Chapter Six



The journey back to Winchelsea was long but uneventful. For the first part Smithers kept up a lively conversation of the wonders of Sharnborough and life in the servants’ hall. This continued on to gossip from the respective servants of the guests staying in the house, mostly of an innocuous nature, apart from poor Sir George Nugent’s unsuccessful suit for Lady Cecily, and how that young lady was besotted with a most unfortunate parti in Mr Dominic Sinclair-Wells, and how aghast the Earl and Countess of Reefton were at this prospect.

The fact that the young lady’s feelings were not reciprocated, seemed to count for nothing to her parents. Smithers had it on good authority from Mr Sinclair-Wells’ man himself, that his master had no intention of contemplating matrimony as he was enamoured of Lady Illingworth. Sir George Nugent’s man however, was completely confident that his master’s persistence would be reciprocated in due time with a betrothal being announced.

Julia hid a smile as she listened to these outpourings and let her maid run on until finally weariness overtook her and they continued on their way in a more subdued fashion. Their arrival home was greeted with pleasure by the household and a warm welcome from Flush.

After a good night’s sleep in her own comfortable bed Julia felt ready to tackle the day-to-day activities of her establishment. Annie came to see her full of importance regarding the week’s menus, for Mrs Brown was due to return the following week, and Annie was enjoying the special privilege of cooking for her mistress.

The tolling of the church bells imparted doleful news, which Julia, with a sinking heart, suspected. Queen Charlotte had succumbed to her illness, and passed peacefully away at the Dutch House at Kew.

The following day, dressed in mourning with Flush lying at her feet, Julia sat down to compose letters of sympathy to Princess Elizabeth in distant Germany, and the Princesses Augusta and Sophia at Windsor, as well as Princess Mary, Duchess of Gloucester at Bagshot Park.

She sat brooding at her escritoire as she thought of the late Queen, whom with her daughters she had served for eight years at Court.

Queen Charlotte had been a strict woman who commanded respect, but little affection. Her daughters had lived in fear of offending her, and nothing too trivial was overlooked, so they were often in disgrace. She had been terrified of her husband’s illness, and the aversion he seemed to take to her. How tragic it all was, with poor mad King George locked up at Windsor, the Prince Regent (his mother’s favourite) at Carlton House, his only child, the hope for the future Princess Charlotte, dead in childbirth exactly one year ago. Then there was the childless Duke of York at Oatlands, and the recently married elderly Dukes of Clarence and Kent, desperate to produce living offspring, which would take preference over the Duke of Cambridge’s expected heir.

She gave a sigh, and for some reason the handsome French Chevalier’s countenance entered her mind. It was no different in France of course. Old King Louis XV111, brother of the martyred Louis XV1, was childless, and the only hope for the future was the Duc de Berri, now forty-one, who had recently married the young Neapolitan Princess Marie-Caroline. They had as yet no living offspring, so the Bourbon dynasty was desperate for an heir. Meanwhile the Bonaparte supporters pinned all their hopes for the future on Napoleon’s son, the young Duc de Reichstadt, living in Vienna under the protection of his grandfather, the Austrian Emperor.

Philip, as a former gentleman in waiting, would have to go to Windsor for the funeral, along with Colonel Fortescue, and Julia could not but be thankful that the old Queen had not died before the house party at Sharnborough, as it would have had to be cancelled.

Looking out of the window at the dull November day, with the wind bending the branches of the almost bare trees, Julia felt suddenly restless and decided a ride would be the thing to shake the doldrums from her mind.

Stephen had left a note awaiting her return to say he would be in Folkstone for a week on a training exercise for the Excise officers, and it had left her thoroughly disgruntled as she had so wished to tell him all about her visit to Sharnborough.

Smithers, was not best pleased. ‘Miss Julia, you should not be galloping around the countryside with the poor late Queen not cold in her grave,’ was the shocked response.

Fiddlesticks. It happened two days ago, and she won’t be laid to rest in St Georges Chapel for some weeks yet. I can’t stay inside like a hermit, besides who is to worry about what I do here?’

You were a companion to the Princesses and spent eight years at Court,’ grumbled the maid. ‘People will be shocked to think you have so little respect for your former employer.’

Nonsense. Most people here have no knowledge of my previous life, and besides it is none of their business what I choose to do,’ Julia answered peevishly. ‘Besides, Athene needs the exercise.’

Well, don’t let Miss Blake or her mother see you,’ said Smithers tartly, ‘for they will be horrified.’

Julia glared at her maid, knowing of course that she was quite right and she would steer clear of the church and any of Martha’s particular haunts.



Carefully Julia trotted down the driveway with Jimmy in attendance on the cantankerous bay, and on reaching the road had a good look around to make sure it was clear as she headed inland to the west away from the village and prying eyes.

Athene had been exercised by Jimmy in her absence, but was still frisky, and with the wild wind gusts tossed her head and fretted and pawed so that Julia had her work cut out keeping her under control.

Jimmy seemed to have taken the measure of the bay, so once they got to open ground they gave both horses their heads and galloped for a good mile. Julia found it exhilarating, and she steadied Athene to allow Jimmy on the slower bay to catch up.

