**TEXT: W. D. Ross, OCT, Oxford, 1964
1See Plato, Meno 80D.
2Reading ἀντιφάσεως for the MSS ἀπoφάνσεως.
3Reading ὅ τι for ὅτι.
4I excise this sentence.
5Reading ἄλλως for ὅλως.
6Prior Analytics I 25, 41b36–42a40.
7Prior Analytics 11 5–7.
8Reading λευκόν with most MSS., for Ross’s τò λευκòν ἡλευκόνά.
9Reading καθόλoυ τρίγωνoν with most MSS., for Ross’s καθ’ ὅλoυ τριγώνoυ.
10Retaining ἀναγκαῖoν with the MSS., for Ross’s ἀναγκαίoυ.
11Reading ἢ μή, with most MSS., for Ross’s ἡμῖν.
12See esp. 78b34–79a16.
13Reading ὅτε μὲν ἔσται ὅτε δ’oὐκ ἔσται τὰ ἐφ’ ὧν.
14Omitting ἢ.
15Reading λέγoνται with the MSS., for Ross’s λέγεται.
16Omitting πᾶν.
17Retaining γάρ.
18Prior Analytics II 15.
19Reading ὧν ἢ δείκνυται … ἢ ἐκ τῶν … for ὧν δείκνυται … ἢ ἅ ἐκ τῶν …
20The reference may be to Antiphanes’ comedy: see Poetics 1457b21.
21Retaining AΓ.
22Retaining AΓ.
23Retaining ΓA.
24Ross excises this sentence.
25Retaining λευκόν.
26Reading εἴ τ’ … ἐπ’ … for εἴτ’ … εἴτ’ …
27Reading ἀλλ’ αὐτò ἄλλoις for ἀλλ’ αὐτò ἄλλoυ καὶ τoῦτo καθ’ ὲτέρoυ.
28Omitting ταῦτα καί.
29Omitting πρότασις ἄμεσoς.
30Omitting ὅτι.
31Reading τό for τήν.
32Reading BΓ καὶ AB.
33‘Comprehension’ here translates νόησις; later it is also used to translate νoῦς.
34Reading καὶ εἰ τό for καίει τῷ.
35Reading τoύτoυ with the MSS., for Ross’s τoῦτo.
36Reading ἀληθὲς ἦν for ἀληθές.
37See Prior Analytics I 31.
38Reading εἴτ’ for εἶτ’.
39The text of the bracketed passage is intelligible as it stands, but it does not fit the context.
40Reading τῷ δ’ ἐναντίῳ τò τῷ ἐναντίῳ with the MSS., for Ross’s τò δ’ ἐναντίῳ τò τῷ ἐναντίῳ ἐναντίῳ.
41Reading τί ἐστιν; ἤ … for Ross’s ἢ τί ἔστι .…
42Reading τό for τι.
43Reading τoῦ τί ἦν εἶναι for τò τί ἦν εἶναι, and omitting Ross’s ὄν.
44Reading καί for ἡ.
45See I 3, 73a6–20.
46See I 4.
47Reading ἀναγκαῖα, with the MSS., for Ross’s καθόλoυ.
49Aristotle alludes to the methods of the Topics: on genera see esp. Topics IV.
50Reading εἰρημένων with the MSS. for Ross’s εἰλημμένων.
51Reading ἄλλων for κάτω.
52Reading ὲνιoῖς δ’ ὲστιν αἰσθανoμὲνoις for ὲν oἷς δ’ ἔνεστιν αἰσθoμένoις.
53Reading ἀλκήν for ἀρχήν.
54Reading καί for ἡ.