About Misty Springfield

Misty Springfield is a seasoned writer with years of experience writing for marketing and advertising. But, like many of the writers with Steam Books, the world of erotic fiction seduced her. Heeding the call, Misty's emerged to feed our lustful fantasies with her keystrokes. 

Misty's also working toward a degree in Psychology, and we can only imagine her studies will help her understand even better how best to please our insatiable appetites for lustful passion.

And more from Misty Springfield:

Monique thinks she's seen it all one night in a bar full of rowdy and horny guys that she wouldn't give a second glance to in a million years. But there's one man she would, and Monique is in for a whole new experience, for tonight the vampire comes for her.

Jenny finds herself in a mesmerizing ritual with a handsome vampire, a ritual that involves a little bit of pain... and an unimaginable amount of pleasure.

Check out these and much more at steam-books.com!