You have done a good job with that horse,’ Julia told him as he drew alongside. ‘He is looking much fitter, and better in condition.’

Mr Geraghty has done that Miss,’ the boy replied. ‘I have ridden both horses while you was away, but Mr Geraghty has been getting him more used to the trap, though he can be a right devil when he wants to be.’

As if he understood Jimmy’s words the bay rolled the white of his eye at Julia and tried to sidle dangerously close.

Mmmn. I’ll take your word for that Jimmy,’ Julia answered giving the horse a steely look.

The rest of the ride was uneventful until their return home, and who should they meet coming down the drive towards them in funereal black but… Martha Blake.

Martha’s eyes were like saucers, and her lips pursed in an O with disapproval as she sighted Julia and her groom.

There was nothing for it but to brazen it out!

Good afternoon Martha, I am just returned from my ride, as you can see. If you would like to come back to the house, please do join me for a cup of tea. I will not be long.’ With a smile Julia trotted around to the stables before Martha had a chance to reply; deposited Athene into Geraghty’s capable hands, and prepared herself for her interview with Miss Martha Blake.




Smithers wore a fatuous smirk on her face which said ‘I told you so’ as she helped Julia change, but had the good sense not to mention the arrival of Martha.

On entering the morning room Molly was already there with the tea things, so Julia busied herself with being hostess as Martha rambled on about the ‘passing of the poor dear Queen,’ while Julia nodded sagely in agreement.

It was most fortunate for Lord and Lady Illingham that Queen Charlotte’s death was not announced until after their house party, as it would naturally have been a most doleful affair,’ said Julia pouring the tea and passing a cup to Martha.

That was the opening she created for Martha, who immediately launched into a flood of questions about the house, guests, clothes, food, objects d’art, entertainment, park, gardens, and every minute detail for over an hour so that the shock of Julia’s riding expedition was completely forgotten in her quest for information.

After her second cup of tea when there was a pause in the proceedings Julia inquired, ‘How is Mr Holgate settling into life in Winchelsea, and have his children arrived here yet?’

Martha put her cup down with a happy smile. ‘They are arriving here for the Christmas holidays, as at present they are attending a day school for boys outside of Bournemouth, where Mr Holgate’s sister and her husband, who sadly have no children of their own, live.’

The next ten minutes were spent telling Julia about the inspiring sermon Mr Holgate had preached last week, and what a refreshing change he was to the previous incumbents of the vicarage.

Why mama positively looks forward all week now to her attendance on Sunday for the service,’ said Martha confidentially. ‘It has put a positive spring in her step, and cheered her enormously.’

Julia lowered her head to hide her smile as she concentrated on spreading some jam on her scone. The thought of the dour Mrs Blake being ‘ever so cheerful’ over anything, even a church service, was difficult to imagine. However, if it made it possible for Mr Holgate to gain the approval of Mrs Blake as a possible suitor for Martha, that was well to the good.

Julia hid another wry smile as she bit into the scone. Here she was matchmaking for Martha, when poor widowed Mr Holgate who very probably had no inclination in the slightest of changing his marital state was most likely completely unaware of Martha’s interest.

Yet watching her friend who rattled on with such enthusiasm on the merits of the vicar, Julia felt he would have to be very blind indeed to see that Martha, who looked positively pretty when she was so animated, was not unaware of him.

At last, her guest made her farewell, and Julia promised to return the call next week to visit Martha and her mother.




Next morning after breakfast Julia sat down and began her letter to Lenore. She wrote that she was delighted to hear that Lenore was happily settled in London and would naturally call on her when she next visited the capital, but that was not likely until the new-year at the very earliest.

She added she was completely mystified about what the ‘matter of importance’ could be, however, no doubt Lenore would inform her of that fact when she visited her, unless of course it could be expressed in a letter?

Julia also mentioned the fact that at a recent house party she had met a countryman of Lenore’s, the Chevalier d’Augusseau, who she understood was an acquaintance of her friend?

As she sealed the envelope the images of both Lenore and the Chevalier flashed before her, and she thought what a handsome couple they would make together.

Outside the rain was pelting down, and Julia had hoped to walk with Flush to Wentworth Hall, but decided she would have to take the trap with the recalcitrant horse. Oh well, it was good practice she supposed, and Jimmy would be with her. The barouche would have been perfect to use in this inclement weather, and Julia decided to speak to Geraghty about seeing if he could procure another matching bay to use as carriage horses for the barouche. Smithers had come down with a sudden cold, and Julia had packed her off to bed where Mrs Knight and Annie were doctoring her with hot possets and flannel rubs.

Julia poked her head around the door before leaving and was told by a nasally, red-eyed Smithers to ‘keep away, Miss Julia. You don’t want to get this wretched cold,’ and promptly sneezed into a handkerchief as Annie stood by with a steaming basin of some evil-smelling inhalant.

Only too eager to oblige, Julia was assisted into her cloak by Molly, while Ridges opened the front door where Jimmy was waiting with the trap in the pouring rain.

