Abbotsford 174, 175
Adrienne Lecouvreur 192n.
Agnes Grey see Brontë, Anne
Alexander, Dr Disney 155, 156n.
Alexander, Harriet 155, 156n.
Allbutt, Dr George 41n.
Allbutt, Mrs George, née Anne Maria Brooke, 40, 41n.
Allbutt, Revd Thomas 146n.
Ambleside 154, 170, 171n., 180, 181n.
‘Angria’ (imaginary country) 27n., 42, 43n., 91n.
Anglesey 235n.
Appleby, Westmorland 20n., 31
Arnold, Dr Thomas 170, 171n., 175
Arnold, Mrs Thomas, née Penrose 170, 171n.
Art (CB’s drawings) 103, 104n.
Arthur’s Seat, Edinburgh 169n., 174, 175n.
Ashworth, Edward and William 148n.
Athenœum (journal) 72n.
on JE 89, 97n.
on Tenant 115n.
on Shirley 153n.
162, 163n., 174, 175n.
on Thackeray 183n.
Athénée Royal, Brussels 47, 55, 56n.
Atkinson, Henry George 182, 183n., 185, 186n.
Atkinson, Revd Thomas, of Hartshead 146
Atkinson, Mrs Thomas, née Mary Hirst 170, 171n.
Atlas, The (newspaper) 89n., 117
on Shirley 153n.
Aubigné, Jean Henri Merle D’ 197, 198n.
Audubon, John James 5, 6n., 165n.
Austen, Jane 98, 99n., 100, 101, 109n., 158n., 161
Australia 214, 215n.
Aykroyd, Tabitha (Tabby) 144, 145n.
illness 206, 207n.
death 243
Aylott and Jones (publishers) 69, 72, 73
‘Babylon’ (London) 149
Bagshawe, Henry 160n.
Banagher, Ireland 233, 235n., 236
Bangor, North Wales 235n.
Batley 20, 22n., 167, 168n.
Beddgelert, Wales 235, 236n.
Belcombe, Dr H. S. 73, 75n.
Belgians 36
Belgium 48
Bell, Acton 72, 73
and see Brontë, Anne
Bell, Revd Dr Alan 235n.
Bell, ‘the brothers’ 91, 92n.
‘Bell & Co.’ 123, 124n.
Bell, Currer 72, 73, 87n.
identity revealed 144n.
and see Brontë, Charlotte
Bell, Ellis 72, 73
identity revealed 113
poems by 119
and see Brontë, Emily
Bell, Harriet Lucinda, later Mrs J. E. Adamson 234, 235n.
Bell, James Adamson 241, 242n.
Bell, Joseph Samuel 234, 235n.
Bell, Mary Anna, later Nicholls 234, 235n.
Bengal Hurkaru and the India Gazette 160
Bennett, E. T., The Gardens of the Zoological Society 165n.
Bentley, Richard (publisher) 73n., 183n.
Bentley’s Miscellany 73n.
Bewick, Thomas 5, 6n., 104n., 165n.
Bernardin de St. Pierre, Jacques-Henri 42n., 55, 56n.
Bible, The, quotations from 20, 22, 25n., 26, 28n., 57, 58, 59n., 82, 120, 121n., 122, 129, 130, 131n., 153n., 159, 160, 182, 183n., 188, 189n., 193, 194n., 200, 209, 210n., 218, 219n., 244
Bicknell, Elhanan 151n.
Binns, Susey 214n.
Birstall 144n.
Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine 27n. 121, 122n.
Blakeway, Elizabeth, later Mrs George Smith 227n., 230, 231n.
Blanche, Mlle 35, 37n., 43, 44n., 66, 68, 69n.
Bland, John 21, 22n.
Bland, Susan 21, 22n.
‘Boanerges’ 21, 22n.
Bombay 188n., 196, 219n.
Booth, Mrs Anne 16, 17n.
Boswell, James 5, 6n.
‘Boultby, Dr’ 18n.
Boynton 16, 17n.
Bradford 156
Bradley, Revd James Chesterton 62n., 133n.
Branwell, Elizabeth 14, 26, 28n., 30, 33, 35n.
death 38, 39n., 81, 140n.
‘Bretton, Mrs’ see Smith, Mrs Elizabeth, née Murray
Brewster, Sir David 191, 193n., 197
Bridlington 14, 15n., 21, 22n., 31, 138–9
Briery Close 171n.
Bridgehouse Mill, Haworth 204–5n.
Britannia, The (newspaper) (on JE) 91, 92n.
‘Brocklehurst, Mr’ (in JE) 97
Bromsgrove, Worcs. 71
BRONTË, ANNE: portraits 104n., 109–10n.
illness 128–30, 133
Christian faith 134–6, 137
death 136–7n.
gravestone 204n., 205
Places visited: Blake Hall 10, 11n., 13, 14n.
London 109–10n.
Roe Head school 8
Scarborough 135–6
Thorp Green 33n., 47
Agnes Grey 11n., 33n., 72n., 75, 92, 94, 95, 103, 104n., 113
Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The 109, 113, 115
second edition 118, 119n., 124n., 141, 176, 177n.
Brontë, Branwell 24, 25n.
letter to 41, 42n.
at Thorp Green 47, 55, 56n.
in Haworth 61
his drinking and dismissal 63, 64n.
seeks railway employment 64, 65n.
deterioration 70–1, 74, 75n.
debts 83, 84n.
and Mrs Lydia Robinson 112n.
death 120–2, 129n., 136; 138, 140n., 187, 219n.
