“What do you think they’re doing in there?” Shari asked. “It’s been awfully quiet for a while.”
Marcie stared at the innocent-looking top lying on the dusty floor. How could she answer Shari without hurting her? She knew Frank would tell Dave how he felt about him. Had Frank told Shari that he was gay? Aw, crap, what the hell should I do?
“Do you think he’s telling him he’s gay?”
Marcie raised her head and looked into Shari’s eyes.
“You know?”
“Frank told me last night.” Her eyes grew bleak. “He…I-I figured out he loved him.” Tears filled her eyes. “Oh, Marcie what will I do if Dave loves him back? I’ll—”
The floor reverberated to a slow, steady thumping.
Marcie opened her arms and Shari fell into them. She wept quietly while Marcie patted her back.
“Listen, just because Dave may love Frank doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you, too. There’s no limits to the number of people you can love or how you can love them.” She laughed softly. “Hell, you should know better than that. Who’s the poster child for alternate lifestyles?” She lifted Shari’s chin. “If Dave loves Frank, you should love him, too. I’ve seen the way Dave looks at you. He adores you.”
Shari pulled away and sat on the couch. She grabbed one of the shabby sofa cushions and pressed it against her breasts, leaning her chin on top. She shook her head.
“No. He adores fucking me. I told him everything, and it seems I’m an answer to his prayers. He likes it best rough, too.” She laughed bitterly. “Now he doesn’t have to go trolling at any sex clubs or get the phone number from someone he arrests. He’s got me.”
“You’re nuts. Do you think if it were only the sex that he’d take you up here to his grandparents’ getaway place? Sweetie, he could have anyone he wanted with a snap of his fingers. But he chose you. If he had had his way, it would have only been you and him up here. He wants more from you than just sex. He wants the whole package.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, I think.”
“Marcie, I don’t know that I can deal with seeing them coming out from the same room.”
Marcie picked up the clothes she’d lost and stood. She pulled her T-shirt down over her head and pulled on her jeans.
“Get dressed. We’ll go into the kitchen, and you can put together one of your gourmet lunches.”
Shari grabbed her clothing and tossed them on. She took a deep, cleansing breath and squared her shoulders.
“Let’s get cooking.”
* * * *
“Do you think they know what happened?” Dave lay on his back, staring at the cracked ceiling, his cock finally limp. And sticky. “I can’t believe we—”
“Yeah.” Frank’s voice sounded dreamy. He turned on his side and gazed at Dave. God, he was so beautiful. He shut his eyes and blessed a benevolent God for giving him this one moment with him.
He wanted more.
“Dave, I hope you don’t regret what happened. I know you love Shari. Please, don’t feel like you cheated on her. After all, you weren’t with another woman.” He ran his fingers down Dave’s chest. “It was just me.”
Dave looked at Frank’s hand resting on his chest. My God, what that hand had done to me. Made me come. Made me groan. Made me happy.
“I have to think.”
He got up and found his underwear. He looked at the skimpy blue material and clenched his hand before he pulled on the jock and opened the door.
“I’m going to take a shower,” he announced and firmly closed the door behind him.
* * * *
Lunch was a quiet affair. Marcie finally gave up trying to lighten the mood after the third funny story.
“Okay, we’re done. Here’s the skinny, gang. Remember that game we’ve been playing? Remember the rules? No recriminations—no matter what. I think it’s great that you all finally revealed your secrets to each other. Let’s just get past this. We still don’t know when or if the plow is coming. I really don’t want to spend my final days surrounded by silence and playing with my vibrator.”
Shari’s lips twitched.
“Ah, ah, I see a smile. Wait, wait, Miss Shari is starting to smile. Hmm, maybe if I say the word ‘vibrator’ again, one of you strong, silent types may smile, too.”
She gazed at the two men.
“Aha! Detective Harris, arrest this man for laughing at lame jokes. And while you’re at it, put yourself on report for cracking a smile while on duty.”
Dave leaned over the table and kissed Marcie’s cheek. “Enough, woman. You made your point.” He turned to Shari and Frank. “I love you both.” He looked at Marcie. “I think I even love you.” He paused. “Maybe.”
She let loose a whoop of laughter. “Good enough for me. Now, behave, guys.”
“Yes, mama,” Frank said. “I’ll be good…but not too good.”
Shari chimed in a throaty, femme fatale impersonation. “After all, goodness is highly overrated.”
