Chapter Five


The man was enormous. He had long arms and a huge head with wild, tangled hair.

Ryan felt his mouth go dry.

Don’t look into his eyes.

He looked down at his own feet.

Again, the sight of his trainers made him realize how stupid he was being. He thought of Adam hiding, watching him. Laughing at him.

Ryan took a deep breath. “Stop acting like a silly kid! There are no such things as ghosts,” he said to himself.

He made himself walk forward. He made himself look up at…

… a tree!

What a laugh!

Yes, the bare branches at the side did look a bit like arms. Yes, the top did look a bit like the head of a giant. But it was just a tree. That proved what the imagination could do.

Ryan walked faster. In fact he ran for a bit. It’s hard to think when you’re running.

He ran until the road started to go up hill. By the time he reached the top of the hill, he was puffed out.

Ryan leaned against a gatepost for a rest. He could see the road going down hill and Park Farm at the bottom. The road was flat for the rest of the way. He would be home in half an hour.

Where was Adam?

He heard a rustle. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something behind the hedge.

It wasn’t Adam. It was white. It looked like a ghost!