**TEXT: A.L. Peck, Loeb, London/Cambridge, Mass., 1937
1See On Generation and Corruption II 9–11.
2Excised by Peck.
3Excised by Peck.
4Excised by Peck.
5Excised by Peck.
6Excised by Peck.
7Omitting, with Peck, oἷoν τί ἦν αὐτῷ τò αἵματι εἶναι.
8Reading καὶ α꜎ τη ˦σπερ α꜊ ἐργασίαι.
9Excised by Peck.
10‘πρόσωπoν’ (‘face’) is connected with ‘πρόσωθεν ὄπωπε’ (‘he looks directly in front’).
11Excised by Peck.
12‘φρένες’ (‘diaphragm’) and ‘φρoνεῖν’ (‘think’).
13See Iliad X 457; Odyssey XXII 329.
14Excised by Peck.
15Reading στόμαχoν.
16Excised by Peck.
17Reading κατὰ ταύτας.
18The Greek text of the next two sentences is corrupt: Peck’s text, which is translated here, draws heavily on the Arabic version.
19Transposing ʭνα … πoλλoῖς to follow τὴν ἰσχύν.
20Reading παραπλησίαν τoîς πτερυγίoις.