* * * *
“Aw, come on guys, one more game?” Marcie wheedled. “I’m the only one who hasn’t won yet. The odds are in my favor.”
Dave threw another log on the fire and shook his head. “It’s pure chance which way the dreidel falls.”
“Aw, please? Look, if I don’t wind up being the first one naked, I won’t ask for another try. I promise. Hey, I probably won’t win. It would be a miracle.”
“I don’t think that’s the kind of miracle that’s granted,” Shari offered in all seriousness.
“Well, there you go.” Marcie smiled. “I believe in miracles.”
Frank picked up the dreidel. “I’ll spin first.”
* * * *
Marcie gazed at the Hebrew letter engraved on the side of the top. A gimmel. Three pieces of clothing to take off. And then she’d be naked. She hadn’t thought it was going to happen.
She’d won.
“It’s a miracle.” Shari’s voice was hushed.
Dave laughed. “Just luck.”
Marcie took off her thong, bra, and fuzzy slippers and stood up.
“I don’t know what it was, and I’m not going to try and guess.” She looked at Shari. “Girl, if you want, I have my vibrator in my purse in the bedroom. But sorry, hon. I want you and you.” She pointed to Dave and Frank, still sitting on the floor by the fire.
“Both of us?” Frank asked.
Marcie nodded. “Winner’s choice, remember. And Dave, we’ll use your bedroom.” She laughed slyly. “You have more toys there. Well, what are you guys waiting for? Move it! I’ll be with you in a minute.”
Dave and Frank scrambled to their feet. Marcie took a second to admire their butts as they left the room.
She sighed.
“They are so fine.”
“Aren’t they?” Shari paused. “I’m not mad. I’ve been thinking about what you said earlier, and if Dave wants to be with Frank also, I’ll agree.”
Marcie hugged her.
“Hell, sweetie, give yourself a chance. You might want to be with them both, too.” She grinned mischievously. “I’ll break them in for you.”
Shari laughed.
“You are so wicked. Where did you say your vibrator was?”
“In my purse. See you in the morning.”
* * * *
“I’ve never done a three-way with two guys,” Dave said. “Two women, yeah—and that was before Shari.”
“What? You think I have? Hey, just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I’m not a middle-class Italian kid from Flatbush. I’ve never been with more than one guy at a time. And not a lot, either. You kinda ruined me for any long-term relationships.”
“Well, excuse me. What about all those women you brought over?”
“You can ask me that after this afternoon? They were shills. Good friends. An actress, once. A hag another time.” He shuddered. “God, she was awful. You remember Sonya? I almost had to get a restraining order. She followed me around for months after the holiday party your folks threw three years ago. I finally got rid of her by telling her I’d sic the INS after her. Course, I’d never do that, but it did the trick. I should never have invited her, but I was desperate.”
Dave laughed. “Yeah, Sonya. She barely let you out of her sight all night. My mom liked her. My dad liked her Russian accent.” Dave grinned. “Didn’t she have a mustache?”
Frank fell laughing onto the bed. “Jerk. Just some excess upper lip fuzz.” He caught his breath, then started laughing again. “Hey, maybe she was a tranny.”
Dave collapsed next to him. “Stop, stop. Wouldn’t that make her gay?”
“Well, I’m happy to see you guys are having fun. I was afraid I’d find you on opposite sides of the room.”
Marcie strutted inside and closed the door.
Frank and Dave stopped laughing.
She put her hands on her hips, looking down on them as they lay side by side on the bed.
“You know the first time I saw you guys together I thought you were brothers. Both tall, dark, and terribly, terribly gorgeous. I am so glad I was wrong.” She licked her lips. “So, here it is—I like to play games. I like setting the stage.” She grinned. “It’s way more fun pretending.” Her grin faded and she grew serious. “It’s also easier to lose yourself in a character. So, listen up. I already know what scene I’d like to do with you.”
“The harem slave scenario?” Frank asked eagerly.
“Why, Frankie, you remembered. No, in the scene we’re going to do, I’m in charge.” She looked at Dave. “Where’s Shari’s bag of tricks?”
Dave gaped. “You know about that?”
Marcie laughed. “Puh-lease, I’ve known the girl for over three years and lived with her for two. Think I didn’t recognize her suitcase?”
“It’s underneath the bed.”
Marcie tapped one pink toenailed foot. “Well, I’m waiting. You don’t expect me to get down on my hands and knees and get it?”