BRONTË, CHARLOTTE: life passim
Early writings 9–10n., 25–8n., 42–3n., 91n., 167n.
Jane Eyre 80n., 86–98, 101–6, 109n., 116–17, 119n., 122–4n., 156, 175, 179, 189n., 195, 196n.
Poems by ‘C., E., and A. Bell’ 69, 72, 73, 84
Professor, The 72, 75–6, 79, 85–7, 93–4, 284–5n.
Shirley 132–3, 140–4n., 145–8, 153, 156, 158–60, 164–5, 175, 189n.
second edition 201n., 207–8n.
Villette 196n., 205, 206n., 207–11n., 215n., 217–19n.
Brontë, Elizabeth (CB’s sister) xxxv-xxxvi, 87n., 126, 127n., 129n., 138
BRONTË, EMILY 12, 34, 35
in Brussels 36, 43–4, 70, 113
illness, emaciation 126
death 127, 130–8
love of the moors recalled 163
portraits 178.
Wuthering Heights 72n., 75, 92
publication 93–5
authorship of 103, 104n., 117
‘brutality’ 124n., 141n.
article on, in The Palladium 174, 175n.
1850 edition 176, 177n., 178n., 180n.
Brontë, Maria (CB’s sister) 87n., 126, 127n., 129n., 138
Brontë, Mrs Maria, née Branwell, 26, 28n., 129n.
Brontë, Revd Patrick 34, 41, 42n., 46
eyesight 55, 56n., 66, 69n.
cataract operation 77–80n.
alleged drinking 81n.
illness 128, 130
164, 165n., 183, 190, 197, 203
apoplexy 206–7
reaction to Mr Nicholls’s proposal 212–13
temporary blindness 224
consent to marriage 228
‘excellent understanding’ with Nicholls 237
informs EN that CB is ‘on the verge of the grave’ 245
Brook Hall, near Tadcaster 32
Brook[e], Mrs Thomas 10, 11n., 21, 22n.
Brooke, Leah Sophia 3, 4n.
Brooke, Anna Maria, later Mrs George Allbutt 3, 4n., 40, 41n.
Brookfield, Jane 194n.
Brookfield, William 194n.
Brookroyd, Birstall 8, 168n., 229, 230n.
Brougham, Henry Peter, Baron Brougham and Vaux 170, 171n.
Brown, John 145n., 155, 156, 221, 222n.
Brown, Martha 144, 145, 156, 203, 206, 216, 220
Brown, Mrs John 145n., 155, 156n., 213
Brown, Dr Samuel 175
Browne, Dr J. P., phrenologist 194n.
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett 120n.
Brussels 32, 81
Brussels (pensionnat in) 34, 93
CB’s letters from 35–46
Bulwer, Edward George Earle Lytton, later Bulwer Lytton 27, 28n., 101, 103, 116, 117n., 124, 189n., 190, 191n.
Bungay and Bacon 181, 183n.
Bunsen, Chevalier von 170, 171n.
Burlington see Bridlington
Burnley 158n.
‘Burns, Helen’ in JE 88, 89n.
Burns, Robert 5, 6n., 160n.
Burritt, Elihu 146n.
Burton Agnes, Yorks. 12n.
Busfeild, Mrs Sarah 53, 54n.
Busfeild, Revd William 20n., 54n.
Butterfield, Richard Shackleton 204–5n.
Byron, George Gordon, sixth Baron 5, 103
Cakeham, Sussex 83, 84n., 193n., 207n.
Calcutta (newspaper) 161
Calvinism 8
Cambridge 34
Campbell, Thomas 3, 20, 22n.
‘The Last Man’ 164, 165n.
Capesthorne Hall 192n.
Carmichael-Smyth, Mrs 181, 183n.
‘Caroline Vernon’ (story by CB) 14n.
Carr, Harriet 3, 4n.
Carr, Charles 3, 4n.
Carr, William (surgeon) 78, 79n.
Carter, Edward Nicholl 13, 14n., 206, 234, 235n., 237
Carter, Ellen 206
Carter family 13, 14n.
Carter, Susan 206
Carter, Susanna, née Wooler 13, 14n., 206, 234, 235n.
Cartman, Revd Dr William 190, 191n., 220, 221n.
Catholicism 36, 38, 43, 44n., 210, 211n.
Cator, Revd Thomas 221n.
‘Celia Amelia’, nickname for Revd W. Weightman, q.v. 17, 18n., 19, 20n.
Cervantes, Don Quixote 211
Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace 165, 167n.
Charnock, Elizabeth, later Mrs Richard Nussey 5, 81n.
Chartism 60n., 186n. cholera 206, 207n.
Chorley, Henry Fothergill 89n., 97n.
Church of England Quarterly Review on Shirley 154
Clapham, Henry 112n., 125
Clapham, Robert, husband of Ann Nussey 145n., 202, 203n., 238, 239n.
death 244
Clapham, Samuel Blakey 125
Cleckheaton 144n.
Clergy Daughters’ School, Cowan Bridge, 87n., 97n., 146, 147n.
Clifton House Asylum, York 135n.
Cockermouth 172n.
Cockill, Elizabeth 53, 54n., 239, 240n.
death 240
Cockill, Hannah, later Battye 53, 54n., 241n.
Cockill, Sarah 53, 54n., 240, 241n.
Colburn, Henry 73n., 75, 76n., 183n.