No Jimmy, you drive,’ she announced as he assisted her up. ‘Perhaps if the weather improves I will take the reins on the way home.’

The trip was uneventful, for the horse’s manners seemed to have improved. Julia received a warm welcome from the family and was plied with questions about Sharnborough, and everything pertaining to her stay, which Julia told them, only omitting her meeting the French Chevalier.

On leaving, Lady Wentworth promised to repay the visit and call on Julia with Caroline the following week. This cheered her immensely as her great-uncle had discouraged any social calls to his home whatsoever, and there was a very deep reluctance on the part of any of her neighbours, despite the change in circumstances, to do so.

It will take time, thought Julia, for the old established barriers to be removed, but it is starting to happen.

As the rain had eased she took the reins from Jimmy and drove home quite happily. Even the gelding seemed to sense well-being and only tried to put her in the gutter once to show how improved his disposition had become.




The following week she received a note from Stephen who was back and proposed a ride on the following Thursday, which was perfectly acceptable to Julia. In fact she was looking forward to seeing him again and realised she had missed his familiar presence.

As they rode along the coast on a sunny but cold December day she studied his profile and thought again how fine and determined he was, so devoted to his duty, almost to the extent of all else. She had told him of her visit to Sharnborough, which he listened to readily enough but with no real interest other than polite expressions of fact. Once again she failed to mention her meeting with the Chevalier, as she felt that like the Colonel, being a Frenchman would not hold any favours with Stephen Wareham.

Are you going to be here in Rye for the festive season?’ Julia asked casually as they skirted a fallen tree.

Well, no,’ he said surprised. ‘My mother has asked me to spend Christmas with her and my aunt in Suffolk.’

Oh.’ Julia was taken aback. She had had a wild thought to invite him alone to join her on Christmas day and it had not occurred to her that he would have other plans. Of course it would be considered by some to have been highly improper, and yet for some reason Julia would have taken the risk to her reputation, to have his presence at her table.

Julia gave a shrug and forced Athene to increase her pace ahead of Stephen. Of course she was being a fool. Naturally he would have to join his family for the most festive time of the year. For some reason she had thought duty would have kept him at his post, but obviously he had his holidays too. Really, how selfish could she be, that his old mother (who he had told her was somewhat frail,) and aunt could not enjoy his company, because of her … loneliness?

This made her think. Was she really becoming dependant on his company, now that Gerald was no more? Enough, she must pull herself together.

Julia,’ he had drawn alongside her again, his face concerned. ‘Have I offended you?’

Bother! Had she been so obvious?

No, no, of course not Stephen. I had foolishly forgotten your mama and aunt in Suffolk, and intended asking you to join me for Christmas dinner. Now I see you are otherwise engaged and will be away, which of course is perfectly natural in the circumstances.’

His eyes widened in surprise. ‘I had no idea you had such a thought Julia. It is most kind of you, but were you intending a dinner party, or…’

No,’ his riding partner answered firmly. ‘Just you.’

He looked shocked. ‘But Julia, I do not think that would be a good idea at all. Your reputation…’ he added gently, as colour rose in his cheeks.

Well, as it is there is no risk of my reputation being sullied in any way for you are going to Suffolk to visit your mama, so there is no more to be said of the matter,’ she answered brightly.

He looked perplexed. ‘Julia, I think…’

Look,’ she said pointing her whip out to sea at the sails of a ship ploughing its way through the channel. ‘Is that not the revenue cutter ‘Glorious’ returning to port?’

He pulled out his telescope and looked out to sea. ‘Indeed, it is,’ Stephen answered looking at her intently. ‘You have a very sharp eye, to have picked her out.’

Julia couldn’t help but feel pleased that he was impressed by her acumen. The fact that it had been a wild guess on her part, and purely to change the subject of their discussion, was of no account.

I remember her well. What a wonderful day at sea we had with Captain Martin and his family. It was such fun, wasn’t it?’

He looked positively boyish as memories of that day flooded back of how he had climbed the mast, and the generous luncheon provided, much to the detriment of the then vicar. His face clouded at that.

If only I had known then of that dastardly villain,’ he began.

No, no, don’t spoil it.’ Julia said gently. ‘It was a truly marvellous day. Just remember the best of it.’

His face softened. ‘Yes, I suppose you are right.’

He put his gloved hand out to her, and Julia took it briefly, before Athene moved sideways and they were unclasped.

Come, let us canter home and I will give you cheese and toast by the fire, which is the least I can do as you will not be getting Mrs Brown’s plum pudding,’ Julia said slyly as she urged Athene forward.

When they reached the stables Stephen, rather flushed, looked hard at her and said, ‘Perhaps I may be permitted to dine with you before I leave for Suffolk, Julia?’ adding quietly. ‘As long as you feel sure it does not jeopardise your reputation, here in Winchelsea.’

Surprised, Julia slowly answered him. ‘Perhaps you may, Stephen. As long as you are sure dining with me doesn’t jeopardise your reputation, here in Sussex.’

His look spoke volumes, but no more was said.