Chapter 9
The General Science section of the ASVAB covers a grab bag of topics that you may or may not have studied in high school or elsewhere. This subtest covers a wide variety of material, but you’ll never be expected to know too much about a single topic. As you study this chapter, seek first to develop a broad overview of the subject matter, learning the broad outlines of anything that’s completely unfamiliar and refreshing your memory about topics that seem familiar. Then, if you have time before Test Day, you can dig deeper into these topics.
ASVAB science topics fall into three broad categories: life science, Earth and space science, and physical science. This chapter is divided into three parts—one for each of those categories—each with its own set of practice questions. As usual, we’ve included worked examples and practice questions throughout. Also, key terms you may want to memorize are listed in bold type.
You’ll be answering 25 questions in 11 minutes on the paper-and-pencil version, and you are given 8 minutes for 16 questions on the CAT-ASVAB. That means you need to be able to answer ASVAB science questions in roughly half a minute. To help you work efficiently, use the Kaplan Method covered in chapter 8 on every science question you encounter.