
I can’t wipe the stupid smile off my face as Bianca strolls through the front doors of the training facility. The security guard gives her a quick chin nod as she flashes the pass I gave her.

Her eyes are on me as her high heels click against the linoleum, picking up speed the closer she gets to me. “I’m here. I’m here. What happened?”

I slide my arm around her back and haul her against me. “I got the job, baby.”

She stares up at me with those perfect dark eyebrows drawn downward in the middle. “I thought you had the job.”

I shake my head. “No. I got the starting QB position. It’s a lock unless I fuck up during the preseason games or get hurt.”

Her hands cover my mouth. “Don’t say that out loud, Vinnie. You’re going to give yourself bad juju.”

“Baby.” I tighten my arm around her back and grab her chin with my other. “I’m too fucking lucky to have bad juju. I was born lucky.”

“Well,” she says with a smile, “you did find me.”

“And got you too. Made you mine.”

She nods. “That was pretty lucky.”

I lean forward, holding her face up, and kiss her lips. The lips I now own. “See. I’m the luckiest son of a bitch in the world.”

She slides her arm around my shoulder and digs her fingers into my hair. “Baby,” she says, just like I do when I’m talking to her. “Maybe if you’re good, we’ll celebrate tonight, and you’ll get lucky again.”

My mind goes to all the dirty ways she can make this day even better. “Don’t write checks with those lips you’re not willing to cash.”

The crease between her eyebrows is back and deeper. “Excuse me?”

I run my finger across her lush bottom lip. “I want to role-play.”


I nod. “I want to act out a scene from your book. Live inside that pretty little head of yours for a while.”

“You want to act out my book?”

I smile and squeeze her ass. “Not just any book. The book.

“Which one?”


She widens her eyes. “That one’s so…”

“Dirty and hot as fuck?” My cock stirs in my shorts because that book was beyond anything my fucked-up and very perverted mind ever could’ve dreamed up.

She pokes her tongue out and sweeps it across her bottom lip, grazing my fingertip. It takes everything in me not to haul her ass into some abandoned closet and have my way with her.

“Well, it’s been a while since I wrote that book. I don’t know if I remember it well enough to role-play.”

“Baby…” I smile and squeeze her ass roughly. “I have that shit memorized. We’re solid.”

Bianca glances over my shoulder. “That fucking bitch,” she whispers and stiffens in my arms.

I turn my head, still holding my girl, and follow her eyes. Tracie’s striding down the hallway and coming our way. “She’s heading to the airport. Don’t pay her any attention.”

Bianca slides her hands down my arms before pushing against my chest and wiggling free from my hold. “I will cut the bitch.”

I’ve never seen Bianca mad and never heard her ready to throw down. I like this side of her. I like it a lot.

I grab her arm before she gets too far away. “Don’t, baby. She’s on her way out. She’s no one.”

Bianca narrows her eyes, and her stare turns icy cold. “That bitch,” she snaps and glares at my hand, “wrecked my car and called me a whore. That shit doesn’t go down without me having a few words.”

Where did this Bianca come from? The one I know, besides the minx who writes dirty-as-fuck words, is sometimes aggressive but never like this.

“So, you’d better get your hand off me and let me say my piece.”

“Just be careful.” I pull my hand away because this Bianca is a little scary.

I know enough not to fuck with a pissed-off woman. Daphne taught me that much. Hell, so did my mother. There are no two scarier people on the planet than them when there’s hell to pay. Now I can add Bianca to that list.

Tracie’s eyes are on Bianca as they march toward each other. I’m not far behind. If I have to, I’ll throw myself in the middle because there’s no way I’m letting my girl get hurt.

“You better wipe that smile off your face,” Bianca says to Tracie when they’re only a few feet apart.

Tracie laughs and comes to a stop in front of Bianca. “I may be leaving, but I’ll be back. We both know who he belongs to, whore.”

The bitch is clearly very delusional. I don’t know if there’s enough time in my life for her to get her shit sorted, no matter how fancy the clinic in Europe is. Sometimes crazy can’t be fixed.

Bianca’s entire posture changes, and I know what’s about to happen. I’ve seen it before. Been witness to so many girl-fights. This isn’t the first time women have fought over me, but this is the first time a girl I love is about to lay out another girl.

I reach for Bianca. I’m not worried about Tracie or my job, but for my girl’s safety, because sometimes sheer madness overrules power and sanity. I’m too late, though.

Tracie’s head snaps to the side as Bianca’s palm smashes into Tracie’s cheek. The crack echoes throughout the hallway.

Bianca steps forward, getting right in Tracie’s face. “He’s fucking mine, bitch. You come near me or mine again, and I’ll end you.”

I act fast, hauling Bianca backward and behind my back.

“Is there a problem?” Coach Malik says as he sticks his head out of the doorway of his office. His eyes move from me and Bianca to Tracie.

Tracie’s holding her face and staring at us like there’ll be hell to pay. “No problem at all, Malik,” Tracie says in an eerily calm voice. “I was just leaving.”

“Fucking right, you were,” Bianca whispers behind me.

“All good, sir.” I smile, but fuck, I’m so wound up right now, I’m liable to snap.

Malik doesn’t leave, though; he keeps his eyes trained on us as Tracie walks by me. I turn my body, protecting Bianca from whatever Tracie’s cooking up in that nutty brain of hers.

Tracie hums to herself as she saunters down the hallway like nothing happened. My eyes are on her, and so are Coach Malik’s and Bianca’s until Tracie pushes the door open and leaves the building.

I pull Bianca in front of me and grab her by the shoulders. “Where did that come from?”

She shrugs. “We all have a breaking point.”

“I just never knew you had it in you.”

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t stop myself.”

I wrap my arms around her and press her face into my chest. “Don’t apologize. That was hot. You love me. You love me fierce, baby.” I tangle my fingers in her hair, and I gently pull her head back to tip her eyes to me. “Don’t do that shit again, though. I’ve never hit a woman, but if she would’ve hurt you, I would’ve had to deal with her.”

“No, you wouldn’t.” There’s defiance in her voice and the way she points her chin upward a little.

“You’re my girl. It’s what I do. No one hurts you.”

Bianca laughs at me. “I’m not a delicate flower. I don’t need protecting. My brothers taught me how to fight and stick up for myself.”

“Now, you have me, and you don’t need to handle your battles on your own. You’re too important.” I lift her fingers to my lips. “Your hands are too precious to be swinging them around.”

She stares at me as I kiss her hand. Her lips are twisting like she wants to fight with me about this. I can see it in her eyes.

“Trust me to take care of you,” I say before I crush my mouth to hers, stealing any fight left in her.

She melts into me, kissing me so passionately, some of it from anger and some from need. When I pull back, her eyes are still closed.

“Now, let’s get out of here. We have plans.”

“Plans?” She raises an eyebrow.

I press my hard cock into her stomach, holding her face in my hands. “Baby, don’t play games with me. We’ve got a big night ahead of us.”

“Big,” she says and giggles.

“You’re not going to be laughing later,” I tell her. “You’re going to be too busy sucking my cock while I play with that pretty, tight pussy of yours.”

Her giggles fade away. “You really read that book?”

I tap my temple. “I have the fucker memorized. Be ready, baby. It’s going to be a wild night.”