1938, Microfilm reel C-8768, “Report and recommendations of the school engineer concerning Fire Fighting equipment at the School,” 16 February 1938. [LEJ-004713]

104. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6444, file 881-5, part 6, 1938–1941, Microfilm reel C-8768, “Extract from Inspector Barry’s report dated October 16, 1939.” [LEJ-002948]

105. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6337, file 663-5, part 3, Thomas Robertson to Indian Affairs, 27 October 1937. [THR-000201]

106. TRC, NRA, United Church of Canada Archives, Acc. No. 1979.199C, box 6, file 105, D. M. Laird to Rev. Sir, 14 January 1908. [RIS-000577]

107. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6369, file 763-1, part 1, PARC, W. M. Graham to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 21 July 1925. [CYP-005124]

108. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6265, file 579-5, part 5, W. M. Graham to Duncan C. Scott, 5 July 1930. [FAR-004247]

109. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6276, file 584-5, part 3, W. M. Graham to the Secretary, Indian Affairs, 26 May 1931. [SBR-001840]

110. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, “Mackay Indian Residential School (C.E.),” A. G. Hamilton, 6 November 1931. [DRS-000589]

111. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6268, file 580-5, part 5, W. M. Graham to Mr. Scott, 1 December 1931. [DRS-000620]

112. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, M. Christianson to Indian Affairs, 2 March 1932. [DRS-000594]

113. Titley, Indian Commissioners, 201.

114. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 11552, file 312-11, part 2, Russell T. Ferrier and Duncan C. Scott to Principals of Indian Residential Schools, 5 February 1932; [AEMR-177210] volume 6356, file 757-5, part 3, 1934–1935, M. Christianson to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 18 March 1935. [AEMR-177210]

115. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6262, file 578-5, part 7, “Extract of Report from Inspector A. G. Hamilton Dated December 8, 1937, On His Inspection of the Elkhorn Indian Residential School.” [ELK-000122]

116. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1629, J. D. McLean to A. J. McNeill, 1 May 1907; [AEMR-252036] Provincial Archives of Alberta, PAA 71.220 B54 2275, Duncan Scott to Principals of Indian Residential Schools, 6 October 1927; [OGP-020818] Library and Archives Canada, file 886-1, part 3, Skeena River Agency – Port Simpson Girls Residential School, 1894–1950, F.A. 10-17, Perm. volume 6458, “Extract from Inspector Barry’s Letter of May 23 1937.” [PSM-200643]

117. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, file 886-5, part 2, Skeena River Agency – Port Simpson United Church Residential School – Building Maintenance – Supplies – Accounts, 1933–1950, F.A. 10-17, Perm. volume 6458, Microfilm reel C-8779, “Extract from Inspector Barry’s Report Regarding his Inspection of the Port Simpson Indian Residential School, 21 May 1937.” [PSM-200553]

118. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, file 886-5, part 2, Skeena River Agency – Port Simpson United Church Residential School – Building Maintenance – Supplies – Accounts, 1933–1950, F.A. 10-17, Perm. volume 6458, Microfilm reel C-8779, Report of W. E. Collison, 4 June 1938. [PSM-200555]

119. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6350, file 753-5, part 2, 1925–1929, Microfilm reel C-8707, W. M. Graham to D. C. Scott, 18 October 1927. [AEMR-010872]

120. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, School Files, volume 6358, file 758-1, part 1, T. B. R. Westgate to Duncan C. Scott, 4 July 1928. [OLD-000312]

121. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6321, file 658-5, part 4, “Statement of George Peechow, Age 17 Years in connection with an outbreak of fire at the Anglican Indian School, Onion Lake Sask., on Friday evening at 8 o’clock p.m. Feb. 10th 1928.” [PAR-017008-0001]

122. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, “Blaze at Brantford: The Mohawk Institute Totally Destroyed,” in The Globe, story datelined 19 April 1903; [TAY-003519] Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 21 April 1903. [TAY-003521]

123. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, E. D. Cameron to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 15 May 1903. [TAY-003524]

124. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, E. D. Cameron to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 22 June 1903. [TAY-003528]

125. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 24 June 1903. [TAY-003529]

126. E. F. Wilson, Autobiographical Journal, 47, quoted in Porter, “Anglican Church,” 33.

127. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6260, file 577-1, part 1, “Crime Report: Re: Roman Catholic Boarding School, Cross Lake – Loss of by fire. 7 October 1931,” Saul, D.C. [CLD-000941]

128. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6260, file 577-1, part 1, John L. Ross to Maurice Dupre, 23 January 1932. [CLD-000944]

129. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 386.

130. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6270, file 582-5, part 3, J. Magnan to Duncan C. Scott, 27 October 1930. [PCR-000122]

131. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6426, file 875-1, part 2, W. M. Halliday to Ditchburn, 17 January 1918. [MIK-000274]

132. Oblates of Mary Immaculate Lacombe Canada, Grandin Province Archives, Acc. 71.200, box 132, file 5737, Louis Guillaume to Father Provincial, 12 April 1942.

133. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6364, file 760-1, part 1, 1892–1936, Microfilm reel C-8717, George H. Race to the Secretary, 18 January 1917. [SAL-000088]

134. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 1, Martin Benson to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 18 September 1901. [MER-000325]

135. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 1, Martin Benson to Indian Affairs, 7 November 1901. [MER-000319]

136. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6426, file 875-1, part 2, W. M. Halliday to Ditchburn, 17 January 1918. [MIK-000274]

137. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6426, file 875-1, part 2, W. E. Ditchburn to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 22 January 1918. [MIK-002569]

138. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6426, file 875-1, part 2, J. D. McLean to W. E. Ditchburn, 29 January 1918. [MIK-002568]

139. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6426, file 875-1, part 2, J. D. McLean to W. M. Halliday, 3 October 1924. [MIK-002612]

140. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6364, file 760-1, part 1, 1892–1936, Microfilm reel C-8717, George H. Race to the Secretary, 18 January 1917. [SAL-000088]

141. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives, Canada, 757-1 part 1, volume 6355, 1886–1927, Indian Agent, Department of Indian Affairs, Morley to Russell T. Ferrier, 1 November 1927. [MOR-005523]

142. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6357, file 757-5, part 4, 1935–1938, NAC, [Illegible] for T. R. L. MacInnes, to M. Christianson, 15 October 1935. [MOR-004448-0000]

143. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6468, file 890-1, part 1, A. O’N. Daunt to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, 25 September 1928. [MIS-001504]

144. Wall, “Train a Wild Bird,” 38.

145. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, E. D. Cameron to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 25 April 1906. [TAY-003539]

146. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, Chester Ferrier to R. Ashton, 17 August 190. [Final digit left blank.]