Dave stared for a millisecond and then scrambled off the bed and down to the dusty floor.
Marcie gazed at his nearly nude ass and bit her bottom lip. He was really delicious. It would be fun unwrapping that package.
He dragged out the suitcase and sat back on his heels.
“Anything else?”
“Watch your tone, Dave. We’re playing by my rules now.”
Frank chuckled.
Marcie stalked over to him. “Something funny, sweetie?”
He gulped. “Er, no.”
“Good.” She looked down at Dave still sitting at her feet. The tiny scrap of material covering his penis did nothing to conceal his growing arousal.
She smiled.
“Happy to confirm that you’re a switch-hitter, babe. Do you have a key for the case?”
“It’s unlocked.”
“Excellent! Put it on the chair and let me see what goodies Shari packed. Then go and sit next to Frank and both of you close your eyes.”
“She’s not what I expected,” Dave whispered to him.
“Tell me about it. What do you think she’s going to do?”
“Quiet! No talking unless I say you can. I’m almost ready.”
.Marcie snapped the suitcase shut.
“Okay. Open your eyes.”
The guys stared.
Marcie was dressed in a high-necked gold lamé gown that clung to every inch of her voluptuous figure. Her nipples pushed out the stretchy material and it was clear that she wore nothing underneath. She pirouetted slowly, displaying a revealing back plunging nearly to the seam between her curvy behind. A slit on each side of the skirt offered glimpses of her slim legs. Long sleeves tapered to her wrists. A pair of slip-on, four-inch pointy-toed heels graced her slender feet.
In one hand she held a short whip that she tapped against the palm of her other hand. She’d secured her platinum blonde hair on top of her head with some fancy hairpins.
“All of that was in the case?” Dave couldn’t keep the disbelief out of his voice.
Marcie chuckled. “It’s a pretty deep case, and I’ve perfected the art of speed dressing.” She frowned. “And did I give you permission to speak?” She chided him. “I guess you’ll just have to learn the hard way.” She laughed. “Oh, I am on fire tonight.” She looked at the two silent men. “You can laugh at my jokes. In fact, you’d better. Laugh.”
Frank and Dave did as she demanded, a touch of hysteria coloring their laughter.
“Now, here’s the scenario. Listen up. I expect you to play your parts to perfection; otherwise, I’ll be very, very disappointed.”
Marcie sashayed back and forth as she spoke.
“It’s a really simple setup this time. You should have no trouble ad-libbing your lines.
“I’m the mistress of a manor in Cromwell’s England. My ancient, feeble husband is away examining his other holdings. You two are cavaliers on the lam from Cromwell’s men and seeking shelter from them with me.” She moved to stand in front of them. “Your parts are easy. You will do whatever I wish, or I’ll hand you over to the authorities. Got it?”
“You really know your history,” Frank said with admiration.
“Silence!” She placed her hands on her hips and sighed. “I really don’t know what to do with you two. Only your large cocks keep me from handing you over to the constable. But you need to be punished.” She stepped back from the bed. “Both of you down on all fours. Since you act like dumb animals I shall treat you as such.”
The men hurried to obey.
“Since when do animals wear clothing? Strip off those garments.”
Fumbling with haste, Dave and Frank shoved off their meager coverings.
“Better. Well then, since you now know your places, I shall reward you with a small act of kindness. I shall defer your punishments until later.”
She hiked up her skirt and shifted so that her pussy brushed against Dave’s butt. He gasped but said nothing.
“You have my permission to express your response to my actions.”
“You have the softest fur I’ve ever felt rub against my ass. I’d love to lick it.”
Marcie laughed.
“You are quite bold for someone whose life I hold in my hands.”
“That’s not the only thing I’d like you to hold.”
Taking the whip she lashed out, striking his shoulder hard enough to sting, but not hard enough to break the skin.
“You have no say in the matter. Now, because you were so bold, I’m going to reward your friend here first.”
She slipped off from Dave’s back and tapped her chin with one slim finger as she pondered her next move.
“Sir Francis, would you like Sir David to suck your cock or would you prefer to suck his? Whatever will give you the most pleasure?”
“May I suck his cock, please?”
“You may, but first get that tube of soothing balm and lave your fingers with it while I arrange myself on the bed. Sir David, you may help me disrobe. Use only your teeth.”
