


default, optional

The default value of the attribute reported for those elements in the instance document that do not contain an explicit specification of this attribute.

fixed, optional

A default value for this attribute that may not be overridden in the instance document. An xs:attribute element cannot have both fixed and default attributes.

form, optional

If this has the value qualified, then the attribute must be in the schema's target namespace. If this has the value unqualified, then the attribute must not be in any namespace. The default value for this is set by the attributeFormDefault attribute on the root xs:schema element.

id, optional

An XML name unique among all of the ID-type attributes in this schema document.

name, optional

The local name of the attribute.

ref, optional

The qualified name of an attribute declared by a top-level xs:attribute element elsewhere in the schema. Either the name or ref attribute should be provided, but not both.

type, optional

The qualified name of the type of the attribute, either a built-in simple type such as xs:integer or a user-defined simple type.

use, optional

One of the three keywords—optional, prohibited, or required—which have the following meanings:


Authors of instance documents may or may not include this attribute as they choose. This is the default.


Authors of instance documents must not include this attribute. This is typically used to remove legal attribute values when defining a subtype that would otherwise inherit an attribute declaration from its base type.


Authors of instance documents must include this attribute on all elements of the requisite type.