147. Oblates of Mary Immaculate Lacombe Canada, Grandin Province Archives, Acc. 71.200, box 132, file 5737, Louis Guillaume to Father Provincial, 12 April 1942.

148. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6206, file 468-5, part 2, Secretary, Indian Affairs to T. T. George, 30 January 1908. [MER-000394]

149. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6027, file 117-1-1, part 1, S. Spencer Page to The Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 25 March 1913. [CRW-000045]

150. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6305, file 652-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to C. P. Schmidt, 4 December 1917. [SMD-001244]

151. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6320, file 658-1, part 1, [redacted] and [redacted] to Henry Ellis, 7 March 1928. [PAR-001008-0001]

152. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6270, file 582-5, part 3, “Report Re Fire at Camperville, Manitoba,” Thomas Baird, 24 November 1930. [PCR-000124]

153. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6270, file 582-5, part 3, “Report Re Fire at Camperville, Manitoba,” Thomas Baird, 24 November 1930; [PCR-000124] J. Magnan to Duncan C. Scott, 27 October 1930. [PCR-000122]

154. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6271, file 582-5, part 4, S. J. Waite to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 11 January 1932. [PCR-000131]

155. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6260, file 577-1, part 1, John L. Ross to Maurice Dupre, 23 January 1932; [CLD-000944] RG10, volume 6160, file 577-1, part 2, P. G. Lazenby to Indian Affairs, 18 April 1939. [CLD-100001]

156. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6260, file 577-1, part 1, “Crime Report: Re: [Name redacted], Treaty Indian Cross Lake, Man. Arson,” 28 October 1931. [CLD-004089]

157. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6160, file 577-1, part 2, R. A. Hoey to P. G. Lazenby, 27 April 1939. [CLD-004168]

158. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 10413, file Shannon Box 45, M. Christianson to G.C. Laight, 26 September 1933. [CFT-004504]

Food and diet at residential schools: 1867–1939

1. Bynum, Spitting Blood, 140.

2. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3674, file 11422, “Required for the use of the Industrial Schools about to be opened in the N.W. Territories at Qu’Appelle, Battleford, and in Treaty 7.” [PLD-009144] The table sets out rations for six months. It presents the bacon ration at half a pound a day and the beef ration at a pound a day. However, it also indicates that these are for 91 days, while all other provisions are for 180 days.

3. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3674, file 11422, E. Dewdney to Reverend Thomas Clarke, 31 July 1883. [120.06668]

4. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6452, file 884-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8773, “Rules and Regulations, Kootenay Industrial School”; [AEMR-011621A] L. Vankoughnet to P. Durieu, 17 October 1889. [ABV-003457]

5. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3879, file 91833, Order-in-Council, 22 October 1892. [RIS-000354]

6. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, ACC-MSCC-GS 75-103, series 3:1, box 48, file 3, Assistant Deputy to S. P. Matheson, 25 November 1910. [AAC-090237]

7. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3927, file 116836-1A, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, 17 March 1904.

8. TRC, NRA, The United Church of Canada Archives, Toronto, Acc. No. 1979.199C, box 2, file 6, Andrew Baird to Hamilton Cassells, 9 January 1893. The letter discusses the shift from full funding to per capita funding, and notes that the church believes the grant should be not less than $140; the government, $120. [RIS-000455] Acc. No. 1979.199C, box 4, file 52, A. J. McLeod to Assistant Commissioner, Regina, 13 April 1895. This letter states that the dietary scale dates from 1891. [RIS-000148-0003]

9. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives, RG10, volume 3927, file 116836, J. McKenna, J. Menzies, and R. MacKay to Superintendent General Indian Affairs, 11 March 1904. [RIS-000077]

10. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3675, file 11422-4, J. Hugonnard to E. Dewdney, 5 May 1891, 4. [PLD-009435]

11. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6455, file 885-1, part 1, J. N. Lemmens to Supt. Genl. Indian Affairs, 10 November 1891. [KUP-000872]

12. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1892, 260.

13. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6455, file 885-1, part 1, G. Donckele to A. W. Vowell, 12 April 1894.

14. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, FA 10-13, volume 3918, Microfilm reel C-10161, file 116.659-1, 1892–1920, Spec. Claims Kamloops Agency: General Correspondence Pertaining to Kamloops Industrial School, A. M. Carion to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 27 June 1910. [KAM-009714]

15. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, FA 10-13, volume 3918, Microfilm reel C-10161, file 116.659-1, 1892–1920, Spec. Claims Kamloops Agency: General Correspondence Pertaining to Kamloops Industrial School, “Extract of Report of Indian Agent John F. Smith on the Kamloops Industrial School during the quarter ended September 30, 1917.” [KAM-009748]

16. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6320, file 658-1, part 1, L. Turner to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 23 March 1921; [PAR-000950-0000] Duncan C. Scott to S. Gould, 1 April 1921. [PAR-000950-0001]

17. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives of Alberta, 71.220 B54 2274, Russell T. Ferrier to Principals of Residential Schools, 19 January 1922. [OGP-020792]

18. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 12373, file 1922, Russell T. Ferrier to the Indian Agent, 19 January 1922. [FFR-000154]

19. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 12373, file 1922, H. M. Brassard to Russell T. Ferrier, 28 January 1922. [FFR-000155]

20. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6058, file 265-13, part 1, E. L. S. to J. P. Mackey, 18 September 1929. [SRS-000242]

21. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 174, 256, 258.

22. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 174.

23. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1895, 114.

24. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3918, file 116659-1, John F. Smith to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs, 29 March 1918. [AEMR-255360]

25. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, FA 10-13, volume 3918, Microfilm reel C-10161, file 116.659-1, 1892–1920, Spec. Claims Kamloops Agency: General Correspondence Pertaining to Kamloops Industrial School, F. V. Agnew to Indian Affairs, 4 June 1918. [KAM-009763]

26. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1905, 451.

27. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1908, 445–456.

28. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Martin Benson to J. D. McLean, 15 July 1897. [100.00109]

29. Green, Cassell’s Dictionary, 401.

30. Graham, Mush Hole, 435.

31. TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, Lucy L. Affleck to Dr. Barner, 3 October 1929. [UCB-005108]

32. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6343, file 750-5, part 3, J. D. McLean to E. Ruaux, 8 November 1929. [MRY-009750]

33. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6467, file 889-1, part 1, 12/1894–11/1933, Vancouver Agency – Squamish Residential School – General Administration, FA 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8785, NAC Ottawa, F. J. C. Ball to R. T. Ferrier, 20 July 1931. [SQU-000469]

34. Farrell, Congress on Tuberculosis, 12.

35. Paterson, “IV.E.6. – Lactose Intolerance,” http://www.cambridge.org/us/books/kiple/lactose.htm.

36. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3933, file 117657-1, Microfilm reel C-10164, W. M. Graham to Duncan C. Scott, 1 October 1914. [AEMR-013533]

37. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6348, file 752-1, part 1, 1894–1936, Microfilm reel 8705, “Extract from Nurse Ramage’s report, November 1921.” [CFT-000156-0001] For Ramage’s first name, see: TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6348, file 752-1, part 1, 1894–1936, Microfilm reel 8705, “Extract of Monthly Report of Nurse Margaret Jean Ramage, October 1921. [CFT-000147]

38. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6348, file 752-1, part 1, 1894–1936, Microfilm reel 8705, “Extract of report of G. H. Gooderham, for month of October 1921.” [CFT-000148]

39. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6337, file 663-1, part 1, Russell T. Ferrier to Reverend A. Watelle, 31 January 1922. [THR-000149]

40. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6337, file 663-1, part 1, Russell T. Ferrier to Reverend A. Watelle, 16 February 1922. [THR-000151]

41. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 2, “Memorandum for File,” Russell T. Ferrier, 17 March 1922. [PLD-007242]

42. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6444, file 881-5, part 2, 1922–1924, Microfilm reel C-8767, “Extract from Inspector’s Report on the Fraser Lake Residential School, dated April 23rd and 24th, 1923.” [LEJ-003751]

43. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6443, file 881-1, part 1, N. Coccola to J. D. McLean, 22 June 1923. [LEJ-001012]

44. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6318, file 657-1, part 1, A. F. MacKenzie to J. B. Hardinge, 21 September 1923. [MDD-000731]

45. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6324, file 659-5, part 2, “Onion Lake R.C. Boarding School,” 1926. [ORC-000346-0001]

46. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6252, file 575-5, part 2, A. G. Hamilton to Mr. Graham, 23 June 1927. [BIR-000079]

47. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6252, file 575-5, part 2, W. Murison to W. Graham, 17 November 1927. [BIR-000093]

48. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6268, file 580-14, part 1, A. F. MacKenzie to J. W. Waddy, 25 April 1927. [DRS-000574]

49. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, volume 6268, file 580-14, part 1, J. W. Waddy to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, 6 May 1927. [DRS-000575]

50. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, J. Waddy to Indian Affairs, 24 November 1928. [DRS-000564]

51. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, Inspection report, 31 October 1929. [DRS-000566]

52. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6315, file 655-14, part 1, “Extract from Report of Mr. Inspector Hamilton Dated October 24th, 1928, on his inspection of the Guy Indian Residential School.” [GUY-051450]

53. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6315, file 655-14, part 1, “Extract from Letter of Mr. Commissioner Graham Dated November 7, 1928, on the Guy Indian Residential School.” [GUY-051451]

54. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6467, file 889-1, part 1, 12/1894–11/1933, Vancouver Agency – Squamish Residential School – General Administration, FA 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8785, NAC Ottawa, A. F. MacKenzie to F. J. C. Ball, 25 June 1931. [SQU-000467]

55. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, “Extract from the January report of Nurse Pears, re The Pas Agency,” 18 February 1933. [DRS-000606]

56. TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, T. M. Kennedy to Reverend Father Provincial, 2 December 1937. [OKM-000248]

57. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6455, file 884-14, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8777, “Extract from report of Inspector Cairns, Dated Nov. 9 1922, on the Kuper Island Industrial School.” [KUP-003836-0000]

58. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6426, file 875-1, part 2, R. T. Ferrier to W. M. Halliday, 8 March 1922. [MIK-002590]

59. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6452, file 884-1, part 2, 1910–1934, Kootenay Agency – Kootenay Industrial School – General Administration, FA 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8774, NAC Ottawa, Memorandum for File, 25 March 1924. [EGN-007951]

60. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6426, file 875-1, part 2, “Extract from Report of Inspector Cairns on the Alert Bay Boys’ School,” 27 April 1926. [MIK-002621]

61. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6262, file 578-1, part 4, W. Murison to Indian Affairs, 2 June 1925. [ELK-000330]

62. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6453, file 884-5, part 3, 1930–1931, Kootenay Agency – Kootenay Residential School – Building Maintenance – Supplies – Accounts (Reports), FA 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8774 and C-8775, NAC Ottawa, C. C. Perry to W. E. Ditchburn, 12 June 1930, 2. [EGN-008478]

63. Moine, My Life in a Residential School, n.p.

64. Graham, Mush Hole, 441.

65. Graham, Mush Hole, 374.

66. Baker, Khot-La-Cha, 30.

67. TRC, NRA Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1A, Gordon Smith to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 26 May 1915. [TAY-003553]

68. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6217, file 471-1, part 1, F. C. Collier, 24 December 1920. [AGA-001434-0001]

69. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6217, file 471-1, part 1, D. C. Scott to V. Gravel, 3 January 1921. [AGA-001435]

70. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 2, J. D. McLean to G. Leonard, 12 January 1923. [PLD-000700]

71. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6462, file 888-1, part 2, H. Graham to R. T. Ferrier, 7 March 1922. [GRG-001413]

72. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6369, file 763-1, part 1, PARC, W. M. Graham to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 21 July 1925. [CYP-005124]

73. Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 452–454.

74. Callahan, “On Our Way to Healing,” 53.

75. Graham, Mush Hole, 446.

76. TRC, NRA, The United Church of Canada Archives, Toronto, Acc. No. 1979.199C, box 2, file 6, Andrew Baird to Hamilton Cassells, 9 January 1893. The letter discusses the shift from full funding to per capita funding, and notes that the church believes the grant should be $140; the government, $120. [RIS-000455] Acc. No. 1979.199C, box 4, file 52, A. J. McLeod to Assistant Commissioner, Regina, 13 April 1895. This letter states that the dietary scale dates from 1891. [RIS-000148-0003]

77. French, My Name Is Masak, 22.

78. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3927, file 116836-1A, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, 30 December 1904. [RIS-000089]

79. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 9137, file 312-11, “Staff Meals for the Month of May, 1931, Gordon’s Indian Residential School”; [GDC-011802] “Children’s Daily Menu for the Month of May, 1931, Gordon’s Indian Residential School.” [GDC-011803]

80. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6262, file 578-5, part 7, “Children ‘s Menus, Elkhorn Indian Residential School, November 18th-19th, 1934”; [ELK-000116-0001] RG10, volume 6258, file 576-10, part 9, “Children’s Menu, 1936.” [BRS-000065]

81. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 258; TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 9137, file 312-11, “Children’s Daily Menu for the Month of May, 1931, Gordon’s Indian Residential School.” [GDC-011802]

82. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6467, file 889-1, part 1, 12/1894–11/1933, Vancouver Agency – Squamish Residential School – General Administration, FA 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8785, NAC Ottawa, F. J. C. Ball to R. T. Ferrier, 20 July 1931. [SQU-000469]

83. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, A. G. Hamilton to Indian Affairs, 6 November 1931. [DRS-000589]

84. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, 961/23-5, 1922–1964, volume 1, RCAP, G. H. Barry to C. C. Perry, 17 March 1936. [KUP-000267-0001]

85. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, volume 12333, box 19, part 2, 1936–1939, J. Geurts to H. Graham, 2 April 1937. [KUP-004470]

86. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, 961/23-5, 1922–1964, volume 1, RCAP, G. H. Barry, “Inspector’s Report,” 27 March 1938. [KUP-000263-0003]

87. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, Shannon File 4, part 2, volume 11949, 1930–1935, “Lesser Slave Lake Agency,” Driftpile, Alberta, 31 January 1935. Report for January 1935. N. P. L’Heureux. [MAR-003845-0000]

88. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6378, file 767-5, part 2, “Report and Diary of Trip to Wabasca From January 29th to February 2nd, 1937,” N. P. L’Heureux. [JON-000305]

89. Johnston, Indian School Days, 32.

90. Loft, “Indian and Education,” 12 June 1909, 2.

91. Knockwood, Out of the Depths, 80–81; Manuel and Posluns, Fourth World, 66.

92. Elizabeth Graham’s book The Mush Hole: Life at Two Indian Residential Schools is an essential source of information on food at these institutions. Graham, Mush Hole, 455.

93. Graham, Mush Hole, 455.

94. Graham, Mush Hole, 435.

95. Graham, Mush Hole, 368.

96. Provincial Archives of British Columbia, Transcript Disc # 182, Mary Englund interviewed by Margaret Whitehead, 31 July 1980, PABC No. 3868.

97. Graham, Mush Hole, 363.

98. Graham, Mush Hole, 458.

99. Moran, Stoney Creek Woman, 53.

100. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1913, 613.

101. Graham, Mush Hole, 357.

102. Graham, Mush Hole, 449.

103. Graham, Mush Hole, 446.

104. RC, NRA, Provincial Archives of British Columbia, Kuper Island Industrial School, Add Mss 1267 V. 39, Kuper Island Conduct Book, Antone, No. 70, Edward, No. 71, Felix, No. 72, Thomas, No. 78, Louis Dick, No. 81, Jeannin, No. 82, Francis, No. 83, Frank, No. 85, Willie, No. 87, Basile, No. 94, Archie, No. 96, Abraham Crocker, No. 99, Robert Paul, No. 101, Francis, No. 102, Emile Keith, No. 108, Frank, No. 109, John Baptist, No. 110, Robert Iravis, [Illegible], No. 114, Thomas, No. 117, Baptiste Paul, No. 134. [KUP-005146] For student disdain for turnips, see Graham, Mush Hole, 368.

105. Brass, I Walk in Two Worlds, 24.

106. Brass, I Walk in Two Worlds, 25–26.

107. Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 481.

108. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1904, 383.

109. Graham, Mush Hole, 455.

110. Graham, Mush Hole, 441.

111. Callahan, “On Our Way to Healing,” 109.

112. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6258, file 576-10, part 9, Mrs. George Perger to Indian Affairs, 18 November 1935. [NCA-011504-0002]

113. See, for examples: TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Statement of Mary Sticks, 28 February 1902; [IRC-047079] Statement of Christine Haines, 28 February 1902; [IRC-047082] Statement of Ellen Charlie, 28 February 1902. [IRC-047081]

114. Brantford Expositor, “Damages for Plaintiff in Miller vs. Ashton Case,” 1 April 1914.

115. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6268, file 581-1, part 1, T. Ferrier to Chief Berens, 29 September 1915. [NHU-001892]

116. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6268, file 581-1, part 1, George Bunn to Duncan Campbell Scott, 24 September 1915. [NHU-001889-0000]

117. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6422, file 869-1, part 2, Microfilm reel C-8754, M. Alexander, J. Jones, S. Wallace, M. Norman to A. M. Tyson, 12 January 1915. [COQ-000392]

118. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6422, file 869-1, part 2, Microfilm reel C-8754, J. D. McLean to T. Deasy, 6 April 1916. [COQ-000407]

119. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, Perm. volume 6451, file 883-1, part 1, Bella Coola Agency – Kitamaat Boarding School – General Administration, 1906–1932, F. A. 10-17, Microfilm reel C-8773; [KMT-095676-0001] Library and Archives Canada, “Royal Canadian Mounted Police Report, Re: Kitimat Indian Reserve, Re: Hanna Grant, Deceased, 15 June 1922,” I. Fougner to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 15 June 1922. [KMT-095674]

120. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6320, file 658-1, part 1, Edward B. to parents, 14 December 1923. [PAR-000960-0002]

121. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6320, file 658-1, part 1, D. C. Scott to F. C. Mears, 11 January 1924. [PAR-000960-0000]

122. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6320, file 658-1, part 1, Lang Turner to K. A. Baptiste, 21 January 1924. [PAR-000962]

123. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6320, file 658-1, part 1, L. Turner to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 23 March 1921. [PAR-000950-0000]

124. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6320, file 658-1, part 1, Duncan C. Scott to S. Gould, 1 April 1921. [PAR-000950-0001]

125. Loft, “Indian and Education,” 12 June 1909, 2.

126. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 1, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, 23 December 1903. [PLD-008655-0001]

127. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, FA 10-13, volume 3918, Microfilm reel C-10161, file 116.659-1, 1892–1920, Spec. Claims Kamloops Agency: General Correspondence Pertaining to Kamloops Industrial School, A. M. Carion to A. Irwin, 16 September 1909. [KAM-009710]

128. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, John T. Ross to C. Brouillet, 21 July 1920. [AEMR-016665]

129. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 7185, file 1/25-1-7-?, part 1, R. A. Hoey to Dr. McGill, 4 November 1938. [AEMR-120432]

130. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6187, file 461-1, part 3, Frank Edwards to the Secretary, Indian Affairs Branch, 26 June 1939. [IRC-048013]

School clothing: 1867–1939

1. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3674, file 11422, E. Dewdney to Reverend Thomas Clarke, 31 July 1883. [120.06668]

2. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3674, file 11422-3, L. Vankoughnet to John A. Macdonald, 10 January 1884. [PLD-007553]

3. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3818, file 57799, Hayter Reed to Superintendent General, 14 May 1889. [TAY-003820-0001]

4. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1895, 109–111.

5. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6211, file 469-1, part 1, n.d., “The Shingwauk Home for Indian Boys, Central Regulations.” [SWK-001892]

6. Rutherdale, Women and White Men’s God, 19.

7. Gagan, Sensitive Independence, 194.

8. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG85, volume 793, file 6334, part 1, Shingle Point Day and Residential School, 1923–1932, Duncan C. Scott to O. S. Finnie, 14 April 1930; [SPU-000114] O. S. Finnie to R. A. Gibson, 23 April 1930. [SPU-000115]

9. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1895, 124.

10. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6187, file 461-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to R. P. MacKay, 4 June 1908. [CJC-000813]

11. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1905, 451.

12. Graham, Mush Hole, 439.

13. Graham, Mush Hole, 355.

14. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6039, file 160-1, part 1, Martin Benson to J. D. McLean, 15 July 1897. [100.00109]

15. Callahan, “On Our Way to Healing,” 54.

16. Callahan, “On Our Way to Healing,” 113.

17. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1893, 178.

18. Moine, My Life in a Residential School, n.p.

19. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 1, M. Benson to Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 28 November 1902. [MER-000328]

20. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6327, file 660-1, part 1, J. Hugonnard to Indian Commissioner, 6 October 1894. [PLD-007330]

21. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3675, file 11422-3, L. Vankoughnet to John A. Macdonald, 10 January 1884, 14. [PLD-007553]

22. Graham, Mush Hole, 439.

23. Graham, Mush Hole, 436.

24. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, A. Fraser to Secretary Indian Affairs, 26 November 1931. [DRS-000590]

25. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, FA 10-13, volume 3918, Microfilm reel C-10161, file 116.659-1, 1892–1920, Spec. Claims Kamloops Agency: General Correspondence Pertaining to Kamloops Industrial School, A. M. Carion to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 27 June 1910. [KAM-009714]

26. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, FA 10-13, volume 3918, Microfilm reel C-10161, file 116.659-1, 1892–1920, Spec. Claims Kamloops Agency: General Correspondence Pertaining to Kamloops Industrial School, J. B. Salles to D. C. Scott, 2 April 1917. [KAM-009741]

27. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6332, file 661-1, part 1, W. Murison to W. M. Graham, 29 June 1925. [RLS-000215-0001]

28. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6332, file 661-1, part 2, Lucy Affleck to Mr. Graham, 15 November 1929. [RLS-000293-0001]

29. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6196, file 464-5, part 1, J. D. McLean to J. G. Burk, 19 October 1927. [SJS-000311]

30. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6196, file 464-1, part 1, Peter Manitominess to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 19 February 1929. [SJS-000315]

31. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 8449, file 511/23-5-014, A. G. Hamilton to Dr. Harold McGill, 4 December 1936. [BIR-002431]

32. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6251, file 575-1, part 3, A. G. Smith to A. G. Hamilton, 8 March 1937. [BIR-000222]

33. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6187, file 461-1, part 3, A. G. Hamilton to Indian Affairs, Ottawa, 3 November 1936. [CJC-000705]

34. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6730, file 160-2, part 2, T. B. R. Westgate to T. A. Crerar, 21 November 1938. [AEMR-010788]

35. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3674, file 11422, E. Dewdney to Thomas Clarke, 31 July 1883; [120.06668] TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6730, file 160-2, part 2, T. B. R. Westgate to T. A. Crerar, 21 November 1938. [AEMR-010788]

Discipline: 1867–1939

1. TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, Ed. Maillard to Father Byrne-Grant, 28 April 1931. [SEC-001245]

2. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1883, 96.

3. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1895, 111.

4. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1899, 299.

5. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2006, file 7825-1A, “Report on the Mohawk Institute and Six Nations Schools,” Benson, 30 August 1895. [TAY-003821-0000]

6. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1905, 371.

7. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 1, The Advocate Newspaper, Vol. 1, No. 5, November & December 1915, 7. [DRS-000499]

8. Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 472.

9. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, GS 75-103, series 9-8-1, box 131, MSCC Publications, Reports of IRSC, “Indian and Eskimo Residential School Commission of the Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada,” 18. [CRS-002147]

10. Johnston, Indian School Days, 138.

11. TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, G. Forbes to Very Reverend Father Provincial, 4 January 1939. [CIS-000113]

12. Greven, Spare the Child, 55–60.

13. See, for example: Proverbs, 13:24, 22:15, and 29:15.

14. Hodgins, Documentary History of Education, 239.

15. Axelrod, Promise of Schooling, 59–60.

16. Quoted in Axelrod, Promise of Schooling, 59–60.

17. Axelrod, “No Longer a Last Resort,” 267.

18. Quoted in Axelrod, Promise of Schooling, 59.

19. Acts, Relating to the Education Department, Ontario (Toronto, 1891), 103, quoted in Wrock, “History of Legal Actions,” 63.

20. Wrock, “History of Legal Actions,” 85–109.

21. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1885, 77.

22. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1887, 128.

23. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3818, file 57799, Hayter Reed to Superintendent General, 14 May 1889. [TAY-003820-0001]

24. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6452, file 884-1, part 1, MR C-8773, “Rules and Regulations, Kootenay Industrial School.” [AEMR-011621A]

25. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3675, file 11422-4, “Duties of Assistant as Approved by Department,” 20 February 1888. [PLD-009411]

26. TRC, RBS, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3930, file 117377-1A, H. Reed to Bishop of Rupert’s Land, 31 May 1893, 8.

27. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3558, file 64, part 39, David Laird to Superintendent of Indian Affairs, 13 March 1899.

28. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3920, file 116818, H. Reed to Assistant Commissioner, 28 June, 1895. [EDM-003376]

29. United Church of Canada Archives, Winnipeg, Andrew Baird Papers, E 1955–1959, G. G. McLaren to Rev. Baird, 16 November 16, 1892, quoted in Hildebrand, “Staff Perspectives,” 137–138.

30. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1346, Microfilm reel C-13916, G. Donckele to W. H. Lomas, 29 December 1896. [KUP-004264]

31. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 389.

32. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 390.

33. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 391.

34. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 311.

35. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 382.

36. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 386.

37. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 376.

38. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1896, 322.

