List of Weird Shit Jess said today (8 June)

(more on the new obsession with boredom). Uncle Paul, do you get bored being you? I’m bored being me. (goes back to watching her new favourite show, fucking TOWIE). These people are bored being them. (I ask her wtf that means). Being bored is like being a cup that can’t be filled (v fucking zen, where’d she hear that?????? Certainly not on Celeb Big Brother).

(10 June)

I hand her her supper she says, Uncle Paul, does Stephen smell as bad as these fish fingers now? (I scream, she laughs). I leave she turns channel to the news. I hear her laughing at something else. Almost throw up when I see it’s a report that Bobby Small has been killed in a car accident. I ask whats funny she says, he’s not dead he’s just playing silly-billy. Like mummy and daddy and polly.

(I’m in the kitchen, thinking about the pills again ie how many would it take to be sure). She glides in without me seeing her. Moves too close to my face. She says, am I special paul? They say I am at school. It’s so easy.

(14 June)

It finds me crying. Do you want to come play my little pony with me? You can be princess luna again and stephen can be princess celestia (laughs).

1) POSESSION: FOR: she alwaqsy seems to know what I’m thinking, knows things she couldn’t know like about sexual ortienattion, knows aboput the stephen dreams ssays she sent them

2) POSSESSION AGAINST: NOT RATIONAL I KNOW THIS WHAT AM I THINKING and she doesn’t have fits or anything like on the checklist on the inetrnet or speak in funny voices and that prick gerhard said it was unlikely although i don;t trust his opinion

3) HORSEMAN THEORY FOR: colours of the planes, signs lots of no way thwy could have survived, other children acting weird too there’s Bobby’s seniles granddad talking and Hiro talking through a fucking robot and how can so many be wrong because so many believe this is the truth and nw they have found the fourth child altho that could all be more bullshit

4) HORSEMAN THEORY AGAINST: batshit crazy, even archbishop of canturbury and that top iman say it is utter bullshit and they also believe in sky fairies and if there is a horseman inside her wehere is the real jess and why does she look like hersefl. Signs they have put on the website could have happend anyway and the foot and mouth thing blown over now anyway and aniomals bite people all the time anyway same as floods etc etc

5) CAPGRAS SYNDROME FOR: my history of mental illness although that was stress related only and would be nice as is a medical cpondition that woould explain why i don’t think shes jess evben though she looks just like jess amnd sometimes talks like her. I wish it is this

6) CAPGRAS SYNDROME AGAINST: never had it before, no head injury (unless I was drunk and hit my head and didn’t realise it) its very very very fcking rare

7) ALIENS FOR: same as possession and would explain how some-tiems she seems to be watching me like i’m an expriment

8) ALKIENS AGAINST: because it s not rationla altho the eveidence can be persuasive and this is the only one I haVen’t discounted yet needto look into moerew okay paul



Subject: RE: Advice in confidence

Paul, thanks for your email, happy to help in any way I can.

As I said when we spoke telephonically, the commonest way in which they work is by implanting a MICROCHIP inside the subject. I believe that at the moment of the crashes, the children were put into stasis, which is why they were not injured. Then they were implanted. Through ‘voice to skull’ manipulation, the Others (ALIENS) are able to control and influence those they have chosen. This is a new type of technology that is LIGHT YEARS away from what we can yet do in our realm.

You say you have checked out all the options and have proved this is NOT a case of demonic possession. I applaud you for being so thorough.

I’m not at all surprised that Jess is showing disturbing symptoms, or out of character behaviour–this is to be expected. Remember, a change in PERSONALITY is NOT actually a symptom of PTSD. As you say, look at what’s happening with the boy in Japan (talking through a mechanism, a ROBOT) and the boy in America, who was no doubt experimenting with his grandfather’s cognative [sic] functioning. It is very unlikely he is dead. This is a government ruse as they are in cahoots with the OTHERS. They receive immunity from experimentation and have made a treaty with the aliens so that they can have free rein to feed off our energies.

Your questions about the Pamelist theory are very interesting. I believe that there are a LOT of similarities with the truth. Very close to what WE believe. They are wrong, but MORE RIGHT THAN THEY KNOW.

And what you are feeling mustn’t be confused with Capgras syndrome. That is a psychological anomoly [sic].

How to proceed? I would be cautious around Jess, it’s unlikely she will do anything to harm you. The dreams and visions you are having are probably interference from the chip. I would advise you to watch her carefully, and be careful what you let on to her.

Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with.