Coleridge, Hartley, 25, 27n., 50, 52, 53n., 85n.
Collins, Mrs John 13, 14n.
Collins, Revd John 14n., 18, 20n.
Conwy, N. Wales 235n.
Cooper, James Fenimore 27, 28n., 101n.
Corneille, Pierre 192n.
Cornhill (Smith, Elder’s premises at 65, Cornhill) 110n., 163, 183, 184, 193, 231
couch, self-acting 193, 194n.
Courier, The (newspaper) 97
Cowan Bridge see Clergy Daughters’ School
Crackenthorpe 20n.
Critic, The (journal) 72n., 132, 133n.
Crosby, Dr John 84n.
Crowther, Revd Thomas 96, 97n.
Crystal Palace, London 189n., 190, 191n., 197
curates in Shirley 132, 133, 147n., 153n., 159, 160n.
Curie, Dr Paul Francis 126, 127n.
Daguerre, Louis 169n.
Daily News, The (on Shirley) 146, 147n.
Daniel, Mrs Mackenzie 115n., 117n.
Davenport, Caroline Ann, née Hurt, later Lady Hatherton 191, 192n.
De Quincey, Thomas 84, 85n.
De Renzy, Revd George Binks 223n., 232
‘Devonshire Arms’, Keighley 142, 143n.
Devonshire House, London 189n.
Dewsbury 146
Dewsbury Moor 35n.
dialect 177, 178n.
Dickens, Charles 73n., 85n., 101n., 189n., 199n.
Bleak House 200, 201n.
Household Words 201, 202n.
Oliver Twist 73n.
Pickwick Papers 73n.
Disraeli, Benjamin 103n., 171n.
Dissenters 18, 19, 20n., 61
Dixon, Abraham 35n.
Dixon family 39n., 40
Dixon, George 46
Dixon, Joshua 105n.
Dixon, Mary 40, 41n., 45, 46n., 105
Dixon, Mrs Laetitia, née Taylor 35n.
Dobell, Sydney 175n.
‘Donne, Mr’ in Shirley 62n., 133n., 156n., 159, 160n.
Donnington, Sussex 12n.
Doyle, Richard 183n.
Driver, John 144n.
Dublin 233, 235, 236
Dublin, Trinity College 14, 16n., 233, 235n.
Dublin Review, The 158, 160n.
Dublin University Magazine 72n., 91, 92n.
Dubois, Victoire 48
Duncome (?Duncombe) 32, 33n.
Dun-Edin (Edinburgh) 169
Dury, Revd Theodore 14n., 20n.
Eagles, Revd John (‘Aquilius’) 122n.
Earnley, Sussex 12n., 30, 47n.
Easton, Yorks. 16, 17n., 138, 139n.
Economist, The (journal) on JE 140, 141n.
Edgeworth, Maria 109
Edinburgh 167, 169, 174, 175
Edinburgh Review on Shirley 155, 158
Elder, Alexander 85n.
Eliot, George (Marian Evans) 91n.
Elliott, Ebenezer 85n.
‘Emanuel, Paul’ in Villette 209, 210n.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 114, 115n.
Erle, Sir William 108, 109n.
Evans, Ann, later Mrs James Connor 97n.
Ewart, William 146n.
Examiner, The (journal) 113, 115n., 117
on Shirley 147, 148n., 153n., 160n., 203, 222, 223n.
Exeter Hall 145, 146n.
‘Fanchon’ (Fanny Whipp) 16, 17n.
‘Fanshawe, Ginevra’ in Villette 209, 210n.
Fawcett, Revd William 222, 223n.
Ferrand, William Busfeild 170, 171n.
Ferrand, Hon. Fanny Mary 170, 171n.
Pamela 133n., 193n.
Jonathan Wild 200, 201n., 218, 219n.
Filby 201
Filey 137–9n., 203–6
Fileys, the Miss 111, 112n.
France 189
Fleurs de la poésie française, Les 42n., 55, 56n.
Flossy (Anne Brontë’s spaniel) 54n., 139, 140n., 164, 165n., 188n., 204, 220, 221n.
Flossy junior 54, 187, 188n.
Fonblanque, Albany (on Shirley) 147, 148n.
Forbes, Dr John 131, 132n., 150n., 161, 162
Forçade, Eugène (on Shirley) 160n.
Forget Me Not (annual) 104n.
Fox How 170, 171n.
‘Fraser, Alexander’ (George Smith) 217, 219n.
Fraser’s Magazine 73n., 90, 91n., 97, 98, 99n.
Friendship’s Offering (annual) 104n.
French newspapers 60, 64
French Revolution (1848) 103, 104n.
Fryston, Yorks. 112n.
Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn 148, 149n., 170, 171n., 172–4, 193, 194n., 201–2, 224, 230n., 231, 232n.
Cranford 201, 202,
Life of CB 181n., 232n., 243n.
Mary Barton 148n., 170
Ruth 202
Gaskell family 193, 194n.
Gaskell, Florence 173, 174n.
Gaskell, Julia 173, 174n., 194n.
Gaskell, Margaret Emily (‘Meta’) 173, 174n.
Gaskell, Marianne 173, 174n.
Gawthorpe Hall 155n., 158n., 241, 242n.
German Testament 42, 43n.
Germany 46n., 59n., 63
Glasgow Examiner, The 117n.
Glenelg, Lord 191, 193n.
Goldsmith, Oliver 5, 6n., 201
Gomersal 18n., 144n.