39. Moine, My Life in a Residential School, n.p.

40. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6431, file 877-1, part 2, A. Paull to W. E. Ditchburn, 21 August 1922. [ABR-000750]

41. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6431, file 877-1, part 2, H. B. Currie to C. A. Cox, 9 September 1922. [ABR-000069]

42. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6459, file 887-1, part 2, C. C. Perry to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 15 May 1936. [SLT-000540]

43. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6320, file 658-1, part 1, David Laird to Indian agent, Onion Lake Agency, 28 November 1906. [PAR-000985]

44. TRC, NRA, Kelleher, Accession No. 705, Tape 1, Track 1, no date. [OMS-000283]

45. Callahan, “On Our Way to Healing,” 118.

46. Wasylow, “History of Battleford Industrial School,” 452.

47. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 1346, Microfilm reel C-13916, G. Donckele to H. W. Lomas, 2 January 1891. [KUP-004252]

48. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6457, file 885-10, part 6, Microfilm reel C-8778, H. Graham to Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 13 February 1935. [KUP-007040]

49. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6193, file 462-10, part 1, A. J. Vale to Secretary Indian Affairs, 27 April 1936. [CRS-001254]

50. TRC, NRA, No document location, no document file source, “Principal’s Report for the Fiscal Year ending March 31st, 1938.” Cariboo Indian Residential School, Williams Lake, British Columbia. [WLM-000070]

51. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6027, file 117-1-1, part 1, W. M. Graham to Sir, 4 July 1907. [CRW-000023]

52. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6027, file 117-1-1, part 1, Martin Benson to Deputy Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 11 October 1907. [CRW-000026]

53. TRC, NRA, The United Church of Canada Archives, Toronto, Acc. No. 1979.199C, box 6, file 100, Mr. McWhinney to unknown, August 1907. [CRW-000168-0001]

54. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6200, file 466-1, part 1, S. Rogers to Superintendent, Indian Education, 30 January 1926. [TAY-002695]

55. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6309, file 654-1, part 1, W. M. Graham to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 12 July 1923. [GDC-006502]

56. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file E4974-02016, volume 2, M. Christianson to W. M. Graham, 5 November 1923. [GDC-001157]

57. Huel, Proclaiming the Gospel, 155.

58. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6278, file 584-10, part 1, J. Waite to the Secretary, Indian Affairs, 26 October 1932. [SBR-110544]

59. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6278, file 584-10, part 1, J. D. Sutherland to J. Waite, 3 November 1932. [SBR-110545]

60. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6278, file 584-10, part 1, O. Chagnon to J. Waite, 14 October 1935. [SBR-110610-0001]

61. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6209, file 468-10, part 1, Oliver B. Strapp to Philip Phelan, 20 October 1937; Philip Phelan to O. B. Strapp, 22 October 1937. [MER-003064, MER-003066]

62. Radunovich and Evans, “Bed Wetting,” 1–2.

63. Spanish school diary, September 1, 1924, quoted in Shanahan, Jesuit Residential School, 145.

64. Shanahan, Jesuit Residential School, 145.

65. Radunovich and Evans, “Bed Wetting,” 1–2.

66. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2006, file 7825-1A, “Report on the Mohawk Institute and Six Nations Schools,” Benson, 30 August 1895. [TAY-003821-0000]

67. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10 (Red), volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, J. G. Ramsden to J. D. McLean, 23 December 1907. [TAY-003542]

68. Graham, Mush Hole, 356.

69. TRC, NRA, The United Church of Canada Archives, Acc. 1979.199C, box 4, file 47, W. S. Moore to Reverend R. P. McKay, 11 March 1903. [RIS-000171]

70. Bush, Western Challenge, 110.

71. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6332, file 661-1, part 1, Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs to Andrew S. Grant, 7 January 1913. [RLS-000049] In the 1911–12 Indian Affairs annual report, R. B. Ledingham was listed as the principal of the Round Lake school, and H. McKay was listed as the acting principal in the following year’s report. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1912, 418; Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1913, 430.

72. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6205, file 468-1, part 2, S. R. McVitty to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 26 April 1920. [MER-001362]

73. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6200, file 466-1, part 1, Gordon J. Smith to Indian Affairs, 14 March 1922. [TAY-002470]

74. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6200, file 466-1, part 1, Duncan Campbell Scott to Gordon J. Smith, 18 March 1922. [TAY-002475]

75. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file E4974-02016, volume 3, S. S. Moore to W. M. Graham, 18 March 1925. [GDC-002445]

76. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6304, file 651-10, part 2, Eben McKenzie to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 15 November 1938. [MRS-045581]

77. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada RG10, volume 6304, file 651-10, part 2, Philip Phelan to E. McKenzie, 3 December 1938. [MRS-045584]

78. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6368, file 762-10, part 3, W. Stewart to Deputy Attorney General, Alberta, 28 December 1937. [JRD-001355]

79. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6368, file 762-10, part 3, N. P. L’Heureux to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 4 January 1938. [JRD-003400-0000]

80. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6368, file 762-10, part 3, Public Archives – Canada, R. A. Hoey to The Commissioner Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 7 January 1938. [JRD-071051]

81. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6368, file 762-10, part 3, Public Archives – Canada, Paul Serrand to R. A. Hoey, 24 January 1938. [JRD-071066]

82. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6368, file 762-10, part 3, Public Archives – Canada, Philip Phelan to Paul Serrand, 31 January 1938. [JRD-071067]

83. TRC, NRA, Deschatelets Archives, Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Ottawa, file L1027.M27L 141, J. P. B. Ostrander to P. Bousquet, 16 December 1919. [MRS-006018]

84. Graham, Mush Hole, 440.

85. Graham, Mush Hole, 369.

86. Moine, My Life in a Residential School, n.p.

87. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6308, file 653-10, part 1, W. Murison to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 27 November 1932. [FHR-000221]

88. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6255, file 576-1, part 1, John Semmens to Indian Commissioner, Regina, 14 April 1896. [BRS-000190]

89. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6255, file 576-1, part 1, A. E. Forget to John Semmens, 17 April 1896. [BRS-000191]

90. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6255, file 576-1, part 1, John Semmens to Indian Commissioner, Regina, 20 April 1896. [BRS-000193]

91. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3920, file 116818, Thomas Ross to Clifford Sifton, 21 April 1902.

92. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3920, file 116818, James Woodsworth to A. Sutherland, 9 December 1902. [EDM-009818]

93. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3920, file 116818, “Report on Investigation of Complaints made by Thos. Ross and Daniel S. Kern, regarding the management of the Red Deer Industrial School, held under the instructions of the Indian Commissioner’s Letter No. 37/47 dated December 26th, 1902.” W. J. Chisholm. [EDM-003971]

94. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3920, file 116818, Public Archives, Asst. Indian Commissioner to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 26 June 1903. [EDM-009831]

95. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, J. Waddy to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 27 November 1922. [DRS-000521]

96. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6268, file 580-5, part 5, A. G. Hamilton, no date, 7–8. [DRS-000619]

97. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, Samuel Lovell to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs, 26 August 1932. [DRS-000598]

98. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, T. B. R. Westgate to the Secretary, Indian Affairs, 6 September 1932. [IRC-041006-0000]

99. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, T. R. L. MacInnes to T. B. R. Westgate, 21 September 1932. [DRS-000604]

100. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6187, file 461-1, part 3, A. G. Hamilton to The Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 24 February 1936. [CJC-000713]

101. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1A, C. M. Turnell to unidentified, 21 June 1915. [TAY-003555]

102. Graham, Mush Hole, 355.

103. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1A, Duncan Campbell Scott to C. A. Webb, 1 May 1918. [TAY-003566]

104. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1A, Gordon J. Smith to Secretary Indian Affairs, 31 July 1918. [TAY-003572]

105. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6191, file 462-1, part 1, Russell T. Ferrier to Mr. Scott, 23 January 1922. [CRS-001009]

106. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6191, file 462-1, part 1, D. C. Scott to George Prewer, 2 February 1922. [CRS-001014-0001]

107. TRC, NRA, INAC – Resolution Sector – IRS Historical Files Collection – Ottawa, file E4874-02016, volume 5, Gordon’s Student Residence, 28–31, Indian Agent to W. M. Graham, 27 September 1928. [IRC-047119]

108. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 3880, file 92499, Memorandum, Hayter Reed, undated; T. Clarke, “Report of Discharged Pupils,” Sessional Papers 1894, Paper 13, 103.

109. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Statement of Reverend Henry Boening, 3 March 1902; [IRC-047093] Statement of Joseph Fahey, 3 March 1903. [IRC-047092]

110. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Statement of Antonio Boitano, 1 March 1902. [IRC-047086]

111. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8762, 1890–1912, Statement of H. P. Horan, 4 March 1902. [JOE-060023]

112. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, E. Bell to A. W. Vowell, 28 February 1902. [IRC-047077]

113. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, E. Bell to A. W. Vowell, 28 February 1902. [IRC-047076]

114. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Statement of Mary Sticks, 28 February 1902. [IRC-047079]

115. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives of Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Statement of Christine Haines, 28 February 1902. [IRC-047082]

116. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Statement of Ellen Charlie, 28 February 1902. [IRC-047081]

117. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8762, 1890–1912, National Archives – Ottawa, Statement of E. Batiste, 3 March 1902. [JOE-060020]

118. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Statement Francis, 3 March 1902. [IRC-047091]

119. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Statement Louis, 3 March 1902. [IRC-047088]

120. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Statement of Augustine, 3 March 1902. [IRC-047087]

121. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8762, 1890–1912, Statement of Johnny Sticks, 28 February 1902. [JOE-060004]

122. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Statement of Joseph Fahey, 3 March 1902. [IRC-047092]

123. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Statement of Reverend Henry Boening, 3 March 1902. [IRC-047093]

124. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Statement of Sister Euphresia, 3 March 1902. [IRC-047094]

125. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8762, 1890–1912, Statement of Little Pete, 28 February 1902. [JOE-060009]

126. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8762, 1890–1912, “Inquisition,” Inquest report, 28 February 1902. [JOE-060131]

127. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, Indian Superintendent to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 14 April 1902. [IRC-047104]

128. Brantford Expositor, “Damages for Plaintiff in Miller Vs. Ashton Case,” 1 April 1914.

129. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, Kelly and Porter to Superintendent General, Indian Affairs, 29 September 1913. [TAY-001781-0001]

130. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, Duncan Campbell Scott to W. J. Roche, 28 October 1913.

131. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, Duncan Campbell Scott to Kelly and Porter, 30 October 1913.

132. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, Duncan Campbell Scott to W. J. Roche, 28 October 1913.

133. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, Martin Benson to Duncan Campbell Scott, 26 March 1918. [TAY-001803]

134. Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, Duncan Campbell Scott to W. J. Roche, 3 December 1913.

135. Brantford Expositor, “Damages for Plaintiff in Miller Vs. Ashton Case,” 1 April 1914.

136. Brantford Expositor, “Damages for Plaintiff in Miller Vs. Ashton Case,” 1 April 1914.

137. Brantford Expositor, “Damages for Plaintiff in Miller Vs. Ashton Case,” 1 April 1914.

138. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6462, file 888-1, part 1, H, J. D. McLean to C. A. Webb, 10 February 1911; [GRG-022008] Daniels, “Legal Context,” 260–261.

139. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1, Martin Benson to Scott, 19 October 1914. [TAY-003547-0000]

140. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 2771, file 154845, part 1A, Gordon J. Smith to Secretary, Indian Affairs, 31 July 1918. [TAY-003572]

141. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6187, file 461-1, part 1, “Extract From Inspector Semmens’ Report on the Kenora and Savanne Agencies.” 8 July 1914. [CJC-000001]

142. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6187, file 461-1, part 1, John Semmens to J. D. McLean, 17 August 1914. [CJC-000003]

143. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6187, file 461-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to John Semmens, 19 August 1914. [CJC-000004]

144. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6187, file 461-1, part 1, The Assistant Deputy and Secretary to J. H. Edmison, 4 August 1917. [CJC-000845]

145. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, A. O’N. Daunt to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, 1 August 1920. [IRC-047108]

146. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 2, J. D. McLean to A. O’N. Daunt, 9 August 1920. [IRC-047109]

147. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 1, A. O’N. Daunt to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 16 August 1920. [IRC-047110]

148. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 2, Microfilm reel C-8762, 1913–1937, S. P. J. Stanislaus to Sir, 22 August 1920. [JOE-060025]

149. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 2, Microfilm reel C-8762, 1913–1937, A. O’N. Daunt to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs, 7 September 1920. [JOE-070047]

150. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6436, file 878-1, part 2, R. H. Cairns to A. F. McKenzie, 7 November 1920. [IRC-047116]

151. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada – Ottawa, RG10, volume 6371, file 764-1, part 1, Assistant Deputy and Secretary to J. W. Tims, 25 January 1911; [PUL-000881] Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6369, file 763-1, part 1, PARC, S. Gould to D. C. Scott, 25 November 1920. [CYP-005079-0000]

152. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives, Accession GS 75-403, series 2:15[a], box 16, [Illegible] Chairman, Indian and Eskimo Commission Westgate, T. B. R., Field Secretary, Indian and Eskimo Commission, “Minutes of the Meeting of the Indian Residential School Commission held on March 18th, 1921.” [AGS-000014]

153. TRC, NRA, RG29, volume 974, file 388-6-4, part 3, 10/1949–11/1951, S. H. Middleton to L. B. Pett, 28 November 1949. [AEMR-170287]

154. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, School Files, volume 6358, file 758-1, part 1, 20 August 1919; [OLD-000497] RG10, volume 6358, file 758-1, part 1, “Statement taken by Constable Wright, RNWMP, 27 November 1919”; [IRC-041330] Thomas Graham to W. M. Graham, 1 December 1919. [IRC-041328]

155. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6358, file 758-1, part 1, P. H. Gentleman to Canon Gould, 12 January 1920. [IRC-041335]

156. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6358, file 758-1, part 1, W. M. Graham to D. C. Scott, 10 June 1920. [OLD-000444]

157. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada – Ottawa, RG10, School Files, volume 6358, file 758-1, part 1, T. B. R. Westgate to Duncan C. Scott, 30 June 1922. [OLD-000456]

158. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6348, Microfilm reel 8705, file 752-1, part 1, 1894–1936, “Extract from Nurse Ramage’s report, November 1921”; [IRC-047117-0001] “Extract from monthly report of Nurse Margaret Jean Ramage, October 1921.” [CFT-000147]

159. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6348, Microfilm reel 8705, file 752-1, part 1, 1894–1936, W. M. Graham to D. C. Scott, 3 December 1921. [IRC-047117-0000]

160. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, file 752-1, volume 6348, part 1, 1894–1936, Duncan Campbell Scott to J. Riou, 16 December 1921. [IRC-010294]

161. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, file 752-1, volume 6348, part 1, 1894–1936, J. Riou to Superintendent General of Indian Affairs, 10 January 1922. [IRC-048217]

162. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, file 752-1, part 1, volume 6348, 1894–1936, Duncan Campbell Scott to Reverend J. Riou, 17 January 1922. [IRC-010661]

163. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6197, file 465-1, part 1, Frank Edwards to the Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs. 4 October 1922. [KNR-000674] For Kerbrat’s name, see: Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1923, 56.

164. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6197, file 465-1, part 1, Frank Edwards to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 23 September 1922. [KNR-000673]

165. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6197, file 465-1, part 1, Minakijikok to D. C. Scott, 30 September 1924. [KNR-000804-0001]

166. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6197, file 465-1, part 1, Frank Edwards to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Indian Affairs, 8 October 1924. [KNR-000803]

167. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6197, file 465-1, part 1, J. D. McLean to J. B. Beys, 6 February 1925. [KNR-000799]

168. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6197, file 465-1, part 1, Frank Edwards to Assistant Deputy and Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 12 February 1925. [KNR-000796]

169. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, J. W. Waddy to W. M. Graham, 1 September 1924. [DRS-000530]

170. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, W. M. Graham to Mr. Scott, 9 September 1924. [DRS-000531]

171. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, J. D. McLean to Dr. Westgate.16 September 1924. [DRS-000532]

172. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, W. M. Graham, 24 September 1924. [DRS-000533]

173. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, Westgate to the Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 28 November 1924. [DRS-000538]

174. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, J. D. McLean to J. W. Waddy, 8 January 1925. [DRS-000540]

175. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, J. W. Waddy to D. C. Scott, 4 November 1924. [DRS-000537]

176. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, J. W. Waddy to W. M. Graham, 5 October 1925. [DRS-000543-0001]

177. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, P. Constant to W. M. Graham, 1 October 1925. [DRS-000546]

178. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, W. M. Graham to The Secretary, Department of Indian Affairs, 12 October 1925. [DRS-000543-0000]

179. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, T. B. R. Westgate to Duncan C. Scott, 7 December 1925. [DRS-000553].

180. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6267, file 580-1, part 2, W. M. Graham, 7 January 1926. [DRS-000558]

181. TRC, NRA, Anglican Church of Canada, General Synod Archives Anglican Church of Canada GS-75-103, B17, Minutes of meeting of Indian and Eskimo Held on Tuesday, January 11th, 1927, 11. [AAC-083001]

182. In the 1927–28 school year, Bird was the principal of the James Smith Reserve day school in Saskatchewan. Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs, 1928, 57.

183. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6342, file 750-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8699, E. J. Smith to D. C. Scott, 23 January 1928. [IRC-048140]

184. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6342, file 750-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8699, J. E. Pugh to D. C. Scott, 25 January 1928. [IRC-048141]

185. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6342, file 750-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8699, J. E. Pugh to D. C. Scott, 20, January 1928. [IRC-041322]

186. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6342, file 750-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8699, D. C. Scott to J. E. Pugh, 21 January 1928. [IRC-048138]

187. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6342, file 750-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8699, J. E. Pugh to D. C. Scott, 25 January 1928. [IRC-048141]

188. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6342, file 750-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8699, D. C. Scott to J. E. Pugh, 4 February 1928. [IRC-048143]

189. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6342, file 750-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8699, “Report of Sergeant A. Howard, 26 January 1928.” [IRC-048142]

190. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6342, file 750-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8699, Report of Sergeant A. Howard, 26 February 1928. [IRC-048148]

191. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6342, file 750-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8699, A. M. MacDonald, “Judgment of His Honour Judge MacDonald in the case of His Majesty the King and Edwin Smith,” 2 May 1928. [IRC-048164]

192. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6342, file 750-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8699, D. C. Scott to J. B. Boys, 22 June 1928. [IRC-048169]

193. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6342, file 750-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8699, “Extract from Letter of Mr. J. E. Pugh, Indian Agent, Cardston, Alta.” 1 December 1928. [MRY-001614]

194. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives – Alberta, Acc. 71.220 B54 2278, Author unknown (From University of Ottawa) to Dr. McGill, 1 May 1934. [IRC-049042]

195. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6342, file 750-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8699, J. Pugh to Dr. Harold McGill, 19 March 1934. [MRY-001628]

196. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6342, file 750-1, part 1, Microfilm reel C-8699, Deputy Superintendent General to J. E. Pugh, 10 May 1934. [MRY-001629]

197. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6268, file 581-1 part 1, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, “Report on Conclusion of Case: William Shoup,” 3 January 1931. [NHU-000444-0001.

198. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 10421, Microfilm reel T-10074, Shannon Box 35, part B, 1928–1935 NAC, W. E. Gullion to W. M. Graham, 2 February 1932. [BQL-007653]

199. TRC, NRA, INAC – Main Records Office – Ottawa, 779/3-5 part 1, 1913–1952 CR-HQ, Joseph Angin to Deputy Superintendent General, 22 February 1932. [BQL-007099]

200. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives Alberta, PAA 71.220 B31 1277, Duncan Scott to U. Langlois, 26 March 1932. [OGP-060085]

201. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives Alberta, PAA 71.220 B31 1277, Russell T. Ferrier to U. Langlois, 8 April 1932. [OGP-060088]

202. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives Alberta, PAA 71.220 B31 1277, U. Langlois to Russell T. Ferrier, 22 April 1932. [OGP-060093]

203. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives Alberta, PAA 71.220 B31 1277, Russell T. Ferrier to U. Langlois, 4 May 1932. [OGP-060095]

204. TRC, NRA, Provincial Archives Alberta, PAA 71.220 B31 1277, Joseph Angin to Rev. Father Provincial, 14 April 1932. [OGP-060091]

205. TRC, NRA, Library and Archives Canada, RG10, volume 6348, file 751-13, part 1, 1923–1937, Microfilm reel C-8704, Jos. Angin to Harold McGill, 24 August 1936. [BQL-005481]