Dave got up and turned to Marcie. He never thought he could get so turned on by a silly story, but she was right about one thing. He could lose himself in her fantasies and not worry about the real world until later.
“Mistress, it will be hard for me not to damage your garments.”
“I certainly hope it will be hard. Very, very hard.”
And she turned, showing him her back.
Dave’s mouth went dry. Marcie was quite a bit shorter than Shari even wearing heels. He’d have to kneel to get his teeth on the zipper at the back of the dress.
He kneeled.
He tongued the material, then managed to grip the little plastic zipper tab.
Inch by glorious inch, Marcie’s rosy skin was displayed. The gown fell from her shoulders as she shrugged off the bodice. With her back still turned to him, he couldn’t see her breasts, just her glorious ass.
He couldn’t help it.
He gripped her hips, pulled her back against his mouth, and his tongue darted between her butt cheeks. With one large hand, he held her in place while he plunged his fingers around in front and sank them deep within her pussy.
She arched against his seeking fingers and gasped. “I. Should. Punish. You. For. This.” She moaned. “But it feels so good.”
Frank whimpered.
“Cease, Sir David. It’s quite unseemly to feast while your comrade goes hungry. Remember, he also needs nourishment.”
She stepped out of the gown pooled at her feet and stretched out on the bed. Raising her arms above her head, she arched her breasts.
“Sir David, come here and continue what you began. Sir Francis, kneel behind him and show me how well you can wield your sword. Forget about his cock for the nonce.”
Dave parted her legs and placed his mouth on her clit, his tongue prying open her vaginal lips. He thrust in and out while he gripped her hips, raising her higher.
God, she was so wet, so hot, so—
Dave groaned as he felt Frank’s lube-coated fingers and then the slow, deep penetration of his cock. He nearly released Marcie’s body, the shock of pleasure racing through him from the taste of her cream and the thrust of Frank’s penis, almost too much for him.
“Do you like that, Dave? Oh, Christ, you are so tight. So frigging tight. It feels so good, so fucking good. I can’t…”
Dave heard Marcie panting as she drew closer to coming. Heard Frank’s guttural grunts as he plunged in and out. His heartbeat raced and the world exploded.
* * * *
Shari moaned as the vibrator brought her closer to her orgasm. She closed her eyes and pictured Dave’s thick penis pulsating within her. She tried not to think of what was happening in the other room.
But failed.
The building tension faded.
“Shit.” She cursed under her breath, shutting off the lifeless substitute for the sensation of Dave’s flesh sheathed within her. Only the real thing would do now.
This was so not going to work. Not with the bed banging away against the wall.
Lying in a heap on the trunk at the foot of the bed were the discarded clothes from the game. Her T-shirt had to be there somewhere.
She rummaged through the pile, finding it at the very bottom, and slipped it on.
Now to find out what was going on. Hoping not to step on a squeaky floorboard, she moved like a shadow to the other room. Three voices groaned and panted so loudly she could hear them through the closed door.
Closed, damn it! But maybe not locked.
Shari turned the knob inch by agonizing inch. The lusty sounds of the threesome drowned out the creaking door as it opened a fraction.
Yes! Just as she’d hoped, if someone stood at precisely the correct angle, the pitted mirror over the dresser on the wall opposite the bed reflected its occupants.
Shari clung to the door frame with all her strength as she watched Frank ram his penis into Dave’s ass. Dave’s face was buried in Marcie’s pussy as he devoured her cream.
She bit back a moan as she gazed hypnotized by the passionate activity going on inside.
Without realizing it, her hand fell to her dampening core. Her fingers delved between the swollen folds and she moved them in rhythm to Frank’s pumping.
He drove faster and faster until Dave wrenched his mouth from between Marcie’s thighs as his climax struck hard, his cum spurted onto the sheet, and he groaned out loud.
“Oh, God, what a fucking rush!”
“And what a fucking waste!” The words burst from Shari before she could squelch them. She slammed the door shut and ran back to the empty bedroom, flinging the door open and diving inside. She threw herself against the mattress, trying to ignore the pounding that shook the wall behind the bed.
“Shari, open up, damn it! We need to talk.”
Dave. No way.
“Go away!” Shari called out. “I cheated. We said anything goes and no second thoughts, and I’m an idiot.”
The doorknob rattled.
“You’re not an idiot. I have to tell you…I need to tell you.” A pause. “Get away from the door. I’m going to break it down, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Break down the door?