Gondal 27n.
Gorham, James 111, 112n.
Gorham, Revd John 111, 112n.
Gorham, Mary, later Hewitt 61, 62n., 64n., 111, 112n., 192, 193n.
marriage 207n.
pregnancy 239, 240n., 243, 244
Gorleston 221, 222, 223n.
Goussaert, Mme, née Catherine Phelps 32, 33n.
governess, AB’s experience as 33n.
governess, CB’s experience as 9, 12–13, 32–3, 36
governess in JE 101–2
governesses 12, 29, 76, 106–9
Governesses’ Benevolent Institution 107, 109n., 133n.
Grand Canal, Ireland 233, 235n.
Grant, Revd Joseph Brett 44n., 62n., 133n.
‘Mr Donne’ in Shirley 155, 156n., 159, 160n., 214n., 216n., 220, 222
Great Barr Hall 125n.
Great Exhibition 189, 194n.
Green, Annie 174n.
Green, Ellen 174n.
Greenwood, James (1793–1857) 204–5n.
Greenwood, John (1763–1846), manufacturer 14n.
Greenwood, John (1807–63), stationer 159, 160n.
Greenwood, Joseph 156
Grey, Maria Georgina, and Emily Shirreff, Thoughts on Self-Culture 158n.
Gudule, Ste. (church) 43, 44n.
Guild of Literature 188, 189n., 190, 191n.
Habergham 231n., 241, 242n.
Hahnemann, Christian Friedrich 124n.
Halifax 84n., 156, 230n., 233
Hallam, Arthur 173, 174n.
Halle, Friedrich 46n.
‘Hall, Margaret’ in Shirley 143, 144n.
‘Hall, Mr’ in Shirley 143, 144n.
Harden Grange 170
Harper and Brothers, publishers 109n.
Harrogate 113
Hartley, James 214n.
Hartshead-cum-Clifton 146n.
Hathersage 47n., 60, 61, 62n.
Hatherton, Lord 192n.
Haworth lonely, quiet 47
uncivilized 142
Haworth National School 216n., 222, 236
Haworth Parsonage, proposed school at 49, 51, 53, 54n., 64
re-roofing 164, 165n., 166
Heald, Harriet 140, 230n.
Heald, Mrs Mary, née Carr 230n.
Heald, Revd William Margetson 140n., 143, 144n., 230n.
‘Heathcliff’ 117, 175n.
Hebden Bridge 214n.
Heger, Constantin 36, 37n., 38, 39, 42, 47, 48, 53, 54, 55, 56n., 56, 59n., 65, 69n., 81n.
Heger family 40, 40n., 50, 52, 66, 68
Heger, Louise 50, 52
Heger, Mme Zoë 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 45, 47, 48n., 52n., 56n., 59n.
‘Helstone, Revd Matthewson’ in Shirley 143, 144n., 146, 147n., 149, 150n.
Heptonstall 238, 239
Herschel, Sir John 193n.
Hewitt, Mrs Thomas Swinton see Gorham, Mary
Hewitt, Revd Thomas Swinton 62n., 207n.
Hirst, Elizabeth (‘Bessie’) 78
Hoby, Miss 13
Hodgson, Revd William 14, 16n.
Hodgson, Thomas (publisher) 177n.
Hogarth, William 193n., 201n., 219n.
Holyes, the 44
Holyhead 233, 235
Holyrood Palace 175n.
Hook, Revd Walter Farquhar 19, 20n., 231
Horne, Richard Henry (later Hengist) 182, 183n.
Howitt, William 147, 148n.
Huddersfield 7, 8n.
Hudson, John 16, 17n., 60, 138, 139n.
Hudson, Mrs John 16, 17n., 60, 139
Hume, David 5
Hunsworth 60, 147, 148n., 229, 230n.
Hunt, Edmund 158n.
Hunt, Leigh 94, 95n., 96, 158n.
Hunt, Thornton 157, 158n., 163n., 186n., 223n.
Ilkley, Yorks. 65
India 150n., 186–8n., 197, 217, 219n.
Indian newspapers 158, 160n.
Ingham, Dr Amos 242n., 245n.
Ingham family of Blake Hall 11n.
Ireland 34, 233, 235n., 236
Jacks, Clarissa 31n.
Jackson, Miss 31
Jackson, Revd Thomas Norfolk 204
Jane Eyre see Brontë, Charlotte
Jenkins, Revd David 35n.
Jenkins, Revd Evan 34, 37n.
Jenkins, Mrs Evan 34, 37n.
Jessop, William 112n.
Jew-basket 17, 18n., 23, 25n.
John Bull (newspaper) 110, 111n.
Johnson, Dr Samuel 5, 6n., 201
Justine, Mlle 66, 68, 69n.
Kavanagh, Julia 96, 97n.
Madeleine 124, 166, 167n., 176
Women of Christianity 177n.
Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir James 155, 156, 158n., 162, 170, 171n., 176, 180, 185n., 191, 231n., 241–2
Kay-Shuttleworth, Lady 170, 171, 180, 192n.
Keeper (Emily Brontë’s bulldog) 139, 140n.
Keighley 17, 18n., 142, 143n.
Keighley Mechanics’ Institute xiv, 19, 20n.
Kendall, A., Derwent Priory 26, 28n.
Kilkee, Ireland 234, 235, 236
King, Henry Samuel 219n., 226, 227n.
Kirk Smeaton 222n., 233n.
Koekelberg, Château de 39, 167n.
labour, organization of 104
Lady’s Magazine 26, 28n.
Lake District 176
Lamartine, Alphonse de 104
Lamb, Charles 118, 120n., 158n.
Landseer, Edwin 164, 165n.
‘Lavinia’ (Emily Brontë) 12, 13n.
Leader, The (newspaper) 162, 163, 183n., 186, 203, 222, 223n.
Le Cornu, Revd John 47n.
Legouvé, Ernest 192n.
Leith 174
Lewes, George Henry 90, 91, 94, 96, 100–1
on Shirley 155, 158n., 165n., 166
Leader, The (journal) 162, 163n., 186, 223n.
Noble Heart, The 158n.
Ranthorpe 98, 99n.
Rose, Blanche and Violet 98, 99n.
Lewis, Sarah, Woman’s Mission 173, 174n.
Leyland, Joseph Bentley 84n.
Liverpool 14, 144n.
Llanberis Pass, Wales 235, 236n.
Lockhart, John Gibson 5, 6n., 85n., 92n.
London 113, 147, 148n., 161, 162n., 164–8, 189n., 194n., 214, 215n.
Longley, Revd Dr Charles Thomas 215, 216n.
Lorimer, James 141n.
Louis Philippe 104
Lowood school in JE 87n., 132
Luddites 144n.
Lutwidge, Margaret Anne 12n.
Lynn, Eliza, later Linton 100, 101, 124, 127
‘Macarthey, Mr’ in Shirley 62n., 133n., 156n.
‘McCrowdie, Girzy’ 195, 196n.
Macready, William Charles 150, 151n.
MacTurk, Dr William 242n.
‘Malone, Peter’ in Shirley 54n., 133n.
Manchester 77–80n., 193–4n., 220, 221n., 229, 230n.
Manners, Lord John 170, 171n.
Marie, Mlle 35, 37n.
Marsh, Anne 89, 90n., 141n.
Martin, John (artist) 164, 165n.
Martineau, Harriet 109, 151, 152n., 154, 170, 171n., 180, 181n., 183n., 217, 219n.
Letters on the Laws of Man’s Nature and Development 182, 183n., 185, 186n., 217n.
Oliver Weld 200, 201n.
Martineau, Lucy 152n.
Martineau, Richard 152n.
Maurice, Revd Frederick Denison 197, 198n.
Mechanics’ Institute, Haworth 156
Melrose 174, 175n.
Melville, Revd Henry 197, 198n.
‘Menelaus, Mrs’ (Ellen Nussey) 18, 19n.
Merrall family 156
Methodism 204
Meyerbeer, Giacomo, Les Huguenots 165n.
Miller, Maria (‘Ginevra Fanshawe’) 36, 37n., 210n.
Millevoye, Charles Hubert 64n.
Milner, Mr 111, 112n.
Milnes, Richard Monckton, later Baron Houghton 191, 192n., 231n.
Milton, John 5
Mirror of Literature, The 95n.
Mitchell, Walter 24, 25n.
Moore, George, Grasville Abbey 26, 28n.
‘Moore, John Henry and William’ in CB’s early writings 148n.
‘Moore, Louis’ in Shirley 148n.
Moore, Mrs, relative of Margaret Wooler 71
‘Moore, Robert’ in Shirley 148n.
Moore, Thomas: Letters and Journals of Lord Byron 5, 6n.
Life of Sheridan 5, 6n.
Morgan, Revd William 17, 18n.
on JE 156
‘Mr Boultby’ 156n., 220, 221n.
Morning Advertiser, The 89, 90n.
Morning Chronicle, The 105, 109n.
on Shirley 154
Morning Herald, The 117n.
Mulock, Dinah Maria, later Mrs G. L. Craik 217, 219n.
National Gallery, London 110n., 150, 151n.
National Society School, Haworth 216n.
Nebuchadnezzar’s dream 188, 189n.
Nelson, the Life of 5, 6n.
Newby, Thomas Cautley 72n., 92, 93, 94n., 95, 101n.
his lies 109, 110n.
deviousness 113, 115n., 117, 126, 127n., 176, 177n.
elusive 178, 179, 180n.
New Monthly Magazine 101
New Zealand 59n., 60n., 74, 75n.
Nicholls, Alan 235
Nicholls, Revd Arthur Bell: ‘Puseyite’ 62n., 76, 77, 133n.
‘delighted’ with Shirley 155, 156n.
edits The Professor 185n.
pension or promotion offered 192n., 204
proposes marriage 21113n.
reaction to CB’s refusal 213, 214, 215n., 216
curacy at Kirk Smeaton 220, 221n.
loses self-command, leaves Haworth 221, 222–3n.
engagement 228
loyalty to Mr Brontë 230, 231n., 237, 238
requires EN to burn CB’s letters 238–41n.
‘tenderest nurse’ 243, 244
informs EN of CB’s death 245
Nicholson, Thomas 84n.
North American Review 123, 124n.
North British Review 140, 141n.
Norton, Caroline 120n.
Noyer, Marie Josephine, first wife of Constantin Heger 41n.
Nussey, Ann, later Clapham 3, 4n., 17, 18n., 31, 45, 74, 105, 145n., 202, 203n.
husband dies 244
Nussey, Ellen: friendship with CB 154, and passim
appearance 6
with CB at Easton and Bridlington 14, 15n.
pictured as ‘Mrs O. P. Vincent’ 41n.
with CB in Scarborough, Filey and Bridlington 136–9
registers Anne’s death 137n.
estrangement from CB 224–5n., 229n.
conditional promise to burn CB’s letters 240n.