“Wait, wait. I’ll open it.”
With fumbling fingers, she turned the lock, giving him access.
Dave stood there, naked, framed in the doorway.
“Can I come in?”
Shari moved and, somehow, managed to find a shrug. “You’re not a vampire. You don’t need an invitation.”
Dave stalked in, slammed the door and locked it. He grabbed her by the wrists and hauled her close.
“Why were you spying on us?”
She didn’t try pulling away. He was too strong, and, besides, the bruising grip on her wrists served only to make her wet and hot.
“Why do you think?” She rushed on, not giving him time to answer. “Because I was jealous and needy and, and…lonely.”
Dave loosened his hold on her wrists and gathered her into his arms.
“Oh, babe, I’m sorry. I didn’t know what to expect from Marcie.” He pressed her head against his chest. “I won’t deny that I enjoyed what happened there.” He sighed. “Damn, I…I got off on it. But it’s you I love.” He tipped her head back and looked with growing wonder into her eyes. “I love you.” He laughed softly. “What a hell of a time to find out.”
“I’ve never had a problem with Marcie’s threesomes before.” She took a deep breath. “It was the thought of watching and not being with you that made me a little nuts.” She smiled. “You can play with anyone else you like as long as I can play also.” She shook her head. “We’re quite a pair. I love you too.”
He bent his head and lowered his lips to hers. His tongue sought and received permission to plunder her mouth. He spoke against her lips, between kisses.
“Do you want to stay here?”
Breathless, she answered him. “No. I want to go back and play with you guys.” She rubbed her mound against his penis and squeezed his ass. “I saw the gold lamé gown. Marcie’s playing lady of the manor, right?” She squeezed harder. “There’s a part for a serving maid.” She giggled. “I was born for the role. She always gets whipped for disobedience.” She moaned as she felt Dave’s prick begging for entry. “I’d love you to be the one to administer my punishment.” She reached between them and gripped his rock-hard length. “Please?”
“Anything you want. Anything. I’ll beg Marcie to…”
Shari chuckled.
“Oh, I don’t think you’ll have to beg too much. I’ve always been told I play well with others, and I played with Marcie before I met you. Let’s go back and tell them that everything’s right between us.”
Dave kissed her.
“Better than right.”
He deepened the kiss, sucking her lips, his hunger clearly evident. He backed her up against the door and lifted her up so his penis was positioned exactly where she wanted. Nothing came between them now. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay?” he asked. “We don’t have to go back right now, do we?” He cupped her behind, squeezing it. Hard. “Do we?”
Shari gasped, pulled her T-shirt over her head, and let it fall to the floor. She placed her hands on Dave’s shoulders and smiled.
“Let ’em wait.”
* * * *
Frank strode from one side of the room to the other. He stopped and glanced over at Marcie, lounging on the bed.
“What’s taking them so long?”
Marcie shrugged.
“Take it easy, sweetie. They’re just…getting things straight…oops.” She grinned. “Sorry. Sorting things out. Don’t worry. I’m sure Dave will be back soon and—”
Steady banging shook the cabin.
Marcie cracked up.
“Damn! This place has seen more sex in three days than I bet it saw in three years.” She gasped as she tried to catch her breath. “As for the banging…Lord, it’s amazing that we haven’t started an avalanche!”
Frank stared at Marcie with wonder.
“How do you do it? I’ve been having a meltdown since we got up here, and I’m not sure Dave and Shari have been any less anxious. Yet you seem to be taking things in stride. Even the blizzard.”
Marcie sat up in the bed and crossed her legs at the ankle.
“Frankie, my bubbie—that’s the Yiddish word for grandmother, in case you didn’t know—survived Hitler’s Germany. She always told me to live each day with all the joy you can because you never know what the next day will bring.” She smiled. “Hell, all I need to do is think of what happened to her, and my worries seem minor. Even being stranded in a cabin in a blizzard.” Her smile turned wicked. “Think of the fun we’ve had.” She stopped. “Think what we’ve learned about ourselves and each other. So you see, I try not to dwell on things.” She paused in thought. “You know, I was doing exactly that—worrying about Kip and Tony leaving town. And now, with any luck, I may have found some new lovers.” She bit her bottom lip, all traces of laughter gone. “What do you think?”
Frank returned her look and nodded.
“I think—maybe…possibly…probably.”