Nussey, Mrs Ellen, née Wade, EN’s mother 3, 4n., 76, 77
illness 155, 156, 202
Nussey, George, EN’s brother 7, 45, 46n., 59, 60, 62, 63n., 73, 75n., 83, 84n., 148n.
Nussey, Mrs Henry, née Emily Prescott 77n., 78
Nussey, Revd Henry 5, 6n.
proposes to CB, her refusal 11, 12n.
16, 17n., 23, 24, 25n., 33, 47, 60, 61n., 77
Nussey, John, EN’s father 8n.
Nussey, Dr John, EN’s brother 62, 63n.
Nussey, Revd Joshua, EN’s brother 77, 223n.
Nussey, Mrs Joshua, née Elizabeth Anne Alexander 82
Nussey, Mrs Richard, née Elizabeth Charnock 5
Nussey, Richard, EN’s brother 5, 8n., 80, 81n.
Nussey, Sarah Walker 16, 17n., 45, 46n.
Oakwell Hall 54n.
Oakworth 62n.
Oddfellows 84n.
Ogden, Mrs Grace 44n.
‘Omphale’ 188, 189n.
Oundle 77n., 82n., 223n.
Ouseburn, Great 84n.
Outhwaite, Frances 135
Oxenhope 62n., 214n.
Oxford Chronicle, The 97, 98n.
Palladium, The (journal) 174, 175n., 176
Palmerston, Lord 171n.
Palmyra 21
‘Papal Aggression’ 179n., 192n.
Paper Lantern for Puseyites, A 179n.
Parliament, Houses of 152, 165
Pascal, Blaise 55, 56n.
Paxton, Joseph 189n.
Peace Congress 145, 146n.
Pentland hills 174
Penzance 28n.
‘Percy, Alexander’ 25, 27n.
Percy, Edward 148n.
Percy, William 148n.
Phillips, George Searle 95n.
Pocock, Revd George Hume Innes 112n.
Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell see Brontë, Charlotte
Pope, Alexander 5
Prescott, Emily, later Nussey 60, 61n., 77n.
Professor, The see Brontë, Charlotte
Protestantism 38, 43
Pryce, Revd David 14, 16n.
‘Pryor, Mrs’ in Shirley 152n.
Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore 152n.
Punch 73n., 157, 158n.
Pusey, Dr Edward Bouverie 19, 20n., 27, 77n., 179n.
‘Puseyism’ 77n., 179n.
Pygmalion 26, 28n.
‘Quakerism’ (Society of Friends) 38, 146n.
Queen’s College for Female Education, London 109n.
‘Rachel’, actress 191, 192n., 197
railways 21
‘railway panic’ 70, 71n., 83, 84n., 140n., 142
Rambler, The (journal) 118, 119n.
Ramsgate 118
Rawdon 28, 30n., 31, 33
Rawfolds Mill 144n.
Redman 221, 222n.
religion: CB’s doubts 7
EN’s faith 6, 7
W S. Williams’s views 114
and see Calvinism, Catholicism, Methodism, Protestantism, ‘Puseyism’, ‘Quakerism’
Revue des deux Mondes on Shirley 158, 160n.
Richardson, Samuel 26, 27, 28n.
Richmond, Surrey 192, 237
Richmond, Yorks, 237
Rigby, Elizabeth, later Lady Rigby 92n., 133n., 141, 142n.
Ringrose, Amelia, later Mrs Joseph Taylor 63n., 64, 147, 148n., 150, 151, 152, 153, 155, 230n., 237, 238n., 244
Ringrose, Christopher Leake 148n.
Rintoul, Robert Stephen 96, 97n.
Roberson, Revd Hammond 144n.
Robinson, Edmund 33n., 42n., 75n.
Robinson, Revd Edmund 33n., 42n., 61
dismisses Branwell Brontë 63, 64n.
death 74, 75n.
Robinson, Elizabeth Lydia 33n., 75n., 83, 84n., in, 112n., 125n.
Robinson, Lydia Mary 33n., 75n.
Robinson, Mrs Lydia, later Lady Scott 33n., 75n., 111, 112n., 125
‘Rochester, Mr’ in JE 89, 90n., 116
Roe Head school 71n.
Rogers, Samuel 191, 193n.
Rollin, Charles 5, 6n.
Rooker, Revd James Yates 61, 62
Rooker, Miss 64n.
Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio, Il Barbiere di Siviglia 165n.
Rouse Mill 71
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 27
Roxby, Henry 75n.
Royal Academy exhibition 110, 111n., 164, 165n.
Ruddock, William (surgeon) 207n.
Ruskin, John
King of the Golden River, The 182, 183n.
Modern Painters 112, 113, 115n.
Stones of Venice, The 182, 183n., 188
Rydings, Birstall 5
‘St Pierre, Zélie’ in Villette 37n.
Sand, George 99, 100
Scarborough 135–8, 204, 205
Scotland (CB’s visits to) 167–9, 174, 175n., 176
Scotsman, The (newspaper) 95, 96n.
Scott, Alexander John, Suggestions on Female Education 158n.
Scott, Lady Catherine Juliana 125n.
Scott, Sir Edward Dolman 125n.
Scott, Sir Walter 5, 99, 118, 169, 175n.
Scribe, Eugène 192n.
Shakespeare, William 5
Hamlet 21, 22n., 224
I Henry VI 79, 80n.
Macbeth 150, 151n.
Othello 150, 151n., 209, 210n.
Sharpe’s London Journal: ‘Sharpe’s Magazine’ on Shirley 164, 165n.
Sheffield 61, 62n.
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 27, 28n.
Sherwood, Emma 202, 203n.
Sherwood, Revd William 202, 203n.
Shirley see Brontë, Charlotte
Shuttleworth, Lady see Kay-Shuttleworth
Sidgwick, John Benson 13
Sidgwick, Sarah Hannah 12, 13n.
‘Sedgwick’ 42
Simeon, Revd Charles 105
Skipton, Yorks. 191n.
Sladen, Isabelle ‘Isabella’ 3, 4n.
Smith, Alexander, son of Mrs Elizabeth Smith 167, 168n.
Smith, Elder & Co. 72n., 85, 149, 150n., 186, 187n.
Smith, Eliza, daughter of Mrs Elizabeth Smith 110n., 150n., 168n.
Smith, Mrs Elizabeth, née Murray: CB meets 110n.
149, 150n., 153, 158n., 164–5n.
‘Mrs Bretton’ in Villette 166–8
CB’s letter to 226
letter to CB from 227n.
Smith, George (1789–1846) 85
Smith, George (1824–1901) 85, 86n., 94
meets CB 109–10n., 118, 131, 132, 145, 149, 150n., 153, 157–8, 165, 167, 176, 178–9, 181–3, 188–9
‘loaded with work’ 192, 193–4, 194–6, 200–1
‘John Graham Bretton’ in Villette 209n.
reaction to Villette 215n.
overwork 217, 219n., 225
meets Elizabeth Blakeway 226n.
engagement and marriage 227
Smith, Isabella, daughter of Mrs Elizabeth Smith 150n.
Smith, Revd James William 44n.
‘Lothario Lovelace Smith’ 53, 54n., 61, 62n.
‘Peter Augustus Malone’ 81n., 133n.
Smith, Revd John 216n.
Smith, Sarah, daughter of Mrs Elizabeth Smith 150n.
Smollett, Tobias 193n., 201n.
Smythe, George Augustus, later Lord Strangford 170, 171n.
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (SPG) 215n., 216n.
Sophie, Mlle 35, 37n., 66, 68, 69n.
Southey, Revd Charles Cuthbert 158n., 162n., 171, 172
Southey, Robert 5, 6n., 9–10, 50, 52, 53n., 158n., 161, 162n., 172
Sowden, Revd George 238, 239n., 241
Sowden, Revd Sutcliffe 214n., 220, 221n., 238, 241, 245n.
Spanish Ambassador’s Chapel, London 192n.
Spectator, The on JE 91, 92n., 95n., 96, 97n.
on Tenant 113, 115n.
on Shirley 153n.
Speeton 204n.
St. Clair, Harriet Elizabeth 217, 219n.
Standard of Freedom (journal) on Shirley 147, 148n.
Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, Life . . . of Thomas Arnold 175
Stanley, Edward George, Earl of Derby 171n.
Steele, Richard 191n., 201
Sterne, Laurence 201
Stewart, Patrick, of Smith, Elder & Co. 187n.
Stirling, Mrs, née Hunter 141n.
Stonegappe, Lothersdale 12, 13n.
Stott, Colonel George, later Scott-Stanhope 53, 54n.
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, Uncle Tom’s Cabin 208
Sugden family 125
Sun, The (newspaper) on JE 91, 92n.
Swarcliffe House 13, 14n.
‘Sweeting, Mr’ in Shirley 62n., 133n.
Swift, Jonathan 218, 219n.
Sykes, Mrs 60
Tablet, The (newspaper) 89, 90n.
Tadcaster 32
Tadmor 21
Taylor, Amelia Ringrose see Ringrose, Amelia
Taylor, Betty, ?later Marriner 156
Taylor, Ellen 60, 61n., 74, 75n.
death 202, 203n.
Taylor, Emily Martha (‘Tim’), daughter of Amelia Taylor 237, 238n.
Taylor family of Gomersal 144n.
Taylor, George, of Stanbury 156
Taylor, James 174, 185, 196
Taylor, J. Sydney 173, 175
Taylor, Joseph (‘Joe’) 40, 47, 54–6n., 59n., 64–5, 74, 75n., 79, 147, 148n., 150n., 152
Taylor, Joshua 18n., 28n.
Taylor, Mrs Joshua, née Anne Tickell 18n., 111, 112n.
Taylor, Martha 4, 5, 15, 17, 18n., 32, 33n.
death 34, 39, 166, 167n.
Taylor, Mary 4, 17, 18n., 24, 25n., 32, 33n., 39, 40, 41n., 45, 46n., 47, 54, 55, 56
goes to New Zealand 59, 60n., 61n., 74, 75n., 79, 80n., 134, 135n., 155
letters received from 126, 202–3
Taylor, Waring 75n., 80n., 135n.
Taylor, William 75n.
Teale, Dr Thomas Pridgin (1800–67) 128n., 129, 131–2n.
‘Temple, Miss’ in JE 97
Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The see Brontë, Anne
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 85n.; ‘In Memoriam’ 173, 174n.
Thackeray, Anne Isabella, later Lady Ritchie 167n., 183n.
Thackeray, Harriet Marian 183n.
Thackeray, Mrs Isabella, née Shawe 89n., 101–2, 133n., 183n.
Thackeray, William Makepeace 73n., 88, 89, 92n., 101–2, 103, 104n., 110n., 116, 117n., 132, 133n., 145, 146n.
CB meets 150, 151, 153, 160, 165–6
party at his house 166, 167n., 181, 183n., 201
Henry Esmond 193, 194n., 198, 199n., 200, 201n., 208, 209, 210n.
Kickleburys on the Rhine, The 178, 179n.
Lectures on the English Humourists 188, 189, 190, 191n., 197, 200, 201n., 218, 219n.
May-day Ode 188, 189n., 201
Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo 196, 198n.
‘Paris Sketches’ (The Paris Sketch-Book) 200, 201n.
Pendennis 127, 157, 158n., 182, 183n.
Vanity Fair 95, 96n., 116, 117n., 127, 133n.
Thackeray, Richmond 183n.
Thomson, James (poet, 1700–48) 5, 13n., 224n.
‘Thornton, old’ (character in early writings) 27, 28n.
Thorp Green 42n., 125n.
‘Titmarsh, Michael Angelo’ (Thackeray) 178, 179n.
Times, The, attack on Shirley 152, 153n., 159, 160n.
attack on The Kickleburys 179n.
Toulmin, Camilla 120n.
Towneley family 157n.
Towneley Hall 157n.
Tranby, near Hessle, Hull 148n., 233n.
Trollope, Anthony 92n.
Trollope, Frances 102, 103n.
Trotman, Martha 37n.
Trulock (‘Truelove’), Miss 181, 183n.
Turner, Joseph Mallord William 112–13, 115n., 150, 151n.
Unitarians 193, 194n.
Universal History 5, 6n.
Upjohn, Mrs Francis, née Sarah Gorham 211, 212–13n., 215, 219–21, 222
Upjohn, Revd Francis 212–13n., 215, 219 -21n.
Upperwood House 28, 30n., 33
‘Vashti’ in Villette 192n.
Verity, Revd Edward Arundel 241, 242n.
Victoria, Queen 174, 175n., 190, 191n.
Villette see Brontë, Charlotte
Vincent, Revd Osman Parke 22, 23, 25n., 29, 30n., 41n.
Wakefield 155
Wales 232, 235
Walker, Amelia 210n.
Walker, Mary 40, 41n.
Walton, Agnes 19, 20n., 21, 31
Warren, Robert 27, 28n.
Warren, Samuel 27, 28n., 101n.
Waterloo, Battle of 164, 165n.
Waverley novels see Scott, Sir Walter
Weekly Chronicle, The 89, 90n.
Weekly Despatch, The 59, 60n.
Weightman, Revd William 17, 18n., 19, 20n., 21, 24, 29, 30n., 31
death 39, 44n., 54, 140n.
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of 164, 165n., 167n.
Wellington, New Zealand 60n., 80n.
earthquake 134, 135n.
‘West, Arthur Ripley’ 25, 27n.
Westminster Review, The: on JE 97
on Shirley 154, 173–4n.
Westminster, Richard Grosvenor, Marquess of 191, 192n.
Westmoreland 169
Wheelwright family 45, 46n.
Wheelwright, Laetitia Elizabeth 46n., 175n., 242–3
Wheelwright, Dr Thomas 45, 46n., 149, 150n., 243n.
Wheelwright, Mrs Thomas, née Elizabeth Ridge 48, 50, 52
Whipple, Edwin Percy 124n.
White, Gilbert, ‘of Selborne’ 5, 6n.
White, Jasper Leavens 29, 30n.
White, John 28, 30n., 32, 33, 53
White, Mrs John, née Jane Robson 29, 32, 33, 53
White, Sarah Louisa 29, 30n., 53, 54n.
‘Will o’ the Wisp’ 178, 179n.
Williams, Anne Catherine (‘Anna’) 110n., 138, 139n.
Williams family 110n., 167n.
Williams, Fanny Emily 109n., 110n., 167n.
Williams, William Smith 85n., 86n., 114, 123
condolence on Emily Brontë’s death 128, 129n.; 166, 210
Williams, Mrs W. S., née Margaret Eliza Hills 106, 109, 115, 154, 166
Wilson, John (‘Christopher North’) 25, 27n.
Wilson, Revd William Carus 87n., 97n.
Wilson, William James (oculist) 77–9
Windermere, Lake 171n.
Windus, Benjamin Godfrey 151n.
Winkworth, Catherine 149n.
Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick Stephen 179n., 191, 192n.
Wolfe, Charles 5, 6n.
Woman’s Mission see Lewis, Sarah
women, condition of 108–9
Wooler, Eliza 35n.
Wooler, Katherine Harriet (‘Catherine’) 35, 37n., 235, 236n.
Wooler, Margaret 21, 33, 35n., 63, 70–1, 133–4, 135, 137n., 203, 205–6n., 229n., 233
Wooler, Sidney Maria, née Allbutt 3, 4n.
Wooler, Susanna see Carter, Susanna
Wooler, Dr William Moore 205, 206n.
Wordsworth, William 3, 26, 28n., 85n., 173–4n.
Wuthering Heights see Brontë, Emily
York 47, 75n., 135
‘Yorke family’ in Shirley 146, 147n.
‘Yorke, Mrs’ 112n.
Young England movement 171n.
‘Zamorna’ in CB’s early writings 14n.
Zoological Gardens, London 164, 165n.